Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

Not sure, CandyAss, but I give it a few more years. Of course, the bolder your commie pal in the W.H. gets, the sooner it'll happen, so who knows for sure?

Obama is really acting like a dictator wanting universal background checks like 93% of the American people do!
I didn't say he was a dictator because of background checks, weasel. I think you might be in the wrong thread, stupid.

How could anyone know this isn't a lie like all the others?
Then why did you ask, asshole?

I'm just having fun with a delusional fuck who doesn't know how moronic he sounds. Namely you.
You mean you're a troll, trying to sound like you know something.

Dunno; you started a thread sponsoring something that has zero chance of ever happening as we saw with the Civil War. Sounds like you're the trollgirl here beeotch. 332-206 by the way
I'm just having fun with a delusional fuck who doesn't know how moronic he sounds. Namely you.
You mean you're a troll, trying to sound like you know something.

Dunno; you started a thread sponsoring something that has zero chance of ever happening as we saw with the Civil War. Sounds like you're the trollgirl here beeotch. 332-206 by the way
If it has zero chance, why are you so worried about it?
Nobody's worried about it, shyttehead. You're so brainwashed and hateful you're delusional LOL.

The problem is there are more people outside of Texas who want Texas and a few other shitty states to leave the Union. Don't let those bigmouths in Texas worm out!

It's time for the new nation of Limbaughia to be born.
Nobody's worried about it, shyttehead. You're so brainwashed and hateful you're delusional LOL.
Quite the contrary. The secessionists are asking for a "peaceful" parting of the ways. It's you left-wingers who keep talking about violence. Seems YOU are the hateful ones.
The OP is like all the TX Secessionists. All Hat, No Cattle.

A 10 gallon hat that never came near a brain.
OMG!!! That's just too fucking funny! Did you come up with that one all by yourself? You're really missing your calling, you should be a comedy writer. ROTFLMAO! Robin Williams better watch out for you, Dub. :woohoo:
Rebellion, secession, moving to Costa Rica, jail or dead!

How about a lot less talk and a lot more do?
Is this Dubya posting or is it his "daughter"? :lol::lol::lol:

Why don't you explain why all these right-wingers keep giving us mouth about doing something and never do it? Are you all chicken?
Don't you wish this was QnA, so you could just report all the posts that disagree with you?

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