Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

Great!!!!! Don't squeal when Mexico takes it back.


When the South American kidnapping gangs and Cartels get word that Texas is no longer under the protection of the United States, every Texas cheerleader and trophy wife will be turned out into the streets as fast as you can say "The stars at night, are big and bright..."

Texas will become like Dodge City, Deadwood, and Tombstone circa 1870s.

We'd have to build a wall around Austin, because they're not really Texas.

Uhhh. What?

You'll(I'd say we'll, but I'd fucking leave before the war starts) be dealing with cartels looking to expand their border access to the United States. And then you wouldn't have all those federal funds to secure the border.

Would be no match for the Cartels looking to expand and open up new avenues.

The boarder protection will by tiny when they realize that they buy power from out of state.

Any U.S. Corp with home offices in Texas will leave the state.

The incredible domino chain of collapsing local economies, loss of basic services....
Quite possibly the dumbest post of the entire thread. And that's saying a lot.

Gee, the first whiner is joesey.


Surprised, not.

Let me put it another way. Nobody gives a shit who was born in TX. Plenty of talented people were born in other states as well.

Your mascara is running

Great!!!!! Don't squeal when Mexico takes it back.


When the South American kidnapping gangs and Cartels get word that Texas is no longer under the protection of the United States, every Texas cheerleader and trophy wife will be turned out into the streets as fast as you can say "The stars at night, are big and bright..."

Texas will become like Dodge City, Deadwood, and Tombstone circa 1870s.

We'd have to build a wall around Austin, because they're not really Texas.

Uhhh. What?

You'll(I'd say we'll, but I'd fucking leave before the war starts) be dealing with cartels looking to expand their border access to the United States. And then you wouldn't have all those federal funds to secure the border.

Would be no match for the Cartels looking to expand and open up new avenues.

what? I wanna see dem come take our guns.....lol
Let me put it another way. Nobody gives a shit who was born in TX. Plenty of talented people were born in other states as well.

Your mascara is running


Translation: You're right, Joe. I guess my post really didn't prove anything. How 'bout I double-down and call you a drama queen to highlight this?


Um....apparently it went over your head, so I'll be more explicite:

Josey is a whiney bitch.

I have 48 more reasons: I cannot help it if you're so fucking much of a bore that the first two are not significant.

Maybe I'll get to one about jerking off, so you'll be able to relate?

How 'bout you tell us why you're listing all these reasons.
Why are you still here, you sniveling pussy? Shouldn't you be leading your tralier park in secession?
Shouldn't you be at the welfare office collecting a check from Whitey? Worthless fucking parasite.

Sorry, I was busy working today. Along with the other white guys in my crew.

That's two strikes for you, puss. Wanna try for a third?
You're not fooling anybody, Dick.
Why are you still here, you sniveling pussy? Shouldn't you be leading your tralier park in secession?
Shouldn't you be at the welfare office collecting a check from Whitey? Worthless fucking parasite.

All dude wants to know is how the trailer park secession planning is going. It's a fair question.

I have a question too - how's the smell in Texas today?
I'm not in Texas, but it smells like beaners here. Beaners on welfare. If I drive about 50 miles to L.A., I can smell the stench of So. Central. You know who lives there, right? Axe me and I'll tell ya.
Source: Agricultural subsidy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That math works out proving Texas was getting $1.4 billion in farm subsidies in 2006.

That's why they are not going anywhere - they're the Corporate Welfare capital of America! The feds give Texas defense contractors tons of money as well. Yep, welfare for the rich.


Conservatives will fold on their ‘principles’ when enough cash is involved.
It's what the government hopes for, and it has been a plan in the works for ever and a day now, so shamefully spoken you are right sadly enough. The problem is that as each state has fallen to this welfare problem in which each has become accustomed to, the government gains more and more control over the lives of the people within them, and so this is a major problem because the government has proven that it doesn't have the states and/or the individualist or their rights at heart any longer, and instead it has this collectivist attitude towards everything now. What comes with the collectivist attitude or agenda, is a lot of bad evil people into the mix, who are then empowered as a result of the collectivist agenda. It is a major fail of the federal government, and it has been a situation that has caused some big time trouble now in this nation. I mean just look at what is going on within this very thread, and then multiply this ten fold.
Shouldn't you be at the welfare office collecting a check from Whitey? Worthless fucking parasite.

All dude wants to know is how the trailer park secession planning is going. It's a fair question.

I have a question too - how's the smell in Texas today?
I'm not in Texas, but it smells like beaners here. .

You're just catching the stench of your own shame and failure blowing back at you, loser.
I'm not in Texas, but it smells like beaners here. .

You're just catching the stench of your own shame and failure blowing back at you, loser.
I'm not talking to you, Unkie, so why don't you just shut the fuck up?

Is this thread about the silly notion of Texas secession, or about your racist cowardice? Address the topic instead of indulging your weakness - again.

I have 48 more reasons: I cannot help it if you're so fucking much of a bore that the first two are not significant.

Maybe I'll get to one about jerking off, so you'll be able to relate?

Wesminster Blvd in Houston is the #1 place for street corner hand jobs from gay prostitutes. You'd know about that intimately, wouldn't you? Considering you charge the best prices in the city. :suck:
Um....apparently it went over your head, so I'll be more explicite:

Josey is a whiney bitch.

Right. Because telling you that nobody gives a shit about your list of Texas attractions makes me a whiner. Get back to your corner, bitch, before your pimp blackens your other eye. Of course, your clientelle might like that.

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