Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start
WASHINGTON -- When Miles Jai Thomas arrived at a party at the Craig Ranch North Community Pool in McKinney, Texas, on Friday night, the pool was open to everyone -- until a security guard showed up and removed black partygoers from the area.

“Then he started making up rules to keep us out,” Thomas, 15, told The Huffington Post.

A white woman at the pool started making racist comments, Thomas said, such as telling black teens at the party to get used to the bars outside the pool because that’s all they were going to see.

Grace Stone, 14, who is white, told BuzzFeed News that she and friends objected to an adult woman making racist comments to other teens at the party and that the woman turned violent.

This is when, according to Thomas, a 19-year-old black woman told the belligerent white woman to stop fighting with the teenagers. The white woman called the black woman a “young bitch,” then walked up to her. After the young woman said her age out loud, the older woman punched her in the face. Another unidentified white woman jumped in as well before Thomas, who was recording the incident, and his friends went to break it up.

When two teens went toward the cop to help the girl, they were accused of sneaking up on the cop to attack.

“So a cop yelled 'get those motherfuckers' and they chased [us] with guns out. That's why in the video I started running,” Thomas said.

"I was scared because all I could think was, 'Don't shoot me,'" he said.

So, some loud mouthed white women were unable to control their racism...how surprising.
I have watched the video several times and have yet to find a reason that the police officer in question felt a need to subdue the girl. I didn't see her doing anything that necessitated being treated so brutally. And if any of those teens had used the language that officer was using, they likely would have been handcuffed immediately. Several of the teens even asked the officer not to curse at them. I think the fact that he fell down due to his own clumsiness early on in the video is likely why he got so irate with these kids. I suspect he doesn't have any of his own. If he does, I'd hate to be his son.

Bingo and that's why these black men always end up dead.....today's law enforced officers do not want to run, do not want to wrestle their victims, they want you to be fearful and obedient. Otherwise, ol gun'er is comeing out
Well, I can understand not wanting to wrestle with a suspect for fear of losing your gun and having it turned on you. However, when the suspect is running away, there is no need to even put your hand on the butt of the weapon!

Yeah, but we are talking about a skinny 14 year old girl. And we all know what a huge threat skinny teen aged girls are to overweight law enforcement officers.
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start
Or better yet the 14 year olds stop acting like they don't have to do what a cop tells them to do.
They can consider themselves lucky they don't live in a country where they lock people up for six months for doing less, like Mexico.
Grace Stone, 14, who is white, told BuzzFeed News that she and friends objected to an adult woman making racist comments to other teens at the party and that the woman turned violent.

Well there goes the conspiracy theory angle that it was just black liars who said this.

They must've all gathered together and all made it up...then made that white lady fight just to video it. Very clever for a group of pre-teens
In a video posted to YouTube on June 7, Tatiana, a 19-year-old, describes a fight in the moments leading up to police using force to clear a pool party in McKinney, Texas, on June 5.

Tatiana says in the video her family was hosting a cookout for friends in the Dallas suburb when a white woman used racial slurs against them. Tensions soon rose when a 14-year-old family friend defended the host, calling the remarks racist. A white woman then, says Tatiana, told her "you need to go back to where you're from."

She claims that the confrontation quickly became physical before police arrived on the scene, when a woman allegedly slapped her.

Grace Stone, a white teenager confirmed the account

Host of Texas pool party gone awry claims racial confrontation spurred police incident - AOL.com
Because they were off running down some punk who ran away, leaving him there alone with an angry mob, many of which kept moving up to try to help people he had detained.

Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathing suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

You ever have to face an angry mob?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot. Casebolt tried his best; fortunately for all concerned, he failed.

" Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do"

Still haven't seen a video where that happened.

That's where your participation comes in. See, you have to actually play it and watch. If you don't do that, then obviously you will not have seen it.

For convenience let's bring it forward.

The passage I referred to starts at 2:50 when he goes after her -- she doesn't go after him, HE GOES AFTER HER, and the part where he throws her to the sidewalk by her hair is at 3:06. This naturally gets an alarmed reaction from everybody, who shriek and move in, presumably to defend what is already obviously an assault, while the defenseless girl cries in desperation for her mother.

As soon as the bystanders instinctively react to defend her -- which is human -- he gets up, pulls his gun and starts threatening the defenders.

Notice two things at this point:

One -- in getting up he's completely left the 14-year-old girl behind, demonstrating that EVEN HE knows she is in no way a threat;

And Two -- when he draws his gun two other officers step in to restrain what he's doing as he's obviously gone berserk -- but then they leave the scene and go running after those same people who tried to defend the girl. Which demonstrates they have the balls of a flea, and Casebolt must have been a higher rank.

Notice too that the girl doesn't take advantage of the diversion to run away; she stays put, which allows Casebolt to return and abuse her more. She's got at least ten seconds to flee, yet doesn't. And for that she gets brutalized.

Let me know if you need like stick diagrams and arrows put in to show you where the arcane ingredients like "sidewalk" and "hair" are located.

None so blind.

Played it, posted it, explained it.

Open palm on the back of the head, used to direct the person in the direction you want them to go.

4-5 people come up on him while he's attempting to handcuff the girl.

Anyone in that position would feel they were being attacked.

You obviously haven't seen many of these videos, or been involved in similar situations, and had to write Use of Force paperwork to explain what happened.

On the contrary, I've seen way too many, as well as been in that situation myself -- except I wasn't grabbed by my hair and face-mashed. If this were an isolated, occasional case it would be just that. But this storm trooper shit is rampant.

It's gotta go, and yesterday. This is unacceptable. And it's also non-negotiable.

He has no "handcuffs" btw -- that's not what he's doing. He's simply face-mashing her for no reason except a testosterone-poisoned power trip. His handcuffs are probably already on somebody else -- possibly Grace Stone, the girl who tried to go to the police and explain what happened.

You sycophants defending this bullshit need to have your own come-to-Jesus moment of revelation. Once you get pulled over, accosted, unjustly handcuffed, brutalized, framed, beaten, shot, injured and robbed, let us know how your fucking perspective has changed, K?

"He has no "handcuffs" btw -- that's not what he's doing. He's simply face-mashing her for no reason except a testosterone-poisoned power trip. His handcuffs are probably already on somebody else -- possibly Grace Stone, the girl who tried to go to the police and explain what happened."

You're right, he didn't have cuffs.

they were likely on ne of the 2 young men sitting about 1' from him.

He took her down into a handcuffing position, and kept her there, til his 2 fellow officers returned with one of the young men that had run away. and then one of them handcuffed they girl.

10 years as a prison guard, pogo.

Been there, done that, had numerous classes on how to do it.

had to fill out a ton of paperwork on WHY I did it, and HOW I did it.

Your take on this makes me laugh.

I get the impression the closest you've come to a pair of handcuffs is watching Kojak on NIck at NIte.
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start
Or better yet the 14 year olds stop acting like they don't have to do what a cop tells them to do.
They can consider themselves lucky they don't live in a country where they lock people up for six months for doing less, like Mexico.

Well sure, I guess it's reasonable to ask 14 year olds to all act a certain way, but I think a police policy would be more effective and reasonable since they are the adults
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start
Or better yet the 14 year olds stop acting like they don't have to do what a cop tells them to do.
They can consider themselves lucky they don't live in a country where they lock people up for six months for doing less, like Mexico.

Damn right. What the fuck, falling to the ground just because you got whipped by your hair? Who does she think she is? The fine upstanding police officer ought to sue her for causing him to scuff his shoes.
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start


Never a good idea to stop a possible riot before it starts, is it?
I have watched the video several times and have yet to find a reason that the police officer in question felt a need to subdue the girl. I didn't see her doing anything that necessitated being treated so brutally. And if any of those teens had used the language that officer was using, they likely would have been handcuffed immediately. Several of the teens even asked the officer not to curse at them. I think the fact that he fell down due to his own clumsiness early on in the video is likely why he got so irate with these kids. I suspect he doesn't have any of his own. If he does, I'd hate to be his son.

Bingo and that's why these black men always end up dead.....today's law enforced officers do not want to run, do not want to wrestle their victims, they want you to be fearful and obedient. Otherwise, ol gun'er is comeing out
Well, I can understand not wanting to wrestle with a suspect for fear of losing your gun and having it turned on you. However, when the suspect is running away, there is no need to even put your hand on the butt of the weapon!

Yeah, but we are talking about a skinny 14 year old girl. And we all know what a huge threat skinny teen aged girls are to overweight law enforcement officers.
It's not a matter of threat.

It's a matter of mouth.

It's obvious she was asking for it. Went out of her way to cause the cop to lose his temper.

Like I said before.....I'd stop answering calls. Just turn down the volume when somebody calls in a 211 or a Domestic Disturbance in a black neighborhood.
Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathing suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot. Casebolt tried his best; fortunately for all concerned, he failed.

" Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do"

Still haven't seen a video where that happened.

That's where your participation comes in. See, you have to actually play it and watch. If you don't do that, then obviously you will not have seen it.

For convenience let's bring it forward.

The passage I referred to starts at 2:50 when he goes after her -- she doesn't go after him, HE GOES AFTER HER, and the part where he throws her to the sidewalk by her hair is at 3:06. This naturally gets an alarmed reaction from everybody, who shriek and move in, presumably to defend what is already obviously an assault, while the defenseless girl cries in desperation for her mother.

As soon as the bystanders instinctively react to defend her -- which is human -- he gets up, pulls his gun and starts threatening the defenders.

Notice two things at this point:

One -- in getting up he's completely left the 14-year-old girl behind, demonstrating that EVEN HE knows she is in no way a threat;

And Two -- when he draws his gun two other officers step in to restrain what he's doing as he's obviously gone berserk -- but then they leave the scene and go running after those same people who tried to defend the girl. Which demonstrates they have the balls of a flea, and Casebolt must have been a higher rank.

Notice too that the girl doesn't take advantage of the diversion to run away; she stays put, which allows Casebolt to return and abuse her more. She's got at least ten seconds to flee, yet doesn't. And for that she gets brutalized.

Let me know if you need like stick diagrams and arrows put in to show you where the arcane ingredients like "sidewalk" and "hair" are located.

None so blind.

Played it, posted it, explained it.

Open palm on the back of the head, used to direct the person in the direction you want them to go.

4-5 people come up on him while he's attempting to handcuff the girl.

Anyone in that position would feel they were being attacked.

You obviously haven't seen many of these videos, or been involved in similar situations, and had to write Use of Force paperwork to explain what happened.

On the contrary, I've seen way too many, as well as been in that situation myself -- except I wasn't grabbed by my hair and face-mashed. If this were an isolated, occasional case it would be just that. But this storm trooper shit is rampant.

It's gotta go, and yesterday. This is unacceptable. And it's also non-negotiable.

He has no "handcuffs" btw -- that's not what he's doing. He's simply face-mashing her for no reason except a testosterone-poisoned power trip. His handcuffs are probably already on somebody else -- possibly Grace Stone, the girl who tried to go to the police and explain what happened.

You sycophants defending this bullshit need to have your own come-to-Jesus moment of revelation. Once you get pulled over, accosted, unjustly handcuffed, brutalized, framed, beaten, shot, injured and robbed, let us know how your fucking perspective has changed, K?

"He has no "handcuffs" btw -- that's not what he's doing. He's simply face-mashing her for no reason except a testosterone-poisoned power trip. His handcuffs are probably already on somebody else -- possibly Grace Stone, the girl who tried to go to the police and explain what happened."

You're right, he didn't have cuffs.

they were likely on ne of the 2 young men sitting about 1' from him.

He took her down into a handcuffing position, and kept her there, til his 2 fellow officers returned with one of the young men that had run away. and then one of them handcuffed they girl.

10 years as a prison guard, pogo.

Been there, done that, had numerous classes on how to do it.

had to fill out a ton of paperwork on WHY I did it, and HOW I did it.

Your take on this makes me laugh.

I get the impression the closest you've come to a pair of handcuffs is watching Kojak on NIck at NIte.

I've been in them, for no more reason than this 14-year-old, so cram it up your ass, dickwad.
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start


Never a good idea to stop a possible riot before it starts, is it?

Never a good idea to try to start one, is it?
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start
He sure didn't look like Rambo.

He was more like Barney Fife. He was trying to nip it in the bud.
Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathing suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot. Casebolt tried his best; fortunately for all concerned, he failed.

" Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do"

Still haven't seen a video where that happened.

That's where your participation comes in. See, you have to actually play it and watch. If you don't do that, then obviously you will not have seen it.

For convenience let's bring it forward.

The passage I referred to starts at 2:50 when he goes after her -- she doesn't go after him, HE GOES AFTER HER, and the part where he throws her to the sidewalk by her hair is at 3:06. This naturally gets an alarmed reaction from everybody, who shriek and move in, presumably to defend what is already obviously an assault, while the defenseless girl cries in desperation for her mother.

As soon as the bystanders instinctively react to defend her -- which is human -- he gets up, pulls his gun and starts threatening the defenders.

Notice two things at this point:

One -- in getting up he's completely left the 14-year-old girl behind, demonstrating that EVEN HE knows she is in no way a threat;

And Two -- when he draws his gun two other officers step in to restrain what he's doing as he's obviously gone berserk -- but then they leave the scene and go running after those same people who tried to defend the girl. Which demonstrates they have the balls of a flea, and Casebolt must have been a higher rank.

Notice too that the girl doesn't take advantage of the diversion to run away; she stays put, which allows Casebolt to return and abuse her more. She's got at least ten seconds to flee, yet doesn't. And for that she gets brutalized.

Let me know if you need like stick diagrams and arrows put in to show you where the arcane ingredients like "sidewalk" and "hair" are located.

None so blind.

Played it, posted it, explained it.

Open palm on the back of the head, used to direct the person in the direction you want them to go.

4-5 people come up on him while he's attempting to handcuff the girl.

Anyone in that position would feel they were being attacked.

You obviously haven't seen many of these videos, or been involved in similar situations, and had to write Use of Force paperwork to explain what happened.

On the contrary, I've seen way too many, as well as been in that situation myself -- except I wasn't grabbed by my hair and face-mashed. If this were an isolated, occasional case it would be just that. But this storm trooper shit is rampant.

It's gotta go, and yesterday. This is unacceptable. And it's also non-negotiable.

He has no "handcuffs" btw -- that's not what he's doing. He's simply face-mashing her for no reason except a testosterone-poisoned power trip. His handcuffs are probably already on somebody else -- possibly Grace Stone, the girl who tried to go to the police and explain what happened.

You sycophants defending this bullshit need to have your own come-to-Jesus moment of revelation. Once you get pulled over, accosted, unjustly handcuffed, brutalized, framed, beaten, shot, injured and robbed, let us know how your fucking perspective has changed, K?

"He has no "handcuffs" btw -- that's not what he's doing. He's simply face-mashing her for no reason except a testosterone-poisoned power trip. His handcuffs are probably already on somebody else -- possibly Grace Stone, the girl who tried to go to the police and explain what happened."

You're right, he didn't have cuffs.

they were likely on ne of the 2 young men sitting about 1' from him.

He took her down into a handcuffing position, and kept her there, til his 2 fellow officers returned with one of the young men that had run away. and then one of them handcuffed they girl.

10 years as a prison guard, pogo.

Been there, done that, had numerous classes on how to do it.

had to fill out a ton of paperwork on WHY I did it, and HOW I did it.

Your take on this makes me laugh.

I get the impression the closest you've come to a pair of handcuffs is watching Kojak on NIck at NIte.

"they were likely on ne of the 2 young men sitting about 1' from him."

they were likely on one of the 2 young men sitting about 10' from him.
This is going to be Mike Brown in a bikini. Too many witnesses. Same thing with a civil case. Too many witnesses. The girl may get a couple of thou just to make her feel better. In a blocked account that she can't touch until she's 18.
Oh......so all they have to do is detain them now to get attacked.

I guess the cops should stop answering calls for a few months.

Or maybe they could just, yanno, stop acting like Rambo against 14 year olds as a start
Or better yet the 14 year olds stop acting like they don't have to do what a cop tells them to do.
They can consider themselves lucky they don't live in a country where they lock people up for six months for doing less, like Mexico.

Well sure, I guess it's reasonable to ask 14 year olds to all act a certain way, but I think a police policy would be more effective and reasonable since they are the adults
I think it all begins with kids that act like bigots who don't feel they have to listen to a white man.....much less a cop.
WASHINGTON -- When Miles Jai Thomas arrived at a party at the Craig Ranch North Community Pool in McKinney, Texas, on Friday night, the pool was open to everyone -- until a security guard showed up and removed black partygoers from the area.

“Then he started making up rules to keep us out,” Thomas, 15, told The Huffington Post.

A white woman at the pool started making racist comments, Thomas said, such as telling black teens at the party to get used to the bars outside the pool because that’s all they were going to see.

Grace Stone, 14, who is white, told BuzzFeed News that she and friends objected to an adult woman making racist comments to other teens at the party and that the woman turned violent.

This is when, according to Thomas, a 19-year-old black woman told the belligerent white woman to stop fighting with the teenagers. The white woman called the black woman a “young bitch,” then walked up to her. After the young woman said her age out loud, the older woman punched her in the face. Another unidentified white woman jumped in as well before Thomas, who was recording the incident, and his friends went to break it up.

When two teens went toward the cop to help the girl, they were accused of sneaking up on the cop to attack.

“So a cop yelled 'get those motherfuckers' and they chased [us] with guns out. That's why in the video I started running,” Thomas said.

"I was scared because all I could think was, 'Don't shoot me,'" he said.

So, some loud mouthed white women were unable to control their racism...how surprising.
No matter how people turn this up or down sideways. This is clear a police brutality. There were several cops there and only one going bezerk and out of order. That should be the big question here for those people that support this unlawful act of police officer. This cruelty is shown all over USA. Good luck with that career.
I have watched the video several times and have yet to find a reason that the police officer in question felt a need to subdue the girl. I didn't see her doing anything that necessitated being treated so brutally. And if any of those teens had used the language that officer was using, they likely would have been handcuffed immediately. Several of the teens even asked the officer not to curse at them. I think the fact that he fell down due to his own clumsiness early on in the video is likely why he got so irate with these kids. I suspect he doesn't have any of his own. If he does, I'd hate to be his son.

Bingo and that's why these black men always end up dead.....today's law enforced officers do not want to run, do not want to wrestle their victims, they want you to be fearful and obedient. Otherwise, ol gun'er is comeing out
Well, I can understand not wanting to wrestle with a suspect for fear of losing your gun and having it turned on you. However, when the suspect is running away, there is no need to even put your hand on the butt of the weapon!

Yeah, but we are talking about a skinny 14 year old girl. And we all know what a huge threat skinny teen aged girls are to overweight law enforcement officers.
It's not a matter of threat.

It's a matter of mouth.

It's obvious she was asking for it. Went out of her way to cause the cop to lose his temper.

Oh poster please. We're still waiting for that Uppity Statue that specifies where "running your mouth", "flapping your lips", "mouthing off" and "not knowing your place" are on the books. Watcha got?

This goon had lost it WAY before he went and pulled her down. By then he had already executed his Hollywood Somersault, barked profanities at any number of teenagers, detained several black people for o apparent reason, and did his macho-boy strut for the camera. He had lost it before the video even started.
Then how are they able to suddenly appear to restrain him when he PULLS A GUN on teenagers in bathing suits? Have these two cops miraculously mastered the art of being in two places at once?

That's why I just said, I don't understand why they don't do more". They DID recognize that he's out of control, and step in to get the gun put away. But then they just peter out. What the fuck kind of "protect and serve" is that? The "let's don't shoot them just yet" approach?

I've seen enough to know an angry mob can get out of control, so the best thing to do is not create an angry mob in the first place. Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do. He's damn lucky it didn't turn real ugly and bloody. That blood would have been entirely on Casebolt's hands.

Take a look at the other officer (we don't have his name) the blondish one seen earlier in the video up close, having an audible, calm, straightforward conversation. THAT is what a police officer should be doing -- treating people like humans. What Casebolt is doing is the polar opposite-- creating an adversarial situation where none existed. THAT sir is how you start a riot. Casebolt tried his best; fortunately for all concerned, he failed.

" Which whipping a 14-year-old girl in a bathing suit by her hair into the ground in front of her family and then pulling a gun on anybody who appears to be interested in stopping the assault, has a tendency to do"

Still haven't seen a video where that happened.

That's where your participation comes in. See, you have to actually play it and watch. If you don't do that, then obviously you will not have seen it.

For convenience let's bring it forward.

The passage I referred to starts at 2:50 when he goes after her -- she doesn't go after him, HE GOES AFTER HER, and the part where he throws her to the sidewalk by her hair is at 3:06. This naturally gets an alarmed reaction from everybody, who shriek and move in, presumably to defend what is already obviously an assault, while the defenseless girl cries in desperation for her mother.

As soon as the bystanders instinctively react to defend her -- which is human -- he gets up, pulls his gun and starts threatening the defenders.

Notice two things at this point:

One -- in getting up he's completely left the 14-year-old girl behind, demonstrating that EVEN HE knows she is in no way a threat;

And Two -- when he draws his gun two other officers step in to restrain what he's doing as he's obviously gone berserk -- but then they leave the scene and go running after those same people who tried to defend the girl. Which demonstrates they have the balls of a flea, and Casebolt must have been a higher rank.

Notice too that the girl doesn't take advantage of the diversion to run away; she stays put, which allows Casebolt to return and abuse her more. She's got at least ten seconds to flee, yet doesn't. And for that she gets brutalized.

Let me know if you need like stick diagrams and arrows put in to show you where the arcane ingredients like "sidewalk" and "hair" are located.

None so blind.

Played it, posted it, explained it.

Open palm on the back of the head, used to direct the person in the direction you want them to go.

4-5 people come up on him while he's attempting to handcuff the girl.

Anyone in that position would feel they were being attacked.

You obviously haven't seen many of these videos, or been involved in similar situations, and had to write Use of Force paperwork to explain what happened.

On the contrary, I've seen way too many, as well as been in that situation myself -- except I wasn't grabbed by my hair and face-mashed. If this were an isolated, occasional case it would be just that. But this storm trooper shit is rampant.

It's gotta go, and yesterday. This is unacceptable. And it's also non-negotiable.

He has no "handcuffs" btw -- that's not what he's doing. He's simply face-mashing her for no reason except a testosterone-poisoned power trip. His handcuffs are probably already on somebody else -- possibly Grace Stone, the girl who tried to go to the police and explain what happened.

You sycophants defending this bullshit need to have your own come-to-Jesus moment of revelation. Once you get pulled over, accosted, unjustly handcuffed, brutalized, framed, beaten, shot, injured and robbed, let us know how your fucking perspective has changed, K?

"He has no "handcuffs" btw -- that's not what he's doing. He's simply face-mashing her for no reason except a testosterone-poisoned power trip. His handcuffs are probably already on somebody else -- possibly Grace Stone, the girl who tried to go to the police and explain what happened."

You're right, he didn't have cuffs.

they were likely on ne of the 2 young men sitting about 1' from him.

He took her down into a handcuffing position, and kept her there, til his 2 fellow officers returned with one of the young men that had run away. and then one of them handcuffed they girl.

10 years as a prison guard, pogo.

Been there, done that, had numerous classes on how to do it.

had to fill out a ton of paperwork on WHY I did it, and HOW I did it.

Your take on this makes me laugh.

I get the impression the closest you've come to a pair of handcuffs is watching Kojak on NIck at NIte.

Come-on.......she was wailing like a damned spoiled brat.
She was screaming lies and calling for her momma to come save her.

She was obviously showboating.

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