Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

Great!!!!! Don't squeal when Mexico takes it back.
Is this your hopes ?

Wow, and I guess it's many more who wish this according to the thanks you got on such a anti-American post...

Mexico eh ? Ahhh the other allied group for whom you think will someday help defeat the oppressor in this nation, I mean because if you say they will take it someday, well that suggest war is eminent in this respect, so do you wish for war against the nation, and who is the enemy that has taken this land in your opinion ? Is it the white man who is the defined enemy in which you feel has stolen the land in this nation ? Why not include all the others who feel the white man is their enemy in this nation now, and for whom also feel this way and/or are wanting to take it from them, even as they (the whites) are individuals whom are seperate in their characters, but the defining factor for them being the enemy is that they are white, and this is all that is needed isn't it for people like yourself who has these things to say that you say right ?
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Texas borders the Gulf of Mexico and has ports along its southeastern seaboard.

Its not land locked.
Ahh, true. Don't know what I was thinking.

Shows how much attention I pay to Texas.

I'll still take the Democratic House and the loss of two Republican Senate seats.

38 Red Electoral votes go away. Republicans will never elect another president. Two fewer Republican Senators and the House goes back to the Dems.

Plus......we get rid of Texas

Win-win all around

LOL, hadn't thought about the electoral college thing. Too funny.

A few buddies and I met for beers yesterday, and it turns out one of them is all for this. We didn't know! When I brought up stuff like social security and Medicare -- and how those Texas foreigners would no longer qualify -- he thought for a moment and said, "fine, Texas would be about personal responsibility and less government anyway."

Okay, sure.

Good beer and funny crazy. Great combination!

Great!!!!! Don't squeal when Mexico takes it back.

The US would probably end up having to support Mexico in a conflict with Texas, as Mexico is our ally.
You mean the U.S. Government as made up and controlled by who at this point ? Otherwise there is in some peoples mind that the government will be taken over by certain allied groups in this nation, and this by a certain time frame, so if the wars were to start then (having various anti-American groups in country, and next door helping these anti-American groups that are within), to somehow over throw this nation from within (as some people want so badly), then by this time it is hoped by these anti-American groups that the U.S. government will direct the military to assist the groups to over throw the Americans who would once again find themselves besieged in Texas ? WOW..
Great!!!!! Don't squeal when Mexico takes it back.

The US would probably end up having to support Mexico in a conflict with Texas, as Mexico is our ally.
You mean the U.S. Government as made up and controlled by who at this point ? Otherwise there is in some peoples mind that the government will be taken over by certain allied groups in this nation, and this by a certain time frame, so if the wars were to start then (having various anti-American groups in country, and next door helping these anti-American groups that are within), to somehow over throw this nation from within (as some people want so badly), then by this time it is hoped by these anti-American groups that the U.S. government will direct the military to assist the groups to over throw the Americans who would once again find themselves besieged in Texas ? WOW..

The numbers are irrefutable

Texas pulls out, the US is run by Democrats forever. Texas would be viewed as a bunch of traitors. There is no doubt who the US would support if Texas had a war with Mexico

Habla espanol Tex?
Ahh, true. Don't know what I was thinking.

Shows how much attention I pay to Texas.

I'll still take the Democratic House and the loss of two Republican Senate seats.

38 Red Electoral votes go away. Republicans will never elect another president. Two fewer Republican Senators and the House goes back to the Dems.

Plus......we get rid of Texas

Win-win all around

LOL, hadn't thought about the electoral college thing. Too funny.

A few buddies and I met for beers yesterday, and it turns out one of them is all for this. We didn't know! When I brought up stuff like social security and Medicare -- and how those Texas foreigners would no longer qualify -- he thought for a moment and said, "fine, Texas would be about personal responsibility and less government anyway."

Okay, sure.

Good beer and funny crazy. Great combination!


Not only that...it balances the House out to a great degree too.

According to WIKI, its 232-200 Republican. Texas leaves and so does it's 24 red seats (as well as 12 blue ones). So it becomes 208-188 Republican. The Senate loses two of it's infected seats; Cruz and Cornyn both gone so Democratic power is enhanced there.

Basically, if you're a democrat, this is the best thing that could happen to your agenda.
80,000 in November, 250,000 in February. What are you libs gonna say when the number reaches 1,000,000?

Texas Secession Petition Racks Up More Than 80,000 Signatures, Qualifies For White House Response

"Who cares" is my guess for the large part of the nation. That and the surprise that you could find a million Texans who can spell their names.

Any who can't spell their names would be a result of the great job done by the Democratic backing teachers unions.
38 Red Electoral votes go away. Republicans will never elect another president. Two fewer Republican Senators and the House goes back to the Dems.

Plus......we get rid of Texas

Win-win all around

LOL, hadn't thought about the electoral college thing. Too funny.

A few buddies and I met for beers yesterday, and it turns out one of them is all for this. We didn't know! When I brought up stuff like social security and Medicare -- and how those Texas foreigners would no longer qualify -- he thought for a moment and said, "fine, Texas would be about personal responsibility and less government anyway."

Okay, sure.

Good beer and funny crazy. Great combination!


Not only that...it balances the House out to a great degree too.

According to WIKI, its 232-200 Republican. Texas leaves and so does it's 24 red seats (as well as 12 blue ones). So it becomes 208-188 Republican. The Senate loses two of it's infected seats; Cruz and Cornyn both gone so Democratic power is enhanced there.

Basically, if you're a democrat, this is the best thing that could happen to your agenda.
it would be if you're a Democrat, and stupid enough to think that th departure of Texas would be an isolated event without dominoes falling west, east and north. In its wake, the Dems could control the Senate something like 60 - 8 and the House with a similar ratio. You could then disband both and the Constitution then the party chairman could rule by decree and the victory would be complete.

It's all wild speculation of course, but what a bunch of ditzes. Does anyone on these boards take time to think things through before they come up with asinine posts?

Landlocked Texas! That's so ignorant, yet still a bit amusing.
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Texas borders the Gulf of Mexico and has ports along its southeastern seaboard.

Its not land locked.
Ahh, true. Don't know what I was thinking.

Shows how much attention I pay to Texas.

I'll still take the Democratic House and the loss of two Republican Senate seats.

38 Red Electoral votes go away. Republicans will never elect another president. Two fewer Republican Senators and the House goes back to the Dems.

Plus......we get rid of Texas

Win-win all around
LOL, hadn't thought about the electoral college thing. Too funny.

A few buddies and I met for beers yesterday, and it turns out one of them is all for this. We didn't know! When I brought up stuff like social security and Medicare -- and how those Texas foreigners would no longer qualify -- he thought for a moment and said, "fine, Texas would be about personal responsibility and less government anyway."

Okay, sure.

Good beer and funny crazy. Great combination!


Not only that...it balances the House out to a great degree too.

According to WIKI, its 232-200 Republican. Texas leaves and so does it's 24 red seats (as well as 12 blue ones). So it becomes 208-188 Republican. The Senate loses two of it's infected seats; Cruz and Cornyn both gone so Democratic power is enhanced there.

Basically, if you're a democrat, this is the best thing that could happen to your agenda.
it would be if you're a Democrat, and stupid enough to think that th departure of Texas would be an isolated event without dominoes falling west, east and north. In its wake, the Dems could control the Senate something like 60 - 8 and the House with a similar ratio. You could then disband both and the Constitution then the party chairman could rule by decree and the victory would be complete.

It's all wild speculation of course, but what a bunch of ditzes. Does anyone on these boards take time to think things through before they come up with asinine posts?

Landlocked Texas! That's so ignorant, yet still a bit amusing.

It's clear you don't give your posts much thought.

Politically (you may note this is a Political message board) it would be a great thing for the Democrats. If Texas were to take Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama with it; well from a political standpoint it's even better for the DNC.
LOL, hadn't thought about the electoral college thing. Too funny.

A few buddies and I met for beers yesterday, and it turns out one of them is all for this. We didn't know! When I brought up stuff like social security and Medicare -- and how those Texas foreigners would no longer qualify -- he thought for a moment and said, "fine, Texas would be about personal responsibility and less government anyway."

Okay, sure.

Good beer and funny crazy. Great combination!


Not only that...it balances the House out to a great degree too.

According to WIKI, its 232-200 Republican. Texas leaves and so does it's 24 red seats (as well as 12 blue ones). So it becomes 208-188 Republican. The Senate loses two of it's infected seats; Cruz and Cornyn both gone so Democratic power is enhanced there.

Basically, if you're a democrat, this is the best thing that could happen to your agenda.
it would be if you're a Democrat, and stupid enough to think that th departure of Texas would be an isolated event without dominoes falling west, east and north. In its wake, the Dems could control the Senate something like 60 - 8 and the House with a similar ratio. You could then disband both and the Constitution then the party chairman could rule by decree and the victory would be complete.

It's all wild speculation of course, but what a bunch of ditzes. Does anyone on these boards take time to think things through before they come up with asinine posts?

Landlocked Texas! That's so ignorant, yet still a bit amusing.

If you think Texas is landlocked you have more problems than someone else's ignorance. What would happen is that other states would quickly follow. Democrats would control the governments of the states that remain, and not control the states that left. Democrats could disband the Constitution and set up whatever it wished. It just wouldn't apply to the states that left.
Not only that...it balances the House out to a great degree too.

According to WIKI, its 232-200 Republican. Texas leaves and so does it's 24 red seats (as well as 12 blue ones). So it becomes 208-188 Republican. The Senate loses two of it's infected seats; Cruz and Cornyn both gone so Democratic power is enhanced there.

Basically, if you're a democrat, this is the best thing that could happen to your agenda.
it would be if you're a Democrat, and stupid enough to think that th departure of Texas would be an isolated event without dominoes falling west, east and north. In its wake, the Dems could control the Senate something like 60 - 8 and the House with a similar ratio. You could then disband both and the Constitution then the party chairman could rule by decree and the victory would be complete.

It's all wild speculation of course, but what a bunch of ditzes. Does anyone on these boards take time to think things through before they come up with asinine posts?

Landlocked Texas! That's so ignorant, yet still a bit amusing.

It's clear you don't give your posts much thought.

Politically (you may note this is a Political message board) it would be a great thing for the Democrats. If Texas were to take Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama with it; well from a political standpoint it's even better for the DNC.
I'm sorry. Was my post too complicated? I think you may have missed the north and west, as you think I meant only east. Look on a US map. Texas is the big one with an irregular shape all the way at the bottom (south) center just north of Mexico with a very large coastline on the Mexican Gulf.

Public education is something else that obviously needs to be addressed. And that would certainly not be wild speculation, but a clear and present danger to the USA.
American AND Texas would be be less well off if it happened.

BUT stranger things have happened than a formerly great nation collapsing in a heap of regional dust, so I don't entirely discount the possibility of it happening in the longer run.

Clearly the value zeitgeist of the TEXANS and that of many Americans are moving in different directions.
Great!!!!! Don't squeal when Mexico takes it back.

When exactly was Mexico's last successful military enterprise? They exert little or no control within their own borders, much less having the ability to expand them.



Cock-blocking liberal mental masturbation is just cruel.
Politically, and in spite of wishful thinking in some parts, nobody is going anywhere, and even if...Mexico isnt capable of forceably taking anything over.

That said, I reside about as far from the border as you can get even so and given immigration trends, secession or no, within twenty or so years Texas will be a defacto part of Mexico anyway.
When exactly was Mexico's last successful military enterprise? They exert little or no control within their own borders, much less having the ability to expand them.



Cock-blocking liberal mental masturbation is just cruel.
Politically, and in spite of wishful thinking in some parts, nobody is going anywhere, and even if...Mexico isnt capable of forceably taking anything over.

That said, I reside about as far from the border as you can get even so and given immigration trends, secession or no, within twenty or so years Texas will be a defacto part of Mexico anyway.

That would be ironic given that Mexico is about as far from being a liberal utopian nanny state as we may imagine.

These assumptions that close physical proximity means a more significant influances are simply another manifestation of the depth and breath of discussion board ignorance:

Anyone crossing the border could be anywhere in the USA within a day or less.

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