Texas Secession Movement Gaining Momentum

It's funny that folks who have never lived in this State seems to think they know so much about it.

The only time I hear about Texas seceding is when some liberal idiot brings it up.

Psssst, hey Tex, this thread was started by a 'conservative.'

Also, did you see his "Republic of Texas" comment by his Avatar? :eusa_liar:
It's funny that folks who have never lived in this State seems to think they know so much about it.

The only time I hear about Texas seceding is when some liberal idiot brings it up.

Psssst, hey Tex, this thread was started by a 'conservative.'

Also, did you see his "Republic of Texas" comment by his Avatar? :eusa_liar:

Good looking out, I missed that one.

Guess he's a self-confessed librul, huh?
It's funny that folks who have never lived in this State seems to think they know so much about it.

The only time I hear about Texas seceding is when some liberal idiot brings it up.

I have...and if that is the "only time" you hear about it, you are intentionally looking the other way or else lying.

Lying is a liberal tenet. I think you guys have that market cornered.
there comparable quality between the current US administration and the Khmer Rouge,

Glad you admitted it. (Are we through dishonestly changing each others quotes, now?)

Obama murders United States citizens and you applaud him for it. You of the left called for the murder of George Bush every day while he was in office. You bitterly hate anyone who holds opinions that deviate from those assigned by your shameful party.

Do I think you would even hesitate at supporting the murder of millions of your fellow Americans? Not really. Whether the party would do it or not is irrelevant, people like you, Dubya, RDean, etc. would gladly participate in the mass murder of every republican in the nation.

The difference between you an the Khmer Rouge is only one of opportunity. You have not been presented the opportunity to create killing fields.

For one thing, you need to disarm us first.

Obama is not murdering US citizens, for a start. No one that I am aware of called for the murder of Bush. You are projecting onto others what you yourself do: bitterly hating anyone who holds different opinions. The problem with your 'opinions' is that they are just hysterical blathering: they have no basis in fact or logic. The rest of your post is truly ludicrous.

Maybe not, but as you may recall, there was a British film made in 2006 about the (fictitious) assassination of GWB. As I recall, those on the left lauded it as 'tremendous'.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ojWOWyHWj6M]Clip from Bush Assassination Film - YouTube[/ame]
Glad you admitted it. (Are we through dishonestly changing each others quotes, now?)

Obama murders United States citizens and you applaud him for it. You of the left called for the murder of George Bush every day while he was in office. You bitterly hate anyone who holds opinions that deviate from those assigned by your shameful party.

Do I think you would even hesitate at supporting the murder of millions of your fellow Americans? Not really. Whether the party would do it or not is irrelevant, people like you, Dubya, RDean, etc. would gladly participate in the mass murder of every republican in the nation.

The difference between you an the Khmer Rouge is only one of opportunity. You have not been presented the opportunity to create killing fields.

For one thing, you need to disarm us first.

Obama is not murdering US citizens, for a start. No one that I am aware of called for the murder of Bush. You are projecting onto others what you yourself do: bitterly hating anyone who holds different opinions. The problem with your 'opinions' is that they are just hysterical blathering: they have no basis in fact or logic. The rest of your post is truly ludicrous.

Maybe not, but as you may recall, there was a British film made in 2006 about the (fictitious) assassination of GWB. As I recall, those on the left lauded it as 'tremendous'.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=ojWOWyHWj6M]Clip from Bush Assassination Film - YouTube[/ame]

I've never heard of it. I was living overseas at the time, but hardly anyone I talked to, American or otherwise, had anything positive to say about Bush, quite the contrary in fact. However, I've never had or listened to a conversation where people were talking about wanting to murder Bush. They just wanted him to not be there, not doing all the stupid things he was doing.
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Psssst, hey Tex, this thread was started by a 'conservative.'

Yes and he was responding to an article from the liberal media.

Is that the Texas two-step you're doing or just plain old tapdancing?

Oh that's right... you idiots can't understand truth.

Truth that Texas was once it's an idependent Nation hence "the Republic of Texas" reference beside my avatar. I had seven 3rd great Uncles and a great great Grandfather that fought for Texas' independence and I am proud of that fact. As I am proud of the service of my ancestors in the Civil War as referenced by my avatar.

But like truth, you morons also don't understand the concept of pride. You see everything through a prism of race and hate. IMO
Yes and he was responding to an article from the liberal media.

Is that the Texas two-step you're doing or just plain old tapdancing?

Oh that's right... you idiots can't understand truth.

Truth that Texas was once it's an idependent Nation hence "the Republic of Texas" reference beside my avatar. I had seven 3rd great Uncles and a great great Grandfather that fought for Texas' independence and I am proud of that fact. As I am proud of the service of my ancestors in the Civil War as referenced by my avatar.

But like truth, you morons also don't understand the concept of pride. You see everything through a prism of race and hate. IMO

This is 2013.

Texas is a state and nobody cares what your ancesters did.

But if that silly excuse flies for you, then have at it, but don't try to lecture anybody on the "truth" because you're not even telling it to yourself.
Is that the Texas two-step you're doing or just plain old tapdancing?

Oh that's right... you idiots can't understand truth.

Truth that Texas was once it's an idependent Nation hence "the Republic of Texas" reference beside my avatar. I had seven 3rd great Uncles and a great great Grandfather that fought for Texas' independence and I am proud of that fact. As I am proud of the service of my ancestors in the Civil War as referenced by my avatar.

But like truth, you morons also don't understand the concept of pride. You see everything through a prism of race and hate. IMO

This is 2013.

Texas is a state and nobody cares what your ancesters did.

But if that silly excuse flies for you, then have at it, but don't try to lecture anybody on the "truth" because you're not even telling it to yourself.

I care.

So that proves you wrong.

I don't need to lecture, you and your fellow idiots proves my point with each of your post.
Oh that's right... you idiots can't understand truth.

Truth that Texas was once it's an idependent Nation hence "the Republic of Texas" reference beside my avatar. I had seven 3rd great Uncles and a great great Grandfather that fought for Texas' independence and I am proud of that fact. As I am proud of the service of my ancestors in the Civil War as referenced by my avatar.

But like truth, you morons also don't understand the concept of pride. You see everything through a prism of race and hate. IMO

This is 2013.

Texas is a state and nobody cares what your ancesters did.

But if that silly excuse flies for you, then have at it, but don't try to lecture anybody on the "truth" because you're not even telling it to yourself.

I care.

So that proves you wrong.

I don't need to lecture, you and your fellow idiots proves my point with each of your post.

That's so very touching. :lol:

And also so indicitive of the backward thinking fools in this backwater of a state.
Oh that's right... you idiots can't understand truth.

Truth that Texas was once it's an idependent Nation hence "the Republic of Texas" reference beside my avatar. I had seven 3rd great Uncles and a great great Grandfather that fought for Texas' independence and I am proud of that fact. As I am proud of the service of my ancestors in the Civil War as referenced by my avatar.

But like truth, you morons also don't understand the concept of pride. You see everything through a prism of race and hate. IMO

This is 2013.

Texas is a state and nobody cares what your ancesters did.

But if that silly excuse flies for you, then have at it, but don't try to lecture anybody on the "truth" because you're not even telling it to yourself.

I care.

So that proves you wrong.

I don't need to lecture, you and your fellow idiots proves my point with each of your post.

The Republic of Texas...so broke they BEGGED to be annexed and were REJECTED for 10 years. We should have kept rejecting them.
Yes and he was responding to an article from the liberal media.

Is that the Texas two-step you're doing or just plain old tapdancing?

Oh that's right... you idiots can't understand truth.

Truth that Texas was once it's an idependent Nation hence "the Republic of Texas" reference beside my avatar. I had seven 3rd great Uncles and a great great Grandfather that fought for Texas' independence and I am proud of that fact. As I am proud of the service of my ancestors in the Civil War as referenced by my avatar.

But like truth, you morons also don't understand the concept of pride. You see everything through a prism of race and hate. IMO
. Why is it when blacks mention slavery, so many say hey, that's ancient history. But you are fine looking at your past.
Obama is not murdering US citizens, for a start.

Yes, he in fact is.

How Team Obama Justifies the Killing of a 16-Year-Old American - Conor Friedersdorf - The Atlantic

You know this and support him murdering Americans.

No one that I am aware of called for the murder of Bush.

Yep - you leftists sure are an honest lot...




You are projecting onto others what you yourself do: bitterly hating anyone who holds different opinions.

I've no doubt that this claim is every bit as true as your prior two were....

The problem with your 'opinions' is that they are just hysterical blathering: they have no basis in fact or logic. The rest of your post is truly ludicrous.

Right -


You Obamunists are just peachy...
This is 2013.

Texas is a state and nobody cares what your ancesters did.

But if that silly excuse flies for you, then have at it, but don't try to lecture anybody on the "truth" because you're not even telling it to yourself.

I care.

So that proves you wrong.

I don't need to lecture, you and your fellow idiots proves my point with each of your post.

That's so very touching. :lol:

And also so indicitive of the backward thinking fools in this backwater of a state.

You're free to leave at anytime. I'm sure you'd be welcome in California or New York.
It's funny that folks who have never lived in this State seems to think they know so much about it.

The only time I hear about Texas seceding is when some liberal idiot brings it up.


So you just called SJ (the originator of this thread) a liberal idiot, I'm sure he (or she as the case may be) appreciates that.


Whatever you think. Truth is hear more about secession from the left not the right.
This is 2013.

Texas is a state and nobody cares what your ancesters did.

But if that silly excuse flies for you, then have at it, but don't try to lecture anybody on the "truth" because you're not even telling it to yourself.

I care.

So that proves you wrong.

I don't need to lecture, you and your fellow idiots proves my point with each of your post.

The Republic of Texas...so broke they BEGGED to be annexed and were REJECTED for 10 years. We should have kept rejecting them.


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