Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
They are not police officers who are trained and paid to perform their duties in an intelligent, civilized manner with absolutely no expression of personal feelings.

So your saying you believe cops are robots?
Basically they should be like "Data" the Android on Star Trek.
Incapable of experiencing the frailties of human emotions.
Cops should have 100% control of emotions 100% of the time? No matter what?

Not saying this officer pulling out a gun was right. Clearly it wasn't, and his resignation was likely not voluntary.
It was a career ending mistake as it should be.
At the same time, that does not excuse the stupid, idiotic and mindless actions of the teenagers. You have an highly energized situation, multiple cops running around, CLEARLY the officer is angry and acting irrational...so what is the right thing to do? Act like an idiot and refuse to obey his commands and smart off?? That is the smart thing to do?
The officer was wrong, and answered for his mistake.
What about the smart ass kids acting like idiots? They have no fault here?

Correct. They don't.

"Uppity" (or whatever euphemism you like, "mouthing off" is a popular one in this case) is no crime. On the contrary it is the vox populi. When it is silenced, that is exactly the point where the Police State is achieved.

There has never been a time when it is smart to be purposefully raucous, disruptive, running and charging around the rear of a policeman in a stressful situation.
That is by definition stupid. Dumb. Idiotic.
You guys act like citizens have a right to do anything they like against the police and they are beyond blame. No matter what.
That is also stupid. Dumb. Idiotic.
This cop's career is over. At least for several years.
The kids? Probably applauded by their friends and lauded by their idiotic parents.

If a cop (or anybody else) is in the act of committing an assault, a robbery, a murder, a rape, or any other blatantly visible crime, then YES any available citizens surely the fuck DO have the right, and the duty -- to intervene and get it stopped. And no, that's not likely to end well when they do, but it's gotta be did. That's all the more reason police are prohibited from committing assaults.

-- On paper at least...

To give up that right, that duty, is to turn one's humanity over to a police state completely. Police ain't supposed to be running the place. They work for us -- not the other way around.

Eric Casebolt created this situation entirely on his own. To continue blaming it on black people being uppity even after his superior officer and he himself have acknowledged that fault, well it takes a special kind of authoritarian sycophancy.
I have seen how violent and disrespectful black youth can be first hand, particularly with whites and white cops. Black kids are so arrogant and confrontational, over little things, even when these blacks kids KNOW they are wrong. This is a systemic issue in the black community. And the exaggerations and out and lies of victimhood / racism are part of that. It shouldn't matter what race these people were if we are concerned with balance and facts. So why play up the race angle?
Youve told the story a million times already. We know you got beat up by Black kids as a youth for calling them racist names.

The Black kids werent violent. Talking is not violence. Walking away is not violence either. You only perceive violence because you are in utter fear.
I have seen how violent and disrespectful black youth can be first hand, particularly with whites and white cops. Black kids are so arrogant and confrontational, over little things, even when these blacks kids KNOW they are wrong. This is a systemic issue in the black community. And the exaggerations and out and lies of victimhood racism are part of that. It shouldn't matter what race these people were if we are concerned with balance and facts. So why play up the race angle?

And I have seen, and am looking at right now, how internet posters can ignore what's plainly right in front of them, even captured on video, and somehow come up with "it's the black youths' fault they were assaulted". Hey, if she didn't want to get thrown to the ground by her hair, well she just shouldn't have grown it so long.

You're correct, it's not really a story about race. There is plenty of circumstantial evidence readily available to make that case but it's not conclusive. What IS conclusive is a straight-out blatant case of police brutality. We cannot say definitively that Eric Casebolt targeted Dajeeria Becton (or anybody else) because they were black. What we CAN say is that he assaulted her for no reason.
Somebody said that McKinney is not as safe as it was, when this guy was still on the force. I agree. Now, he is just a lone loose cannon roaming around without any other police officers around to restrain him.
He's been invited by 18 police forces to come and sign up with them. I hope he comes to my town. We need some more good tough cops like him, who don't take any shit from mouthy thug-punks.
If your town is full of mouthy thug punks like you, he is going to have his hands full if he moves there!

Oh, I'm not too worried about it, JQ. I serve with the Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers. I know all the deputies and their wives in our community. We are all specifically trained that it is unconstitutional to arrest or harass a citizen because of being "mouthy".

Of course, Texas is different. One can get 2 to 4 years for being "uppity".
Resisting arrest isn't just getting uppity you racist tool

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk
I would have had ZERO tolerance or patience for this kind of open disrespect and challenge to authority. Even when that authority is wrong.
What you've described in that sentence is the essence of the authoritarian/submissive personality, which, if it were universal during the 1700s, there would not have been an American Revolution.

Sometimes, enough is enough and people will react. Those who are endowed with superimposed official authority should understand that and exercise sufficient judgment to avoid negative reactions.
I have to say....you have a point. As a former cop...yes...I HAD to control emotions. Very often.

However. ..like the Texas cop...I often left scenes of a suicide or traffic death or some other very troubling call...and immediately had to go to some bullshit call. Like the pool party.

What about the civilian who finds out his wife has been unfaithful with his best friend and he has just lost his job. How should he behave toward the cop who just pulled him over for ten miles over the limit and is lecturing him on the dangers of speeding?

Should he react in accord with his emotional frame of mind, or should his better judgment prevail?
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Somebody said that McKinney is not as safe as it was, when this guy was still on the force. I agree. Now, he is just a lone loose cannon roaming around without any other police officers around to restrain him.
He's been invited by 18 police forces to come and sign up with them. I hope he comes to my town. We need some more good tough cops like him, who don't take any shit from mouthy thug-punks.
If your town is full of mouthy thug punks like you, he is going to have his hands full if he moves there!

Oh, I'm not too worried about it, JQ. I serve with the Sheriff Auxiliary Volunteers. I know all the deputies and their wives in our community. We are all specifically trained that it is unconstitutional to arrest or harass a citizen because of being "mouthy".

Of course, Texas is different. One can get 2 to 4 years for being "uppity".
Resisting arrest isn't just getting uppity you racist tool

Sent from my SM-G386T1 using Tapatalk

Who got "arrested", Dropout?
You must not spend much time around kids. Thats why they arent allowed to do certain things until they come of age. Adults are responsible for protecting them during this time period. Grown men that are cops shouldn't be attacking 14 year old girls because they didnt like what they said. Matter of fact he shouldnt have attacked any woman and did that to them just because they were talking.

I have raised two great kids, who are doing very well thank you.
Our house was one of those houses where kids flocked to. I couldn't begin to say how many kids and teenagers have been in and out of our home through the years and the countless slumber parties and my sons "video game parties"...our garage became a teen hangout for 4-5 years.
I coached vollyball and softball.
I helped out at the boys club in the karate classes for 6 years or so.
My son was a swimmer. My God how much we were around kids we that. We timed, and chaperoned on road trips.
It is highly likely I have 100 times more experience with kids than you ever will.
I would have had ZERO tolerance or patience for this kind of open disrespect and challenge to authority. Even when that authority is wrong. That is not the time to make your point.
I guarantee you neither of my two children, at any time in their childhood would have acted like this. I parented my children. Which includes teaching them common sense.
If you spent so much time around kids why do you assume they think rationally? I've coached for 10 years volleyball and basketball. Teenagers are notorious for behaving irrationally. All of that is beside the point however. His behavior as an adult is what is in question and why he is out of a career. Stop trying to make it the fault of the kids when the adult is the one that chose his own fate. The problem was he didnt see the Black children as mere children. He saw them as threats as evidenced by his singling out the Black children while passing over white kids.

The cop was wrong.
But guess what? The kids were also wrong. At no point in this thread have I excused EITHER SIDE.
But look at your posts. You guys are the ones making the excuses.
These kids shouldn't be made to feel their behavior was anything but dangerous.
In this situation the cop has all the power. He is carrying a loaded gun. He is waving a night stick around like he wants to use it..it doesn't take a genius to figure out the right thing to do is get away from him. Now. Not hang around and yell at him, not keep coming back into the scene, not showing off in front of other kids...walk across the street.
That's it.
I have seen how violent and disrespectful black youth can be first hand, particularly with whites and white cops. Black kids are so arrogant and confrontational, over little things, even when these blacks kids KNOW they are wrong. This is a systemic issue in the black community. And the exaggerations and out and lies of victimhood racism are part of that. It shouldn't matter what race these people were if we are concerned with balance and facts. So why play up the race angle?

And I have seen, and am looking at right now, how internet posters can ignore what's plainly right in front of them, even captured on video, and somehow come up with "it's the black youths' fault they were assaulted". Hey, if she didn't want to get thrown to the ground by her hair, well she just shouldn't have grown it so long.

You're correct, it's not really a story about race. There is plenty of circumstantial evidence readily available to make that case but it's not conclusive. What IS conclusive is a straight-out blatant case of police brutality. We cannot say definitively that Eric Casebolt targeted Dajeeria Becton (or anybody else) because they were black. What we CAN say is that he assaulted her for no reason.
The better part of my angels say, this cop may have over reacted. But the other part of my nature, says too what? Was he just having a bad day, or was he racist? Racism is too easy and really cheap. Her hair got pulled? Really? Wow.
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You must not spend much time around kids. Thats why they arent allowed to do certain things until they come of age. Adults are responsible for protecting them during this time period. Grown men that are cops shouldn't be attacking 14 year old girls because they didnt like what they said. Matter of fact he shouldnt have attacked any woman and did that to them just because they were talking.

I have raised two great kids, who are doing very well thank you.
Our house was one of those houses where kids flocked to. I couldn't begin to say how many kids and teenagers have been in and out of our home through the years and the countless slumber parties and my sons "video game parties"...our garage became a teen hangout for 4-5 years.
I coached vollyball and softball.
I helped out at the boys club in the karate classes for 6 years or so.
My son was a swimmer. My God how much we were around kids we that. We timed, and chaperoned on road trips.
It is highly likely I have 100 times more experience with kids than you ever will.
I would have had ZERO tolerance or patience for this kind of open disrespect and challenge to authority. Even when that authority is wrong. That is not the time to make your point.
I guarantee you neither of my two children, at any time in their childhood would have acted like this. I parented my children. Which includes teaching them common sense.
If you spent so much time around kids why do you assume they think rationally? I've coached for 10 years volleyball and basketball. Teenagers are notorious for behaving irrationally. All of that is beside the point however. His behavior as an adult is what is in question and why he is out of a career. Stop trying to make it the fault of the kids when the adult is the one that chose his own fate. The problem was he didnt see the Black children as mere children. He saw them as threats as evidenced by his singling out the Black children while passing over white kids.

The cop was wrong.
But guess what? The kids were also wrong. At no point in this thread have I excused EITHER SIDE.
But look at your posts. You guys are the ones making the excuses.
These kids shouldn't be made to feel their behavior was anything but dangerous.
In this situation the cop has all the power. He is carrying a loaded gun. He is waving a night stick around like he wants to use it..it doesn't take a genius to figure out the right thing to do is get away from him. Now. Not hang around and yell at him, not keep coming back into the scene, not showing off in front of other kids...walk across the street.
That's it.
The only person showing off was that cop..
The cop was wrong.

But guess what? The kids were also wrong. At no point in this thread have I excused EITHER SIDE.

But look at your posts. You guys are the ones making the excuses.

These kids shouldn't be made to feel their behavior was anything but dangerous.

In this situation the cop has all the power. He is carrying a loaded gun. He is waving a night stick around like he wants to use it..it doesn't take a genius to figure out the right thing to do is get away from him. Now. Not hang around and yell at him, not keep coming back into the scene, not showing off in front of other kids...walk across the street.

That's it.
You could substantially shorten your thesis by simply saying if everyone did everything in accordance with the rules of proper behavior we would not need cops.

Isn't that right?
I have seen how violent and disrespectful black youth can be first hand, particularly with whites and white cops. Black kids are so arrogant and confrontational, over little things, even when these blacks kids KNOW they are wrong. This is a systemic issue in the black community. And the exaggerations and out and lies of victimhood racism are part of that. It shouldn't matter what race these people were if we are concerned with balance and facts. So why play up the race angle?

And I have seen, and am looking at right now, how internet posters can ignore what's plainly right in front of them, even captured on video, and somehow come up with "it's the black youths' fault they were assaulted". Hey, if she didn't want to get thrown to the ground by her hair, well she just shouldn't have grown it so long.

You're correct, it's not really a story about race. There is plenty of circumstantial evidence readily available to make that case but it's not conclusive. What IS conclusive is a straight-out blatant case of police brutality. We cannot say definitively that Eric Casebolt targeted Dajeeria Becton (or anybody else) because they were black. What we CAN say is that he assaulted her for no reason.
The better part of my angles say, this cop may have over reacted. But the other part of my nature, says too what? Was he just having a bad day, or was he racist? Racism is too easy and really cheap. Her hair got pulled? Really? Wow.
He overreacted to a large crowd of .... wait for it... children.
You could substantially shorten your thesis by simply saying if everyone did everything in accordance with the rules of proper behavior we would not need cops.

Isn't that right?

White cop over reacts, doesn't hurt anyone. Here in Colorado, the cops blasted a mans house to pieces trying to capture a armed suspect, totally destroy a home and use extreme violence to capture an escaped felon, but we are asking for an officer's badge over such a piddly incident? OVER REACH. I thought we were POST racial and all, but we a seem all BUT.
You could substantially shorten your thesis by simply saying if everyone did everything in accordance with the rules of proper behavior we would not need cops.

Isn't that right?

Here's another strawman argument for you: Read Golding's, Lord of The Flies. That's kids! That's what they are about. Without appropriate supervision and dominance they will behave in whatever way occurs to them.

Put a bunch of juveniles together in an unsupervised place and before long you will have mayhem! They will fight, they will fuck, they will break things, they will steal -- eventually some of them will kill! And if you don't believe that it's because you don't care to.

The only way to prevent most juveniles from behaving like barbarians when left alone in groups is to indoctrinate them with rigid discipline. Even then they can't be left alone too long.
Youve told the story a million times already. We know you got beat up by Black kids as a youth for calling them racist names.

The Black kids werent violent. Talking is not violence. Walking away is not violence either. You only perceive violence because you are in utter fear.

Fear is the rational response to random violence.

YOu support random violence against whites because you are a violent racist.
White cop over reacts, doesn't hurt anyone. Here in Colorado, the cops blasted a mans house to pieces trying to capture a armed suspect, totally destroy a home and use extreme violence to capture an escaped felon, but we are asking for an officer's badge over such a piddly incident? OVER REACH. I thought we were POST racial and all, but we a seem all BUT.
Big difference between a cop attacking a group of children... and a drug bust.

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