Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

People certainly rile themselves up.

Mmm, so you admit that there was real danger to the Officer from the various detained families and friends?

After all, if you would have resorted to violence, then it was reasonable of him to fear violence from the crowd, wasn't it?

Anybody who stirs up shit anywhere treating people as sub-human, should reasonably expect a blowback.
The thing is, this is a police officer. He's not supposed to be stirring up shit. That's the opposite of what he's supposed to be doing. This guy owes a lot of apologies.

THere was mass trespassing and violence. People were going to be detained and questioned.

YOu have stated that if you were there you would have resorted to violence against cops.

As there was, for much of the video, one cop and an unruly crowd, that would be very dangerous to the cop.

Where do you see this "mass trespassing and violence"??
Where do you see ANY of either?
Once again, "trespassing" has yet to appear anywhere except in the imagination of posters here. It's not in the articles. And I don't even remember anyone suggesting "violence". I remember posters imagining "drug dealers" and "people carrying something" and two have even suggested Barack O'bama set this up. That however is entirely perverted fantasy.

The only violence evident, other than the cat fight in the Facebook video, is clearly being committed by one Eric Casebolt. That's why they have an investigation going on. We wouldn't even have that if it weren't for a citizen kid taking video. They were forced into it.

But thanks for standing up for your fellow citizens as they get brutalized by out of control polizei. Real courageous of you.

The entire thing began when a DJ that was hired used social media to invite people to the party, he done so without the host's approval. When the people arrived and were then asked to leave is when things turned ugly. Technically when a person is asked to leave and they refuse, they are in fact trespassing.

how do all these things keep being organized via social media and yet no one can ever produce a screenshot of it? You cant erase the internet

I would but my office computer doesn't allow me to log on to facebook.

McKinney police officer on leave after pulling gun on teens at p - Fox4News.com Dallas-Fort Worth News Weather Sports
Now see how calm and rational she is? And she lives there. And they were all her guests apparently.

Now...when cops arrived...had she walked up and spoken to them exactly how she did in this video...this incident probably never happens.

Actually that girl's friend she refers to, 14-year-old Grace Stone, did exactly that. From the BuzzFeed page:

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”
--- So what's your excuse now? You try to explain the situation, you get handcuffed? What the FUCK?

ONCE AGAIN....how many times do we have to say it....when cops arrive....be calm...be peaceful...and just wait for your turn to be heard. Its so god damn simple.

And once AGAIN -- that's exactly what everybody in the video is clearly doing. Everybody that is, except Eric Casebolt.

You do understand that in a near mob situation that that is not the time to engage in long heated discussions with cops?

I do understand who created that near-riot situation. What I don't understand is why his fellow officers don't do more to restrain him.

Because they were off running down some punk who ran away, leaving him there alone with an angry mob, many of which kept moving up to try to help people he had detained.

Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathing suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

You ever have to face an angry mob?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot. Casebolt tried his best; fortunately for all concerned, he failed.

" Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do"

Still haven't seen a video where that happened.
Meh...much ado about nothing. Kids will be kids, cops will be cops. Noharm, no foul.

If anything....the cops suck because they can't handle a mild stuation.
Anybody who stirs up shit anywhere treating people as sub-human, should reasonably expect a blowback.
The thing is, this is a police officer. He's not supposed to be stirring up shit. That's the opposite of what he's supposed to be doing. This guy owes a lot of apologies.

THere was mass trespassing and violence. People were going to be detained and questioned.

YOu have stated that if you were there you would have resorted to violence against cops.

As there was, for much of the video, one cop and an unruly crowd, that would be very dangerous to the cop.

Where do you see this "mass trespassing and violence"??
Where do you see ANY of either?
Once again, "trespassing" has yet to appear anywhere except in the imagination of posters here. It's not in the articles. And I don't even remember anyone suggesting "violence". I remember posters imagining "drug dealers" and "people carrying something" and two have even suggested Barack O'bama set this up. That however is entirely perverted fantasy.

The only violence evident, other than the cat fight in the Facebook video, is clearly being committed by one Eric Casebolt. That's why they have an investigation going on. We wouldn't even have that if it weren't for a citizen kid taking video. They were forced into it.

But thanks for standing up for your fellow citizens as they get brutalized by out of control polizei. Real courageous of you.

The entire thing began when a DJ that was hired used social media to invite people to the party, he done so without the host's approval. When the people arrived and were then asked to leave is when things turned ugly. Technically when a person is asked to leave and they refuse, they are in fact trespassing.

how do all these things keep being organized via social media and yet no one can ever produce a screenshot of it? You cant erase the internet

I would but my office computer doesn't allow me to log on to facebook.

McKinney police officer on leave after pulling gun on teens at p - Fox4News.com Dallas-Fort Worth News Weather Sports

Yeah, but I mean, no screenshots from anything in any report seems kinda suspicious
THere was mass trespassing and violence. People were going to be detained and questioned.

YOu have stated that if you were there you would have resorted to violence against cops.

As there was, for much of the video, one cop and an unruly crowd, that would be very dangerous to the cop.

Where do you see this "mass trespassing and violence"??
Where do you see ANY of either?
Once again, "trespassing" has yet to appear anywhere except in the imagination of posters here. It's not in the articles. And I don't even remember anyone suggesting "violence". I remember posters imagining "drug dealers" and "people carrying something" and two have even suggested Barack O'bama set this up. That however is entirely perverted fantasy.

The only violence evident, other than the cat fight in the Facebook video, is clearly being committed by one Eric Casebolt. That's why they have an investigation going on. We wouldn't even have that if it weren't for a citizen kid taking video. They were forced into it.

But thanks for standing up for your fellow citizens as they get brutalized by out of control polizei. Real courageous of you.

The entire thing began when a DJ that was hired used social media to invite people to the party, he done so without the host's approval. When the people arrived and were then asked to leave is when things turned ugly. Technically when a person is asked to leave and they refuse, they are in fact trespassing.

how do all these things keep being organized via social media and yet no one can ever produce a screenshot of it? You cant erase the internet

I would but my office computer doesn't allow me to log on to facebook.

McKinney police officer on leave after pulling gun on teens at p - Fox4News.com Dallas-Fort Worth News Weather Sports

Yeah, but I mean, no screenshots from anything in any report seems kinda suspicious

Brandon Brooks, who posted the videos to YouTube, said in the original video’s description, “A fight between a mom and a girl broke out and when the cops showed up everyone ran, including the people who didn’t do anything. So the cops just started putting everyone on the ground and in handcuffs for no reason. This kind of force is uncalled for especially on children and innocent bystanders.”

The pool party had been advertised on social media:

The pool party was advertised on social media. Homeowners say none of the nearly 70 people were allowed to be there pic.twitter.com/pZZy9htEK3

— Zahid Arab (@ZahidArabFox4) June 7, 2015

Eric Casebolt 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know Heavy.com

If you can access twitter on your computer then you should be able to verify whether or not social media was used.

But Andrew Cosby, also known as DJ Reign, said on Twitter he was simply hired for the party and didn’t plan it. Cosby, who is white, also disputed claims he sold tickets for the party. He said in the now-deleted tweets, “you actually think I made this flyer? I got hired to DJ an event the event was not mine,” and “yeah but I wasn’t involved in anything. I was like 100 yards away and all I saw were cop cars,” according to Twitchy.com.

Teens who were at the community pool told Buzzfeed News the fight started between adults and teens when the adults made racist comments, including telling the black youths to “return to Section 8 housing.”

Section 8, or public housing, has been an issue in McKinney in recent years.

The city was sued in 2009 over alleged housing discrimination, according to the International Business Times. The city settled the lawsuit, with an agreement that 400 low-income housing units be built. The first portion of those units, a 164-unit complex, is being built now.

Craig Ranch, the community where the pool is located, is a master-planned community with a homeowner’s association. Neighbors say more than 70 uninvited teens showed up to the party, which included a DJ.

Here is the real scoop on what happened at the #CraigRanch pool party. pic.twitter.com/3f3IzaK3GZ

— Sam Phillips (@1031ent) June 8, 2015

But Andrew Cosby, also known as DJ Reign, said on Twitter he was simply hired for the party and didn’t plan it. Cosby, who is white, also disputed claims he sold tickets for the party. He said in the now-deleted tweets, “you actually think I made this flyer? I got hired to DJ an event the event was not mine,” and “yeah but I wasn’t involved in anything. I was like 100 yards away and all I saw were cop cars,” according to Twitchy.com.

The mother and daughter who said they organized the end of the year party that drew the teens to the pool talked to local photographer E. Johnson IV. They are residents of the community:
Why is there no screenshots of all these "social media organization" accusations?

the twitter link was a pic of a flyer
Where do you see this "mass trespassing and violence"??
Where do you see ANY of either?
Once again, "trespassing" has yet to appear anywhere except in the imagination of posters here. It's not in the articles. And I don't even remember anyone suggesting "violence". I remember posters imagining "drug dealers" and "people carrying something" and two have even suggested Barack O'bama set this up. That however is entirely perverted fantasy.

The only violence evident, other than the cat fight in the Facebook video, is clearly being committed by one Eric Casebolt. That's why they have an investigation going on. We wouldn't even have that if it weren't for a citizen kid taking video. They were forced into it.

But thanks for standing up for your fellow citizens as they get brutalized by out of control polizei. Real courageous of you.

The entire thing began when a DJ that was hired used social media to invite people to the party, he done so without the host's approval. When the people arrived and were then asked to leave is when things turned ugly. Technically when a person is asked to leave and they refuse, they are in fact trespassing.

how do all these things keep being organized via social media and yet no one can ever produce a screenshot of it? You cant erase the internet

I would but my office computer doesn't allow me to log on to facebook.

McKinney police officer on leave after pulling gun on teens at p - Fox4News.com Dallas-Fort Worth News Weather Sports

Yeah, but I mean, no screenshots from anything in any report seems kinda suspicious

Brandon Brooks, who posted the videos to YouTube, said in the original video’s description, “A fight between a mom and a girl broke out and when the cops showed up everyone ran, including the people who didn’t do anything. So the cops just started putting everyone on the ground and in handcuffs for no reason. This kind of force is uncalled for especially on children and innocent bystanders.”

If there was mass trespassing and fighting and everyone ran when the cops showed, what exactly were the cops to do except grab people and hold them until questions could be asked?
Why is there no screenshots of all these "social media organization" accusations?

the twitter link was a pic of a flyer

Look up the DJ on twitter. Need help?

First of all I did. Tweets with replies by DJ REIGN AndrewCosby1 Twitter

Second of all he said he did not create the flyer.

Third, what does the DJ have to do with everyones inability to produce this organized social media campaign screenshot?

The internet never forgets so if it exists its out there.
Why is there no screenshots of all these "social media organization" accusations?

the twitter link was a pic of a flyer

Look up the DJ on twitter. Need help?

First of all I did. Tweets with replies by DJ REIGN AndrewCosby1 Twitter

Second of all he said he did not create the flyer.

Third, what does the DJ have to do with everyones inability to produce this organized social media campaign screenshot?

The internet never forgets so if it exists its out there.

Who do you think invited them?
With 70 uninvited vandals invading this private pool, no wonder the residents fought against section 8 housing.

The alternatives are to sell and move, vastly upgrade security and take advantage of Texas ' gun laws.
Why is there no screenshots of all these "social media organization" accusations?

the twitter link was a pic of a flyer

Look up the DJ on twitter. Need help?

First of all I did. Tweets with replies by DJ REIGN AndrewCosby1 Twitter

Second of all he said he did not create the flyer.

Third, what does the DJ have to do with everyones inability to produce this organized social media campaign screenshot?

The internet never forgets so if it exists its out there.

The tweets were deleted. If you know how to retrieve deleted tweets then go for it. If not then, oh well.
Why is there no screenshots of all these "social media organization" accusations?

the twitter link was a pic of a flyer

Look up the DJ on twitter. Need help?

First of all I did. Tweets with replies by DJ REIGN AndrewCosby1 Twitter

Second of all he said he did not create the flyer.

Third, what does the DJ have to do with everyones inability to produce this organized social media campaign screenshot?

The internet never forgets so if it exists its out there.

The tweets were deleted. If you know how to retrieve deleted tweets then go for it. If not then, oh well.

I asked for screenshots you said look up the DJ.

I looked up the DJ

I asked for the screenshots and you now say they were deleted

The internet cant be erased silly. If it was real there would be screenshots of it. The internet never forgets
Why is there no screenshots of all these "social media organization" accusations?

the twitter link was a pic of a flyer

Look up the DJ on twitter. Need help?

First of all I did. Tweets with replies by DJ REIGN AndrewCosby1 Twitter

Second of all he said he did not create the flyer.

Third, what does the DJ have to do with everyones inability to produce this organized social media campaign screenshot?

The internet never forgets so if it exists its out there.

The tweets were deleted. If you know how to retrieve deleted tweets then go for it. If not then, oh well.

I asked for screenshots you said look up the DJ.

I looked up the DJ

I asked for the screenshots and you now say they were deleted

The internet cant be erased silly. If it was real there would be screenshots of it. The internet never forgets

Who do you think invited them?
Why is there no screenshots of all these "social media organization" accusations?

the twitter link was a pic of a flyer

Look up the DJ on twitter. Need help?

First of all I did. Tweets with replies by DJ REIGN AndrewCosby1 Twitter

Second of all he said he did not create the flyer.

Third, what does the DJ have to do with everyones inability to produce this organized social media campaign screenshot?

The internet never forgets so if it exists its out there.

The tweets were deleted. If you know how to retrieve deleted tweets then go for it. If not then, oh well.

I asked for screenshots you said look up the DJ.

I looked up the DJ

I asked for the screenshots and you now say they were deleted

The internet cant be erased silly. If it was real there would be screenshots of it. The internet never forgets

Who do you think invited them?
No one. They jumped the fence.
So lesson learned: From now on...the pool thats in your neighborhood. ..paid for by your HOA fees...isnt just for residents and invited guests. Its for everyone who shows up. Anyone. Especially minorities. Dont call cops or you are racist.

Got it?
Look up the DJ on twitter. Need help?

First of all I did. Tweets with replies by DJ REIGN AndrewCosby1 Twitter

Second of all he said he did not create the flyer.

Third, what does the DJ have to do with everyones inability to produce this organized social media campaign screenshot?

The internet never forgets so if it exists its out there.

The tweets were deleted. If you know how to retrieve deleted tweets then go for it. If not then, oh well.

I asked for screenshots you said look up the DJ.

I looked up the DJ

I asked for the screenshots and you now say they were deleted

The internet cant be erased silly. If it was real there would be screenshots of it. The internet never forgets

Who do you think invited them?
No one. They jumped the fence.

Possibly. Though I was asking CloseCaptain. He seems to be on the trail of something...
So lesson learned: From now on...the pool thats in your neighborhood. ..paid for by your HOA fees...isnt just for residents and invited guests. Its for everyone who shows up. Anyone. Especially minorities. Dont call cops or you are racist.

Got it?

Dont forget the fight...dont fight kids is a good lesson here. Or maybe not
Why is there no screenshots of all these "social media organization" accusations?

the twitter link was a pic of a flyer

Look up the DJ on twitter. Need help?

First of all I did. Tweets with replies by DJ REIGN AndrewCosby1 Twitter

Second of all he said he did not create the flyer.

Third, what does the DJ have to do with everyones inability to produce this organized social media campaign screenshot?

The internet never forgets so if it exists its out there.

The tweets were deleted. If you know how to retrieve deleted tweets then go for it. If not then, oh well.

I asked for screenshots you said look up the DJ.

I looked up the DJ

I asked for the screenshots and you now say they were deleted

The internet cant be erased silly. If it was real there would be screenshots of it. The internet never forgets

Dude get a grip. I stated I couldn't search social media on this computer, I used Google and found the information I provided you and that's where I saw that tweets had been deleted.

Can you recover deleted tweets or deleted facebook posts?
Why is there no screenshots of all these "social media organization" accusations?

the twitter link was a pic of a flyer

Look up the DJ on twitter. Need help?

First of all I did. Tweets with replies by DJ REIGN AndrewCosby1 Twitter

Second of all he said he did not create the flyer.

Third, what does the DJ have to do with everyones inability to produce this organized social media campaign screenshot?

The internet never forgets so if it exists its out there.

The tweets were deleted. If you know how to retrieve deleted tweets then go for it. If not then, oh well.

I asked for screenshots you said look up the DJ.

I looked up the DJ

I asked for the screenshots and you now say they were deleted

The internet cant be erased silly. If it was real there would be screenshots of it. The internet never forgets

Dude get a grip. I stated I couldn't search social media on this computer, I used Google and found the information I provided you and that's where I saw that tweets had been deleted.

Can you recover deleted tweets or deleted facebook posts?

Don't play dumb.

Close Captain has caught you and proven something!

HE will let us know what, any minute now.

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