Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt.....

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?

Being on the wrong side of a gang, or born into/kept in poverty by classism, is a far cry from having a domestic paramilitary force busting everybody's heads. That's not even a comparison.
I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt and motivated by racism. This has continued to present day. I get the feeling a lot of white people think this is some new phenomenon. Well....its not. Black people wont sit by idly and just accept it. People called "trouble makers" are much less guilty than the police. Crashing a pool party is significantly less heinous than a adult male assaulting a 14 year girl.

One of my favorite rappers summed it up best.

"Look through my eyes, see what I see
Do as I do, be what I be
Walk in my shoes, it'll hurt your feet
Then know why I do dirt in the street"

One of my favorite rappers summed up the perfect retort to what you just said. Jay z: "Bitch please!"

I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt.....

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?

It's the white man's fault.

^^ Two examples of the moronic apathy that enable and feed the maw of this monster.
I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt.....

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
The same thing you say about whites that prey and brutalize each other. What does that have to do with cops?
I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt.....

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?

Being on the wrong side of a gang, or born into/kept in poverty by classism, is a far cry from having a domestic paramilitary force busting everybody's heads. That's not even a comparison.
Its more of a deflection from the topic. Like an overstimulated baby.
I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt.....

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?

Being on the wrong side of a gang, or born into/kept in poverty by classism, is a far cry from having a domestic paramilitary force busting everybody's heads. That's not even a comparison.
Its more of a deflection from the topic. Like an overstimulated baby.

Everyone is apathetic to what you say by now.
I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt and motivated by racism. This has continued to present day. I get the feeling a lot of white people think this is some new phenomenon. Well....its not. Black people wont sit by idly and just accept it. People called "trouble makers" are much less guilty than the police. Crashing a pool party is significantly less heinous than a adult male assaulting a 14 year girl.

One of my favorite rappers summed it up best.

"Look through my eyes, see what I see
Do as I do, be what I be
Walk in my shoes, it'll hurt your feet
Then know why I do dirt in the street"

One of my favorite rappers summed up the perfect retort to what you just said. Jay z: "Bitch please!"

I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt.....

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?

It's the white man's fault.

^^ Two examples of the moronic apathy that enable and feed the maw of this monster.

Feed what shot?
I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt.....

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?

Being on the wrong side of a gang, or born into/kept in poverty by classism, is a far cry from having a domestic paramilitary force busting everybody's heads. That's not even a comparison.
Its more of a deflection from the topic. Like an overstimulated baby.

Everyone is apathetic to what you say by now.
Cave monkeys arent everyone. Glad to hear I wore your monkey troop down with reality.
What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
They are not police officers who are trained and paid to perform their duties in an intelligent, civilized manner with absolutely no expression of personal feelings.

So your saying you believe cops are robots?
Basically they should be like "Data" the Android on Star Trek.
Incapable of experiencing the frailties of human emotions.
Cops should have 100% control of emotions 100% of the time? No matter what?

Not saying this officer pulling out a gun was right. Clearly it wasn't, and his resignation was likely not voluntary.
It was a career ending mistake as it should be.
At the same time, that does not excuse the stupid, idiotic and mindless actions of the teenagers. You have an highly energized situation, multiple cops running around, CLEARLY the officer is angry and acting irrational...so what is the right thing to do? Act like an idiot and refuse to obey his commands and smart off?? That is the smart thing to do?
The officer was wrong, and answered for his mistake.
What about the smart ass kids acting like idiots? They have no fault here?
What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
They are not police officers who are trained and paid to perform their duties in an intelligent, civilized manner with absolutely no expression of personal feelings.

So your saying you believe cops are robots?
Basically they should be like "Data" the Android on Star Trek.
Incapable of experiencing the frailties of human emotions.
Cops should have 100% control of emotions 100% of the time? No matter what?

Not saying this officer pulling out a gun was right. Clearly it wasn't, and his resignation was likely not voluntary.
It was a career ending mistake as it should be.
At the same time, that does not excuse the stupid, idiotic and mindless actions of the teenagers. You have an highly energized situation, multiple cops running around, CLEARLY the officer is angry and acting irrational...so what is the right thing to do? Act like an idiot and refuse to obey his commands and smart off?? That is the smart thing to do?
The officer was wrong, and answered for his mistake.
What about the smart ass kids acting like idiots? They have no fault here?
No...Everyone is saying Blacks committing crimes against other Blacks or whites committing crimes against other whites have nothing to do with cops committing crimes against the public due to racism. Basically you offered a false comparison.
What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
They are not police officers who are trained and paid to perform their duties in an intelligent, civilized manner with absolutely no expression of personal feelings.

So your saying you believe cops are robots?
Basically they should be like "Data" the Android on Star Trek.
Incapable of experiencing the frailties of human emotions.
Cops should have 100% control of emotions 100% of the time? No matter what?

Not saying this officer pulling out a gun was right. Clearly it wasn't, and his resignation was likely not voluntary.
It was a career ending mistake as it should be.
At the same time, that does not excuse the stupid, idiotic and mindless actions of the teenagers. You have an highly energized situation, multiple cops running around, CLEARLY the officer is angry and acting irrational...so what is the right thing to do? Act like an idiot and refuse to obey his commands and smart off?? That is the smart thing to do?
The officer was wrong, and answered for his mistake.
What about the smart ass kids acting like idiots? They have no fault here?

Correct. They don't.

"Uppity" (or whatever euphemism you like, "mouthing off" is a popular one in this case) is no crime. On the contrary it is the vox populi. When it is silenced, that is exactly the point where the Police State is achieved.
What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
They are not police officers who are trained and paid to perform their duties in an intelligent, civilized manner with absolutely no expression of personal feelings.

So your saying you believe cops are robots?
Basically they should be like "Data" the Android on Star Trek.
Incapable of experiencing the frailties of human emotions.
Cops should have 100% control of emotions 100% of the time? No matter what?

Not saying this officer pulling out a gun was right. Clearly it wasn't, and his resignation was likely not voluntary.
It was a career ending mistake as it should be.
At the same time, that does not excuse the stupid, idiotic and mindless actions of the teenagers. You have an highly energized situation, multiple cops running around, CLEARLY the officer is angry and acting irrational...so what is the right thing to do? Act like an idiot and refuse to obey his commands and smart off?? That is the smart thing to do?
The officer was wrong, and answered for his mistake.
What about the smart ass kids acting like idiots? They have no fault here?

I am a sheriff auxiliary volunteer. If I spot someone shoplifting, and he has not yet left the store, I tell them to put it back. If the says, "Fuck you" as they are doing it, I say, "Have a nice day". That is how we are trained.
What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
They are not police officers who are trained and paid to perform their duties in an intelligent, civilized manner with absolutely no expression of personal feelings.

So your saying you believe cops are robots?
Basically they should be like "Data" the Android on Star Trek.
Incapable of experiencing the frailties of human emotions.
Cops should have 100% control of emotions 100% of the time? No matter what?

Not saying this officer pulling out a gun was right. Clearly it wasn't, and his resignation was likely not voluntary.
It was a career ending mistake as it should be.
At the same time, that does not excuse the stupid, idiotic and mindless actions of the teenagers. You have an highly energized situation, multiple cops running around, CLEARLY the officer is angry and acting irrational...so what is the right thing to do? Act like an idiot and refuse to obey his commands and smart off?? That is the smart thing to do?
The officer was wrong, and answered for his mistake.
What about the smart ass kids acting like idiots? They have no fault here?

Correct. They don't.

"Uppity" (or whatever euphemism you like, "mouthing off" is a popular one in this case) is no crime. On the contrary it is the vox populi. When it is silenced, that is exactly the point where the Police State is achieved.

There has never been a time when it is smart to be purposefully raucous, disruptive, running and charging around the rear of a policeman in a stressful situation.
That is by definition stupid. Dumb. Idiotic.
You guys act like citizens have a right to do anything they like against the police and they are beyond blame. No matter what.
That is also stupid. Dumb. Idiotic.
This cop's career is over. At least for several years.
The kids? Probably applauded by their friends and lauded by their idiotic parents.
I am a sheriff auxiliary volunteer. If I spot someone shoplifting, and he has not yet left the store, I tell them to put it back. If the says, "Fuck you" as they are doing it, I say, "Have a nice day". That is how we are trained.

1) - [sigh] The officers career is over. He made a critical mistake. What part of this do you not understand?
2) The idiot kid that ran toward the officer and approached his rear...what is your training for that. Say "Have a nice day?"
What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
They are not police officers who are trained and paid to perform their duties in an intelligent, civilized manner with absolutely no expression of personal feelings.

So your saying you believe cops are robots?
Basically they should be like "Data" the Android on Star Trek.
Incapable of experiencing the frailties of human emotions.
Cops should have 100% control of emotions 100% of the time? No matter what?

Not saying this officer pulling out a gun was right. Clearly it wasn't, and his resignation was likely not voluntary.
It was a career ending mistake as it should be.
At the same time, that does not excuse the stupid, idiotic and mindless actions of the teenagers. You have an highly energized situation, multiple cops running around, CLEARLY the officer is angry and acting irrational...so what is the right thing to do? Act like an idiot and refuse to obey his commands and smart off?? That is the smart thing to do?
The officer was wrong, and answered for his mistake.
What about the smart ass kids acting like idiots? They have no fault here?

Correct. They don't.

"Uppity" (or whatever euphemism you like, "mouthing off" is a popular one in this case) is no crime. On the contrary it is the vox populi. When it is silenced, that is exactly the point where the Police State is achieved.

There has never been a time when it is smart to be purposefully raucous, disruptive, running and charging around the rear of a policeman in a stressful situation.
That is by definition stupid. Dumb. Idiotic.
You guys act like citizens have a right to do anything they like against the police and they are beyond blame. No matter what.
That is also stupid. Dumb. Idiotic.
This cop's career is over. At least for several years.
The kids? Probably applauded by their friends and lauded by their idiotic parents.
When did talking become "doing something against the police"?
What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
They are not police officers who are trained and paid to perform their duties in an intelligent, civilized manner with absolutely no expression of personal feelings.

So your saying you believe cops are robots?
Basically they should be like "Data" the Android on Star Trek.
Incapable of experiencing the frailties of human emotions.
Cops should have 100% control of emotions 100% of the time? No matter what?

Not saying this officer pulling out a gun was right. Clearly it wasn't, and his resignation was likely not voluntary.
It was a career ending mistake as it should be.
At the same time, that does not excuse the stupid, idiotic and mindless actions of the teenagers. You have an highly energized situation, multiple cops running around, CLEARLY the officer is angry and acting irrational...so what is the right thing to do? Act like an idiot and refuse to obey his commands and smart off?? That is the smart thing to do?
The officer was wrong, and answered for his mistake.
What about the smart ass kids acting like idiots? They have no fault here?

Correct. They don't.

"Uppity" (or whatever euphemism you like, "mouthing off" is a popular one in this case) is no crime. On the contrary it is the vox populi. When it is silenced, that is exactly the point where the Police State is achieved.

There has never been a time when it is smart to be purposefully raucous, disruptive, running and charging around the rear of a policeman in a stressful situation.
That is by definition stupid. Dumb. Idiotic.
You guys act like citizens have a right to do anything they like against the police and they are beyond blame. No matter what.
That is also stupid. Dumb. Idiotic.
This cop's career is over. At least for several years.
The kids? Probably applauded by their friends and lauded by their idiotic parents.

And why not? Not a single one of them was charged with a crime that was not immediately dismissed.
I am a sheriff auxiliary volunteer. If I spot someone shoplifting, and he has not yet left the store, I tell them to put it back. If the says, "Fuck you" as they are doing it, I say, "Have a nice day". That is how we are trained.

1) - [sigh] The officers career is over. He made a critical mistake. What part of this do you not understand?
2) The idiot kid that ran toward the officer and approached his rear...what is your training for that. Say "Have a nice day?"
The idiot officer put himself in that situation. If he had simply ignored the girl nothing would have happened. Instead he decided to assault her to establish dominance. He was a punk and its a good thing his career is over. Only an idiot would want this raving lunatic running around with a gun.

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