Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

Shouldn't you be at the welfare office collecting a check from Whitey? Worthless fucking parasite.

All dude wants to know is how the trailer park secession planning is going. It's a fair question.

I have a question too - how's the smell in Texas today?
I'm not in Texas, but it smells like beaners here. Beaners on welfare. If I drive about 50 miles to L.A., I can smell the stench of So. Central. You know who lives there, right? Axe me and I'll tell ya.

Ah...you will be highly disappointed with Texas when you mover there. When are you packing up and leaving?
Brian Peppers, Governor of Texas 2016!
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I'm not talking to you, Unkie, so why don't you just shut the fuck up?

You really are 12, aren't you?

Did you stomp your foot and bite your lip when you were typing that?

He can't type and strangle his duck at the same time! Give dude a break!

Everytime I read a post of his, I'm reminded of a small child throwing a tantrum in a store because his mother won't buy him the matchbox car he desires.
Which tells you you're dealing with a bully or a spoiled motherfucker used to getting his or her own way. FUCK them!

You really are 12, aren't you?

Did you stomp your foot and bite your lip when you were typing that?

He can't type and strangle his duck at the same time! Give dude a break!

Everytime I read a post of his, I'm reminded of a small child throwing a tantrum in a store because his mother won't buy him the matchbox car he desires.
Well, I have this love for Ohio. I was new to a neighborhood when my son was born years ago. The next door neighbor was an elderly lady from Ohio, and she crocheted him a beautiful baby blanket before he was born. She didn't have to do that, I was new. She was such a ray of sunshine wherever she went.

The wife is from Ohio. Great people and they play good football up there high school through D-1 college. Pro fan support up there is great. And they can cook, like to fish and hunt!

We have an eclectic mix of hillbillies and yuppies, gang-bangers and inner city professionals, and everything in between. I'm a life long Ohioan born and raised. If anything, Ohio has many natural as well as man made sites to see. I was born and raised in "Indian country," near Mohican state park, and the history of the American Indians in this area is very interesting. Fishing is great on Lake Erie or in several of our rivers and lakes. We have the full gamet of all four seasons. Our highway system is a neat hub that can take you to the ocean in 10 hours or the the Mississippi the other way in a day. There's a lot about Ohio I don't like though. People get too hung up on geography. Especially younger people who always think there's a "Land of Oz" out there. Not true.
Well, children believe what people tell them wherever you go. And since they hear and see more on television than real life, they're confused out where the rubber hits the road, I think. *sigh*

/philosopher mode

Home office for one of our suppliers was in Ohio, and I made several business trips there. It was totally enjoyable in every way, especially the scenery. I just hope the business climate there improves. I've been unhappy to hear of high unemployment there for the last few years, and hope they find jobs for people to lower that rate down some. :thup:
That's so very touching. :lol:

And also so indicitive of the backward thinking fools in this backwater of a state.

You're free to leave at anytime. I'm sure you'd be welcome in California or New York.

I'm stationed here smart one.

I'm not "free to leave" but keep on assuming and I'll keep on schooling you.

I've become used to being surrounded by ignorance since I came to this backass state.

I doubt that you're even a soldier.
It's funny that folks who have never lived in this State seems to think they know so much about it.

The only time I hear about Texas seceding is when some liberal idiot brings it up.

I was born and raised in Texas. All you have to do is listen to the words of your governor on the subject of secession. He's no liberal.

Yes LISTEN to hiswords. YOU moron. He didn't call for secession on the contrary he said he wouldn't want to see Texas secede. But don't let the facts stop your ignorance.
Is that the Texas two-step you're doing or just plain old tapdancing?

Oh that's right... you idiots can't understand truth.

Truth that Texas was once it's an idependent Nation hence "the Republic of Texas" reference beside my avatar. I had seven 3rd great Uncles and a great great Grandfather that fought for Texas' independence and I am proud of that fact. As I am proud of the service of my ancestors in the Civil War as referenced by my avatar.

But like truth, you morons also don't understand the concept of pride. You see everything through a prism of race and hate. IMO

You're just another state in the union. You're not that special.


You're not.

Don't be jealous.
You're free to leave at anytime. I'm sure you'd be welcome in California or New York.

I'm stationed here smart one.

I'm not "free to leave" but keep on assuming and I'll keep on schooling you.

I've become used to being surrounded by ignorance since I came to this backass state.

I doubt that you're even a soldier.

Since you don't even have the sense to capitalize "Soldier" your opinion is meaningless to me.

Now head back outside, those pigs aren't going to herd themselves you know.
Oh that's right... you idiots can't understand truth.

Truth that Texas was once it's an idependent Nation hence "the Republic of Texas" reference beside my avatar. I had seven 3rd great Uncles and a great great Grandfather that fought for Texas' independence and I am proud of that fact. As I am proud of the service of my ancestors in the Civil War as referenced by my avatar.

But like truth, you morons also don't understand the concept of pride. You see everything through a prism of race and hate. IMO

You're just another state in the union. You're not that special.


You're not.

Don't be jealous.

Jealous of Texas? That would be like being jealous of an AIDS victim.
Words from the only Texan I would respect"

"Let me tell you what is coming. After the sacrifice of countless millions of treasure and hundreds of thousands of lives you may win Southern independence if God be not against you, but I doubt it. The North is determined to preserve this Union. They are not a fiery impulsive people as we are...but once they begin to move in a given direction, they move with the steady momentum of a mighty avalanche, and what I fear is that they will overwhelm the South with ignoble defeat." - Sam Houston
Words from the only Texan I would respect"

"Let me tell you what is coming. After the sacrifice of countless millions of treasure and hundreds of thousands of lives you may win Southern independence if God be not against you, but I doubt it. The North is determined to preserve this Union. They are not a fiery impulsive people as we are...but once they begin to move in a given direction, they move with the steady momentum of a mighty avalanche, and what I fear is that they will overwhelm the South with ignoble defeat." - Sam Houston

Psst - Sam Houston was born in Virginia, not Texas.

I'm stationed here smart one.

I'm not "free to leave" but keep on assuming and I'll keep on schooling you.

I've become used to being surrounded by ignorance since I came to this backass state.

I doubt that you're even a soldier.

Since you don't even have the sense to capitalize "Soldier" your opinion is meaningless to me.

Now head back outside, those pigs aren't going to herd themselves you know.

The word soldier does not require capitalization.
I doubt that you're even a soldier.

Since you don't even have the sense to capitalize "Soldier" your opinion is meaningless to me.

Now head back outside, those pigs aren't going to herd themselves you know.

The word soldier does not require capitalization.

December 23, 2003

By Charlie Coon
Stars and Stripes

It's Soldier, not soldier.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker has decreed that all command information products, including base newspapers, capitalize the word "soldier" from now on.

"The change gives Soldiers the respect and importance they've always deserved, especially now in their fight against global terrorism," stated an October directive from Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Department of the Army.

Soldier - and That's With a Capital 'S'

Its a respect thing, something you obviously don't understand.
Since you don't even have the sense to capitalize "Soldier" your opinion is meaningless to me.

Now head back outside, those pigs aren't going to herd themselves you know.

The word soldier does not require capitalization.

December 23, 2003

By Charlie Coon
Stars and Stripes

It's Soldier, not soldier.

Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker has decreed that all command information products, including base newspapers, capitalize the word "soldier" from now on.

"The change gives Soldiers the respect and importance they've always deserved, especially now in their fight against global terrorism," stated an October directive from Office of the Chief of Public Affairs, Department of the Army.

Soldier - and That's With a Capital 'S'

Its a respect thing, something you obviously don't understand.

Like I said it's not a word that requires capitalization.

Respect is earned.

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