Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school

Bezos did build Amazon all wrong. Just because it’s profitable doesn’t mean that it’s a good corporate citizen, or even a good employer. Amazon is not paying federal income taxes, but it’s the biggest retailer in the world. Bezos isn’t paying federal income taxes and he’s one of the richest men on the planet.

Amazon workers have the highest rate of injury and disability of any company in the USA, and employees have to pay for their own optional group health and disability insurance from their $19 per hour wages.

When Amazon was planning on building their headquarters in New York City, they wanted the city and state to pay for the $9 billion in infrastructure and public transit improvements needed to build service their complex.

Yes, Jeff Bezos definitely built Amazon all wrong.
There you have it folks….A purple haired crazy lady in the Sex Pistols concert shirt with nose rings and neck tattoos says Jeff Bezos built the worlds largest company all wrong.
Should you EVER take these loons seriously?
Of course it is….why wouldn’t it be? Have you seen the data? If America was all Christian and all white it would be what it was when it became the greatest nation on the globe in a very short 150 years, it would be all that it was founded to be, it would be moral, decent, clean, safe, likeminded and united. You purple haired whack-jobs with nose rings and neck tattoos would hate it…we know you prefer a dirty, indecent, immoral, dangerous, divided, hostile, DIVERSE shithole.…we see ALL of your cities.


America was never all white nor all Christian.

You are such a moron
There you have it folks….A purple haired crazy lady in the Sex Pistols concert shirt with nose rings and neck tattoos says Jeff Bezos built the worlds largest company all wrong.
Should you EVER take these loons seriously?
View attachment 778825

My hair isn’t purple. I have never owned a Sex Pistols T-shirt, nor am I a fan of drug addicts or anarchists. I have never had anything pierced other than my ears, and I don’t have a single tattoo.

I was one of the first female bank managers in Canada in the 1970s, and retired as senior law clerk specializing in corporate commercial and real estate transactions, at one of the largest most respected law firms in Canada.

Any company that exist solely to and to enrich its owner, and does so by harming and injuring its lowest paid workers, all while, paying no income taxes, is hardly a shining example on how you want companies to function.
The first US national school book; True story!

It was still in use up until the 1950s.

Yep. Textbooks common to all primary schools included the Bible, the New England Primer, and the McGuffey Readers, which imparted to students a knowledge of Presbyterian Calvinistic beliefs and manners well into the middle of the nineteenth century.
Of course it is….why wouldn’t it be? Have you seen the data? If America was all Christian and all white it would be what it was when it became the greatest nation on the globe in a very short 150 years, it would be all that it was founded to be, it would be moral, decent, clean, safe, likeminded and united. You purple haired whack-jobs with nose rings and neck tattoos would hate it…we know you prefer a dirty, indecent, immoral, dangerous, divided, hostile, DIVERSE shithole.…we see ALL of your cities.

White Jesus has hippie length hair.
Yep. Textbooks common to all primary schools included the Bible, the New England Primer, and the McGuffey Readers, which imparted to students a knowledge of Presbyterian Calvinistic beliefs and manners well into the middle of the nineteenth century.
Catholics weren't permitted.
And then you use facts to prove me correct.

We were not all white.

Thanks dude!
If retarded technicalities help you self manipulate and make you feel better go with that Tard…To sane people 9 in 10 is basically “all”.

Leftist Fools:
“Black people don’t have a greater propensity for criminality…I know this because I know two of them that are totally legit and law abiding.”
If retarded technicalities help you self manipulate and make you feel better go with that Tard…To sane people 9 in 10 is basically “all”.

Leftist Fools:
“Black people don’t have a greater propensity for criminality…I know this because I know two of them that are totally legit and law abiding.”

It is always fun when people run from their own words.

Thereby proving that you know a limited number of liberals, and so your statement itself is limited.

We got that.


What’s your point? Do you have one?

The post I responded to said that ALL liberals were miserable, unhappy, and dangerous. I may only know a few thousand liberals but all the liberals I know are all happy, thereby refuting the comment that all liberals are miserable. Nice attempted at a “pile on” though.

Why don’t you try addressing issues or policy, instead of spending your time attacking other posters?

Oh, right! Conservatives don’t have policies and the issues are all going against them. All they have are personal attacks.

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