Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

"Brooks, the 15-year-old who shot the YouTube video, told BuzzFeed News many students had arrived at the end-of-school celebration at the pool on guest passes. Some had also jumped over the fence.

“I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” said Brooks, who is white.

Grace Stone, a white 14-year-old, told BuzzFeed News that when she and her friends objected to the racist comments about public housing an adult woman then became violent."
It would have been easy enough to produce guest passes. Those without passes have to leave.

Thank you. All summer shit like this happens at apartments where I live.....uninvited people showing up at pool parties.....you ask for passes, they refuse...you shut the pool down until they leave...workes every time.

Why should the residents have to leave the pool?
It's their HOA dues that pay for it.
The cop told the teenager to move away while using some foul language to the 14 year old female. She moved 15 or 20 feet down the sidewalk and the cop chased her before assaulting her. The men or teenagers that came to aid the girl were running away when the cop pulled his weapon. He was not under threat or danger of being attacked or assaulted. The potential dangers had followed instructions and were actually running away from the cop. That cop was out of control. He is the kind of cop that needs to be purged from modern police forces. The cops who stayed level headed and respectful to the teens were the kind of cops needed. They prevented the dangerous situation caused by the panic stricken cop from escalating.
For the third time ---- HOW do you get "private" out of the phrase "local community pool"?
Private community

My community is gated but the gates are wide open through business hours.
That doesn't mean just anyone can come in and swim in our pool
I eventually had to hire someone (a tenant) to guard the pool during peek hours and they got a rent reduction. Every tenant got a notice that they HAD to stop in the office and get a pool pass with MY signature on it, on Community Stamped paper. No sticky notes or torn paper. Printed them up myself. Apt #, name of tenant going swimming, how many guests they had in their party, etc. Worked out nice. Anyone caught jumping the fence or sneaking in without that pass, were removed immediately.

When people start to get rowdy or uninvites start shit....YOU JUST SHUT ER DOWN.....END OF STORY

No you dont. You just get rid of the fuckheads and go on with your swimming.
Oh Stephanie Stephanie I feel so sorry for you.
I already knew that you and only alone I suspect that you are going to bring Obama on this BS. What is Obama got to do with all these brutality? If you noticed I have not made any comments on your post for a long time. But I can't it help because of your stupidity. What is the matter your welfare check arrived late? Prices of alcohol went up? Your trailer is getting hotter b/c no ac? You failed in your life so blaming everyone make you happy? Tell me be honest. What made you such a hater?

Exactly as noted before; the classmate kids simply hang out together, they don't care black or white -- then the adults (some adults, but that's all it takes) come in to start stirring up racial shit. Just as they do here on this board tossing in a slew of assssssumptions they pulled out of their ass.
The cop told the teenager to move away while using some foul language to the 14 year old female. She moved 15 or 20 feet down the sidewalk and the cop chased her before assaulting her. The men or teenagers that came to aid the girl were running away when the cop pulled his weapon. He was not under threat or danger of being attacked or assaulted. The potential dangers had followed instructions and were actually running away from the cop. That cop was out of control. He is the kind of cop that needs to be purged from modern police forces. The cops who stayed level headed and respectful to the teens were the kind of cops needed. They prevented the dangerous situation caused by the panic stricken cop from escalating.

That 14 year old should have listened.

She was not moving away when he grabbed her.

THe two teenagers that moved up to aid her were not moving away until the cop drew his weapon. How do you think those two were planning on "aiding" her given that you have defined the cop's actions as "assault"?

That cop was trying to keep a crowd from turning into a mob.
Teens at the pool party told BuzzFeed News the police were called after a fight broke out between adults and youths at the pool after the adults made racist comments telling the black children to leave the area and return to “Section 8 [public] housing.”

Ahhh...seems things are coming to light...

So you're going to believe a bunch of punk kids over the adults that have a right to be there?

Exactly as noted before; the classmate kids simply hang out together, they don't care black or white -- then the adults (some adults, but that's all it takes) come in to start stirring up racial shit. Just as they do here on this board tossing in a slew of assssssumptions they pulled out of their ass.

Yeah, that does't sound very likely.
Locals Defend “Brutal” Cop

Okay, we've seen the outrage over the video. But, here's an example of what the local homeowners are saying.


Who were the kids partying in the pool? Well, they didn't live there are weren't welcome by the locals – some of which spoke their minds – a serious crime in today's politically correct atmosphere.

Read more of the story @ Local Homeowners Defend Texas Cops Who Brutalized Black Teens At Pool Party ThinkProgress

Isn't it amazing that we have to count on the internet to get THE TRUTH?

And more on the story @ #McKinney updates: Officer identified; DJ says don’t blame him; Sign at pool thanks cops for ‘keeping us safe'; Update on pool sign @ McKinney updates Officer identified DJ says don t blame him Sign at pool thanks cops for keeping us safe Update on pool sign Twitchy

Exactly right. The teens were trespassing and then disobeyed officers. Not surprised. ..since their parents dont teach then manners or how to interact with authorities.

Nice to see citizens stand up for the officers.

Still waiting for link to "trespassing" -- neither one of these links says that, nor does the original...

Also waiting for the "STFU law"
.... the "run your mouth" law...
... the "flap your lips" law....

Not sure why y'all can't find these on the books. Perhaps it's a subsection of the Uppity Statutes.

Exactly as noted before; the classmate kids simply hang out together, they don't care black or white -- then the adults (some adults, but that's all it takes) come in to start stirring up racial shit. Just as they do here on this board tossing in a slew of assssssumptions they pulled out of their ass.

Yeah, that does't sound very likely.

Can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with "does't" but all of this is already on the record.

Exactly as noted before; the classmate kids simply hang out together, they don't care black or white -- then the adults (some adults, but that's all it takes) come in to start stirring up racial shit. Just as they do here on this board tossing in a slew of assssssumptions they pulled out of their ass.

Yeah, that does't sound very likely.

Can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with "does't" but all of this is already on the record.

Some white woman spewing racial slurs at a group of black teenagers?

Yeah, that's not likely in today's America.

More likely? SOme girl has learned how to game the system. YOu got busted? play the Race Card.
Seems to me like a party when one group started to in the local public pool or whatever - cops came in the middle of it which explains why the video is modified, why some people are calm and some freaks out yelling, I guess some of the local toy gangsters probably had some drugs or alcohol so when the cops came they tried to take off..
Probably? You mean "assuming". Lucky none of the white kids had drugs or alcohol.
Seriously don't give me the black-white bullshit I'm not buying it, if you want you can try to answer these two questions yourself.
Now that it is obvious the cops came because a fight started by two groups as I assumed earlier;
1.It could've been anything else that is illegal possibly also a weapon but unlikely so we can stick to drug/alcohol - why some of the suspects ran if not carrying anything illegal?

Holy SHIT man, what planet do you live on??

They're COPS. Police have a long-established reputation for creating adversarial situations, and a long-established reputation for persecuting black people -- and they're armed. Right there in the video we see one PULL A GUN on kids in bathing suits. Damn straight they're gonna scatter. :disbelief:

You're not in this country, are you? I'm judging by your English. Let me assure you, this is a police state. I don't hang around if I see cops enter the area either, and I'm not even black.

2.If they (the fled suspects) wasn't carrying anything illegal why their friends was trying to stop the police from arresting them now versus having to deal with harsher accusations later?

Nobody was arrested except one adult. It's not clear which adult but with any luck one of the adults that came in with all the racial slurs.

Where the FUCK do you people get this asshattery about "carrying something illegal"?? It's a fucking POOL PARTY. They're in bathing suits.
So, these huge huge kids are called, childreeeeeen?

since Obama, we've been seeing so much of this crap. why can't they behave like civil people do?

Remember. ..under Obamacare you're a child until 26.

This is MSNBCs #3 story online...huge main page coverage. NAACP is en route. They're talking like people died or something. Unbelievable.

Maybe we need a force of teen police. 16-19 years old. Only they can respond when "children" are behaving badly.

Electing Obama was suppose to be the UNITER. I wonder if he'll step out and say all these unruly kids could have be his, CHILDREN

what a damn horrible mistake it was electing him and now we are all going to PAY FOR IT

Obama is responsible for pool parties now?

Stephanie......can you possibly get any dumber?

stop being a frikken troll and stay on the topic instead of attacking everyone

"Topic", Steph? TOPIC?? You yourself just came in here blaming police brutality at a Texas pool party on O'bama. Tell us what this "topic" is.

And it keeps getting closer. Cops in America are on the verge of a full blown work stoppage. I personally cant wait. They'll protect areas that have supported them. The rest? Have fun in hell assholes haha!
well its not like the police in those areas are doing as good a job as the police in our middle class neighborhood that's for sure

The cops arent needed in the middle class burbs..unless of course a bunch of unruly teens crash a pool party.
who called the cops? Rule of thumb never call the cops. I'm white and I know that
Say it all together. Bay area intifada. Three times. Make it true.

So a bunch of bored black kids baited the police and cranked ip the cameras. It happens every day. The cops have got to pull back and let the thugs run.

Just think. There are going to be a few more black millionaires after the lawyers attack.

And a few more cartographers apparently, since one of us is geographically challenged about the difference between the "Bay area" and "McKinney, Texas"...

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