Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

Is that the Texas two-step you're doing or just plain old tapdancing?

Oh that's right... you idiots can't understand truth.

Truth that Texas was once it's an idependent Nation hence "the Republic of Texas" reference beside my avatar. I had seven 3rd great Uncles and a great great Grandfather that fought for Texas' independence and I am proud of that fact. As I am proud of the service of my ancestors in the Civil War as referenced by my avatar.

But like truth, you morons also don't understand the concept of pride. You see everything through a prism of race and hate. IMO
. Why is it when blacks mention slavery, so many say hey, that's ancient history. But you are fine looking at your past.

I don't speak for "so many" I speak for myself. Please don't project what others may say onto me.
Oh that's right... you idiots can't understand truth.

Truth that Texas was once it's an idependent Nation hence "the Republic of Texas" reference beside my avatar. I had seven 3rd great Uncles and a great great Grandfather that fought for Texas' independence and I am proud of that fact. As I am proud of the service of my ancestors in the Civil War as referenced by my avatar.

But like truth, you morons also don't understand the concept of pride. You see everything through a prism of race and hate. IMO

This is 2013.

Texas is a state and nobody cares what your ancesters did.

But if that silly excuse flies for you, then have at it, but don't try to lecture anybody on the "truth" because you're not even telling it to yourself.

I care.

So that proves you wrong.

I don't need to lecture, you and your fellow idiots proves my point with each of your post.

No you don't need to lecture, but it sure makes this echo chamber of bitter liberalism more interesting..

These guys obviously cannot stand Texas because it represents a Conservative State that is in excellent fiscal condition compared to the many Dem. Lib. controlled states that are fiscal basket-cases.
I think you should talk your buds in Texas into seceding. That'll show us. Go. Leave. Be gone. Don't let the door hit you on your way out. Adios. Ciao.
Do your parents know you're up this late?

Why are you still here, you sniveling pussy? Shouldn't you be leading your tralier park in secession?
Shouldn't you be at the welfare office collecting a check from Whitey? Worthless fucking parasite.
That's very Junior High of you! If you make it past 6th grade in Texas, they call you a scholar.
Don't you wish this was qna? Then you could just report all my posts. Wimp.

Stop hijacking threads with your trolling bullshit and stick to the subject. If you can't stick to the subject, I'll put your worthless ass on ignore. I'm not the subject of this thread, troll, so either make a thread where I am the subject, or shut the fuck up if you want me to see your worthless posts that are only good for pointing out the obvious lack of good judgment!

^ that
I care.

So that proves you wrong.

I don't need to lecture, you and your fellow idiots proves my point with each of your post.

That's so very touching. :lol:

And also so indicitive of the backward thinking fools in this backwater of a state.

You're free to leave at anytime. I'm sure you'd be welcome in California or New York.

I'm stationed here smart one.

I'm not "free to leave" but keep on assuming and I'll keep on schooling you.

I've become used to being surrounded by ignorance since I came to this backass state.
That's so very touching. :lol:

And also so indicitive of the backward thinking fools in this backwater of a state.

You're free to leave at anytime. I'm sure you'd be welcome in California or New York.

I'm stationed here smart one.

I'm not "free to leave" but keep on assuming and I'll keep on schooling you.

I've become used to being surrounded by ignorance since I came to this backass state.
Dude. In school once for the military, I had to go to fucking mississippi for a bit. I feel your pain. :)
You're free to leave at anytime. I'm sure you'd be welcome in California or New York.

I'm stationed here smart one.

I'm not "free to leave" but keep on assuming and I'll keep on schooling you.

I've become used to being surrounded by ignorance since I came to this backass state.
Dude. In school once for the military, I had to go to fucking mississippi for a bit. I feel your pain. :)

I have to admit cities like SA and Austin aren't terrible, but once you come out of the cities, it's like going back in time.
I'm stationed here smart one.

I'm not "free to leave" but keep on assuming and I'll keep on schooling you.

I've become used to being surrounded by ignorance since I came to this backass state.
Dude. In school once for the military, I had to go to fucking mississippi for a bit. I feel your pain. :)

I have to admit cities like SA and Austin aren't terrible, but once you come out of the cities, it's like going back in time.
well, when I got to Mississippi,.I.found myself asking what year it was, vice what time it was. :)
Do your parents know you're up this late?

Why are you still here, you sniveling pussy? Shouldn't you be leading your tralier park in secession?
Shouldn't you be at the welfare office collecting a check from Whitey? Worthless fucking parasite.

All dude wants to know is how the trailer park secession planning is going. It's a fair question.

I have a question too - how's the smell in Texas today?
Why are you still here, you sniveling pussy? Shouldn't you be leading your tralier park in secession?
Shouldn't you be at the welfare office collecting a check from Whitey? Worthless fucking parasite.

All dude wants to know is how the trailer park secession planning is going. It's a fair question.

I have a question too - how's the smell in Texas today?

He lives in Cali.

He's the only thing worse than a true Texan...a wanna-be Texan.
It's funny that folks who have never lived in this State seems to think they know so much about it.

The only time I hear about Texas seceding is when some liberal idiot brings it up.

I was born and raised in Texas. All you have to do is listen to the words of your governor on the subject of secession. He's no liberal.
Do your parents know you're up this late?

Why are you still here, you sniveling pussy? Shouldn't you be leading your tralier park in secession?
Shouldn't you be at the welfare office collecting a check from Whitey? Worthless fucking parasite.

Sorry, I was busy working today. Along with the other white guys in my crew.

That's two strikes for you, puss. Wanna try for a third?
Why are you still here, you sniveling pussy? Shouldn't you be leading your tralier park in secession?
Shouldn't you be at the welfare office collecting a check from Whitey? Worthless fucking parasite.

Sorry, I was busy working today. Along with the other white guys in my crew.

That's two strikes for you, puss. Wanna try for a third?

Damn, never thought I'd leave to hear a Californicator also be a racist. Take me Lord - I've heard it all!
Shouldn't you be at the welfare office collecting a check from Whitey? Worthless fucking parasite.

All dude wants to know is how the trailer park secession planning is going. It's a fair question.

I have a question too - how's the smell in Texas today?

He lives in Cali.

He's the only thing worse than a true Texan...a wanna-be Texan.

Ah shit! A Rhinestone Cowboy! We even got those in Ohio, wearing boots that are as long as snow skis and those fucked up hats that could house the populace of Guam.
All dude wants to know is how the trailer park secession planning is going. It's a fair question.

I have a question too - how's the smell in Texas today?

He lives in Cali.

He's the only thing worse than a true Texan...a wanna-be Texan.

Ah shit! A Rhinestone Cowboy! We even got those in Ohio, wearing boots that are as long as snow skis and those fucked up hats that could house the populace of Guam.

Don't forget the belt buckles that look like they just won a pro wrestling match. :lol:
Yes and he was responding to an article from the liberal media.

Is that the Texas two-step you're doing or just plain old tapdancing?

Oh that's right... you idiots can't understand truth.

Truth that Texas was once it's an idependent Nation hence "the Republic of Texas" reference beside my avatar. I had seven 3rd great Uncles and a great great Grandfather that fought for Texas' independence and I am proud of that fact. As I am proud of the service of my ancestors in the Civil War as referenced by my avatar.

But like truth, you morons also don't understand the concept of pride. You see everything through a prism of race and hate. IMO

You're just another state in the union. You're not that special.


You're not.

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