Texas Police Attack Children At Pool Party

Leave it to a couple of idiots to start making racist jokes and fuck up a debate on how liberals are at war with the police. Tell me black liberals will you still vote Democrat when your communities have the highest murder rates? Because when you let liberals school your kids and take your guns and the police no longer protect your streets that is what will happen. That is the real gangstas life

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Pretend like you are a Black liberal and explain what kind of idiot thinking would make you vote for a racist party that is seeking to roll back your gains? I'd much rather vote Dem than rep. The murder rate is directly related to economics and lack of opportunity. We cant take any more years of tinkle down economics.

Hey dumb fuck all the advancements in race relations are because of Republicans. The only party trying to set back black people is the party you blindly an ignorantly follow

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk

Political parties don't change race relations -- People change them. Political parties then follow.

Quit brownnosing political parties and start thinking for yourself.

And racist fucks like you are the reason we have race issues

Sent from my RCT6773W22 using Tapatalk

Link to this racist fuckism?

Sent from my middle finger using BITE ME.
Whites get hair lice and have small genitals just like you chimps. You also have thin lips and stringy hair. Of course the only chimp was the one that did the monkey roll to establish dominance.
This is just for you, BOY!!

Ruby Dee was quite an attractive little minx in her day.

Good post.

Say...what was your favorite part of that scene?

Sent from my SM-N910T using Tapatalk
More pictures and white boy fables huh? Go read your history monkey. Your own people admit they learned from Black civilizations not once but twice. They tried to hide that information so you wouldnt feel so much of an inferiority complex but your hair lice and small monkey like genitals are a constant reminder.
Gee. if only all the technologies you enjoy today, had been left to Black people to invent (like the computer you're posting on), you wouldn't have them. Know why ? Because they were all invented by White people, that's why. :biggrin: (with or without your racial inferiority complex)

Alexander Graham Bell -
Inventor of the Telephone

Charles Goodyear-
Inventor of Vulcanized Rubber

Henry Ford -
Inventor of the Moving Assembly Line

Orville & Wilbur Wright
Inventors of the Airplane

Robert Fulton
Inventor of the Steamboat

John Moses Browning
Inventor of the Semi-Automatic Shotgun

Samuel Colt
Inventor of the Colt Revolver

Cyrus McCormick
Inventor of the Mechanical Reaper

Willis Carrier
Inventor of Air Conditioning

Eli Whitney
Inventor of the Cotton Gin

Samuel F.B. Morse
Inventor of the Telegraph and Morse Code

Dr. Jonas Salk
Inventor of the Polio Vaccine

Thomas Edison
Inventor of the electric light, the phonograph and 1,093 inventions patented by him. A world record that has never even been close to being broken.

Guglielmo Marconi
Inventor of radio

Philo Taylor Farnsworth - Inventor of television

And just to show I'm being fair here is a Black guy Dr. Mark Dean
who holds three of the original nine patents on the computer that all PCs are based upon.

Others were >>

Bill Gates


Steve Jobs

Steve Woziak
Somebody said that McKinney is not as safe as it was, when this guy was still on the force. I agree. Now, he is just a lone loose cannon roaming around without any other police officers around to restrain him.
He's been invited by 18 police forces to come and sign up with them. I hope he comes to my town. We need some more good tough cops like him, who don't take any shit from mouthy thug-punks.
Somebody said that McKinney is not as safe as it was, when this guy was still on the force. I agree. Now, he is just a lone loose cannon roaming around without any other police officers around to restrain him.
He's been invited by 18 police forces to come and sign up with them. I hope he comes to my town. We need some more good tough cops like him, who don't take any shit from mouthy thug-punks.

Careful what you wish for. You might just get what you deserve.
Ruby Dee was quite an attractive little minx in her day.

Good post.

Say...what was your favorite part of that scene?

The one where Joe Ferrone talks about the "dead dog" :lol:

Gotta admit. The Black guy asked for it. He was racist as hell against Whites, which if you see the earlier parts of the movie, it shows that. Even his own wife was bitchin him out for it. And yes, she was attractive.
Careful what you wish for. You might just get what you deserve.
What I "deserve" is about a Million $$$ REPARATIONS$$$, to compensate me for 50 years of Affirmative Action discrimination. And it should come out of the personal pockets of the AA pushers, not the taxpayers.
Somebody said that McKinney is not as safe as it was, when this guy was still on the force. I agree. Now, he is just a lone loose cannon roaming around without any other police officers around to restrain him.
He's been invited by 18 police forces to come and sign up with them. I hope he comes to my town. We need some more good tough cops like him, who don't take any shit from mouthy thug-punks.

Works for me, since you don't live near me.....
Careful what you wish for. You might just get what you deserve.
What I "deserve" is about a Million $$$ REPARATIONS$$$, to compensate me for 50 years of Affirmative Action discrimination. And it should come out of the personal pockets of the AA pushers, not the taxpayers.

Poor Pro...life is so unfair to him...............
Somebody said that McKinney is not as safe as it was, when this guy was still on the force. I agree. Now, he is just a lone loose cannon roaming around without any other police officers around to restrain him.
He is probably going to go around attacking stray dogs since he doesnt have the legal power to attack people now.
The "people" who were trespassing a the Craig Ranch, were the equivalent of stray dogs. No better than that.
You have to love the dishonest title. Texas police attack (innocent children sitting at the pool while sunbathing minding their own business)

good grief, everything is about RACE today. we have come a long way BACK since MLK. thanks to titles like this and I'm surprised Obama didn't get on stage and say that could have been one of his daughters. that'll stir things up but good
Somebody said that McKinney is not as safe as it was, when this guy was still on the force. I agree. Now, he is just a lone loose cannon roaming around without any other police officers around to restrain him.
He is probably going to go around attacking stray dogs since he doesnt have the legal power to attack people now.
The "people" who were trespassing a the Craig Ranch, were the equivalent of stray dogs. No better than that.

I wonder. Do you also consider your children to be "stray dogs"?
Somebody said that McKinney is not as safe as it was, when this guy was still on the force. I agree. Now, he is just a lone loose cannon roaming around without any other police officers around to restrain him.
He's been invited by 18 police forces to come and sign up with them. I hope he comes to my town. We need some more good tough cops like him, who don't take any shit from mouthy thug-punks.

I wish he'd come work here. Too many violent criminals here. Good hard cops like him who gladly fight these thugs are getting hard to find.
Somebody said that McKinney is not as safe as it was, when this guy was still on the force. I agree. Now, he is just a lone loose cannon roaming around without any other police officers around to restrain him.
He's been invited by 18 police forces to come and sign up with them. I hope he comes to my town. We need some more good tough cops like him, who don't take any shit from mouthy thug-punks.
If your town is full of mouthy thug punks like you, he is going to have his hands full if he moves there!
Careful what you wish for. You might just get what you deserve.
What I "deserve" is about a Million $$$ REPARATIONS$$$, to compensate me for 50 years of Affirmative Action discrimination. And it should come out of the personal pockets of the AA pushers, not the taxpayers.
That debt has already been paid by the millions of WHITE women who benefitted from AA.
Racial discrimination can be ruled out too, for the same reason. Geeze... you are thick headed and biased!

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