Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

I'll ask again.

If these kids broke any laws, why were none of them arrested?

Called discretion. Same reason cops can see you speed but write a warning.

Ok, let's go back a step.

What makes you think the girl in the video was trespassing?

How do you know that she wasn't a resident of that complex, or that she didn't have a guest pass?

I guess she should have kept her mouth shut.
Ya, because everyone knows black teenage girls don't have free speech and are not allowed to question or make remarks to asshole behaving cops.

No you're not allowed to step into a situation like that and voice your opinion.
When the cops wants to hear her flap her lips he'll ask her.

So it's a "flap your lips" law now, this speech control statute?
Local ordinance or state law?
Can we see it?
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Apparently, school has ended and a group of kids decided to have a pool party at a public pool located in the neighborhood. From the looks of the neighborhood, it seems very upscale and exclusive. Parents began to complain that there were too many black kids showing up....black boys. The cops are called after a few innocent altercations between the kids and all hell breaks lose. The cops began HARRASSING ONLY THE BLACK KIDS....WHITE KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY, BLACK KIDS ARE ATTACKED, HARRASED AND EVENTUALLY HANDCUFFED.....FINALLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION, A GUN IS QUICKLY PULLED AND THEN PUT AWAY....CAMERA'S AFTER ALL ARE ROLLING......THE REST IS JUST BLACK HISTORY IN AMERICA!!

First of all it's not a public pool,it's for the residents and you need a tag to enter.
Guest passes were given to some of the kids for a pool party and others were jumping the fence to get in and then starting shit.
And guess who was jumping the fence? No need to answer that last question because we all know who was jumping the fence and starting shit.

We do, huh?
From the same clown who claimed "security guard" and "trespassing" were in a story where they don't exist. Just make it up and hope nobody busts you, that's it?

I posted a link. Just because you're to damn stupid to read it doesnt mean it's not there.
I don't see the outrage

Looks like a cop trying to get control of an unruly situation. If a cop shows up and orders all the kids to stop and line up ..the situation ends

If the kids are running around and refuse to follow orders then the cop has to get physical

In a short, edited clip it is difficult to tell what the kids did to get the cops called in and how everyone was acting once they arrived

Nobody was killed, nobody was injured

I give the cops a pass
The girl in the two piece. Sure she wasn't injured? Or the black kid they dragged up next to the girl. He looked like he could barely walk.
Then the profanity to a bunch of kids.
And why were no white kids being dragged around and screamed at?

I still don't see excessive force

I see the girl in the yellow bikini running away and grabbed by the wrist and taken down
Beyond that, the cop is just controlling her. I see no beating, no excessive force other than control

Swearing at kids who are not following direction should be expected

Again, it is a highly edited video and I can't see what all the kids are saying or doing

I don't see "highly edited" at all. Editing is much of what I do, professionally. I know what it looks like even when it's done well. The seven-minute video is continuous, real-time. All we don't know is what transpired just before it starts that gave the kid the idea that it should be photographed, and what the reason for that Hollywood Somersault was.

It's a near-miracle no one was injured or shot, with Casebolt pulling a gun on kids in bathing suits. He certainly did everything he could think of to escalate the situation way out of control. In stark contrast to, say, that blond-haired officer earlier in the same video seen and heard up close, conversing with the kids as if they're actually human.

I think that's the base issue here. You treat people with respect, they'll mirror that back. You treat them as assumed adversaries, then they'll take that role.

". You treat people with respect, they'll mirror that back. You treat them as assumed adversaries, then they'll take that role."

And when 4-5 teens rush a cop in the process of subduing another teen, they are, by definition 'assumed adversaries', until otherwise noted.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Yes it does.

No, it does not. We did this, yesterday.

Here you go dumbfuck...
McKinney police officer on leave after video shows him pushing teen to the ground Friday night Dallas Morning News

You're like an Asian kid....easily schooled.

That is not the link in question, shit-for-brains. Learn to read.

Not my problem you're not smart enough to use Google before you start flapping your lips.
Called discretion. Same reason cops can see you speed but write a warning.

Ok, let's go back a step.

What makes you think the girl in the video was trespassing?

How do you know that she wasn't a resident of that complex, or that she didn't have a guest pass?

I guess she should have kept her mouth shut.
Ya, because everyone knows black teenage girls don't have free speech and are not allowed to question or make remarks to asshole behaving cops.

No you're not allowed to step into a situation like that and voice your opinion.
When the cops wants to hear her flap her lips he'll ask her.

So it's a "flap your lips" law now, this speech control statute?
Local ordinance or state law?
Can we see it?

Probably not in your case. You're to damn stupid to use Google.
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Apparently, school has ended and a group of kids decided to have a pool party at a public pool located in the neighborhood. From the looks of the neighborhood, it seems very upscale and exclusive. Parents began to complain that there were too many black kids showing up....black boys. The cops are called after a few innocent altercations between the kids and all hell breaks lose. The cops began HARRASSING ONLY THE BLACK KIDS....WHITE KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY, BLACK KIDS ARE ATTACKED, HARRASED AND EVENTUALLY HANDCUFFED.....FINALLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION, A GUN IS QUICKLY PULLED AND THEN PUT AWAY....CAMERA'S AFTER ALL ARE ROLLING......THE REST IS JUST BLACK HISTORY IN AMERICA!!

First of all it's not a public pool,it's for the residents and you need a tag to enter.
Guest passes were given to some of the kids for a pool party and others were jumping the fence to get in and then starting shit.
And guess who was jumping the fence? No need to answer that last question because we all know who was jumping the fence and starting shit.

We do, huh?
From the same clown who claimed "security guard" and "trespassing" were in a story where they don't exist. Just make it up and hope nobody busts you, that's it?

I posted a link. Just because you're to damn stupid to read it doesnt mean it's not there.

"Go find it" is a clear tell that Herewego did not post a link of any kind.
Sadly...its gonna come to that. The fences will get higher. Gates thicker. Security guards more abundant.

Its like a slow motion fall into Walking Dead world. But the zombies are violent leftisf thugs instead of zombies.

You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.

That's exactly what I've inferred from available info.
I word-searched the page for "security" and "trespassing"; neither showed up.

Funny,all I did was type in "Dallas cops pool party" and there it was. Maybe your Google is broken. You should call and check on that.
I'll ask again.

If these kids broke any laws, why were none of them arrested?

Called discretion. Same reason cops can see you speed but write a warning.

Ok, let's go back a step.

What makes you think the girl in the video was trespassing?

How do you know that she wasn't a resident of that complex, or that she didn't have a guest pass?

I guess she should have kept her mouth shut.
Ya, because everyone knows black teenage girls don't have free speech and are not allowed to question or make remarks to asshole behaving cops.

No you're not allowed to step into a situation like that and voice your opinion.
When the cops wants to hear her flap her lips he'll ask her.
That is not how our constitution works. Cops don't have special powers to suspend constitutional rights.
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Apparently, school has ended and a group of kids decided to have a pool party at a public pool located in the neighborhood. From the looks of the neighborhood, it seems very upscale and exclusive. Parents began to complain that there were too many black kids showing up....black boys. The cops are called after a few innocent altercations between the kids and all hell breaks lose. The cops began HARRASSING ONLY THE BLACK KIDS....WHITE KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY, BLACK KIDS ARE ATTACKED, HARRASED AND EVENTUALLY HANDCUFFED.....FINALLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION, A GUN IS QUICKLY PULLED AND THEN PUT AWAY....CAMERA'S AFTER ALL ARE ROLLING......THE REST IS JUST BLACK HISTORY IN AMERICA!!

Oh...the gun was pulled because a bunch of punks rushed the cop while he had no back up. As soon as the other two officers showed up he put it back in his holster.
Seriously...you can't make up better shit than this????
The officer had no back up when 3-4 officers were standing within 20 feet of him????...gtfo!!!

Did you see those officers when the punkass kids rushed the officers trying to control the little brat?
No you didnt. As soon as the two officers came to his aid he holstered his weapon.
It's really simple.

By "little brat" you refer to "a 14-year-old girl dragged down by her hair and pushed into the ground face-first by a full-grown man who had done absolutely nothing whose family members tried to help as she was being assaulted, which we know because it's all right there on video"....
Tellin' ya now..if that were MY 14 year old with a full grown cop smashing her face in the ground, I would be in jail right now for beating his ass or him shooting me for attacking him. That was totally out of line. Totally.

My old man would have asked me what I did to deserve it.
I miss the days when parents took the word of an adult over their kid until they could hammer out the facts.
You think that'll keep the cops out? It's worth a shot.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.

That's exactly what I've inferred from available info.
I word-searched the page for "security" and "trespassing"; neither showed up.

Funny,all I did was type in "Dallas cops pool party" and there it was. Maybe your Google is broken. You should call and check on that.

It isn't on that PAGE, DUMBASS. You're reading posts from YESTERDAY.
The fact that a cop tells you to do something does not automatically make it a "legal command".

Stop trying to put words in my mouth asshole, the cop had every right to clear the area in order to sort things out, that made it a legal command.

I'll ask again.

If these kids broke any laws, why were none of them arrested?

Called discretion. Same reason cops can see you speed but write a warning.

Ok, let's go back a step.

What makes you think the girl in the video was trespassing?

How do you know that she wasn't a resident of that complex, or that she didn't have a guest pass?

I guess she should have kept her mouth shut.

That's not in any way an answer.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.

That's exactly what I've inferred from available info.
I word-searched the page for "security" and "trespassing"; neither showed up.

Being present within the gates of that private pool without a guest pass could be considered trespassing, and one of the calls to the police came from the complex security guard.

You must have a link we haven't seen.

You mean the two Links I provided that you refuse to look at? Those two links?
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Apparently, school has ended and a group of kids decided to have a pool party at a public pool located in the neighborhood. From the looks of the neighborhood, it seems very upscale and exclusive. Parents began to complain that there were too many black kids showing up....black boys. The cops are called after a few innocent altercations between the kids and all hell breaks lose. The cops began HARRASSING ONLY THE BLACK KIDS....WHITE KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY, BLACK KIDS ARE ATTACKED, HARRASED AND EVENTUALLY HANDCUFFED.....FINALLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION, A GUN IS QUICKLY PULLED AND THEN PUT AWAY....CAMERA'S AFTER ALL ARE ROLLING......THE REST IS JUST BLACK HISTORY IN AMERICA!!

First of all it's not a public pool,it's for the residents and you need a tag to enter.
Guest passes were given to some of the kids for a pool party and others were jumping the fence to get in and then starting shit.
And guess who was jumping the fence? No need to answer that last question because we all know who was jumping the fence and starting shit.

We do, huh?
From the same clown who claimed "security guard" and "trespassing" were in a story where they don't exist. Just make it up and hope nobody busts you, that's it?

I posted a link. Just because you're to damn stupid to read it doesnt mean it's not there.

"Go find it" is a clear tell that Herewego did not post a link of any kind.

I've posted it twice now.
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Apparently, school has ended and a group of kids decided to have a pool party at a public pool located in the neighborhood. From the looks of the neighborhood, it seems very upscale and exclusive. Parents began to complain that there were too many black kids showing up....black boys. The cops are called after a few innocent altercations between the kids and all hell breaks lose. The cops began HARRASSING ONLY THE BLACK KIDS....WHITE KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY, BLACK KIDS ARE ATTACKED, HARRASED AND EVENTUALLY HANDCUFFED.....FINALLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION, A GUN IS QUICKLY PULLED AND THEN PUT AWAY....CAMERA'S AFTER ALL ARE ROLLING......THE REST IS JUST BLACK HISTORY IN AMERICA!!

Oh...the gun was pulled because a bunch of punks rushed the cop while he had no back up. As soon as the other two officers showed up he put it back in his holster.
Seriously...you can't make up better shit than this????
The officer had no back up when 3-4 officers were standing within 20 feet of him????...gtfo!!!

Did you see those officers when the punkass kids rushed the officers trying to control the little brat?
No you didnt. As soon as the two officers came to his aid he holstered his weapon.
It's really simple.

By "little brat" you refer to "a 14-year-old girl dragged down by her hair and pushed into the ground face-first by a full-grown man who had done absolutely nothing whose family members tried to help as she was being assaulted, which we know because it's all right there on video"....

Yeah,the mouthy little shit.
The cops were duly called by the community security guard to deal with a crowd of rowdy tresspassers.

The tresspassers should have been picked up bodily by a force of residents, dragged to the gates and tossed out.

The story mentions absolutely nothing about any "security guard".

For that matter it also mentions absolutely nothing about "trespassing".

Well, the story is available, and from what I've been able to put together, it went something like this.

A kid in that complex had a pool party to celebrate the end of school. He invited a bunch of friends and gave them guest passes. Those kids invited more kids, as kids will do - and many people without passes ended up sneaking in.

Other residents of the complex, seeing far too many black people in the pool for their comfort, called the complex security and then the police - also, some racist lady got in some of the kids faces and started a fight with them.

Then the cops came, then the video started recording.

A lot of posters here seem to have jumped to the conclusion that the girl in the video was one of those dastardly "trespassers", for unclear reasons.

That's exactly what I've inferred from available info.
I word-searched the page for "security" and "trespassing"; neither showed up.

Funny,all I did was type in "Dallas cops pool party" and there it was. Maybe your Google is broken. You should call and check on that.

It isn't on that PAGE, DUMBASS. You're reading posts from YESTERDAY.

And I posted it twice today.
So, these huge huge kids are called, childreeeeeen?

since Obama, we've been seeing so much of this crap. why can't they behave like civil people do?

Remember. ..under Obamacare you're a child until 26.

This is MSNBCs #3 story online...huge main page coverage. NAACP is en route. They're talking like people died or something. Unbelievable.

Maybe we need a force of teen police. 16-19 years old. Only they can respond when "children" are behaving badly.

Electing Obama was suppose to be the UNITER. I wonder if he'll step out and say all these unruly kids could have be his, CHILDREN

what a damn horrible mistake it was electing him and now we are all going to PAY FOR IT

What a hopeless partisan hack.

Tell ya what Steph. Point out the time frame in any of these videos where O'bama appears. At a pool party in Texas.

Apparently, school has ended and a group of kids decided to have a pool party at a public pool located in the neighborhood. From the looks of the neighborhood, it seems very upscale and exclusive. Parents began to complain that there were too many black kids showing up....black boys. The cops are called after a few innocent altercations between the kids and all hell breaks lose. The cops began HARRASSING ONLY THE BLACK KIDS....WHITE KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY, BLACK KIDS ARE ATTACKED, HARRASED AND EVENTUALLY HANDCUFFED.....FINALLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION, A GUN IS QUICKLY PULLED AND THEN PUT AWAY....CAMERA'S AFTER ALL ARE ROLLING......THE REST IS JUST BLACK HISTORY IN AMERICA!!

Oh...the gun was pulled because a bunch of punks rushed the cop while he had no back up. As soon as the other two officers showed up he put it back in his holster.
Seriously...you can't make up better shit than this????
The officer had no back up when 3-4 officers were standing within 20 feet of him????...gtfo!!!

Did you see those officers when the punkass kids rushed the officers trying to control the little brat?
No you didnt. As soon as the two officers came to his aid he holstered his weapon.
It's really simple.

By "little brat" you refer to "a 14-year-old girl dragged down by her hair and pushed into the ground face-first by a full-grown man who had done absolutely nothing whose family members tried to help as she was being assaulted, which we know because it's all right there on video"....

Yeah,the mouthy little shit.

Just watched the video, looked like about 5 seconds from a riot much of the time. And indeed, that cop was left alone with a unruly mob while the other two ran down the one punk.
Apparently, school has ended and a group of kids decided to have a pool party at a public pool located in the neighborhood. From the looks of the neighborhood, it seems very upscale and exclusive. Parents began to complain that there were too many black kids showing up....black boys. The cops are called after a few innocent altercations between the kids and all hell breaks lose. The cops began HARRASSING ONLY THE BLACK KIDS....WHITE KIDS ARE ALLOWED TO ROAM FREELY, BLACK KIDS ARE ATTACKED, HARRASED AND EVENTUALLY HANDCUFFED.....FINALLY OUT OF FRUSTRATION, A GUN IS QUICKLY PULLED AND THEN PUT AWAY....CAMERA'S AFTER ALL ARE ROLLING......THE REST IS JUST BLACK HISTORY IN AMERICA!!

Oh...the gun was pulled because a bunch of punks rushed the cop while he had no back up. As soon as the other two officers showed up he put it back in his holster.
Seriously...you can't make up better shit than this????
The officer had no back up when 3-4 officers were standing within 20 feet of him????...gtfo!!!

Did you see those officers when the punkass kids rushed the officers trying to control the little brat?
No you didnt. As soon as the two officers came to his aid he holstered his weapon.
It's really simple.
Actually I didn't see any "punkass kids", however I did see some teenagers rush to defend the girl being put face down in the mud.

The teenagers were clearly hollering at the officer and weren't a physical threat, had they been intent on attacking that officer were were close enough to do it.

So you have flip flopped between the teenagers attempting to attack the officers to the officer had no back-up.

What's the next excuse???

I saw one kid in a blue shirt rush at the officer. The officer stood up and the kid ran off

The situation got out of hand and the cops had difficulty getting control. Nobody was hurt and no harm, no foul

Not counting the racist lady in the other video I saw a total of one person out of control, one person acting aggressively. Same person --- Eric Casebolt. And when he flipped out and started threatening kids with a gun, a couple of cops actually DO step in to control him. Why those two, or others, didn't do more to protect and serve than that token obvious gesture, well that's the next question that deserves examination.

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