Texas OFFICIALLY Starts Vote To SECEDE From US! An Absolute REJECTION Of Democrat Leadership!

It would be very difficult to separate from the US.
There are probably hundreds of federal programs and agencies that would have to be replaced.
The tax revenue would not be the big issue.
No, they wouldn't get replaced. That's the whole point.
Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.

It would be fun to watch the implosion of Texas. I hope it happens. There is absolutely nothing Texas provides that we can't get somewhere else...cheaper...and with the huge bonus of not having to deal with Texans.
Watching the implosion of the USA under Biden should be just as much fun for you.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

This is not how we solve our nations problems.
States have the power to FORCE constitutional changes before congress. THAT is one of the ways you can solve problems.

You're delusional if you believe our problems are solvable. As long as the Democrat Reich exists, they will keep getting worse.
Sorry bout that,

Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.

1. We ALL want out, those dyed in the wool libturds, and sell out and GTFO.
2. Democrats shall be banned in Texas, if you have liberal leanings, it would serve you well to move to CA.
3. That party is detrimental to USA and will also be to TEXAS.
4. Nip it in the bud!
5. To list all the liberal problems would take a list a mile long, I think you know already what liberalism is and its sickness to society.


Sorry bout that,

Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.

1. We ALL want out, those dyed in the wool libturds, and sell out and GTFO.
2. Democrats shall be banned in Texas, if you have liberal leanings, it would serve you well to move to CA.
3. That party is detrimental to USA and will also be to TEXAS.
4. Nip it in the bud!
5. To list all the liberal problems would take a list a mile long, I think you know already what liberalism is and its sickness to society.



Don't leave mad. But please leave.
Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
It is stupid and ignorant, just another rightwing temper tantrum.
Careful, the "Texas Banana Republic Initiative" might help turn Texas Blue.
Texas citizens will vote on seceding from the Union. YEAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Treason! Traitors! In the end though, I'm sure most Texans are Patriots and will vote USA in overwhelming numbers! Texas is a very different place in 2021 compared to 1860!
Since no officials can revoke an individual's US citizenship, would the Texas idiots who want to secede steal the homes and land of US citizens who don't want to give up their citizenship and want to continue living in the US? How would this work. Plus, Texas would be forced to live without the US military, FEMA help during crises, and all of the other dollars and services that Texas receives from the US. This is so stupid.
That may be that the US citizens with permanent residence in Texas will be allowed to stay there and keep their property. But they wont have a say in Texas' politics (wont have a right to take part in referendums, state and local elections, form parties etc).

What right have you to change their status and subject them to disenfranchisement? Absolutely NONE.

You morons should move to Guyana.
They will be the residents of a foreign country. And this country will have a right to impose its own rules. Not giving political rights to foreign residents is a common practice worldwide.

I dont live in the US. So, relax.
It's not the right time for states to secede.

In the coming decades, things will become so bad that some states WILL definitely secede, and the federal government at that time will know better than to stop them with force.

Texas, I believe, will NOT be one of them. I have read that Texas is turning blue as many "progressives" leave their blue states and move to red states, where they promptly start voting for Dems. Go figure.
Texas is turning blue because of open borders.
That is why the Racist Democrats such as AOC want to abolish the INS and ban deportation.
This is a lie.

There are no open borders.
It's not the right time for states to secede.

In the coming decades, things will become so bad that some states WILL definitely secede, and the federal government at that time will know better than to stop them with force.

Texas, I believe, will NOT be one of them. I have read that Texas is turning blue as many "progressives" leave their blue states and move to red states, where they promptly start voting for Dems. Go figure.
Texas is turning blue because of open borders.
That is why the Racist Democrats such as AOC want to abolish the INS and ban deportation.
This is a lie.

There are no open borders.

Nah, it's not a lie, we have open an uncontrolled borders with Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma and New Mexico.

Our border with Mexico is controlled, but open, as opposed to closed.

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