Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school

It is easier for a camel to go thru the eye of a needle than to get con-servatives to put themselves in someone else's shoes.
What we really need is a law saying who is supposed to wear a dress and who is not supposed to wear a dress.
I see this being overruled by the SCOTUS, at the very least. It won't last unless other faiths are allowed and represented.

The 10 Commandments monument that Judge Roy Moore snuck into the Alabama State Supreme Courthouse lobby was removed for the same reasons.

Texas proves once again they have the US Constitution.

Are graven images ok now?

Are you Taliban?

Perhaps they should teach math, science and English...

Math would help people understand what has happened to the solvency of America since W took office.

Science would enable Americans to understand why it is obvious that 911 and Co2 are frauds....


As are Christian students. But here we go again.

Remind students...

Also it will remind students that a republican can't go 10 minutes without violating at least one of the commandments.

Looks like the Catholic Ten Commandments which give two covets and drops graven images

How stupid since it does no good Christians can't follow the commandments.

We are a secular nation that was started by people who had Judeo Christian backgrounds.

It's easier to make sure everybody is treated equally by not having religion in government schools and let everybody worship how they please.

I'm sure the Republicans will take a black sharpie to #8 and #9.

No, that was a law that the admitted crotch grabber named trump came up with.

So have Christians.

In addition to there being no set times for prayers for Christians, there is the parable from Jesus comparing praying loudly and playing quietly.

Why does that make her a fake they had a differant take on the subject SO WHAT thats democracy 'frredom

Maybe you should post what Jesus said. To love your fellow men. Republicans ignore the words of God and they want to claim they do. They are hypocrites.

If discussions of sex are forbidden, how do you explain #6 to the kids.

#8 is a real big problem for Republicans too.

Good for them.

Don’t Texas legislators have anything better to do than than waste time and taxpayers’ money on bills that are going to be overturned by the USSC anyway?

It’s rather telling that they choose the Ten Commandments instead of the Greatest Commandment.

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself.

The only thing I disagree with is that they don't suspect the gov't of anything. Hell, everyone should suspect the gov't. The gov't has shown that over and over.

Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school​

This is such bad news….DAMNIT…. this could stoke interest in God, decency and morality for children in Texas….DAMNIT…they might ask questions about God instead of man on man ass sex and chicks with dicks...DAMNIT….children might stop posting ass pics online at 13…..DAMNIT….ghetto kids might stop having four baby daddys by age 22…DAMNIT….this is such bad news if you are an America hating filthy piece of worthless dogshit.
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Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school​

This is such bad news….DAMNIT…. this could stoke interest in God, decency and morality for children in Texas….DAMNIT…they might ask questions about God instead of man on man ass sex and chicks with dicks...DAMNIT….children might stop posting ass pics online at 13…..DAMNIT….ghetto kids might stop having four baby daddys by age 22…DAMNIT….this is such bad news if you are an America hating filthy piece of worthless dogshit.
Are you going to launch into orbit like you just did when the SCOTUS strikes it down?
There is no trans “ideology”, it’s a condition. Maybe if Christians would be more compassionate and inclusive, the rates of depression and suicide would go down.
Society has absolutely worshipped trans ideology and yet the suicide and depression remain. This is clearly an internal problem, and one that subsides most of the time when not promoted. Most trans folk just were gay but believed faulty ideology and harmed themselves, many detransitioners are speaking out about the pressure they were put under as youth and the regret they have.

If people in a movement require affirmation to survive, it means it’s an mentally unhealthy way to live.
Society has absolutely worshipped trans ideology and yet the suicide and depression remain. This is an internal problem. If people require affirmation to survive, it means it’s an mentally unhealthy way to live.
I think you are out of touch with reality here, just sayin’.
I have no problem with religion in school. We are a Juedo-Christian nation and religion has played an important part in forming our Nation. But to avoid the government establishing a national religion ever child in that school district who is not Christian should get equal time. So if you have a Muslim kid, or a Satanist kid...well you get it.

They can always move somewhere else if they don't like it.
I think you are out of touch with reality here, just sayin’.
How is it incorrect? It’s everywhere in entertainment, always portrayed as heroic and brave.. yet they still are struggling so much. I actually care about people who put themselves at risk.. you appear to not.

Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school​

This is such bad news….DAMNIT…. this could stoke interest in God, decency and morality for children in Texas….DAMNIT…they might ask questions about God instead of man on man ass sex and chicks with dicks...DAMNIT….children might stop posting ass pics online at 13…..DAMNIT….ghetto kids might stop having four baby daddys by age 22…DAMNIT….this is such bad news if you are an America hating filthy piece of worthless dogshit.
Do you not see that this is our government favoring one religion over all others?
Do you not see that this is our government favoring one religion over all others?
This nation was founded, built and pillared on Protestant Christianity. YOUR academia, the government institution in charge now is a religion that is destroying the core American value system and the moral order that has guided this nation since it’s founding.
This nation was founded, built and pillared on Protestant Christianity. YOUR academia, the government institution in charge now is a religion that is destroying the core American value system and the moral order that has guided this nation since it’s founding.
This nation was founded, built and pillared on Protestant Christianity. YOUR academia, the government institution in charge now is a religion that is destroying the core American value system and the moral order that has guided this nation since it’s founding.
No.It is a secular country founded by people who happened to subscribe to a certain religion.
This nation was founded, built and pillared on Protestant Christianity. YOUR academia, the government institution in charge now is a religion that is destroying the core American value system and the moral order that has guided this nation since it’s founding.

The men who formed our nation had the good sense to make our nation secular. That is why the 1st amendment exists. It gives freedom of religion, but does not allow the gov't to be based on religion.
A good start!!!

The Texas Senate approved a bill Thursday that would require public schools in the state to prominently display the Ten Commandments in every classroom, starting next school year, The Texas Tribune reports. The bill's sponsor, state Sen. Phil King (R), argued earlier this month that the Ten Commandments are part of American heritage, and his legislation "will remind students all across Texas of the importance of the fundamental foundation of America."

I don't think religious liberty means what you guys think it means.

Forcing your religious texts onto every student in every public school classroom isn't 'liberty'.

Don't ever let conservatives tell you their movement isn't White Christian Nationalism.
Every liberal I know is a happy person. They’re not frightened of non-whites. They don’t fear “replacement” or see pedos around every corner.

They don’t suspect that their government is plotting against them or trying to “control” them.

They discuss solutions not grievances. They don’t waste time accusing leaders of imaginary crimes.

Barrels of laughs.

Just like this one. :laughing0301:

Every liberal I know is a happy person. They’re not frightened of non-whites. They don’t fear “replacement” or see pedos around every corner.

They don’t suspect that their government is plotting against them or trying to “control” them.

They discuss solutions not grievances. They don’t waste time accusing leaders of imaginary crimes.
It is kinda sad what such a significant percentage of our population has degenerated into. I truly believe it is because of the 24/7/365 drone of the RWNM, the noise never stops and the topics have to get a bit more outrageous every day. Listen to it long enough and you truly believe.

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