Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Fear is the rational response to random violence.

YOu support random violence against whites because you are a violent racist.
You are another idiot that lives in fear of Black children talking and walking.

I would support real random violence against a monkey like you though. You positively stink of feral simian hormones

You stated before that you would support random violence against me, though you claimed the reason was that I rolled some candy to a black woman and argued strongly that other black people operate using the same judgements.


YOu admit that random violence (despite your "reason") is a real possibility.

Thus, my fear is completely justified.

Your racist hate language merely adds credibility to your threats of violence.

Thank you for your support in making my point.
Youre welcome. I want your type in fear. Keeps you monkeys on the sidelines instead of actually doing something.

As I said, fear is the rational response to random violence.

I'm not sure why you think a sensible fear would keep me on the "sidelines".

It is important to not let PC nonsense suppress reasonable fear.

People get hurt that way.
As I said I want monkeys such as yourself afraid. Typically monkeys such as yourself have a hard time understanding the fear response. Fear first makes you freeze. This is the state I want you in.

Oh, I get it.

You think that people who are afraid, are easier to commit violence on.

Silly violent bigot.

Fear leads to actions to protect yourself. LIke avoiding place filled with dangerous violent racists like yourself, or concealed carry permits.

Also you know how so many of your brothers are in prison for long periods of time?

That's because the high crime of the 70s and 80s led to fear of violent criminals and laws being passed to lock them up.

That violence you like to inflict on white people? That is the cause of the longer prison sentences your brothers are serving.

Do you like having so many black males spending the best years of their lives in prison?

Your behavior (plural you) is the cause of that.

Good job.

Still like whites being afraid?
You are another idiot that lives in fear of Black children talking and walking.

I would support real random violence against a monkey like you though. You positively stink of feral simian hormones

You stated before that you would support random violence against me, though you claimed the reason was that I rolled some candy to a black woman and argued strongly that other black people operate using the same judgements.


YOu admit that random violence (despite your "reason") is a real possibility.

Thus, my fear is completely justified.

Your racist hate language merely adds credibility to your threats of violence.

Thank you for your support in making my point.
Youre welcome. I want your type in fear. Keeps you monkeys on the sidelines instead of actually doing something.

As I said, fear is the rational response to random violence.

I'm not sure why you think a sensible fear would keep me on the "sidelines".

It is important to not let PC nonsense suppress reasonable fear.

People get hurt that way.
As I said I want monkeys such as yourself afraid. Typically monkeys such as yourself have a hard time understanding the fear response. Fear first makes you freeze. This is the state I want you in.

Oh, I get it.

You think that people who are afraid, are easier to commit violence on.

Silly violent bigot.

Fear leads to actions to protect yourself. LIke avoiding place filled with dangerous violent racists like yourself, or concealed carry permits.

Also you know how so many of your brothers are in prison for long periods of time?

That's because the high crime of the 70s and 80s led to fear of violent criminals and laws being passed to lock them up.

That violence you like to inflict on white people? That is the cause of the longer prison sentences your brothers are serving.

Do you like having so many black males spending the best years of their lives in prison?

Your behavior (plural you) is the cause of that.

Good job.

Still like whites being afraid?
Yes. I still like you and all your monkey friends afraid. Like I said prior it renders you frozen and on the sidelines. Youre getting boring now. Do you care if i tune you out now?
You stated before that you would support random violence against me, though you claimed the reason was that I rolled some candy to a black woman and argued strongly that other black people operate using the same judgements.


YOu admit that random violence (despite your "reason") is a real possibility.

Thus, my fear is completely justified.

Your racist hate language merely adds credibility to your threats of violence.

Thank you for your support in making my point.
Youre welcome. I want your type in fear. Keeps you monkeys on the sidelines instead of actually doing something.

As I said, fear is the rational response to random violence.

I'm not sure why you think a sensible fear would keep me on the "sidelines".

It is important to not let PC nonsense suppress reasonable fear.

People get hurt that way.
As I said I want monkeys such as yourself afraid. Typically monkeys such as yourself have a hard time understanding the fear response. Fear first makes you freeze. This is the state I want you in.

Oh, I get it.

You think that people who are afraid, are easier to commit violence on.

Silly violent bigot.

Fear leads to actions to protect yourself. LIke avoiding place filled with dangerous violent racists like yourself, or concealed carry permits.

Also you know how so many of your brothers are in prison for long periods of time?

That's because the high crime of the 70s and 80s led to fear of violent criminals and laws being passed to lock them up.

That violence you like to inflict on white people? That is the cause of the longer prison sentences your brothers are serving.

Do you like having so many black males spending the best years of their lives in prison?

Your behavior (plural you) is the cause of that.

Good job.

Still like whites being afraid?
Yes. I still like you and all your monkey friends afraid. Like I said prior it renders you frozen and on the sidelines. Youre getting boring now. Do you care if i tune you out now?

Unable to grasp the connection between action and consequence?

You support whites being afraid, you are supporting your brothers serving heavy time.

The two are one.

Your claim of being bored is just you running from the truth.

Yes. I still like you and all your monkey friends afraid. Like I said prior it renders you frozen and on the sidelines. Youre getting boring now. Do you care if i tune you out now?

I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt.....

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
The same thing you say about whites that prey and brutalize each other. What does that have to do with cops?

When are the leaders of the white community going to address the epidemic of white on white crime? Don't they care about their community? Are they just going to be victims?
About the title , it should of been, "Police respond to FLASH MOB, which crashed a gated pool party where the TEENS were not invited to." I am sick of all this race baiting bullshit and how poor black yutes are being unfairly treated. If you go out of your way to look for trouble, then you will find trouble.
About the title , it should of been, "Police respond to FLASH MOB, which crashed a gated pool party where the TEENS were not invited to." I am sick of all this race baiting bullshit and how poor black yutes are being unfairly treated. If you go out of your way to look for trouble, then you will find trouble.

The girl grabbed by her hair and slammed to the ground was invited.

Sucks to be you huh?
I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt.....

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
The same thing you say about whites that prey and brutalize each other. What does that have to do with cops?

When are the leaders of the white community going to address the epidemic of white on white crime? Don't they care about their community? Are they just going to be victims?
You can’t disentangle that from the fact that blacks are much more likely to commit more murders than whites (for many reasons, of course, some of which Bouie points out). See the FBI’s chart here — there were 2,447 murders of blacks by blacks in 2011, almost the same number as white-on-white murders; when the former group is just one-sixth the size of the latter, it certainly seems like it should qualify as a “thing.” Bouie’s right that black-on-black crime is basically just a reflection of who interacts with, lives among, and has relationships with whom (which is why white-on-white crime would equally be a “thing” – until you adjust for their share of the population and it becomes apparent that black-on-black crime is a special problem).

But no one’s saying black-on-black crime is a problem because it reflects some particular animus black criminals have for fellow blacks — the point is just that lots of blacks are committing crimes, and lots of blacks are suffering them

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6

I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt.....

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
The same thing you say about whites that prey and brutalize each other. What does that have to do with cops?

When are the leaders of the white community going to address the epidemic of white on white crime? Don't they care about their community? Are they just going to be victims?
Their leaders dont care. They will never address the drug usuage, crime, and mental instability prevalent in the white community. They will just do what they have always done. They will blame the Black man. They never take responsibility.
About the title , it should of been, "Police respond to FLASH MOB, which crashed a gated pool party where the TEENS were not invited to." I am sick of all this race baiting bullshit and how poor black yutes are being unfairly treated. If you go out of your way to look for trouble, then you will find trouble.
But white kids crashed the party too. The cops only went after the Black ones. I guess that torpedoes your ignorant argument eh?
I dont think white people get it. I dont say this to be insulting. For centuries police have brutalized and preyed upon the Black community without regard to innocence or guilt.....

What do you say about black people who prey and brutalize each other?
The same thing you say about whites that prey and brutalize each other. What does that have to do with cops?

When are the leaders of the white community going to address the epidemic of white on white crime? Don't they care about their community? Are they just going to be victims?
You can’t disentangle that from the fact that blacks are much more likely to commit more murders than whites (for many reasons, of course, some of which Bouie points out). See the FBI’s chart here — there were 2,447 murders of blacks by blacks in 2011, almost the same number as white-on-white murders; when the former group is just one-sixth the size of the latter, it certainly seems like it should qualify as a “thing.” Bouie’s right that black-on-black crime is basically just a reflection of who interacts with, lives among, and has relationships with whom (which is why white-on-white crime would equally be a “thing” – until you adjust for their share of the population and it becomes apparent that black-on-black crime is a special problem).

But no one’s saying black-on-black crime is a problem because it reflects some particular animus black criminals have for fellow blacks — the point is just that lots of blacks are committing crimes, and lots of blacks are suffering them

FBI Expanded Homicide Data Table 6


And yet whites commit nearly twice as many crimes overall. I see your point. Blacks are the problem.
White on White is NOT more prevalent than Black on Black crime. According to FBI statistics, in 2011, W on W homicides numbered 2.630. B on B homicides numbered 2,447. About the same.
Considering that Blacks are only a small fraction of the population of Whites, this means that they are far more homicide-prone that Whites, and are commititng homicides are a far higher rate than Whites are.
White on White is NOT more prevalent than Black on Black crime. According to FBI statistics, in 2011, W on W homicides numbered 2.630. B on B homicides numbered 2,447. About the same.
Considering that Blacks are only a small fraction of the population of Whites, this means that they are far more homicide-prone that Whites, and are commititng homicides are a far higher rate than Whites are.

No, they both commit murder at nearly the same rate. It's just that more blacks as a percentage of the whole commit murder. I would say there is at least an equal problem with murder in both. BTW, that is the only crime where black folks even come close to being on par with whites.I see why you all like to use murder but not any other crime.

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