Texas opens 100% -- NO MASKS -- NO MANDATES

Pure lying BULLSHIT!
the CRA only gave loans to QUALIFIED borrowers. But to racist scum like you, no minority is ever qualified for a loan.

I didn't say CRA. Lowering standards had to be done for everybody, not just minorities. Can you tell me why Republicans would be so interested in catering to a group of people that won't vote for them anyway? This all started with the Democrats. I'll admit Bush jumped on the bandwagon, but he didn't make the bandwagon. They had to lower home qualifications because many blacks didn't have the down payment, credit history, or employment history to get a home loan.
All .03% of them.
You are off by a factor of 100, no surprise there Trunptards can't do simple arithmetic.

Cases which had an outcome:

20,549,683 (97%) Recovered / Discharged

540,585 (3%) Deaths
And what about those that went undiagnosed? Everyone in my house had it but I am the only one in the system. You keep dancing around that. They estimate that approx 90mil had it in the US. Less than 1% deaths.
All .03% of them.
You are off by a factor of 100, no surprise there Trunptards can't do simple arithmetic.

Cases which had an outcome:

20,549,683 (97%) Recovered / Discharged

540,585 (3%) Deaths
And what about those that went undiagnosed? Everyone in my house had it but I am the only one in the system. You keep dancing around that. They estimate that approx 90mil had it in the US. Less than 1% deaths.
As is typical of you worthless lying scum, you ask for a link and when you get it you just make up bullshit from an unlinked "THEY" as well as your own made up bullshit about your house.
The actual DATA says 3%.
All .03% of them.
You are off by a factor of 100, no surprise there Trunptards can't do simple arithmetic.

Cases which had an outcome:

20,549,683 (97%) Recovered / Discharged

540,585 (3%) Deaths
And what about those that went undiagnosed? Everyone in my house had it but I am the only one in the system. You keep dancing around that. They estimate that approx 90mil had it in the US. Less than 1% deaths.
As is typical of you worthless lying scum, you ask for a link and when you get it you just make up bullshit from an unlinked "THEY" as well as your own made up bullshit about your house.
The actual DATA says 3%.

If you weren't stupid you would not be anything. Your link presumes they captured 100% of all covid cases and we know that is not true. Please try not to embarrass yourself anymore.
New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending (Published 1999)
They didn't lower qualifications, just interest rates, as you well know.
From YOUR own link:
Under Fannie Mae's pilot program, consumers who qualify can secure a mortgage with an interest rate one percentage point above that of a conventional, 30-year fixed rate mortgage of less than $240,000 -- a rate that currently averages about 7.76 per cent. If the borrower makes his or her monthly payments on time for two years, the one percentage point premium is dropped.

Why didn't you mention the opinion piece was by Lawrence Kudlow and Stephen Moore, chief economist at the Heritage Foundation?

If you have a problem with his reporting, then refute it. You leftists always do the same thing over and over again: attack the source instead of the substance. So are you saying that NBC doesn't fact check the articles they publish?
It wasn't an article it was an opinion piece.

Commentary by Larry Kudlow, a senior contributor at CNBC and economics editor of the National Review. Follow him on Twitter @Larry_Kudlow.

Stephen Moore is chief economist at the Heritage Foundation

COMMENTARY isn't an article....................unless it's by FOX, then it's fact.

So, naturally wing nuts blame Clinton and Carter for the mortgage crisis of 2008, it just took a decade to materialize, RIIIIIGGGHHHTT.

They ignore what Bush did.

The signing of the American Dream Down Payment Act

I am here today because we are taking action to bring many thousands of Americans closer to owning a home. Our government is supporting homeownership because it is good for America, it is good for our families, it is good for our economy.

One of the biggest hurdles to homeownership is getting money for a down payment. This administration has recognized that, and so today I'm honored to be here to sign a law that will help many low-income buyers to overcome that hurdle, and to achieve an important part of the American Dream.

The rate of homeownership in America now stands a record high of 68.4 percent. Yet there is room for improvement. The rate of homeownership amongst minorities is below 50 percent. And that's not right, and this country needs to do something about it. We need to -- (applause.) We need to close the minority homeownership gap in America so more citizens have the satisfaction and mobility that comes from owning your own home, from owning a piece of the future of America.

Last year I set a goal to add 5.5 million new minority homeowners in America by the end of the decade. That is an attainable goal; that is an essential goal. And we're making progress toward that goal. In the past 18 months, more than 1 million minority families have become homeowners. (Applause.) And there's more that we can do to achieve the goal. The law I sign today will help us build on this progress in a very practical way.

Many people are able to afford a monthly mortgage payment, but are unable to make the down payment. So this legislation will authorize $200 million per year in down payment assistance to at least 40,000 low-income families. These funds will help American families achieve their goals, and at the same time, strengthen our communities.

Second, we need to make the home-buying process more affordable. Some of the biggest up-front costs in a home purchase are the closing costs. Sometimes they catch you by surprise. (Laughter.) Many home buyers do not have the time to shop around looking for a better deal on closing costs. You're kind of stuck with what you're presented with. And so they end up paying more than they should. So we've proposed new rules to make it easier for buyers to shop around and to compare prices on closing costs, so they can get the best deal and the best service possible.

And thirdly, we want to make buying a home simpler. Many first-time buyers look at the paperwork from a loan application, and frankly, get a little nervous about all the fine print. Those forms can be intimidating to the first-time home buyer. They can be intimidating to the second or third-time home buyer, too. (Laughter and applause.) So this administration has proposed new rules to simplify the forms home buyers and homeowners fill out when they apply for a loan or close on a mortgage.

That and wing nuts repealing the Glass-Steagall act, that deregulated some regulations on banks, namely allowing banks or mortgage to sell their mortgages to wall street.

I fully realize that this is a worthless effort on my part since it is obvious that your mind is made up and you will not allow a scintilla of truth to enter your closed mind.

Regardless, just to prove you 100% wrong, here are the facts for you to assail.

HUD Archives: Cuomo agrees w/Nat'l Urban League -- to Fight Housing Discrimination


New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending (Published 1999)


August 5, 1997
President Bush’s and the Administrations Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs – Fannie and Freddie dating back to 2001
Just the Facts: The Administration’s Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs

By Elliot Blair Smith,
Fannie Mae to pay $400 million fine
Bloomberg Politics - Bloomberg

Franklin Raines was Director of the Office of Management and Budget under Clinton and returned to Fannie Mae as its CEO in 1999. Raines is not a “chief” economic adviser for President Barack Hussein Obama but has advised the administration on mortgage and housing matters. Obama had hired another former Fannie CEO, Jim Johnson as a member of Obama’s V.P. search committee and who was forced to quit under fire.


Bloomberg News -
How the Democrats Created the Financial Crisis -
Bloomberg Politics - Bloomberg


Democrats in their own words covering up the Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac


Timeline shows Bush, McCain warning Democrats of Financial Crisis


From the New York Times
New Agency Proposed to Oversee Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae

Published: September 11, 2003 WASHINGTON,

Sept. 10— The Bush administration today recommended the most significant regulatory overhaul in the housing finance industry since the savings and loan crisis a decade ago.

Under the plan, disclosed at a Congressional hearing today, a new agency would be created within the Treasury Department to assume supervision of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored companies that are the two largest players in the mortgage lending industry.

The new agency would have the authority, which now rests with Congress, to set one of the two capital-reserve requirements for the companies. It would exercise authority over any new lines of business. And it would determine whether the two are adequately managing the risks of their ballooning portfolios.

The plan is an acknowledgment by the administration that oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- which together have issued more than $1.5 trillion in outstanding debt -- is broken. A report by outside investigators in July concluded that Freddie Mac manipulated its accounting to mislead investors, and critics have said Fannie Mae does not adequately hedge against rising interest rates.

Read more:

From USNews and World Report
Barney Frank's Fannie and Freddie Muddle

By Sam Dealey
September 10, 2008


So five years ago, there was one of those rare moments in Washington when the branches and personalities of government—in this case, the Bush administration—are less interested in protecting or expanding their turf than in fixing a looming catastrophe. What was Frank's response to the proposal?

''These two entities -- Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- are not facing any kind of financial crisis,'' said Representative Barney Frank of Massachusetts, the ranking Democrat on the Financial Services Committee. ''The more people exaggerate these problems, the more pressure there is on these companies, the less we will see in terms of affordable housing.''


Wall Street Journal Barney’s Rubble – September 17, 2008


Barney Frank in 2005: What Housing Bubble?


Democrats Were Wrong on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac

The White House called for tighter regulation 17 times.



The Bet That Blew Up Wall Street


All this, in addition to the repeal of the Glass-Steagall Act by President William Jefferson Clinton caused the meltdown.

It COULD have been stopped or greatly reduced. Democrats fought that every step of the way and the Republicans wilted under the barrage of being called racist and worse.


Duplicate of “Administrations unheeded warnings at another, maybe less credible site.

President Bush numerous calls for review on Fannie and Freddie dating back to 2001


The 60 minute program on Credit Default Swaps


President Bush numerous calls for review on Fannie and Freddie dating back to 2001

From the NY Times New Agency Proposed to Oversee FANNIE MAE
September 11, 2003



Just to remind all our FRIENDS from the far left, the responsibility for this mess lies with Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, Barney Frank and Chris Dodd. AND WITH REPUBLICANS for backing off every time Barney Frank and his cronies played…THE RACE CARD! The housing bubble is what led to the downfall and that was driven by Democrats, starting with Jimmy Carter and hugely expanded by Bill Clinton. Here are the facts, once again, for you to ignore….

August 5, 1997



New York Times - 1999
Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending -

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending (Published 1999)

President Bush’s and the Administrations Unheeded Warnings About the Systemic Risk Posed by the GSEs – Fannie and Freddie dating back to 2001


By Elliot Blair Smith,
Fannie Mae to pay $400 million fine

Bloomberg Politics - Bloomberg


Franklin Raines was Director of the Office of Management and Budget under Clinton and returned to Fannie Mae as its CEO in 1999. Raines is not a “chief” economic adviser for President Barack Hussein Obama but has advised the administration on mortgage and housing matters. Obama had hired another former Fannie CEO, Jim Johnson as a member of Obama’s V.P. search committee and who was forced to quit under fire.


All out of context LIES.
Thank you.
The seeds of the mortgage meltdown were planted during Bill Clinton’s presidency.

Under Clinton’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in “credit-deprived” areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting. If banks didn’t comply with these rules, regulators reined in their ability to expand lending and deposits.
Pure lying BULLSHIT!
the CRA only gave loans to QUALIFIED borrowers. But to racist scum like you, no minority is ever qualified for a loan.
The 2008 housing crisis sorta proved it to be true, didn't it, you whiney little kuuunt?

I would have no problem, and feel ZERO remorse in shooting the next motherfucker who tries to pull the race card. I would gleefully shoot them right in the forehead and FUCK THE BRAIN WHOLE!!!
NO it didn't, you worthless lying scum POS!
Kudblow is FAKE NEWS!
And it was Cnbc not NBC, CNBC lets assholes like Kudblow spew their lies unchallenged.

CNBC is part of leftist NBC. They are just different divisions, but the same company:

NBC is a terrestrial radio and television broadcast network. Founded by RCA (the Radio Corporation of America) in 1926, it’s the oldest broadcast network in the United States.
CNBC, founded in 1989 as Consumer News and Business Channel, is NBC’s financial news basic cable channel.

In other words NBC still does the editing for the company, and NBC is leftist just like the rest of the MSM.
All .03% of them.
You are off by a factor of 100, no surprise there Trunptards can't do simple arithmetic.

Cases which had an outcome:

20,549,683 (97%) Recovered / Discharged

540,585 (3%) Deaths
And what about those that went undiagnosed? Everyone in my house had it but I am the only one in the system. You keep dancing around that. They estimate that approx 90mil had it in the US. Less than 1% deaths.
As is typical of you worthless lying scum, you ask for a link and when you get it you just make up bullshit from an unlinked "THEY" as well as your own made up bullshit about your house.
The actual DATA says 3%.

If you weren't stupid you would not be anything. Your link presumes they captured 100% of all covid cases and we know that is not true. Please try not to embarrass yourself anymore.
6 to 24 times, now that is "accurate" data for you. :cuckoo:
All .03% of them.
You are off by a factor of 100, no surprise there Trunptards can't do simple arithmetic.

Cases which had an outcome:

20,549,683 (97%) Recovered / Discharged

540,585 (3%) Deaths
And what about those that went undiagnosed? Everyone in my house had it but I am the only one in the system. You keep dancing around that. They estimate that approx 90mil had it in the US. Less than 1% deaths.
As is typical of you worthless lying scum, you ask for a link and when you get it you just make up bullshit from an unlinked "THEY" as well as your own made up bullshit about your house.
The actual DATA says 3%.

If you weren't stupid you would not be anything. Your link presumes they captured 100% of all covid cases and we know that is not true. Please try not to embarrass yourself anymore.
6 to 24 times, now that is "accurate" data for you. :cuckoo:
CDC ---- You got an issue take it up with them. Don't kill the messenger. And you didn't answer my question. Rude. That means you were raised poorly.

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