Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

it is not very likely that two middle aged women will be comfortable verbally and physically assaulting a group of black teenagers.

Comfortable or not theres video of the fight. So that blows your entire logic to pieces

How does the video of a fight demonstrate that the older white women said racist comments and slapped the girl?

So now were pretending you never said fight? You want a do-over?

YOu said "fight", i said "physically assaulting a group of black teens".

The video does not support her claim.

Ok, but you do see the fight tho right? I just want to be sure you actually see a white lady there and wont say the black girl was fighting herself

Aw, isn't that cute. I've never seen a leftie use a logical fallacy before...


THe video does not support the girl's claim. It starts after the point in time when the events would have occurred, if they occurred.
You do understand that in a near mob situation that that is not the time to engage in long heated discussions with cops?

I do understand who created that near-riot situation. What I don't understand is why his fellow officers don't do more to restrain him.

Because they were off running down some punk who ran away, leaving him there alone with an angry mob, many of which kept moving up to try to help people he had detained.

Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathig suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

You ever have to face an angry mob?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot.

THe video shows them leaving and then coming back several minutes later.

Letting a crowd gather and rile themselves up it how to create an angry mob. Having a number of people running their mouths is part of the riling up process.

People don't "rile themselves", my boy. They need a catalyst to react to. Eric Casebolt did his best to be that catalyst. Fortunately for his sorry ass, the crowd showed enormous restraint. He owes them not only an apology but a debt of gratitude. If that were my cousin getting whipped around by her hair I wouldn't have had that kind of restraint.

People certainly rile themselves up.

Mmm, so you admit that there was real danger to the Officer from the various detained families and friends?

After all, if you would have resorted to violence, then it was reasonable of him to fear violence from the crowd, wasn't it?
Cop Suspended After Video Emerges Of Brutal Arrests At Teen Pool

Folks for the last and final time.....unless you wear the shoes of blacks in this damned country, don't ever ever ever come to the conclusion that we are all treated the same and its just a matter of being uncle tommy around redneck cops....and if these black teens do anything going forward in life...understand, the price of having dark skin in America, could cost you your life.


Looked justified to me. Coming to if you're black you can get away with anything. Good job police officer.
Comfortable or not theres video of the fight. So that blows your entire logic to pieces

How does the video of a fight demonstrate that the older white women said racist comments and slapped the girl?

So now were pretending you never said fight? You want a do-over?

YOu said "fight", i said "physically assaulting a group of black teens".

The video does not support her claim.

Ok, but you do see the fight tho right? I just want to be sure you actually see a white lady there and wont say the black girl was fighting herself

Aw, isn't that cute. I've never seen a leftie use a logical fallacy before...


THe video does not support the girl's claim. It starts after the point in time when the events would have occurred, if they occurred.

Yea, but you see the fight tho? Dont you?
And now the rest of the video is out the 24 minutes race hustlers didn't want you to see.......busted
the cop told the girl to leave the area at least three times, he didn't touch her till...

She walked the fuck away! So he ran after her and dragged her back. If you can't even be honest about that when it's right there on the video, then you're just as big a piece of shit as that cop.

If your going to quote me quote the complete post, I don't like assholes taking my words out of context.
Editing quotes, at one time, was against ToS.
Is that no longer the case?
This isn't the first time I've seen that lately

I didn't edit anything. Those are exactly his words.

You stupid motherfucker, when you don't give the quote in it's entirety, that's editing. "then you're just as big a piece of shit as that cop.", your exact words, see how that works, editing.
How does the video of a fight demonstrate that the older white women said racist comments and slapped the girl?

So now were pretending you never said fight? You want a do-over?

YOu said "fight", i said "physically assaulting a group of black teens".

The video does not support her claim.

Ok, but you do see the fight tho right? I just want to be sure you actually see a white lady there and wont say the black girl was fighting herself

Aw, isn't that cute. I've never seen a leftie use a logical fallacy before...


THe video does not support the girl's claim. It starts after the point in time when the events would have occurred, if they occurred.

Yea, but you see the fight tho? Dont you?

Are you admitting that the video does NOT support the girls claims? THat is the point of linking to it.
Here's a more complete video of the incident.

Texas Police Officer On Administrative Leave After Pulling Weapon On Teens During Pool Party - BuzzFeed News

It shows 2 guys, and several girls, running up to the cop while he was cuffing he girl on the ground.

Not a wise decision.

If you were a cop, how would you react if you were possibly being attacked from several directions?

Revealing page.

... one officer aggressively handcuffing and detaining teens who described themselves as bystanders, before wrestling a girl in a bathing suit to the ground and drawing his weapon on others who came to her aid. After ordering a girl to leave the area, the officer can be seen throwing her to the ground and pushing her head down. He is then seen pulling a weapon from his holster to scare off two males who had come to the girl’s aid. The officer is also shown sitting atop the girl to subdue her.

Brooks, the 15-year-old who shot the YouTube video, told BuzzFeed News many students had arrived at the end-of-school celebration at the pool on guest passes. Some had also jumped over the fence.

“I think a bunch of white parents were angry that a bunch of black kids who don’t live in the neighborhood were in the pool,” said Brooks, who is white.

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”

Then from the PD statement:
McKinney Police later learned of a video that was taken at the scene by an unknown party. This video has raised concerns that are being investigated by the McKinney Police Department. At this time, one of the responding officers has been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of this investigation.

In other words, they got caught by video and are now forced to at least mouth the words "uh, we are doing an um, investigation and shit". Without a citizen shooting video -- who got handcuffed for it -- they would have got away with it.

But let's all click our heels together three times and chant that USMB Doublethink mantra:

"Don't believe your lying eyes -- it's really Barack O'bama who's dividing this country... "

Cop completely justified, unless you ask the blacks causing problems. Good job officer.
So now were pretending you never said fight? You want a do-over?

YOu said "fight", i said "physically assaulting a group of black teens".

The video does not support her claim.

Ok, but you do see the fight tho right? I just want to be sure you actually see a white lady there and wont say the black girl was fighting herself

Aw, isn't that cute. I've never seen a leftie use a logical fallacy before...


THe video does not support the girl's claim. It starts after the point in time when the events would have occurred, if they occurred.

Yea, but you see the fight tho? Dont you?

Are you admitting that the video does NOT support the girls claims? THat is the point of linking to it.

Of course, anyone can see that part is not on the video.

I'm just glad that you now see the fight that occured between the middle aged white woman and the black teen.

My job here is done
I have watched the video several times and have yet to find a reason that the police officer in question felt a need to subdue the girl. I didn't see her doing anything that necessitated being treated so brutally. And if any of those teens had used the language that officer was using, they likely would have been handcuffed immediately. Several of the teens even asked the officer not to curse at them. I think the fact that he fell down due to his own clumsiness early on in the video is likely why he got so irate with these kids. I suspect he doesn't have any of his own. If he does, I'd hate to be his son.
And now the rest of the video is out the 24 minutes race hustlers didn't want you to see.......busted

Suuuuuuuuure theres all your links too.

We've had several people try to make up stuff in this thread already. You're late like the last person who tries to get you with a April Fools joke
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party
Black kids that don't believe they have to obey police officers because our president has encouraged them to mouth off.

Any other questions?

The cop escalated the incident with the girl.....but she wouldn't STFU.
Right...how dare those mouthy Black kids believe they had any First Amendment Rights...smh.
Sorry, but they don't have any right to create a disturbance or to resist arrest.
YOu said "fight", i said "physically assaulting a group of black teens".

The video does not support her claim.

Ok, but you do see the fight tho right? I just want to be sure you actually see a white lady there and wont say the black girl was fighting herself

Aw, isn't that cute. I've never seen a leftie use a logical fallacy before...


THe video does not support the girl's claim. It starts after the point in time when the events would have occurred, if they occurred.

Yea, but you see the fight tho? Dont you?

Are you admitting that the video does NOT support the girls claims? THat is the point of linking to it.

Of course, anyone can see that part is not on the video.

I'm just glad that you now see the fight that occured between the middle aged white woman and the black teen.

My job here is done

THe point of looking at that vidoe was that the girl claimed the middle aged woman used racial slurs and slapped her.

None of that was supported by the video, for the simple reason that the video started at a point when they were locked in a hair pulling tussle.

I said that immediately after viewing the video.

If you thought your job was to add anything to that, you have failed.
Sorry, but they don't have any right to create a disturbance or to resist arrest.

So were they arrested?

Resisting arrest is only a crime when the arrest itself is lawful. An illegal seizure by the police can be lawfully resisted by the victim of the unlawful arrest.
Sorry, but they don't have any right to create a disturbance or to resist arrest.

So were they arrested?

Resisting arrest is only a crime when the arrest itself is lawful. An illegal seizure by the police can be lawfully resisted by the victim of the unlawful arrest.

If they are being detained for trespassing, then that would be lawful.
Ok, but you do see the fight tho right? I just want to be sure you actually see a white lady there and wont say the black girl was fighting herself

Aw, isn't that cute. I've never seen a leftie use a logical fallacy before...


THe video does not support the girl's claim. It starts after the point in time when the events would have occurred, if they occurred.

Yea, but you see the fight tho? Dont you?

Are you admitting that the video does NOT support the girls claims? THat is the point of linking to it.

Of course, anyone can see that part is not on the video.

I'm just glad that you now see the fight that occured between the middle aged white woman and the black teen.

My job here is done

THe point of looking at that vidoe was that the girl claimed the middle aged woman used racial slurs and slapped her.

None of that was supported by the video, for the simple reason that the video started at a point when they were locked in a hair pulling tussle.

I said that immediately after viewing the video.

If you thought your job was to add anything to that, you have failed.

You seem to be expecting proof of an impossibility.
Far as I know the laws of linear time apply even in Texas.

Here's a question for you cop-pologists and racists:

-- Is there any kind of conceivable scenario -- any at all -- in which a cop could possibly be wrong, even though he's a cop and therefore infallible? Is there any conceivable scenario where a citizen could be right, even though they're black?

Let's say a black teenage girl is just standing around doing nothing in particular. Racist cop walks up and smashes her in the face. Should she be charged with "existing while black" (part of that 'uppity' ordinance where 'mouthing off' appears) --- or would you charge her with assaulting a police officer's fist with her face?

Or both?

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