Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

Speaking of...just for funzies...what color will Texas adopt? Red is GOP and they are wimps now. Blue is dem. Purple is gay as well as pink. So....whatcher color?

If Texas does secede, they don't have to choose Red or Blue. Perhaps, they could become a Libertarian state.
Speaking of...just for funzies...what color will Texas adopt? Red is GOP and they are wimps now. Blue is dem. Purple is gay as well as pink. So....whatcher color?

If Texas does secede, they don't have to choose Red or Blue. Perhaps, they could become a Libertarian state.
From a political science point of view, it would be fascinating to see. We currently have 538 electoral votes. Texas leaving puts it down to 500 with 251 being the number needed to win.

With the usual suspects... CA, WA, OR, NY, VT, MD, CT, RI, MA, NJ, HI, IL, NM, DE, DC, the Democrats have 187 before they start campaigning.

Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I am with you, I would love to see Texas secede. They should be part of Mexico. We can send QAnon, Proud Boys, White Supremacist, Nazis, the the true Trumpists to Texas. It would make America so much better.

who is we?....

The true patriot American citizens who outnumber the group mentioned substantially with the US Government and Corporate America with support of most Western nations.

wait and see boys, the coalition is coming after you. People are losing jobs because they adhere to the craziness you support. It will be getting more difficult on you. More than violence will be econmic sanctions on you. You are toxic. They are flushing you out of the military and the police.
Does Texas have any Jewish people ??
I don’t mean the fake Jews that have intermarried several times
Sorry bout that,

1. We will slam the door shut on DC and the rest of the states.
2. We could have strong alliances with several states, but would not be wise to allow them into Texas.
3. Texas is Texas, and needs to stand alone from the other states.

Sorry bout that,

That might make driving cross-country on Hwy 40 a bit problematic.

But, California has border checkpoints on their highways, why not Texas?

1. You will need a visa to gain entry, visa's won't always be issued, may be a entry fee for a visa.
2. We don't have to let you in.


2. We don't have to let you in.

Especially if you're from California, New York, Illinois, etc. You know, those shithole blue states that you fucked up good, and now you want to come to Texas? GTFO.
But...but...I didn't vote blue. I can't come in? Someone adopt me? So when and if it happens, I can enter? MrG can stay here. He's blue.

Get a MAGA hat. Don't drive a car with CA plates, take the bus and put stickers all over it that support the 2nd Amendment, and have a can of beer in your hand. Call me when you get here, I'll come and getcha.
Sorry bout that,

1. Texas has nothing in common with DC. and not strong links to any other state.
2. Its best we just nip it in the bud now.

Let's get this divorce over with.... hmm?

What do you filthy fucking animals bring to the party? Exactly..... not a fucking thing. Except your defects and bitch-like neediness. And now, stolen elections.

And now you've installed a crayon-eating mother fucker that shits the bed every time it's trotted out to a camera. It's funny, ok, but THAT stuttering fuck will never be shit to us.

Suck my Texas cock marxists.

Sorry bout that,

1. I see that this will happen, and it will be best for Texas, what happens to the rest of the country is what will be will be.
2. Texans want out, have for a long time, but now we really want out.

Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Unfortunately once the Texans realize that they will lose their social insecurity so called 'benefits'(?) entirely, plus lose the federal reserve
notes(IOU's) they paid into the social insecurity social program they'll fold up in pure panic like frightened little kids trapped in a blazing structure.

FYI: for anyone in Texas or cheering for Texas to do this, listen up. Secession is unconstitutional cite: The Supreme declared it so in Texas v. White (April 1869).

More up to date: Former (now deceased) Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia stated: "If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede."
And it can be RE-resolved by a second, guerilla-style, 5,000 year insergency war where there will be a rifle behind every blade of grass.

We have a right to do anything we want because we are willing to do despicable things and kill billions of you fuckers to make it happen and break your worthless soul.

Conquest is the ultimate law. Everything else is BULLSHIT!!!
Speaking of...just for funzies...what color will Texas adopt? Red is GOP and they are wimps now. Blue is dem. Purple is gay as well as pink. So....whatcher color?

If Texas does secede, they don't have to choose Red or Blue. Perhaps, they could become a Libertarian state.
Speaking of...just for funzies...what color will Texas adopt? Red is GOP and they are wimps now. Blue is dem. Purple is gay as well as pink. So....whatcher color?

If Texas does secede, they don't have to choose Red or Blue. Perhaps, they could become a Libertarian state.
From a political science point of view, it would be fascinating to see. We currently have 538 electoral votes. Texas leaving puts it down to 500 with 251 being the number needed to win.

With the usual suspects... CA, WA, OR, NY, VT, MD, CT, RI, MA, NJ, HI, IL, NM, DE, DC, the Democrats have 187 before they start campaigning.

And you can have the commie utopia you always wanted. Win Win.

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