Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school

A good start!!!

The Texas Senate approved a bill Thursday that would require public schools in the state to prominently display the Ten Commandments in every classroom, starting next school year, The Texas Tribune reports. The bill's sponsor, state Sen. Phil King (R), argued earlier this month that the Ten Commandments are part of American heritage, and his legislation "will remind students all across Texas of the importance of the fundamental foundation of America."
Don’t Texas legislators have anything better to do than than waste time and taxpayers’ money on bills that are going to be overturned by the USSC anyway?
California made a stupid law, cost taxpayers money, and then was overturned.

I never understood why anyone would insist that children be taught the Ten Commandments

The first demands that Children worship God
Then it insists they attend Church, not question the existence of God and not make graven images

It is blatant establishment of religion in school
Agreed.. same with saying that men can mystically become women… it requires a religious faith to believe that. Neither should be in public schools. The left doesn’t hold consistent standards per usual
Agreed.. same with saying that men can mystically become women… it requires a religious faith to believe that. Neither should be in public schools. The left doesn’t hold consistent standards per usual
It is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than to get con-servatives to put themselves in someone else's shoes.
If trans ideology is allowed, then Christianity is a tap in. Christianity promotes ideology that data says makes people happier, which is good for society. Trans involves high high numbers of depression and suicide, which is bad for the victims and society
Lib loons are unhappy victim people and resent greatly those who find solace and good direction in religion
Lib loons are unhappy victim people and resent greatly those who find solace and good direction in religion

Millions of Catholics pray for them every day and there's nothing they can do to stop it.

The prayer is called the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy and it's a beautiful prayer.

I like the symmetry of that.

It’s rather telling that they choose the Ten Commandments instead of the Greatest Commandment.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.
It’s rather telling that they choose the Ten Commandments instead of the Greatest Commandment.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.

I notice that they'll bake a cake f liars, murders, thieves and adulterers, all of whom are mentioned in the 10 Commandments, but not homosexuals, who are not.or
Lib loons are unhappy victim people and resent greatly those who find solace and good direction in religion

Every liberal I know is a happy person. They’re not frightened of non-whites. They don’t fear “replacement” or see pedos around every corner.

They don’t suspect that their government is plotting against them or trying to “control” them.

They discuss solutions not grievances. They don’t waste time accusing leaders of imaginary crimes.
Every liberal I know is a happy person. They’re not frightened of non-whites. They don’t fear “replacement” or see pedos around every corner.

They don’t suspect that their government is plotting against them or trying to “control” them.

They discuss solutions not grievances. They don’t waste time accusing leaders of imaginary crimes.

The only thing I disagree with is that they don't suspect the gov't of anything. Hell, everyone should suspect the gov't. The gov't has shown that over and over.
If trans ideology is allowed, then Christianity is a tap in. Christianity promotes ideology that data says makes people happier, which is good for society. Trans involves high high numbers of depression and suicide, which is bad for the victims and society
There is no trans “ideology”, it’s a condition. Maybe if Christians would be more compassionate and inclusive, the rates of depression and suicide would go down.

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