Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school

First Amendment beats the Ten Commandments every time

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Requiring the Posting of the Ten Commandments establishes religion

Horseshit. Your usual lack of education is as always displayed.
If they wanted us to be a secular Christian nation, they would have used those words

Instead, they intentionally left out references to God or any preferred religion

They didn't have to, for the same reason they never specified a lot of things, because it was blatantly obvious and didn't need to be specified. You're just stupid, is all. They didn't specifically mention white people either, dumbass, nor did they specify males, or the necessity of wearing clothes in public, or wearing coats outdoors in winter, either, idiot.

Close to 99% of the delegates who wrote the Constitution, and the Bill Of Rights, were WASPs; do you really believe they were Woke morons who meant anything else? lol you probably do.
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What’s your point? Do you have one?

The post I responded to said that ALL liberals were miserable, unhappy, and dangerous. I may only know a few thousand liberals but all the liberals I know are all happy, thereby refuting the comment that all liberals are miserable. Nice attempted at a “pile on” though.

Why don’t you try addressing issues or policy, instead of spending your time attacking other posters?

Oh, right! Conservatives don’t have policies and the issues are all going against them. All they have are personal attacks.


You win.

Of course it is….why wouldn’t it be? Have you seen the data? If America was all Christian and all white it would be what it was when it became the greatest nation on the globe in a very short 150 years, it would be all that it was founded to be, it would be moral, decent, clean, safe, likeminded and united. You purple haired whack-jobs with nose rings and neck tattoos would hate it…we know you prefer a dirty, indecent, immoral, dangerous, divided, hostile, DIVERSE shithole.…we see ALL of your cities.


What's also funny about these ignorant dumbasses is that their Hero Abraham Lincoln ran on a white nationalist platform; he wanted to keep all black people out of his own state as well as all of the new territories, and ship them back to Africa to boot.

lol we know what the crime rate in Chicago would be if he had lived. As it was, over 90% of the black population remained in the South until 1910 or so.
The men who formed our nation had the good sense to make our nation secular. That is why the 1st amendment exists. It gives freedom of religion, but does not allow the gov't to be based on religion.
Our founding charter acknowledges God's providence in no fewer than four places.

Even the Constitution, which formed a new government in our already-formed nation, defers to the Judeo-Christian God in two places.
The Texas Senate approved a bill Thursday that would require public schools in the state to prominently display the Ten Commandments in every classroom, starting next school year,

FINALLY the Texas legislature is taking action after the massacre at Uvalde

Mass shooters will walk into a school, see the commandment “Thou shall not Kill” and turn around and go home.
Wrong again.It made the Federal govt. a secular Christian govt., i.e. no one sect could be favored. It didn't prevent states from having a state sect, including granting taxation powers. You don't know what you're talking about; the Amendment itself is taken directly from one of the founding platforms of the Baptists sect, in 1610.
I wouldn't say secular Christian. I would say non-denominational. The founding era was an era strongly influenced by Christianity. The purpose of the Establishment Clause was to prevent the federal government from establishing a Christian denomination.
All the commandments in the Decalogue are consistent.

Nope, the Catholic version leaves off the Graven Images and makes coveting two different commandments.

And their reason for doing so is obvious.

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