Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

If democrats could be persuaded that the nation that's left for them is better off without Texas and any other states that wished to leave, that should be encouraged not opposed. Democrats want one party rule and total control. The more states that leave, the easier it will be to achieve that goal. They will just be able to exercise that power over only what they have that's left.
it would be if you're a Democrat, and stupid enough to think that th departure of Texas would be an isolated event without dominoes falling west, east and north. In its wake, the Dems could control the Senate something like 60 - 8 and the House with a similar ratio. You could then disband both and the Constitution then the party chairman could rule by decree and the victory would be complete.

It's all wild speculation of course, but what a bunch of ditzes. Does anyone on these boards take time to think things through before they come up with asinine posts?

Landlocked Texas! That's so ignorant, yet still a bit amusing.

It's clear you don't give your posts much thought.

Politically (you may note this is a Political message board) it would be a great thing for the Democrats. If Texas were to take Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama with it; well from a political standpoint it's even better for the DNC.
I'm sorry. Was my post too complicated?
No, just asinine.

I think you may have missed the north and west, as you think I meant only east.
Ahh, you mean states that actually matter. Texas isn't included in that fraternity. Certainly not worth fighting for and certainly worth more "dead than alive" to the balance of the nation.
Public education is something else that obviously needs to be addressed. And that would certainly not be wild speculation, but a clear and present danger to the USA.
Agreed. Given this example...
Look on a US map. Texas is the big one with an irregular shape...
You're living proof.

The fact is nobody would miss Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, or Alabama. Reputable statistics prove that these are either revenue neutral states or states that take far more than they give to the public coffers. Other states would suffer the wrath of Washington and wouldn't be permitted to leave but in the case of the states listed, it's a net gain for the United States. Afterall, we can get by with fewer trailer parks and bowling alleys which pretty much dries up where you find women I suppose.

Politically (remember this is a political board), the Democrats would be doing very well.
The more this president abuses the Constitution, the more this movement grows.

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Can we get the rest of the South to go with them?

It would be much more than the South. What's left would be a narrow strip along the eastern and western coasts, and a tiny block in the northeast.

....but, we don't want the South and we want the west, even if some still are Republicans. We can change that with no problem, but you can never cure stupid.
If some states are permitted to leave, all of them would be permitted to leave. Don't misunderstand me, the idea of obama turning into another Bashir Assad bombing American cities isn't all that objectionable. It would secure his legacy for all time. Except to democrats obama would be another Lincoln, keeping the country together the circumstances are somewhat different. There is no more Mason Dixon line. obama would have to conduct his civil war without a military.
Can we get the rest of the South to go with them?

It would be much more than the South. What's left would be a narrow strip along the eastern and western coasts, and a tiny block in the northeast.

....but, we don't want the South and we want the west, even if some still are Republicans. We can change that with no problem, but you can never cure stupid.

I see that. You can't cure stupid.
It would be much more than the South. What's left would be a narrow strip along the eastern and western coasts, and a tiny block in the northeast.

....but, we don't want the South and we want the west, even if some still are Republicans. We can change that with no problem, but you can never cure stupid.

I see that. You can't cure stupid.

You see it whenever you look in a mirror.
Can we get the rest of the South to go with them?

It would be much more than the South. What's left would be a narrow strip along the eastern and western coasts, and a tiny block in the northeast.

....but, we don't want the South and we want the west, even if some still are Republicans. We can change that with no problem, but you can never cure stupid.

Yeah...Washington would let the Hoover Dam go...NOT.

I realize it's all speculation and a parlor game since Texas isn't going anywhere (unfortunately) and neither are the other sisters of the poor but it's a given that Washington will act where it's either politically expedient, militarily easy, or when it's good PR. In this case it would be all three.

I still say that we should sell Texas to China to pay off the debt and then buy it back for pennies on the dollar when China realizes how backwards it is.
If some states are permitted to leave, all of them would be permitted to leave. Don't misunderstand me, the idea of obama turning into another Bashir Assad bombing American cities isn't all that objectionable. It would secure his legacy for all time. Except to democrats obama would be another Lincoln, keeping the country together the circumstances are somewhat different. There is no more Mason Dixon line. obama would have to conduct his civil war without a military.

We are the ones giving you permission.


We are going to let you have Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, whether they want to go or not. It's much like the Civil War, but Virginia and Florida has turned too civilized for you, besides we need Florida to keep all our Gulf oil and gas which from now on we will sell at market prices.
It would be much more than the South. What's left would be a narrow strip along the eastern and western coasts, and a tiny block in the northeast.

....but, we don't want the South and we want the west, even if some still are Republicans. We can change that with no problem, but you can never cure stupid.

Yeah...Washington would let the Hoover Dam go...NOT.

I realize it's all speculation and a parlor game since Texas isn't going anywhere (unfortunately) and neither are the other sisters of the poor but it's a given that Washington will act where it's either politically expedient, militarily easy, or when it's good PR. In this case it would be all three.
No states will secede. It's all a fantasy of those having a tantrum because they don't like the guy in the white house.
I still say that we should sell Texas to China to pay off the debt and then buy it back for pennies on the dollar when China realizes how backwards it is.
....but, we don't want the South and we want the west, even if some still are Republicans. We can change that with no problem, but you can never cure stupid.

I see that. You can't cure stupid.

You see it whenever you look in a mirror.

You have made your stupidity known to the world. And, you're proud of it. You really think what you "want" has any bearing whatsoever on what others will do and that's really stupid.

We WANT the west, Waaaaah Waaaaah. What a hoot.
....but, we don't want the South and we want the west, even if some still are Republicans. We can change that with no problem, but you can never cure stupid.

Yeah...Washington would let the Hoover Dam go...NOT.

I realize it's all speculation and a parlor game since Texas isn't going anywhere (unfortunately) and neither are the other sisters of the poor but it's a given that Washington will act where it's either politically expedient, militarily easy, or when it's good PR. In this case it would be all three.
No states will secede. It's all a fantasy of those having a tantrum because they don't like the guy in the white house.
I still say that we should sell Texas to China to pay off the debt and then buy it back for pennies on the dollar when China realizes how backwards it is.

No states will secede. The nation will just fracture. After all which states seceded from the Soviet Union when it collapsed? None.
It would be much more than the South. What's left would be a narrow strip along the eastern and western coasts, and a tiny block in the northeast.

....but, we don't want the South and we want the west, even if some still are Republicans. We can change that with no problem, but you can never cure stupid.

Yeah...Washington would let the Hoover Dam go...NOT.

I realize it's all speculation and a parlor game since Texas isn't going anywhere (unfortunately) and neither are the other sisters of the poor but it's a given that Washington will act where it's either politically expedient, militarily easy, or when it's good PR. In this case it would be all three.

I still say that we should sell Texas to China to pay off the debt and then buy it back for pennies on the dollar when China realizes how backwards it is.

I'm already for pulling every bit of federal govenment essential spending out of the South for states receiving more federal spending than they send in taxes. They want the government to cut spending, so that's a good place to start.
I see that. You can't cure stupid.

You see it whenever you look in a mirror.

You have made your stupidity known to the world. And, you're proud of it. You really think what you "want" has any bearing whatsoever on what others will do and that's really stupid.

We WANT the west, Waaaaah Waaaaah. What a hoot.

It has more bearing than what those stupid Texans want. They can't make it happen and we can.
....but, we don't want the South and we want the west, even if some still are Republicans. We can change that with no problem, but you can never cure stupid.

Yeah...Washington would let the Hoover Dam go...NOT.

I realize it's all speculation and a parlor game since Texas isn't going anywhere (unfortunately) and neither are the other sisters of the poor but it's a given that Washington will act where it's either politically expedient, militarily easy, or when it's good PR. In this case it would be all three.
No states will secede. It's all a fantasy of those having a tantrum because they don't like the guy in the white house.
I still say that we should sell Texas to China to pay off the debt and then buy it back for pennies on the dollar when China realizes how backwards it is.

You're right.
Yeah...Washington would let the Hoover Dam go...NOT.

I realize it's all speculation and a parlor game since Texas isn't going anywhere (unfortunately) and neither are the other sisters of the poor but it's a given that Washington will act where it's either politically expedient, militarily easy, or when it's good PR. In this case it would be all three.
No states will secede. It's all a fantasy of those having a tantrum because they don't like the guy in the white house.
I still say that we should sell Texas to China to pay off the debt and then buy it back for pennies on the dollar when China realizes how backwards it is.

You're right.

um, no...

Give me the land and the oil - you can keep all the secular leftists.

Oh gotcha. Then I get industry, media, as much oil as you have, and a little bit less land. Deal!

No, I want everything but the west coast and the Northeast. I get virtually all the oil and plenty of industry, and People who value God, family, America, and hard work. You get all the mouths to feed, the liberal media, self loving secularists, and the gang bangers.

Right. Becasue gangstas don't exist in Texas. Go down to Houston's 5th ward and let me know what you see.

Never mind the rest of your fantasy bs.

Yeah...Washington would let the Hoover Dam go...NOT.

I realize it's all speculation and a parlor game since Texas isn't going anywhere (unfortunately) and neither are the other sisters of the poor but it's a given that Washington will act where it's either politically expedient, militarily easy, or when it's good PR. In this case it would be all three.
No states will secede. It's all a fantasy of those having a tantrum because they don't like the guy in the white house.
I still say that we should sell Texas to China to pay off the debt and then buy it back for pennies on the dollar when China realizes how backwards it is.

No states will secede. The nation will just fracture. After all which states seceded from the Soviet Union when it collapsed? None.

The country isn't going to fracture either. Your grip on reality is really quite tenuous. The partisanship in the US is very divisive right now. It's a phase. The tide will turn at some point. As it always does. The pendulum swings one way and then back. Sorry for the mixed metaphor.
If some states are permitted to leave, all of them would be permitted to leave. Don't misunderstand me, the idea of obama turning into another Bashir Assad bombing American cities isn't all that objectionable. It would secure his legacy for all time. Except to democrats obama would be another Lincoln, keeping the country together the circumstances are somewhat different. There is no more Mason Dixon line. obama would have to conduct his civil war without a military.

We are the ones giving you permission.


We are going to let you have Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, South Carolina and North Carolina, whether they want to go or not. It's much like the Civil War, but Virginia and Florida has turned too civilized for you, besides we need Florida to keep all our Gulf oil and gas which from now on we will sell at market prices.

Your mistake is that you really think that a division would be controlled by the electoral map. When the nation fractures, the electoral map won't even be a consideration. So you want Florida, well just tell Florida that the New United States won't permit private ownership of guns. See how far that gets you. You don't think. That's the problem. You actually believe that a fracture would occur on electoral lines and all those states would break down along expected lines.

That's not even accepting democrat goals. You think you would get oil and gas from Florida! The first thing the new democrat controlled country would do is ban all oil and gas production. Sort of like they've done in California. You can deny reality all you like, but the best proof, would be to just let it go. Let it happen.

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