Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Texas police officer suspended after chaotic pool party incident

Guess a white person actually had a problem with the Black Kids being INVITED to the pool...

Nah,only the uninvited one's who wouldnt leave when asked by the security guard.

And yet another link that says absolutely NOTHING about any "security guard" or "trespassers".

But that's OK, it's a "facts optional" story with you people, right?

Here ya go,since you seem to be Google impaired.

He said three officers responded after residents and a private security officer called police to complain that several teenagers did not have permission to use the pool and had refused to leave. The homeowners association limits pool use to Craig Ranch residents and two guests per household. Several people complained that the teenagers had started fighting.

It's all here. Let me know if you need help reading it.
McKinney police officer on leave after video shows him pushing teen to the ground Friday night Dallas Morning News
Seems to me like a party when one group started to in the local public pool or whatever - cops came in the middle of it which explains why the video is modified, why some people are calm and some freaks out yelling, I guess some of the local toy gangsters probably had some drugs or alcohol so when the cops came they tried to take off..
Probably? You mean "assuming". Lucky none of the white kids had drugs or alcohol.
Seriously don't give me the black-white bullshit I'm not buying it, if you want you can try to answer these two questions yourself.
Now that it is obvious the cops came because a fight started by two groups as I assumed earlier;
1.It could've been anything else that is illegal possibly also a weapon but unlikely so we can stick to drug/alcohol - why some of the suspects ran if not carrying anything illegal?

Holy SHIT man, what planet do you live on??

They're COPS. Police have a long-established reputation for creating adversarial situations, and a long-established reputation for persecuting black people -- and they're armed. Right there in the video we see one PULL A GUN on kids in bathing suits. Damn straight they're gonna scatter. :disbelief:

You're not in this country, are you? I'm judging by your English. Let me assure you, this is a police state. I don't hang around if I see cops enter the area either, and I'm not even black.

2.If they (the fled suspects) wasn't carrying anything illegal why their friends was trying to stop the police from arresting them now versus having to deal with harsher accusations later?

Nobody was arrested except one adult. It's not clear which adult but with any luck one of the adults that came in with all the racial slurs.

Where the FUCK do you people get this asshattery about "carrying something illegal"?? It's a fucking POOL PARTY. They're in bathing suits.
Hold on sir, I know you're not a big fan of the police but lets try to keep everything in proportion - first of all the gun you were mentioning is a taser gun - which is usually carried under the weaker arm, you can see the radio is on the left side which means this guy is a left handed while the police officer on the upper left side is carrying completely the opposite including the radio.
Next you mentioned bathing suits - no, only few were wearing bathing suits while the others were wearing sports shoes - who goes to the pool with these? anyway -- I don't know who got arrested and for what but it could possibly be just a verbal exchange that got tensed - or a physical fight and somebody just called 911 which is obvious but the fact is some suspects were running while the others that COULD EASILY ESCAPE were remained seated, so if its about police brutality - I'm not going to pretend it never happens, cops are just humans - but if this is the case why wouldn't they all fled from the scene as you suggest? think about it -
Yeah, that does't sound very likely.

Can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with "does't" but all of this is already on the record.

Some white woman spewing racial slurs at a group of black teenagers?

Yeah, that's not likely in today's America.

More likely? SOme girl has learned how to game the system. YOu got busted? play the Race Card.

It's already on video. We saw it yesterday. And multiple eyewitness accounts.

The white woman spewing slurs at a group of black teenagers?

THis thread is up to over 40 pages, Link please.

Again ---- you gotta read the links. The original BuzzFeed page we started with is here; it's getting updated with more videos and material as it comes in but as it stands right now if you scroll down to the ninth image (counting all images, videos and stills) you'll find a Facebook video, oriented sideways, which does not support embedding here but which is viewable on the page. There you'll see the altercation between "Tatiana" and two blonde older white women. That's apparently what started all this.

It starts rolling with them already fighting.
the cop told the girl to leave the area at least three times, he didn't touch her till...

She walked the fuck away! So he ran after her and dragged her back. If you can't even be honest about that when it's right there on the video, then you're just as big a piece of shit as that cop.

If your going to quote me quote the complete post, I don't like assholes taking my words out of context.
Editing quotes, at one time, was against ToS.
Is that no longer the case?
This isn't the first time I've seen that lately

I didn't edit anything. Those are exactly his words.

Now see how calm and rational she is? And she lives there. And they were all her guests apparently.

Now...when cops arrived...had she walked up and spoken to them exactly how she did in this video...this incident probably never happens.

Actually that girl's friend she refers to, 14-year-old Grace Stone, did exactly that. From the BuzzFeed page:

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”
--- So what's your excuse now? You try to explain the situation, you get handcuffed? What the FUCK?

ONCE AGAIN....how many times do we have to say it....when cops arrive....be calm...be peaceful...and just wait for your turn to be heard. Its so god damn simple.

And once AGAIN -- that's exactly what everybody in the video is clearly doing. Everybody that is, except Eric Casebolt.

You do understand that in a near mob situation that that is not the time to engage in long heated discussions with cops?

I do understand who created that near-riot situation. What I don't understand is why his fellow officers don't do more to restrain him.

Because they were off running down some punk who ran away, leaving him there alone with an angry mob, many of which kept moving up to try to help people he had detained.

Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathing suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

You ever have to face an angry mob?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot. Casebolt tried his best; fortunately for all concerned, he failed.
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Can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with "does't" but all of this is already on the record.

Some white woman spewing racial slurs at a group of black teenagers?

Yeah, that's not likely in today's America.

More likely? SOme girl has learned how to game the system. YOu got busted? play the Race Card.

It's already on video. We saw it yesterday. And multiple eyewitness accounts.

The white woman spewing slurs at a group of black teenagers?

THis thread is up to over 40 pages, Link please.

Again ---- you gotta read the links. The original BuzzFeed page we started with is here; it's getting updated with more videos and material as it comes in but as it stands right now if you scroll down to the ninth image (counting all images, videos and stills) you'll find a Facebook video, oriented sideways, which does not support embedding here but which is viewable on the page. There you'll see the altercation between "Tatiana" and two blonde older white women. That's apparently what started all this.

It starts rolling with them already fighting.

That's the one. Of course it starts in progress -- the fight is what prompted the videographer to videograph. You can't know in advance that an unexpected event is going to happen.
Now see how calm and rational she is? And she lives there. And they were all her guests apparently.

Now...when cops arrived...had she walked up and spoken to them exactly how she did in this video...this incident probably never happens.

Actually that girl's friend she refers to, 14-year-old Grace Stone, did exactly that. From the BuzzFeed page:

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”
--- So what's your excuse now? You try to explain the situation, you get handcuffed? What the FUCK?

ONCE AGAIN....how many times do we have to say it....when cops arrive....be calm...be peaceful...and just wait for your turn to be heard. Its so god damn simple.

And once AGAIN -- that's exactly what everybody in the video is clearly doing. Everybody that is, except Eric Casebolt.

You do understand that in a near mob situation that that is not the time to engage in long heated discussions with cops?

I do understand who created that near-riot situation. What I don't understand is why his fellow officers don't do more to restrain him.

Because they were off running down some punk who ran away, leaving him there alone with an angry mob, many of which kept moving up to try to help people he had detained.

Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathig suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

You ever have to face an angry mob?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot.

THe video shows them leaving and then coming back several minutes later.

Letting a crowd gather and rile themselves up it how to create an angry mob. Having a number of people running their mouths is part of the riling up process.
Some white woman spewing racial slurs at a group of black teenagers?

Yeah, that's not likely in today's America.

More likely? SOme girl has learned how to game the system. YOu got busted? play the Race Card.

It's already on video. We saw it yesterday. And multiple eyewitness accounts.

The white woman spewing slurs at a group of black teenagers?

THis thread is up to over 40 pages, Link please.

Again ---- you gotta read the links. The original BuzzFeed page we started with is here; it's getting updated with more videos and material as it comes in but as it stands right now if you scroll down to the ninth image (counting all images, videos and stills) you'll find a Facebook video, oriented sideways, which does not support embedding here but which is viewable on the page. There you'll see the altercation between "Tatiana" and two blonde older white women. That's apparently what started all this.

It starts rolling with them already fighting.

That's the one. Of course it starts in progress -- the fight is what prompted the videographer to videograph. You can't know in advance that an unexpected event is going to happen.

Yes, I get that.

But the video does not support the girls claim of racist comments or that the older woman slapped her.

And as I said, in today's America, it is not very likely that two middle aged women will be comfortable verbally and physically assaulting a group of black teenagers.
Several Teens corroborated the story in real time. Thats quite an organized response, and quickly too, that multiple teens have the same story
Several Teens corroborated the story in real time. Thats quite an organized response, and quickly too, that multiple teens have the same story

Wow. Teenagers backing up their friends against adults...

SO, you're thinking that these women were racists, Huh?
Several Teens corroborated the story in real time. Thats quite an organized response, and quickly too, that multiple teens have the same story

Wow. Teenagers backing up their friends against adults...

SO, you're thinking that these women were racists, Huh?

No one said they were friends who backed up the story. It says "several teens". Including the girl who invited the people there who lives in the area
it is not very likely that two middle aged women will be comfortable verbally and physically assaulting a group of black teenagers.

Comfortable or not theres video of the fight. So that blows your entire logic to pieces
Several Teens corroborated the story in real time. Thats quite an organized response, and quickly too, that multiple teens have the same story

Wow. Teenagers backing up their friends against adults...

SO, you're thinking that these women were racists, Huh?

No one said they were friends who backed up the story. It says "several teens". Including the girl who invited the people there who lives in the area

So, you're thinking these women were racists, right?

After all the young girl is claiming they made racist comments.
It's already on video. We saw it yesterday. And multiple eyewitness accounts.

The white woman spewing slurs at a group of black teenagers?

THis thread is up to over 40 pages, Link please.

Again ---- you gotta read the links. The original BuzzFeed page we started with is here; it's getting updated with more videos and material as it comes in but as it stands right now if you scroll down to the ninth image (counting all images, videos and stills) you'll find a Facebook video, oriented sideways, which does not support embedding here but which is viewable on the page. There you'll see the altercation between "Tatiana" and two blonde older white women. That's apparently what started all this.

It starts rolling with them already fighting.

That's the one. Of course it starts in progress -- the fight is what prompted the videographer to videograph. You can't know in advance that an unexpected event is going to happen.

Yes, I get that.

But the video does not support the girls claim of racist comments or that the older woman slapped her.

And as I said -- you can't know in advance that that opening salvo is coming. If you could, then you could roll video earlier and get the whole thing.

And as I said, in today's America, it is not very likely that two middle aged women will be comfortable verbally and physically assaulting a group of black teenagers.

Likely or not, there it is. If it were more likely, as it was say a hundred years ago when it was commonplace, then it might have been less immediate resistance and more bottling-up. Know what happens when disrespect gets bottled up too long? They found that out a hundred years ago too.

But let's momentarily entertain the "not very likely" scenario - how "likely" is it that some teenage girls at a pool party suddenly up and pick a fight with an adult out of thin air?
it is not very likely that two middle aged women will be comfortable verbally and physically assaulting a group of black teenagers.

Comfortable or not theres video of the fight. So that blows your entire logic to pieces

How does the video of a fight demonstrate that the older white women said racist comments and slapped the girl?

So now were pretending you never said fight? You want a do-over?
The white woman spewing slurs at a group of black teenagers?

THis thread is up to over 40 pages, Link please.

Again ---- you gotta read the links. The original BuzzFeed page we started with is here; it's getting updated with more videos and material as it comes in but as it stands right now if you scroll down to the ninth image (counting all images, videos and stills) you'll find a Facebook video, oriented sideways, which does not support embedding here but which is viewable on the page. There you'll see the altercation between "Tatiana" and two blonde older white women. That's apparently what started all this.

It starts rolling with them already fighting.

That's the one. Of course it starts in progress -- the fight is what prompted the videographer to videograph. You can't know in advance that an unexpected event is going to happen.

Yes, I get that.

But the video does not support the girls claim of racist comments or that the older woman slapped her.

And as I said -- you can't know in advance that that opening salvo is coming. If you could, then you could roll video earlier and get the whole thing.

And as I said, in today's America, it is not very likely that two middle aged women will be comfortable verbally and physically assaulting a group of black teenagers.

Likely or not, there it is. If it were more likely, as it was say a hundred years ago when it was commonplace, then it might have been less immediate resistance and more bottling-up. Know what happens when disrespect gets bottled up too long? They found that out a hundred years ago too.

I have no problem with the video starting late, but that doesn't change the fact that it does not support the girls claims.

"There it is"? What does that mean?
it is not very likely that two middle aged women will be comfortable verbally and physically assaulting a group of black teenagers.

Comfortable or not theres video of the fight. So that blows your entire logic to pieces

How does the video of a fight demonstrate that the older white women said racist comments and slapped the girl?

So now were pretending you never said fight? You want a do-over?

YOu said "fight", i said "physically assaulting a group of black teens".

The video does not support her claim.
it is not very likely that two middle aged women will be comfortable verbally and physically assaulting a group of black teenagers.

Comfortable or not theres video of the fight. So that blows your entire logic to pieces

How does the video of a fight demonstrate that the older white women said racist comments and slapped the girl?

So now were pretending you never said fight? You want a do-over?

YOu said "fight", i said "physically assaulting a group of black teens".

The video does not support her claim.

Ok, but you do see the fight tho right? I just want to be sure you actually see a white lady there and wont say the black girl was fighting herself
Actually that girl's friend she refers to, 14-year-old Grace Stone, did exactly that. From the BuzzFeed page:

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”
--- So what's your excuse now? You try to explain the situation, you get handcuffed? What the FUCK?

And once AGAIN -- that's exactly what everybody in the video is clearly doing. Everybody that is, except Eric Casebolt.

You do understand that in a near mob situation that that is not the time to engage in long heated discussions with cops?

I do understand who created that near-riot situation. What I don't understand is why his fellow officers don't do more to restrain him.

Because they were off running down some punk who ran away, leaving him there alone with an angry mob, many of which kept moving up to try to help people he had detained.

Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathig suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

You ever have to face an angry mob?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot.

THe video shows them leaving and then coming back several minutes later.

Letting a crowd gather and rile themselves up it how to create an angry mob. Having a number of people running their mouths is part of the riling up process.

People don't "rile themselves", my boy. They need a catalyst to react to. Eric Casebolt did his best to be that catalyst. Fortunately for his sorry ass, the crowd showed enormous restraint. He owes them not only an apology but a debt of gratitude. If that were my cousin getting whipped around by her hair I wouldn't have had that kind of restraint.

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