Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Aw, isn't that cute. I've never seen a leftie use a logical fallacy before...


THe video does not support the girl's claim. It starts after the point in time when the events would have occurred, if they occurred.

Yea, but you see the fight tho? Dont you?

Are you admitting that the video does NOT support the girls claims? THat is the point of linking to it.

Of course, anyone can see that part is not on the video.

I'm just glad that you now see the fight that occured between the middle aged white woman and the black teen.

My job here is done

THe point of looking at that vidoe was that the girl claimed the middle aged woman used racial slurs and slapped her.

None of that was supported by the video, for the simple reason that the video started at a point when they were locked in a hair pulling tussle.

I said that immediately after viewing the video.

If you thought your job was to add anything to that, you have failed.

You seem to be expecting proof of an impossibility.
Far as I know the laws of linear time apply even in Texas.

Here's a question for you cop-pologists and racists:

-- Is there any kind of conceivable scenario -- any at all -- in which a cop could possibly be wrong, even though he's a cop and therefore infallible? Is there any conceivable scenario where a citizen could be right, even though they're black?

Let's say a black teenage girl is just standing around doing nothing in particular. Racist cop walks up and smashes her in the face. Should she be charged with "existing while black" (part of that 'uppity' ordinance where 'mouthing off' appears) --- or would you charge her with assaulting a police officer's fist with her face?

Or both?

You're quite the drama queen.
Aw, isn't that cute. I've never seen a leftie use a logical fallacy before...


THe video does not support the girl's claim. It starts after the point in time when the events would have occurred, if they occurred.

Yea, but you see the fight tho? Dont you?

Are you admitting that the video does NOT support the girls claims? THat is the point of linking to it.

Of course, anyone can see that part is not on the video.

I'm just glad that you now see the fight that occured between the middle aged white woman and the black teen.

My job here is done

THe point of looking at that vidoe was that the girl claimed the middle aged woman used racial slurs and slapped her.

None of that was supported by the video, for the simple reason that the video started at a point when they were locked in a hair pulling tussle.

I said that immediately after viewing the video.

If you thought your job was to add anything to that, you have failed.

You seem to be expecting proof of an impossibility.
Far as I know the laws of linear time apply even in Texas.

Here's a question for you cop-pologists and racists:

-- Is there any kind of conceivable scenario -- any at all -- in which a cop could possibly be wrong, even though he's a cop and therefore infallible? Is there any conceivable scenario where a citizen could be right, even though they're black?

Let's say a black teenage girl is just standing around doing nothing in particular. Racist cop walks up and smashes her in the face. Should she be charged with "existing while black" (part of that 'uppity' ordinance where 'mouthing off' appears) --- or would you charge her with assaulting a police officer's fist with her face?

Or both?

I am NOT expecting proof of an impossibility.

But I stated that the girl's claims sounded unlikely and you directed me to a video that did not show the events she claimed.

At this point we have nothing but the girls side of the story and it does not sound likely.

THe video of her and the older woman pulling each other's hair does not support her story.
I do understand who created that near-riot situation. What I don't understand is why his fellow officers don't do more to restrain him.

Because they were off running down some punk who ran away, leaving him there alone with an angry mob, many of which kept moving up to try to help people he had detained.

Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathig suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

You ever have to face an angry mob?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot.

THe video shows them leaving and then coming back several minutes later.

Letting a crowd gather and rile themselves up it how to create an angry mob. Having a number of people running their mouths is part of the riling up process.

People don't "rile themselves", my boy. They need a catalyst to react to. Eric Casebolt did his best to be that catalyst. Fortunately for his sorry ass, the crowd showed enormous restraint. He owes them not only an apology but a debt of gratitude. If that were my cousin getting whipped around by her hair I wouldn't have had that kind of restraint.

People certainly rile themselves up.

Mmm, so you admit that there was real danger to the Officer from the various detained families and friends?

After all, if you would have resorted to violence, then it was reasonable of him to fear violence from the crowd, wasn't it?

Anybody who stirs up shit anywhere treating people as sub-human, should reasonably expect a blowback.
The thing is, this is a police officer. He's not supposed to be stirring up shit. That's the opposite of what he's supposed to be doing. This guy owes a lot of apologies.
If they are being detained for trespassing, then that would be lawful.

If they were being "detained" for trespassing, they were "under arrest" for all intents and purposes. Where a "detention" involves the infringement of a person's right to be free to leave, the person has been seized for the purposes of the constitution. Where a person is not free to leave and is under circumstances that imitate "arrest," including being handcuffed, then the person has been arrested, regardless of whatever an officer may call it.
Yea, but you see the fight tho? Dont you?

Are you admitting that the video does NOT support the girls claims? THat is the point of linking to it.

Of course, anyone can see that part is not on the video.

I'm just glad that you now see the fight that occured between the middle aged white woman and the black teen.

My job here is done

THe point of looking at that vidoe was that the girl claimed the middle aged woman used racial slurs and slapped her.

None of that was supported by the video, for the simple reason that the video started at a point when they were locked in a hair pulling tussle.

I said that immediately after viewing the video.

If you thought your job was to add anything to that, you have failed.

You seem to be expecting proof of an impossibility.
Far as I know the laws of linear time apply even in Texas.

Here's a question for you cop-pologists and racists:

-- Is there any kind of conceivable scenario -- any at all -- in which a cop could possibly be wrong, even though he's a cop and therefore infallible? Is there any conceivable scenario where a citizen could be right, even though they're black?

Let's say a black teenage girl is just standing around doing nothing in particular. Racist cop walks up and smashes her in the face. Should she be charged with "existing while black" (part of that 'uppity' ordinance where 'mouthing off' appears) --- or would you charge her with assaulting a police officer's fist with her face?

Or both?

I am NOT expecting proof of an impossibility.

But I stated that the girl's claims sounded unlikely and you directed me to a video that did not show the events she claimed.

At this point we have nothing but the girls side of the story and it does not sound likely.

THe video of her and the older woman pulling each other's hair does not support her story.

NO, you asked where this video was, and I directed you there. We all know you can't video-record the past. No shit, Sherlock. NOBODY claimed the racial slurs are on the video. When your position depends on making shit up, guess where that leaves you.
I'm not saying the kids were right or wrong in whatever happened to have the police called but some of the kids he attacked like the girl weren't doing anything to deserve that kind of force. If there's more to this story I'd love to hear it.
Because they were off running down some punk who ran away, leaving him there alone with an angry mob, many of which kept moving up to try to help people he had detained.

Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathig suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

You ever have to face an angry mob?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot.

THe video shows them leaving and then coming back several minutes later.

Letting a crowd gather and rile themselves up it how to create an angry mob. Having a number of people running their mouths is part of the riling up process.

People don't "rile themselves", my boy. They need a catalyst to react to. Eric Casebolt did his best to be that catalyst. Fortunately for his sorry ass, the crowd showed enormous restraint. He owes them not only an apology but a debt of gratitude. If that were my cousin getting whipped around by her hair I wouldn't have had that kind of restraint.

People certainly rile themselves up.

Mmm, so you admit that there was real danger to the Officer from the various detained families and friends?

After all, if you would have resorted to violence, then it was reasonable of him to fear violence from the crowd, wasn't it?

Anybody who stirs up shit anywhere treating people as sub-human, should reasonably expect a blowback.
The thing is, this is a police officer. He's not supposed to be stirring up shit. That's the opposite of what he's supposed to be doing. This guy owes a lot of apologies.

THere was mass trespassing and violence. People were going to be detained and questioned.

YOu have stated that if you were there you would have resorted to violence against cops.

As there was, for much of the video, one cop and an unruly crowd, that would be very dangerous to the cop.
If they are being detained for trespassing, then that would be lawful.

If they were being "detained" for trespassing, they were "under arrest" for all intents and purposes. Where a "detention" involves the infringement of a person's right to be free to leave, the person has been seized for the purposes of the constitution. Where a person is not free to leave and is under circumstances that imitate "arrest," including being handcuffed, then the person has been arrested, regardless of whatever an officer may call it.

You're wrong. Its called "investigative detention" at that point. SCOTUS ruling Terry v. Ohio. Learn before you opine.
HOLY SHIT!!!! NEW VIDEO....one of the white kids whose parents complained made a damn song about it!!! (Lighten up folks)

Are you admitting that the video does NOT support the girls claims? THat is the point of linking to it.

Of course, anyone can see that part is not on the video.

I'm just glad that you now see the fight that occured between the middle aged white woman and the black teen.

My job here is done

THe point of looking at that vidoe was that the girl claimed the middle aged woman used racial slurs and slapped her.

None of that was supported by the video, for the simple reason that the video started at a point when they were locked in a hair pulling tussle.

I said that immediately after viewing the video.

If you thought your job was to add anything to that, you have failed.

You seem to be expecting proof of an impossibility.
Far as I know the laws of linear time apply even in Texas.

Here's a question for you cop-pologists and racists:

-- Is there any kind of conceivable scenario -- any at all -- in which a cop could possibly be wrong, even though he's a cop and therefore infallible? Is there any conceivable scenario where a citizen could be right, even though they're black?

Let's say a black teenage girl is just standing around doing nothing in particular. Racist cop walks up and smashes her in the face. Should she be charged with "existing while black" (part of that 'uppity' ordinance where 'mouthing off' appears) --- or would you charge her with assaulting a police officer's fist with her face?

Or both?

I am NOT expecting proof of an impossibility.

But I stated that the girl's claims sounded unlikely and you directed me to a video that did not show the events she claimed.

At this point we have nothing but the girls side of the story and it does not sound likely.

THe video of her and the older woman pulling each other's hair does not support her story.

NO, you asked where this video was, and I directed you there. We all know you can't video-record the past. No shit, Sherlock. NOBODY claimed the racial slurs are on the video. When your position depends on making shit up, guess where that leaves you.

As I had expressed doubt about her claims, I thought I was being clear that I would have liked to have seen those claims verified.

Seeing some hair pulling did nothing of the sort.

I'm not making shit up. I just find her story unlikely.
Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathig suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot.

THe video shows them leaving and then coming back several minutes later.

Letting a crowd gather and rile themselves up it how to create an angry mob. Having a number of people running their mouths is part of the riling up process.

People don't "rile themselves", my boy. They need a catalyst to react to. Eric Casebolt did his best to be that catalyst. Fortunately for his sorry ass, the crowd showed enormous restraint. He owes them not only an apology but a debt of gratitude. If that were my cousin getting whipped around by her hair I wouldn't have had that kind of restraint.

People certainly rile themselves up.

Mmm, so you admit that there was real danger to the Officer from the various detained families and friends?

After all, if you would have resorted to violence, then it was reasonable of him to fear violence from the crowd, wasn't it?

Anybody who stirs up shit anywhere treating people as sub-human, should reasonably expect a blowback.
The thing is, this is a police officer. He's not supposed to be stirring up shit. That's the opposite of what he's supposed to be doing. This guy owes a lot of apologies.

THere was mass trespassing and violence. People were going to be detained and questioned.

YOu have stated that if you were there you would have resorted to violence against cops.

As there was, for much of the video, one cop and an unruly crowd, that would be very dangerous to the cop.

Where do you see this "mass trespassing and violence"??
Where do you see ANY of either?
Once again, "trespassing" has yet to appear anywhere except in the imagination of posters here. It's not in the articles. And I don't even remember anyone suggesting "violence". I remember posters imagining "drug dealers" and "people carrying something" and two have even suggested Barack O'bama set this up. That however is entirely perverted fantasy.

The only violence evident, other than the cat fight in the Facebook video, is clearly being committed by one Eric Casebolt. That assault is why they have an investigation going on. We wouldn't even have that if it weren't for a citizen kid taking video. They were forced into it.

But thanks for standing up for your fellow citizens as they get brutalized by out of control polizei. Real courageous of you.
Of course, anyone can see that part is not on the video.

I'm just glad that you now see the fight that occured between the middle aged white woman and the black teen.

My job here is done

THe point of looking at that vidoe was that the girl claimed the middle aged woman used racial slurs and slapped her.

None of that was supported by the video, for the simple reason that the video started at a point when they were locked in a hair pulling tussle.

I said that immediately after viewing the video.

If you thought your job was to add anything to that, you have failed.

You seem to be expecting proof of an impossibility.
Far as I know the laws of linear time apply even in Texas.

Here's a question for you cop-pologists and racists:

-- Is there any kind of conceivable scenario -- any at all -- in which a cop could possibly be wrong, even though he's a cop and therefore infallible? Is there any conceivable scenario where a citizen could be right, even though they're black?

Let's say a black teenage girl is just standing around doing nothing in particular. Racist cop walks up and smashes her in the face. Should she be charged with "existing while black" (part of that 'uppity' ordinance where 'mouthing off' appears) --- or would you charge her with assaulting a police officer's fist with her face?

Or both?

I am NOT expecting proof of an impossibility.

But I stated that the girl's claims sounded unlikely and you directed me to a video that did not show the events she claimed.

At this point we have nothing but the girls side of the story and it does not sound likely.

THe video of her and the older woman pulling each other's hair does not support her story.

NO, you asked where this video was, and I directed you there. We all know you can't video-record the past. No shit, Sherlock. NOBODY claimed the racial slurs are on the video. When your position depends on making shit up, guess where that leaves you.

As I had expressed doubt about her claims, I thought I was being clear that I would have liked to have seen those claims verified.

Seeing some hair pulling did nothing of the sort.

I'm not making shit up. I just find her story unlikely.

Even though corroborated by witnesses. And it shouldn't be necessary to point out but -- even though corroborated by a WHITE witness. Ruh roh.

So you find it more "likely" that some teenage girl at a pool party is going to just up and pick a fight with an adult. For no reason.

THe video shows them leaving and then coming back several minutes later.

Letting a crowd gather and rile themselves up it how to create an angry mob. Having a number of people running their mouths is part of the riling up process.

People don't "rile themselves", my boy. They need a catalyst to react to. Eric Casebolt did his best to be that catalyst. Fortunately for his sorry ass, the crowd showed enormous restraint. He owes them not only an apology but a debt of gratitude. If that were my cousin getting whipped around by her hair I wouldn't have had that kind of restraint.

People certainly rile themselves up.

Mmm, so you admit that there was real danger to the Officer from the various detained families and friends?

After all, if you would have resorted to violence, then it was reasonable of him to fear violence from the crowd, wasn't it?

Anybody who stirs up shit anywhere treating people as sub-human, should reasonably expect a blowback.
The thing is, this is a police officer. He's not supposed to be stirring up shit. That's the opposite of what he's supposed to be doing. This guy owes a lot of apologies.

THere was mass trespassing and violence. People were going to be detained and questioned.

YOu have stated that if you were there you would have resorted to violence against cops.

As there was, for much of the video, one cop and an unruly crowd, that would be very dangerous to the cop.

Where do you see this "mass trespassing and violence"??
Where do you see ANY of either?
Once again, "trespassing" has yet to appear anywhere except in the imagination of posters here. It's not in the articles. And I don't even remember anyone suggesting "violence". I remember posters imagining "drug dealers" and "people carrying something" and two have even suggested Barack O'bama set this up. That however is entirely perverted fantasy.

The only violence evident, other than the cat fight in the Facebook video, is clearly being committed by one Eric Casebolt. That assault is why they have an investigation going on. We wouldn't even have that if it weren't for a citizen kid taking video. They were forced into it.

But thanks for standing up for your fellow citizens as they get brutalized by out of control polizei. Real courageous of you.

From one of the links on page one.

"Officers were called to a local community pool around 7:15 p.m. local time to respond to a “disturbance involving multiple juveniles at the location, who do not live in the area or have permission to be there, refusing to leave,” the McKinney Police Department said in a post on its Facebook page. Other calls also advised that the teens were “actively fighting,” police said.

“First responding officers encountered a large crowd that refused to comply with police commands. Nine additional units responded to the scene. Officers were eventually able to gain control of the situation,” police said."

People were going to be detained. You would have resorted to violence.
If they are being detained for trespassing, then that would be lawful.

If they were being "detained" for trespassing, they were "under arrest" for all intents and purposes. Where a "detention" involves the infringement of a person's right to be free to leave, the person has been seized for the purposes of the constitution. Where a person is not free to leave and is under circumstances that imitate "arrest," including being handcuffed, then the person has been arrested, regardless of whatever an officer may call it.

You're wrong. Its called "investigative detention" at that point. SCOTUS ruling Terry v. Ohio. Learn before you opine.

You are a fucking piece of shit, slime of the earth, who deserves to die at the hands of anyone who so chooses to make it happen. Oh, and you are wrong. You need to learn before you chime in. Oh, and die. You need to die.

A "Terry" stop is a brief investigative detention, based upon reasonable suspicion of a crime being committed, where the scope of the detention is narrow and balances the government's interest in the alleged crime being investigated against the scope of said investigative detention.

A traffic stop exceeds the scope of a "Terry" stop. Indeed, in a "Terry" stop, a questioned individual is free to leave at any time they so wish.

The reasonableness of suspicion is determined based on several criteria, including the balancing of the individual's right to be free from seizures against the government's interest in deterring the crime suspected.

When a detention approaches the conditions of arrest, the detained person is arrested, regardless of whether the arrest is labeled as such by police, and can only be lawful when an actual arrest is lawful.
THe point of looking at that vidoe was that the girl claimed the middle aged woman used racial slurs and slapped her.

None of that was supported by the video, for the simple reason that the video started at a point when they were locked in a hair pulling tussle.

I said that immediately after viewing the video.

If you thought your job was to add anything to that, you have failed.

You seem to be expecting proof of an impossibility.
Far as I know the laws of linear time apply even in Texas.

Here's a question for you cop-pologists and racists:

-- Is there any kind of conceivable scenario -- any at all -- in which a cop could possibly be wrong, even though he's a cop and therefore infallible? Is there any conceivable scenario where a citizen could be right, even though they're black?

Let's say a black teenage girl is just standing around doing nothing in particular. Racist cop walks up and smashes her in the face. Should she be charged with "existing while black" (part of that 'uppity' ordinance where 'mouthing off' appears) --- or would you charge her with assaulting a police officer's fist with her face?

Or both?

I am NOT expecting proof of an impossibility.

But I stated that the girl's claims sounded unlikely and you directed me to a video that did not show the events she claimed.

At this point we have nothing but the girls side of the story and it does not sound likely.

THe video of her and the older woman pulling each other's hair does not support her story.

NO, you asked where this video was, and I directed you there. We all know you can't video-record the past. No shit, Sherlock. NOBODY claimed the racial slurs are on the video. When your position depends on making shit up, guess where that leaves you.

As I had expressed doubt about her claims, I thought I was being clear that I would have liked to have seen those claims verified.

Seeing some hair pulling did nothing of the sort.

I'm not making shit up. I just find her story unlikely.

Even though corroborated by witnesses. And it shouldn't be necessary to point out but -- even though corroborated by a WHITE witness. Ruh roh.

So you find it more "likely" that some teenage girl at a pool party is going to just up and pick a fight with an adult. For no reason.


THe video shows them leaving and then coming back several minutes later.

Letting a crowd gather and rile themselves up it how to create an angry mob. Having a number of people running their mouths is part of the riling up process.

People don't "rile themselves", my boy. They need a catalyst to react to. Eric Casebolt did his best to be that catalyst. Fortunately for his sorry ass, the crowd showed enormous restraint. He owes them not only an apology but a debt of gratitude. If that were my cousin getting whipped around by her hair I wouldn't have had that kind of restraint.

People certainly rile themselves up.

Mmm, so you admit that there was real danger to the Officer from the various detained families and friends?

After all, if you would have resorted to violence, then it was reasonable of him to fear violence from the crowd, wasn't it?

Anybody who stirs up shit anywhere treating people as sub-human, should reasonably expect a blowback.
The thing is, this is a police officer. He's not supposed to be stirring up shit. That's the opposite of what he's supposed to be doing. This guy owes a lot of apologies.

THere was mass trespassing and violence. People were going to be detained and questioned.

YOu have stated that if you were there you would have resorted to violence against cops.

As there was, for much of the video, one cop and an unruly crowd, that would be very dangerous to the cop.

Where do you see this "mass trespassing and violence"??
Where do you see ANY of either?
Once again, "trespassing" has yet to appear anywhere except in the imagination of posters here. It's not in the articles. And I don't even remember anyone suggesting "violence". I remember posters imagining "drug dealers" and "people carrying something" and two have even suggested Barack O'bama set this up. That however is entirely perverted fantasy.

The only violence evident, other than the cat fight in the Facebook video, is clearly being committed by one Eric Casebolt. That's why they have an investigation going on. We wouldn't even have that if it weren't for a citizen kid taking video. They were forced into it.

But thanks for standing up for your fellow citizens as they get brutalized by out of control polizei. Real courageous of you.

The entire thing began when a DJ that was hired used social media to invite people to the party, he done so without the host's approval. When the people arrived and were then asked to leave is when things turned ugly. Technically when a person is asked to leave and they refuse, they are in fact trespassing.
People don't "rile themselves", my boy. They need a catalyst to react to. Eric Casebolt did his best to be that catalyst. Fortunately for his sorry ass, the crowd showed enormous restraint. He owes them not only an apology but a debt of gratitude. If that were my cousin getting whipped around by her hair I wouldn't have had that kind of restraint.

People certainly rile themselves up.

Mmm, so you admit that there was real danger to the Officer from the various detained families and friends?

After all, if you would have resorted to violence, then it was reasonable of him to fear violence from the crowd, wasn't it?

Anybody who stirs up shit anywhere treating people as sub-human, should reasonably expect a blowback.
The thing is, this is a police officer. He's not supposed to be stirring up shit. That's the opposite of what he's supposed to be doing. This guy owes a lot of apologies.

THere was mass trespassing and violence. People were going to be detained and questioned.

YOu have stated that if you were there you would have resorted to violence against cops.

As there was, for much of the video, one cop and an unruly crowd, that would be very dangerous to the cop.

Where do you see this "mass trespassing and violence"??
Where do you see ANY of either?
Once again, "trespassing" has yet to appear anywhere except in the imagination of posters here. It's not in the articles. And I don't even remember anyone suggesting "violence". I remember posters imagining "drug dealers" and "people carrying something" and two have even suggested Barack O'bama set this up. That however is entirely perverted fantasy.

The only violence evident, other than the cat fight in the Facebook video, is clearly being committed by one Eric Casebolt. That's why they have an investigation going on. We wouldn't even have that if it weren't for a citizen kid taking video. They were forced into it.

But thanks for standing up for your fellow citizens as they get brutalized by out of control polizei. Real courageous of you.

The entire thing began when a DJ that was hired used social media to invite people to the party, he done so without the host's approval. When the people arrived and were then asked to leave is when things turned ugly. Technically when a person is asked to leave and they refuse, they are in fact trespassing.

how do all these things keep being organized via social media and yet no one can ever produce a screenshot of it? You cant erase the internet

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