Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Its the newest civil right folks. If your small neighborhood pools a little money each month...and builds a pool and amenity center for your residents to use....you now must allow everyone in the ghetto.to use it too. As much as they want. Or you're racist. You dont deserve to have that pool all to yourselves.
Bullshit. Community pools, whether private or public have the right to demand membership guide lines and restrictions of guest from outside of the community.
A single cop handled himself wrongly and none of the other cops stood up to the asshole cop.
Nig gotta nig.
These "children" who crashed the party WERE NOT INVITED!!!!!!! Fucking period.
You LIB pussies would be the first to call the cops if a bunch of uninvited "children' crashed one of your fuckingpyjamaa-parties.
You'd be crying and whining and wetting your pants.

Thats not true but its just another made up excuse.

Next they had bombs

How many times must you be told that residents are allowed TWO guests?
The stupid little brat who threw the party will now be person none grata at the pool.

Maybe because you saying it doesnt mean its real.

Are you denying that the rule is TWO guests only?

No, I'm saying you havent proved that to be true.

And the cops werent there because of the number of people at the pool either so its still irrelevent
Its the newest civil right folks. If your small neighborhood pools a little money each month...and builds a pool and amenity center for your residents to use....you now must allow everyone in the ghetto.to use it too. As much as they want. Or you're racist. You dont deserve to have that pool all to yourselves.

The people lived there. Good job being unracist tho
I still want bucs90 to explain the ninja roll at the beginning of the video. Is this cop a jerk off, or is that a standard police procedure when dodging pool water?

Have no idea. Cant see what caused it.

I can explain this though: community HOAs often build private amenities. Like pools. For their residents and guests of those residents.

If you are neither...you cant be there.
If you refuse to leave...you're trespassing.
If cops try to enforce it..and you confront them or resist...it wont go well.

Those 3 are clear.
I really think it was a tree root

There's no pool even visible in this video.

What does that have to do with a tree root?
You really shouldnt be drinking this early...
Nig gotta nig.
These "children" who crashed the party WERE NOT INVITED!!!!!!! Fucking period.
You LIB pussies would be the first to call the cops if a bunch of uninvited "children' crashed one of your fuckingpyjamaa-parties.
You'd be crying and whining and wetting your pants.

Thats not true but its just another made up excuse.

Next they had bombs

How many times must you be told that residents are allowed TWO guests?
The stupid little brat who threw the party will now be person none grata at the pool.

Maybe because you saying it doesnt mean its real.

Are you denying that the rule is TWO guests only?

No, I'm saying you havent proved that to be true.

And the cops werent there because of the number of people at the pool either so its still irrelevent

They were there because the uninvited wouldnt leave.
Look at all the white people standing around not being bothered. The kid holding the camera was free to go where he wanted like this is America or something
They weren't attacking the police.

Correct. Indeed no one was.
That makes what Eric Casebolt was doing pretty fucked up.

Thats correct. The cop was NOT assaulted.

When they began to swarm him...he pulled a gun....and they backed the fuck off.

THAT is why guns work. No one got hurt. Gun never got fired. Cop never got assaulted.

I dont see the problem.
Thats not true but its just another made up excuse.

Next they had bombs

How many times must you be told that residents are allowed TWO guests?
The stupid little brat who threw the party will now be person none grata at the pool.

Maybe because you saying it doesnt mean its real.

Are you denying that the rule is TWO guests only?

No, I'm saying you havent proved that to be true.

And the cops werent there because of the number of people at the pool either so its still irrelevent

They were there because the uninvited wouldnt leave.

In fact, these communities need to become fortresses.

Sadly...its gonna come to that. The fences will get higher. Gates thicker. Security guards more abundant.

Its like a slow motion fall into Walking Dead world. But the zombies are violent leftisf thugs instead of zombies.

You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
Keeps thugs like you out. I love our gates.

Yep...and no solicitors trying to sell you magazine subscriptions.
You really are a piece of work, the cop told the girl to leave the area at least three times, he didn't touch her till she stopped and kept running her mouth. If the little bitch had complied with the legal commands of the officer she would have never been cuffed, some people just are too fucking stupid to breath.

The fact that a cop tells you to do something does not automatically make it a "legal command".

Stop trying to put words in my mouth asshole, the cop had every right to clear the area in order to sort things out, that made it a legal command.

I'll ask again.

If these kids broke any laws, why were none of them arrested?

Called discretion. Same reason cops can see you speed but write a warning.

Ok, let's go back a step.

What makes you think the girl in the video was trespassing?

How do you know that she wasn't a resident of that complex, or that she didn't have a guest pass?

I guess she should have kept her mouth shut.
In fact, these communities need to become fortresses.

Sadly...its gonna come to that. The fences will get higher. Gates thicker. Security guards more abundant.

Its like a slow motion fall into Walking Dead world. But the zombies are violent leftisf thugs instead of zombies.

You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Yes it does.
I don't see the outrage

Looks like a cop trying to get control of an unruly situation. If a cop shows up and orders all the kids to stop and line up ..the situation ends

If the kids are running around and refuse to follow orders then the cop has to get physical

In a short, edited clip it is difficult to tell what the kids did to get the cops called in and how everyone was acting once they arrived

Nobody was killed, nobody was injured

I give the cops a pass
The girl in the two piece. Sure she wasn't injured? Or the black kid they dragged up next to the girl. He looked like he could barely walk.
Then the profanity to a bunch of kids.
And why were no white kids being dragged around and screamed at?

I still don't see excessive force

I see the girl in the yellow bikini running away and grabbed by the wrist and taken down
Beyond that, the cop is just controlling her. I see no beating, no excessive force other than control

Swearing at kids who are not following direction should be expected

Again, it is a highly edited video and I can't see what all the kids are saying or doing

I don't see "highly edited" at all. Editing is much of what I do, professionally. I know what it looks like even when it's done well. The seven-minute video is continuous, real-time. All we don't know is what transpired just before it starts that gave the kid the idea that it should be photographed, and what the reason for that Hollywood Somersault was.

It's a near-miracle no one was injured or shot, with Casebolt pulling a gun on kids in bathing suits. He certainly did everything he could think of to escalate the situation way out of control. In stark contrast to, say, that blond-haired officer earlier in the same video seen and heard up close, conversing with the kids as if they're actually human.

I think that's the base issue here. You treat people with respect, they'll mirror that back. You treat them as assumed adversaries, then they'll take that role.
In fact, these communities need to become fortresses.

Sadly...its gonna come to that. The fences will get higher. Gates thicker. Security guards more abundant.

Its like a slow motion fall into Walking Dead world. But the zombies are violent leftisf thugs instead of zombies.

You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Yes it does.

No, it does not. We did this, yesterday.
The fact that a cop tells you to do something does not automatically make it a "legal command".

Stop trying to put words in my mouth asshole, the cop had every right to clear the area in order to sort things out, that made it a legal command.

I'll ask again.

If these kids broke any laws, why were none of them arrested?

Called discretion. Same reason cops can see you speed but write a warning.

Ok, let's go back a step.

What makes you think the girl in the video was trespassing?

How do you know that she wasn't a resident of that complex, or that she didn't have a guest pass?

I guess she should have kept her mouth shut.
Ya, because everyone knows black teenage girls don't have free speech and are not allowed to question or make remarks to asshole behaving cops.
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party
Black kids that don't believe they have to obey police officers because our president has encouraged them to mouth off.

Any other questions?

The cop escalated the incident with the girl.....but she wouldn't STFU.

And we're still waiting for the text of that STFU law. Oh wait, that's right... it doesn't exist.
Sadly...its gonna come to that. The fences will get higher. Gates thicker. Security guards more abundant.

Its like a slow motion fall into Walking Dead world. But the zombies are violent leftisf thugs instead of zombies.

You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Yes it does.

No, it does not. We did this, yesterday.

Here you go dumbfuck...
McKinney police officer on leave after video shows him pushing teen to the ground Friday night Dallas Morning News

You're like an Asian kid....easily schooled.
It's a near-miracle no one was injured or shot, with Casebolt pulling a gun on kids in bathing suits. He certainly did everything he could think of to escalate the situation way out of control. In stark contrast to, say, that blond-haired officer earlier in the same video seen and heard up close, conversing with the kids as if they're actually human.

This is what everyone understands when dealing with any other human being. Until one person acts like a complete jerk off while wearing a badge.

The suddenly treating people like shit should be responded with extreme courtesy because the cop is pissed off and people like Bucs will excuse their behavior...but no one else
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Apparently, school has ended and a group of kids decided to have a pool party at a public pool located in the neighborhood. From the looks of the neighborhood, it seems very upscale and exclusive. Parents began to complain that there were too many black kids showing up....black boys. The cops are called after a few innocent altercations between the kids and all hell breaks lose. The cops began HARRASSING ONLY THE BLACK KIDS....WHITE KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY, BLACK KIDS ARE ATTACKED, HARRASED AND EVENTUALLY HANDCUFFED.....FINALLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION, A GUN IS QUICKLY PULLED AND THEN PUT AWAY....CAMERA'S AFTER ALL ARE ROLLING......THE REST IS JUST BLACK HISTORY IN AMERICA!!

First of all it's not a public pool,it's for the residents and you need a tag to enter.
Guest passes were given to some of the kids for a pool party and others were jumping the fence to get in and then starting shit.
And guess who was jumping the fence? No need to answer that last question because we all know who was jumping the fence and starting shit.

We do, huh?
From the same clown who claimed "security guard" and "trespassing" were in a story where they don't exist. Just make it up and hope nobody busts you, that's it?

So my understanding of the root cause of the whole incident, is that a party was being held by the neighborhood, and some kids from outside the neighborhood crashed the party.
Is this correct ?

It is not clear whether anyone "crashed" a party, or simply went to one.

Oh it's clear all right. Thats why the little heathens were jumping the fence,they weren't invited.

"Heathens"?? :rofl:
So now you know where they live? Or are you presuming to know their religious rituals?
Last edited:
Stop trying to put words in my mouth asshole, the cop had every right to clear the area in order to sort things out, that made it a legal command.

I'll ask again.

If these kids broke any laws, why were none of them arrested?

Called discretion. Same reason cops can see you speed but write a warning.

Ok, let's go back a step.

What makes you think the girl in the video was trespassing?

How do you know that she wasn't a resident of that complex, or that she didn't have a guest pass?

I guess she should have kept her mouth shut.
Ya, because everyone knows black teenage girls don't have free speech and are not allowed to question or make remarks to asshole behaving cops.

No you're not allowed to step into a situation like that and voice your opinion.
When the cops wants to hear her flap her lips he'll ask her.
You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Yes it does.

No, it does not. We did this, yesterday.

Here you go dumbfuck...
McKinney police officer on leave after video shows him pushing teen to the ground Friday night Dallas Morning News

You're like an Asian kid....easily schooled.

That is not the link in question, shit-for-brains. Learn to read.

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