Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

After seeing some other interviews of witnesses, nothing is going to happen to the officer. This is going to end up another cop "getting away with it".

There are just too many witnesses against the mob.
Funny stuff, in those videos.

The police-hating spin-doctors working overtime to try to make something out of this, is even funnier.

Resist arrest and you're beggin' for a busted skull, or even a toe-tag.

Jawohl! Let me scheee your paperss....


Always good to know who's got your back
---- and who doesn't.

So what should a cop do when someone resists arrest? Blow a whistle and yellow card them?
You know you would be totally correct, if we lived in Germany under the the nazi regime. Your wrong, the cop was suspended and the people were not arrested. He will be fired and hopefully face jail. He assaulted minor children. If being detained there has to be a reason. He gave none threatened people forced people into compliance with no charges except trumped up charges that were thrown out. He can't handle it and does not deserve the trust that was given to him. He yelled at people to leave, get away. On a public street, pulled a gun again on a minor child. The people had every right to force a citizens arrest on a out of control cop. We have a constitution, you cannot do what he did. But people like you see this as right which is the problem. Let this happen to one of your kids and you would see it differently. Cops getting a pass on this kind of behavior is the reason why this is a problem in the police culture. If police can't handle situations with a level head then they do not need to be police. Apparently you do not like the constitution or the separation of powers or responsibility of public officials. Go to China or Russia you would fit in well there.
Actually that girl's friend she refers to, 14-year-old Grace Stone, did exactly that. From the BuzzFeed page:

Stone told BuzzFeed News that when she approached the officers to explain what had happened in the pool the cop featured in the video ordered that she be handcuffed. “I asked why I was in handcuffs and he wouldn’t tell me,” she said, adding that she was the only white person handcuffed.

Stone’s father, Donnie, soon arrived on scene and was also not given a reason as to why his 14-year-old daughter was in handcuffs. “All they would say is that she’s not arrested,” he said. “I was fixing to get really irate. I thought they were going to put me in handcuffs. I was shaking. It was very aggravating.”
--- So what's your excuse now? You try to explain the situation, you get handcuffed? What the FUCK?

And once AGAIN -- that's exactly what everybody in the video is clearly doing. Everybody that is, except Eric Casebolt.

You do understand that in a near mob situation that that is not the time to engage in long heated discussions with cops?

I do understand who created that near-riot situation. What I don't understand is why his fellow officers don't do more to restrain him.

Because they were off running down some punk who ran away, leaving him there alone with an angry mob, many of which kept moving up to try to help people he had detained.

Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathing suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

You ever have to face an angry mob?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot. Casebolt tried his best; fortunately for all concerned, he failed.

" Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do"

Still haven't seen a video where that happened.

That's where your participation comes in. See, you have to actually play it and watch. If you don't do that, then obviously you will not have seen it.

For convenience let's bring it forward.

The passage I referred to starts at 2:50 when he goes after her -- she doesn't go after him, HE GOES AFTER HER, and the part where he throws her to the sidewalk by her hair is at 3:06. This naturally gets an alarmed reaction from everybody, who shriek and move in, presumably to defend what is already obviously an assault, while the defenseless girl cries in desperation for her mother.

As soon as the bystanders instinctively react to defend her -- which is human -- he gets up, pulls his gun and starts threatening the defenders.

Notice two things at this point:

One -- in getting up he's completely left the 14-year-old girl behind, demonstrating that EVEN HE knows she is in no way a threat;

And Two -- when he draws his gun two other officers step in to restrain what he's doing as he's obviously gone berserk -- but then they leave the scene and go running after those same people who tried to defend the girl. Which demonstrates they have the balls of a flea, and Casebolt must have been a higher rank.

Notice too that the girl doesn't take advantage of the diversion to run away; she stays put, which allows Casebolt to return and abuse her more. She's got at least ten seconds to flee, yet doesn't. And for that she gets brutalized.

Let me know if you need like stick diagrams and arrows put in to show you where the arcane ingredients like "sidewalk" and "hair" are located.

None so blind.
Perhaps the officer will "get away with it" but the city won't. I am expecting to hear an announcement that a lawsuit has been filed on behalf of the young black girl assaulted by the burly white cop at any moment now!
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Brutal....doesnt look like anyone was hurt.......act like jackals get treated as same

Yep, that's why that jackal in blue is now worried about being unemployed. The system is truly starting to work.. ,that is, as long as cell phone cameras are out there!

Haha...that cop isnt getting fired. Everything he did was legal. Period. Hes on admin leave (paid vacation) til it blows over.

Now that's the first thing you said that I agree with. That's always the routine, innit? Keep stammering, "uh, we're doing an internal investigation and shit" for as long as We the People keep asking questions, then when the clamor seems to settle, you quietly ease him back on the street so he can do it again.

Like this guy:

That's not going to be good enough. If it takes the People keeping the pressure on until we get answers... then so be it. Game on. This fucking horseshit has gone on way too long.
What happened is obvious. 70 teens from nearby section 8 housing decided to jump the fence and party. The people who pay for the pool objected and called the police.

We already have the report from the girl whose party it was. They live there. It's their own neighborhood. The only time "Section 8" was even uttered was that adult who started slapping the girl around. If that's what you consider a reliable source, see a shrink.
Unfortunately not enough we the people are on the cop hating bandwagon.

You got black people and OWS. All the rest are the people who come forward to sink your case.
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.
What happened is obvious. 70 teens from nearby section 8 housing decided to jump the fence and party. The people who pay for the pool objected and called the police.

We already have the report from the girl whose party it was. They live there. It's their own neighborhood. The only time "Section 8" was even uttered was that adult who started slapping the girl around. If that's what you consider a reliable source, see a shrink.
Wasn't the adult slapping the girl around her mother?

Good luck with that one.
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.
That's the preferred method.
You do understand that in a near mob situation that that is not the time to engage in long heated discussions with cops?

I do understand who created that near-riot situation. What I don't understand is why his fellow officers don't do more to restrain him.

Because they were off running down some punk who ran away, leaving him there alone with an angry mob, many of which kept moving up to try to help people he had detained.

Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathing suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

You ever have to face an angry mob?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot. Casebolt tried his best; fortunately for all concerned, he failed.

" Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do"

Still haven't seen a video where that happened.

That's where your participation comes in. See, you have to actually play it and watch. If you don't do that, then obviously you will not have seen it.

For convenience let's bring it forward.

The passage I referred to starts at 2:50 when he goes after her -- she doesn't go after him, HE GOES AFTER HER, and the part where he throws her to the sidewalk by her hair is at 3:06. This naturally gets an alarmed reaction from everybody, who shriek and move in, presumably to defend what is already obviously an assault, while the defenseless girl cries in desperation for her mother.

As soon as the bystanders instinctively react to defend her -- which is human -- he gets up, pulls his gun and starts threatening the defenders.

Notice two things at this point:

One -- in getting up he's completely left the 14-year-old girl behind, demonstrating that EVEN HE knows she is in no way a threat;

And Two -- when he draws his gun two other officers step in to restrain what he's doing as he's obviously gone berserk -- but then they leave the scene and go running after those same people who tried to defend the girl. Which demonstrates they have the balls of a flea, and Casebolt must have been a higher rank.

Notice too that the girl doesn't take advantage of the diversion to run away; she stays put, which allows Casebolt to return and abuse her more. She's got at least ten seconds to flee, yet doesn't. And for that she gets brutalized.

Let me know if you need like stick diagrams and arrows put in to show you where the arcane ingredients like "sidewalk" and "hair" are located.

None so blind.

Played it, posted it, explained it.

Open palm on the back of the head, used to direct the person in the direction you want them to go.

4-5 people come up on him while he's attempting to handcuff the girl.

Anyone in that position would feel they were being attacked.

You obviously haven't seen many of these videos, or been involved in similar situations, and had to write Use of Force paperwork to explain what happened.
What it does show is the monumental sense of entitlement black teens have. The idea of private property just doesn't exist. It's all theirs.
Great assumption on your part! Why weren't trespassing charges filed then? Have you even considered that those black kids were invited by one of the white occupants? NAWWWW, that's too much to expect from you!
Every report, including the favorable ones say that the teens jumped the fence.

Why werent trespassing charges filed again?
We don't know that there weren't. Or that they ran and weren't caught.

Yes we do, none were. So why werent those law breakers charged with law breaking?

Eric Holder?

Nah, that excuse is old. Now we blame Hillary Clinton.
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Not a bad idea. Things would be a lot fucking calmer, that's for damn sure.
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Not a bad idea. Things would be a lot fucking calmer, that's for damn sure.
It sure worked for Baltimore.
I do understand who created that near-riot situation. What I don't understand is why his fellow officers don't do more to restrain him.

Because they were off running down some punk who ran away, leaving him there alone with an angry mob, many of which kept moving up to try to help people he had detained.

Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathing suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

You ever have to face an angry mob?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot. Casebolt tried his best; fortunately for all concerned, he failed.

" Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do"

Still haven't seen a video where that happened.

That's where your participation comes in. See, you have to actually play it and watch. If you don't do that, then obviously you will not have seen it.

For convenience let's bring it forward.

The passage I referred to starts at 2:50 when he goes after her -- she doesn't go after him, HE GOES AFTER HER, and the part where he throws her to the sidewalk by her hair is at 3:06. This naturally gets an alarmed reaction from everybody, who shriek and move in, presumably to defend what is already obviously an assault, while the defenseless girl cries in desperation for her mother.

As soon as the bystanders instinctively react to defend her -- which is human -- he gets up, pulls his gun and starts threatening the defenders.

Notice two things at this point:

One -- in getting up he's completely left the 14-year-old girl behind, demonstrating that EVEN HE knows she is in no way a threat;

And Two -- when he draws his gun two other officers step in to restrain what he's doing as he's obviously gone berserk -- but then they leave the scene and go running after those same people who tried to defend the girl. Which demonstrates they have the balls of a flea, and Casebolt must have been a higher rank.

Notice too that the girl doesn't take advantage of the diversion to run away; she stays put, which allows Casebolt to return and abuse her more. She's got at least ten seconds to flee, yet doesn't. And for that she gets brutalized.

Let me know if you need like stick diagrams and arrows put in to show you where the arcane ingredients like "sidewalk" and "hair" are located.

None so blind.

Played it, posted it, explained it.

Open palm on the back of the head, used to direct the person in the direction you want them to go.

4-5 people come up on him while he's attempting to handcuff the girl.

Anyone in that position would feel they were being attacked.

You obviously haven't seen many of these videos, or been involved in similar situations, and had to write Use of Force paperwork to explain what happened.

On the contrary, I've seen way too many, as well as been in that situation myself -- except I wasn't grabbed by my hair and face-mashed. If this were an isolated, occasional case it would be just that. But this storm trooper shit is rampant.

It's gotta go, and yesterday. This is unacceptable. And it's also non-negotiable.

He has no "handcuffs" btw -- that's not what he's doing. He's simply face-mashing her for no reason except a testosterone-poisoned power trip. His handcuffs are probably already on somebody else -- possibly Grace Stone, the girl who tried to go to the police and explain what happened.

You sycophants defending this bullshit need to have your own come-to-Jesus moment of revelation. Once you get pulled over, accosted, unjustly handcuffed, brutalized, framed, beaten, shot, injured and robbed, let us know how your fucking perspective has changed, K?
I'm not from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, so I'm hoping someone from there can enlighten me/us bout what is happening in this video. Is it just exhaustion, on everyone's part? You'll have to scroll down the page to the video.

Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party
Black kids that don't believe they have to obey police officers because our president has encouraged them to mouth off.

Any other questions?

The cop escalated the incident with the girl.....but she wouldn't STFU.
Right...how dare those mouthy Black kids believe they had any First Amendment Rights...smh.
Sorry, but they don't have any right to create a disturbance or to resist arrest.
Contradict yourself much???...your original claim was that the officer escalated this encounter because the kids were talking...now you want to flip flop to creating a disturbance...how convenient.
After seeing some other interviews of witnesses, nothing is going to happen to the officer. This is going to end up another cop "getting away with it".

There are just too many witnesses against the mob.

Yeah, but this isn't about them, it's about the actions of the officer.

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