Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

The word soldier does not require capitalization.

December 23, 2003

By Charlie Coon
Stars and Stripes

It's Soldier, not soldier.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker has decreed that all command information products, including base newspapers, capitalize the word "soldier" from now on.

"The change gives Soldiers the respect and importance they've always deserved, especially now in their fight against global terrorism," stated an October directive from Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Department of the Army.

Soldier - and That's With a Capital 'S'

Its a respect thing, something you obviously don't understand.

Like I said it's not a word that requires capitalization.

Respect is earned.

Soldiers fighting and dying for the freedom of America and Americans in general, for 200+ years, haven't earned your respect?

That speaks volumes.
Soldier - and That's With a Capital 'S'

Its a respect thing, something you obviously don't understand.

Like I said it's not a word that requires capitalization.

Respect is earned.

Soldiers fighting and dying for the freedom of America and Americans in general, for 200+ years, haven't earned your respect?

That speaks volumes.

No not all of them.

Using your logic, Hasan, Manning and every other soldier that has dishonored their service should be respected.
Like I said it's not a word that requires capitalization.

Respect is earned.

Soldiers fighting and dying for the freedom of America and Americans in general, for 200+ years, haven't earned your respect?

That speaks volumes.

No not all of them.

Using your logic, Hasan, Manning and every other soldier that has dishonored their service should be respected.

Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you really this dense?

Capitalizing the word doesn't honor every single Soldier individually, it honors Soldiers as a group.

I doubt that you're even a soldier.

He sings "Onward Obama Soldiers, marching as to war, with the O of Obama, marching on before."

That counts, doesn't it? He's sworn to defend Obama from all enemies, foreign and domestic, particularly from that damned constitution. He'd give his life for his god, Obama.

We've offically gone from the sublime to the ridiculous now that Junior has weighed in.
Since you don't even have the sense to capitalize "Soldier" your opinion is meaningless to me.

Grammar isn't your strong suit, is it sparky?

Now head back outside, those pigs aren't going to herd themselves you know.

When the call to prayer comes in, do you kowtow towards the Whitehouse, or toward whatever golf course your little tin god is at that day?
Since you don't even have the sense to capitalize "Soldier" your opinion is meaningless to me.

Grammar isn't your strong suit, is it sparky?

Now head back outside, those pigs aren't going to herd themselves you know.

When the call to prayer comes in, do you kowtow towards the Whitehouse, or toward whatever golf course your little tin god is at that day?

Soldiers fighting and dying for the freedom of America and Americans in general, for 200+ years, haven't earned your respect?

That speaks volumes.

No not all of them.

Using your logic, Hasan, Manning and every other soldier that has dishonored their service should be respected.

Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you really this dense?

Capitalizing the word doesn't honor every single Soldier individually, it honors Soldiers as a group.


Like a said soldier does not require capitalization. Just because some high ranking officer says to doesn't mean shit to me. Besides I wasn't talking about a group, I was talking about you.

Oh and I've never met a soldier so vain that he cries when a word isn't capitalized and he doesn't get the respect that he hasn't yet earned.

For a (self proclaimed) soldier you sure have lots of free time to whine about petty shit on here.
We've offically gone from the sublime to the ridiculous now that Junior has weighed in.

"Officially" sparky. And would you not gladly give your life to defend Obama from the United States Constitution?

Say if he were to be held accountable for killing a 16 year old American Citizen, without charge, warrant, indictment, or hint of due process, in direct violation of the 5th and 14th amendments?

Would you allow your god to be arrested and charged? Not a chance, you protect Obama.
No not all of them.

Using your logic, Hasan, Manning and every other soldier that has dishonored their service should be respected.

Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you really this dense?

Capitalizing the word doesn't honor every single Soldier individually, it honors Soldiers as a group.


Like a said soldier does not require capitalization. Just because some high ranking officer says to doesn't mean shit to me. Besides I wasn't talking about a group, I was talking about you.

Oh and I've never met a soldier so vain that he cries when a word isn't capitalized and he doesn't get the respect that he hasn't yet earned.

For a (self proclaimed) soldier you sure have lots of free time to whine about petty shit on here.

OK, you really are that dense, my bad.
We've offically gone from the sublime to the ridiculous now that Junior has weighed in.

"Officially" sparky. And would you not gladly give your life to defend Obama from the United States Constitution?

Say if he were to be held accountable for killing a 16 year old American Citizen, without charge, warrant, indictment, or hint of due process, in direct violation of the 5th and 14th amendments?

Would you allow your god to be arrested and charged? Not a chance, you protect Obama.

If someone wants to try to arrest Obama on that "charge" they can knock themselves out. It would make for good comedy.

Are you going to do it? Put your money where your mouth is or are just going to whine on the internet like a little impotent bitch?
Words from the only Texan I would respect"

"Let me tell you what is coming. After the sacrifice of countless millions of treasure and hundreds of thousands of lives you may win Southern independence if God be not against you, but I doubt it. The North is determined to preserve this Union. They are not a fiery impulsive people as we are...but once they begin to move in a given direction, they move with the steady momentum of a mighty avalanche, and what I fear is that they will overwhelm the South with ignoble defeat." - Sam Houston

Psst - Sam Houston was born in Virginia, not Texas.


No shit.....why did'nt I think of that? Now you call Houston and tell them to change the name of their city.
Liberals actually believe in refighting the civil war! It's going to end up the same way. Why? Because it did last time, that's why! Because the union in 1865 was worth preserving that's why.

It's not 1865, there is nothing in this country worth preserving, and both sides know it.
If someone wants to try to arrest Obama on that "charge" they can knock themselves out. It would make for good comedy.

Are you going to do it? Put your money where your mouth is or are just going to whine on the internet like a little impotent bitch?

I am not a U.S. Congressman. It's of absolutely no surprise to find that you don't understand that impeachment must start in the house of representatives.

You have no grasp at all of the government you seek to end.
Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you really this dense?

Capitalizing the word doesn't honor every single Soldier individually, it honors Soldiers as a group.


Like a said soldier does not require capitalization. Just because some high ranking officer says to doesn't mean shit to me. Besides I wasn't talking about a group, I was talking about you.

Oh and I've never met a soldier so vain that he cries when a word isn't capitalized and he doesn't get the respect that he hasn't yet earned.

For a (self proclaimed) soldier you sure have lots of free time to whine about petty shit on here.

OK, you really are that dense, my bad.

sol·dier (sljr)
1. One who serves in an army.
2. An enlisted person or a noncommissioned officer.
3. An active, loyal, or militant follower of an organization.
a. A sexually undeveloped form of certain ants and termites, having large heads and powerful jaws.
b. One of a group of honeybees that swarm in defense of a hive.
intr.v. sol·diered, sol·dier·ing, sol·diers
1. To be or serve as a soldier.
2. To make a show of working in order to escape punishment.


[Middle English soudier, mercenary, from Anglo-Norman soudeour, soldeier and Old French soudoior, soudier, both from Old French sol, soud, sou, from Late Latin solidum, soldum, pay, from solidus, solidus; see solidus.]


soldier·ship n.
Word History: Why do soldiers fight? One answer is hidden in the word soldier itself. Its first recorded occurrence is found in a work composed around 1300, the word having come into Middle English (as soudier) from Old French soudoior and Anglo-Norman soudeour. The Old French word, first recorded in the 12th century, is derived from sol or soud, Old French forms of Modern French sou. There is no longer a French coin named sou, but the meaning of sou alerts us to the fact that money is involved. Indeed, Old French sol referred to a coin and also meant "pay," and a soudoior was a man who fought for pay. This was a concept worth expressing in an era when many men were not paid for fighting but did it in service to a feudal superior. Thus soldier is parallel to the word mercenary, which goes back to Latin mercnnrius, derived from mercs, "pay," and meaning "working for pay." The word could also be used as a noun, one of whose senses was "a soldier of fortune."

Not once was soldier capitalized. Imagine that.

Fact is dumbass soldier does not need to be capitalized.

Just because Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker says he wants it capitalized doesn't mean squat!
Liberals actually believe in refighting the civil war! It's going to end up the same way. Why? Because it did last time, that's why! Because the union in 1865 was worth preserving that's why.

It's not 1865, there is nothing in this country worth preserving, and both sides know it.

I'd fight for the north to get rid of Texas. Hell yea!

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