Texas Maskless and Free: Day 45

Biden's doing a fantastic job distributing the vaccine. 2M people in less than 100 days.

Awesome job on this Joe!
Oh? That’s why?

Then open all of America like Texas, you have no argument not to now.

As far as I know, the vaccine is available to all over 16 y/o due to Biden's excellent job of distributing the vaccines.

However, it is interesting that you're no longer in favor of local governments self-determining their own rules.
You claim vaccines are why Texans can go maskless.
So be it. Open all States.
Again, Biden's expert roll out of the vaccines have resulted in fewer deaths for Americans. You're not denying, it, I see.
I’m happy Joe has now made masks totally obsolete.

I'm happy Joe has made Trump a bad memory.
Trump is in your head 7/24/365
As long as he's not in the White House.... LOL.

Meanwhile back in reality....

Searches of threads started about you about President Biden...

View attachment 483658View attachment 483659

13 Pages of individual threads started by you, about President Biden...about 260 threads.

Biden owns you.
Wow. A guy living in the White House gets posted about.
You've made 260 threads about President Biden. Your obsession is unhealthy.

I understand he's doing a great job, making your blob a bad memory and you're quite angry at his repeated successes.... but 260 threads is unhealthy. He's only been President for about 90 days or so. Get a life loser.
Who wouldn’t post about a vaccinated old man who wears a mask for a zoom meeting?
Searches of threads started about you about President Biden...
Dude, you seriously need to pay attention to what you type. You either don't know much about the English language or you need to back off of the intoxicants. We already figured you were a bit light because of your avatar and your stance on Biden, but why remove all doubt.
Biden's doing a fantastic job distributing the vaccine. 2M people in less than 100 days.

Awesome job on this Joe!
Oh? That’s why?

Then open all of America like Texas, you have no argument not to now.

As far as I know, the vaccine is available to all over 16 y/o due to Biden's excellent job of distributing the vaccines.

However, it is interesting that you're no longer in favor of local governments self-determining their own rules.
You claim vaccines are why Texans can go maskless.
So be it. Open all States.
Again, Biden's expert roll out of the vaccines have resulted in fewer deaths for Americans. You're not denying, it, I see.
I’m happy Joe has now made masks totally obsolete.

I'm happy Joe has made Trump a bad memory.
Trump is in your head 7/24/365
As long as he's not in the White House.... LOL.

Meanwhile back in reality....

Searches of threads started about you about President Biden...

View attachment 483658View attachment 483659

13 Pages of individual threads started by you, about President Biden...about 260 threads.

Biden owns you.
Wow. A guy living in the White House gets posted about.
You've made 260 threads about President Biden. Your obsession is unhealthy.

I understand he's doing a great job, making your blob a bad memory and you're quite angry at his repeated successes.... but 260 threads is unhealthy. He's only been President for about 90 days or so. Get a life loser.
Who would post about a vaccinated old man who wears a mask for a zoom meeting?

Apparently you. Not sure. What?
Searches of threads started about you about President Biden...
Dude, you seriously need to pay attention to what you type. You either don't know much about the English language or you need to back off of the intoxicants. We already figured you were a bit light because of your avatar and your stance on Biden, but why remove all doubt.
He’s on a roll and can’t figure out he’s making my case.
Searches of threads started about you about President Biden...
Dude, you seriously need to pay attention to what you type. You either don't know much about the English language or you need to back off of the intoxicants. We already figured you were a bit light because of your avatar and your stance on Biden, but why remove all doubt.
He’s on a roll and can’t figure out he’s making my case.
Biden's doing a great job distributing the vaccine.
Your surrender is accepted.
Searches of threads started about you about President Biden...
Dude, you seriously need to pay attention to what you type. You either don't know much about the English language or you need to back off of the intoxicants. We already figured you were a bit light because of your avatar and your stance on Biden, but why remove all doubt.
He’s on a roll and can’t figure out he’s making my case.
Biden's doing a great job distributing the vaccine.
Yeah, I heard you, 2 million in 100 days. ROFLMFAO.
Fact remains, tens of millions Texans are maskless and there’s no difference in cases.

Texas is second in the country in new deaths (yesterday)
Your link:
View attachment 483653

Asshole - ANYONE can make a graph. Yours has no date & no sourcing. Disappear yourself please
Searches of threads started about you about President Biden...
Dude, you seriously need to pay attention to what you type. You either don't know much about the English language or you need to back off of the intoxicants. We already figured you were a bit light because of your avatar and your stance on Biden, but why remove all doubt.
He’s on a roll and can’t figure out he’s making my case.
Biden's doing a great job distributing the vaccine.
Does he use a wheelchair or a walker?
Are all these doctors and nurses telling you that masks don’t work and are a total waste and slowing infections for COVID?

Yet all the doctors and nurses photographed on the job, are wearing masks.

Why is that?
Because masks are effective
If masks are effective where’s the spike in cases in maskless states?
What would cause the spike?
Using a placebo thinking it makes you safe when in fact masks don’t is the primary cause.
I live in Texas, and it is not "open and maskless", that's more contrived media bullshyte!!! The governor rescinded the mask rules because he was a F-tard to even make them in the first place.

People here in Texas aren't all that stuck up and "Karen'ed" about this lunacy. Most people that don't wear masks, stay several feet from others, regardless of them being maskless or not. People that do wear masks, do so because most businesses still have signs stating you have to have one.

Other places that do not have signs for wearing masks......it's half and half. I have yet to see anybody throw a fit because somebody was or was not wearing a mask. No maskers, so far that I've been witnessed to, have been polite and considerate enough to keep their distance. And it makes me very happy to see that there ARE intelligent humans out here that understand and comprehend the lunacy going on and compromise with it.

Personally, I continue to wear a mask in social places because I have medical issues. I also had a hospital stay last December from another medical issue that popped up. Needless to say, my Dr.s want me to wear a mask for the next year while I'm recouping.

Just remember..........

Well gorsh Toffeenut Baconsmuggler

You win!!
Hilarious. Yes, there will always be a few of you psychotic germaphobes riding around in your cars alone with t shirts over your faces the rest of your pathetic lives.

Fact remains, tens of millions Texans are maskless and there’s no difference in cases.

Oh lookie.........another widdle snowflake that never was able to grasp the concept of READING and COMPREHENSION.
I live in Texas, and it is not "open and maskless", that's more contrived media bullshyte!!! The governor rescinded the mask rules because he was a F-tard to even make them in the first place.

People here in Texas aren't all that stuck up and "Karen'ed" about this lunacy. Most people that don't wear masks, stay several feet from others, regardless of them being maskless or not. People that do wear masks, do so because most businesses still have signs stating you have to have one.

Other places that do not have signs for wearing masks......it's half and half. I have yet to see anybody throw a fit because somebody was or was not wearing a mask. No maskers, so far that I've been witnessed to, have been polite and considerate enough to keep their distance. And it makes me very happy to see that there ARE intelligent humans out here that understand and comprehend the lunacy going on and compromise with it.

Personally, I continue to wear a mask in social places because I have medical issues. I also had a hospital stay last December from another medical issue that popped up. Needless to say, my Dr.s want me to wear a mask for the next year while I'm recouping.

Just remember..........

Well gorsh Toffeenut Baconsmuggler

You win!!
Hilarious. Yes, there will always be a few of you psychotic germaphobes riding around in your cars alone with t shirts over your faces the rest of your pathetic lives.

Fact remains, tens of millions Texans are maskless and there’s no difference in cases.

Oh lookie.........another widdle snowflake that never was able to grasp the concept of READING and COMPREHENSION.
You mask cut off your oxygen supply long ago.
Doesn't matter what state you are in. There always has been and always will be those who don't want to wear masks, and those that do.

In the case of our fuktarded governor, he passed some mask mandates which everybody laughed at and nobody paid any attention to. Why? Because he passed some rules that had no basis in reality, and sure as hell did not have any programs dedicated to punishing anyone that didn't have a mask.

Futile efforts and wasted tax dollars from another POS in power.
Searches of threads started about you about President Biden...
Dude, you seriously need to pay attention to what you type. You either don't know much about the English language or you need to back off of the intoxicants. We already figured you were a bit light because of your avatar and your stance on Biden, but why remove all doubt.
He’s on a roll and can’t figure out he’s making my case.
Biden's doing a great job distributing the vaccine.
Does he use a wheelchair or a walker?
2M people in less than 100 days.
You're a moron--don't you even read what you type or do you just have diarrhea of the keyboard. Either study up or STFU.
Thanks for pointing that out. It's over 100 million people in 100 days.

Not 2 million.
My bad...

It was 200 Million (my bad) earlier this week.

"Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-Texas) told Fox News in January, "If the Biden administration wants to impress us ... double the goal. Say, '200 million vaccines in a hundred days.' I will be impressed."

With this in mind, the Democratic president did exactly that last month, setting a target of 200 million vaccinations in his first 100 days in the White House. Yesterday, Biden was able to boast that his administration over-delivered on this, too:

"When tomorrow's vaccination numbers come out, it will show that, today, we did it. Today, we hit 200 million shots on the 92nd day in office. Two hundred million shots in 100 days -- in under 100 days, actually. It's an incredible achievement for the nation."

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