Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

You could substantially shorten your thesis by simply saying if everyone did everything in accordance with the rules of proper behavior we would not need cops.

Isn't that right?

Here's another strawman argument for you: Read Golding's, Lord of The Flies. That's kids! That's what they are about. Without appropriate supervision and dominance they will behave in whatever way occurs to them.

Put a bunch of juveniles together in an unsupervised place and before long you will have mayhem! They will fight, they will fuck, they will break things, they will steal -- eventually some of them will kill! And if you don't believe that it's because you don't care to.

The only way to prevent most juveniles from behaving like barbarians when left alone in groups is to indoctrinate them with rigid discipline. Even then they can't be left alone too long.

It took you this long to agree with me?
You could have saved a lot of time by agreeing at the very beginning.
The kids acted like idiots because they ARE idiots. Obviously poorly parented, schools basically no longer discipline kids either - so they are feral.
But you guys all jumped to their defense the instant I said they also acted poorly.
Youve told the story a million times already. We know you got beat up by Black kids as a youth for calling them racist names.

The Black kids werent violent. Talking is not violence. Walking away is not violence either. You only perceive violence because you are in utter fear.

Fear is the rational response to random violence.

YOu support random violence against whites because you are a violent racist.
You are another idiot that lives in fear of Black children talking and walking.

I would support real random violence against a monkey like you though. You positively stink of feral simian hormones

You stated before that you would support random violence against me, though you claimed the reason was that I rolled some candy to a black woman and argued strongly that other black people operate using the same judgements.


YOu admit that random violence (despite your "reason") is a real possibility.

Thus, my fear is completely justified.

Your racist hate language merely adds credibility to your threats of violence.

Thank you for your support in making my point.
Well, now! I guess that race is an issue after all! The white woman that started the fight, has been identified, and is losing her job.

Karma is a bitch.....

Woman Involved In McKinney Pool Fight Suspended From Job MadameNoire
Seems nobody is tolerating this racism crap anymore. No one wants that taint on them.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

So again....how does society now deal with trespassers? Cops cant do shit. Security cant do it. Citizens cant do it.

Are we now in "whats mine is yours and whats yours is mine" era?
Well, now! I guess that race is an issue after all! The white woman that started the fight, has been identified, and is losing her job.

Karma is a bitch.....

Woman Involved In McKinney Pool Fight Suspended From Job MadameNoire
Seems nobody is tolerating this racism crap anymore. No one wants that taint on them.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

So again....how does society now deal with trespassers? Cops cant do shit. Security cant do it. Citizens cant do it.

Are we now in "whats mine is yours and whats yours is mine" era?

NO. It's "Whats mine is mine, and what's your is mine", if you are of a Privileged Class.
What the apologist want to forget is what actually happened prior to the cop tackling the girl...
There were over 100 kids all over this area, which is a guarded fenced in private community.
Uninvited kids were climbing the walls and crashed the gate when security tried to stop them.
Police were called. Residents said the scene was out of control and getting worse.

Now before the apologist accuse me, again, of excusing the officer's conduct - read through my post, again, where I repeatedly say he made critical mistakes.
I just refuse to join in the pandering apologist who want to treat these kids like innocent preschoolers.
His own boss threw his crazy ass under the bus stating "He came to the scene out of control. "

Nuff sed.

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His own boss threw his crazy ass under the bus stating "He came to the scene out of control. "

Nuff sed.

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Because the Boss is always right.
Yes, he always is. Had he vindicated #EricCasebolt you and your ilk would have been shouting it from the rooftop and beating everyone in the head with it.


Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
His own boss threw his crazy ass under the bus stating "He came to the scene out of control. "

Nuff sed.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

Because the Boss is always right.
Yes, he always is. Had he vindicated #EricCasebolt you and your ilk would have been shouting it from the rooftop and beating everyone in the head with it.


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So your answer is to shout it from the rooftops and beat everyone in the head with it?

You are purposefully engaging in behavior that you would decry if cons did it...
I have seen how violent and disrespectful black youth can be first hand, particularly with whites and white cops. Black kids are so arrogant and confrontational, over little things, even when these blacks kids KNOW they are wrong. This is a systemic issue in the black community. And the exaggerations and out and lies of victimhood racism are part of that. It shouldn't matter what race these people were if we are concerned with balance and facts. So why play up the race angle?

And I have seen, and am looking at right now, how internet posters can ignore what's plainly right in front of them, even captured on video, and somehow come up with "it's the black youths' fault they were assaulted". Hey, if she didn't want to get thrown to the ground by her hair, well she just shouldn't have grown it so long.

You're correct, it's not really a story about race. There is plenty of circumstantial evidence readily available to make that case but it's not conclusive. What IS conclusive is a straight-out blatant case of police brutality. We cannot say definitively that Eric Casebolt targeted Dajeeria Becton (or anybody else) because they were black. What we CAN say is that he assaulted her for no reason.
The better part of my angels say, this cop may have over reacted. But the other part of my nature, says too what? Was he just having a bad day, or was he racist? Racism is too easy and really cheap. Her hair got pulled? Really? Wow.

Again, whether he was operating on racism is an unknown, and kind of moot. Possibly he was, but that's not the issue. Assaulting innocent bystanders and gross abuse of authority is the issue. That would be equally true no matter what color anybody was.
You've got a point there but I can't imagine old Casebolt throwing a young blonde adolescent around like that and then putting his knees in her back to restrain her. Can you?
Why can't you imagine that girl being white? Why can't you imagine that officer being black? What is making this a racist event in your mind? Why are you focusing on skin color?
Well, now! I guess that race is an issue after all! The white woman that started the fight, has been identified, and is losing her job.

Karma is a bitch.....

Woman Involved In McKinney Pool Fight Suspended From Job MadameNoire
Seems nobody is tolerating this racism crap anymore. No one wants that taint on them.

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk

So again....how does society now deal with trespassers? Cops cant do shit. Security cant do it. Citizens cant do it.

Are we now in "whats mine is yours and whats yours is mine" era?

How? Like those other cops (not Barrel Roll) did.
So your saying you believe cops are robots?
No. That's what you are saying.

Robots can't think. Trained and paid agents of the State are expected to. Military officers are held to a higher standard and are expected to behave in a specifically prescribed manner. So are police officers.

Basically they should be like "Data" the Android on Star Trek. Incapable of experiencing the frailties of human emotions. Right?

Military officers are trained and expected to behave in accordance with a specific standard -- especially under stressful circumstances. Police officers are similarly obliged.

Cops should have 100% control of emotions 100% of the time? No matter what?
Except under the most extraordinarily unusual circumstances, yes. They certainly should. And if they cannot they should seek a different type of employment.

Not saying this officer pulling out a gun was right. Clearly it wasn't, and his resignation was likely not voluntary.
It was a career ending mistake as it should be.
Then do you think he should have been 100% in control of his emotions? 90%? Maybe 75%?

At the same time, that does not excuse the stupid, idiotic and mindless actions of the teenagers. You have an highly energized situation, multiple cops running around, CLEARLY the officer is angry and acting irrational...so what is the right thing to do? Act like an idiot and refuse to obey his commands and smart off?? That is the smart thing to do?
The behavior of these juveniles is precisely why it is necessary for police officers to remain in total control of their emotions. It doesn't make them "robots." It means they are well-trained officers.

The officer was wrong, and answered for his mistake.
What about the smart ass kids acting like idiots? They have no fault here?
Kids are inclined to do that from time to time. Which is why we have police officers who are expected to properly constrain and to deal appropriately with them.

Well-trained, well-disciplined cops are not "robots."

And every single thing you say here is precisley why the officer is no longer...an officer.
I have said at least 6 times now - he made a critical mistake. And for that he lost his career. And AGAIN I said rightfully so.
What part of this do you people not understand?

What I am saying...HELLOO???
Is these kids acted like juvenile idiots. They were provoking this clearly unstable cop.
If I see a man with a gun, cop or no cop, I am going to do what he says. But most of all I am going to stay the f*ck away from him. I am not STUPID enough to antagonize him even further.
All they had to do was walk across the street. That's it.
What he did to the girl - wrong. He lost his job for it.
But that in no way excuses her stupidity.
You must not spend much time around kids. Thats why they arent allowed to do certain things until they come of age. Adults are responsible for protecting them during this time period. Grown men that are cops shouldn't be attacking 14 year old girls because they didnt like what they said. Matter of fact he shouldnt have attacked any woman and did that to them just because they were talking.

Wow look at that I agree with Asclepias on something.

Black Student College Graduation Rates Remain Low But Modest Progress Begins to Show

Nice trick, you disingenuous Bahs-turd. Using the word "school" in your original post as bait to make the reader think you're talking about high schoo, then switching and showing the link about college graduation rates for blacks is entirely disingenuous. I guess I should have expected that coming from a con.



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Youve told the story a million times already. We know you got beat up by Black kids as a youth for calling them racist names.

The Black kids werent violent. Talking is not violence. Walking away is not violence either. You only perceive violence because you are in utter fear.

Fear is the rational response to random violence.

YOu support random violence against whites because you are a violent racist.
You are another idiot that lives in fear of Black children talking and walking.

I would support real random violence against a monkey like you though. You positively stink of feral simian hormones

You stated before that you would support random violence against me, though you claimed the reason was that I rolled some candy to a black woman and argued strongly that other black people operate using the same judgements.


YOu admit that random violence (despite your "reason") is a real possibility.

Thus, my fear is completely justified.

Your racist hate language merely adds credibility to your threats of violence.

Thank you for your support in making my point.
Youre welcome. I want your type in fear. Keeps you monkeys on the sidelines instead of actually doing something.
I have seen how violent and disrespectful black youth can be first hand, particularly with whites and white cops. Black kids are so arrogant and confrontational, over little things, even when these blacks kids KNOW they are wrong. This is a systemic issue in the black community. And the exaggerations and out and lies of victimhood racism are part of that. It shouldn't matter what race these people were if we are concerned with balance and facts. So why play up the race angle?

And I have seen, and am looking at right now, how internet posters can ignore what's plainly right in front of them, even captured on video, and somehow come up with "it's the black youths' fault they were assaulted". Hey, if she didn't want to get thrown to the ground by her hair, well she just shouldn't have grown it so long.

You're correct, it's not really a story about race. There is plenty of circumstantial evidence readily available to make that case but it's not conclusive. What IS conclusive is a straight-out blatant case of police brutality. We cannot say definitively that Eric Casebolt targeted Dajeeria Becton (or anybody else) because they were black. What we CAN say is that he assaulted her for no reason.
The better part of my angels say, this cop may have over reacted. But the other part of my nature, says too what? Was he just having a bad day, or was he racist? Racism is too easy and really cheap. Her hair got pulled? Really? Wow.

Again, whether he was operating on racism is an unknown, and kind of moot. Possibly he was, but that's not the issue. Assaulting innocent bystanders and gross abuse of authority is the issue. That would be equally true no matter what color anybody was.
You've got a point there but I can't imagine old Casebolt throwing a young blonde adolescent around like that and then putting his knees in her back to restrain her. Can you?
Why can't you imagine that girl being white? Why can't you imagine that officer being black? What is making this a racist event in your mind? Why are you focusing on skin color?
Because the cop focused on skin color. He bypassed all the white people and attacked the Black ones. The white kid that filmed the incident even stated this.

15-Year-Old Who Videotaped McKinney Pool Party Arrests Speaks Out CW33 NewsFix

“I was one of the only white people in the area when that was happening,” Brooks told NewsFix. “You can see in part of the video where he tells us to sit down, and he kinda like skips over me and tells all my African-American friends to go sit down.”
Last edited:
Youve told the story a million times already. We know you got beat up by Black kids as a youth for calling them racist names.

The Black kids werent violent. Talking is not violence. Walking away is not violence either. You only perceive violence because you are in utter fear.

Fear is the rational response to random violence.

YOu support random violence against whites because you are a violent racist.
You are another idiot that lives in fear of Black children talking and walking.

I would support real random violence against a monkey like you though. You positively stink of feral simian hormones

You stated before that you would support random violence against me, though you claimed the reason was that I rolled some candy to a black woman and argued strongly that other black people operate using the same judgements.


YOu admit that random violence (despite your "reason") is a real possibility.

Thus, my fear is completely justified.

Your racist hate language merely adds credibility to your threats of violence.

Thank you for your support in making my point.
Youre welcome. I want your type in fear. Keeps you monkeys on the sidelines instead of actually doing something.

As I said, fear is the rational response to random violence.

I'm not sure why you think a sensible fear would keep me on the "sidelines".

It is important to not let PC nonsense suppress reasonable fear.

People get hurt that way.
Youve told the story a million times already. We know you got beat up by Black kids as a youth for calling them racist names.

The Black kids werent violent. Talking is not violence. Walking away is not violence either. You only perceive violence because you are in utter fear.

Fear is the rational response to random violence.

YOu support random violence against whites because you are a violent racist.
You are another idiot that lives in fear of Black children talking and walking.

I would support real random violence against a monkey like you though. You positively stink of feral simian hormones

You stated before that you would support random violence against me, though you claimed the reason was that I rolled some candy to a black woman and argued strongly that other black people operate using the same judgements.


YOu admit that random violence (despite your "reason") is a real possibility.

Thus, my fear is completely justified.

Your racist hate language merely adds credibility to your threats of violence.

Thank you for your support in making my point.
Youre welcome. I want your type in fear. Keeps you monkeys on the sidelines instead of actually doing something.

As I said, fear is the rational response to random violence.

I'm not sure why you think a sensible fear would keep me on the "sidelines".

It is important to not let PC nonsense suppress reasonable fear.

People get hurt that way.
As I said I want monkeys such as yourself afraid. Typically monkeys such as yourself have a hard time understanding the fear response. Fear first makes you freeze. This is the state I want you in.

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