Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school

Nope, the Catholic version leaves off the Graven Images and makes coveting two different commandments.

And their reason for doing so is obvious.
Correct. There are different version depending on if you are Jewish, or what king of Xtian you are. it's not like they are numbered in the text.
They also specifically stated that there should be no religious test for any elected official or government employee.

And of course they meant no requirement for a specific Christian sect, not any blathering loon who worships ducks, or Space Lizards.

After requiring all federal and state legislators and officers to swear or affirm to support the federal Constitution, Article VI specifies that “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” This prohibition, commonly known as the No Religious Test Clause, banned a longstanding form of religious discrimination practiced both in England and in the United States. In doing so, it provided a limited but enduring textual constitutional commitment to religious liberty and equality that has influenced the way Americans have understood the relationship between government and religion over the last two centuries.

In England, religious tests were used to “establish” the Church of England as an official national church. The Test Acts, in force from the 1660s until the 1820s, required all government officials to take an oath disclaiming the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and affirming the Church of England’s teachings about receiving the sacrament. These laws effectively excluded Catholics and members of dissenting Protestant sects from exercising political power.

Educated people who are claiming otherwise are blatantly lying, and the rest are just ignorant deviants. And, the individual states were allowed to keep their favored sects; the clause did not apply to the states, it was a restriction on the Federal govt. to prevent a national sect from being established. That's why its called 'the Establishment clause', for the idiots who have been told otherwise.
Was America “based on religion” during that first 150 years when it quickly became the greatest nation on earth?
Are you the type to think….”Bezos built Amazon all wrong”?

We became the greatest nation on earth because of our freedoms, guaranteed by the US Constitution.

I am sure you would prefer a nation that is all white, Christian (your version), and straight. But that isn't going to happen.
I don't support this any more than I support all the insidious woke indoctrination.

I assume this puts me in a distinct minority here.

Well, there are all those kids who dropped dead as soon they saw them. No one ever talks about them.
We became the greatest nation on earth because of our freedoms, guaranteed by the US Constitution.
NEGATIVE….we became great because of The People we were. Evidenced in all blue shitholes….Could you imagine if your pet humans in Baltimore or St Louis had more “freedoms”?

I am sure you would prefer a nation that is all white, Christian (your version), and straight. But that isn't going to happen.
All sane people not PC programmed who like facts, data, truth and who prefer to live a higher quality of life would prefer that….most simply don’t have the ball-sack to admit it….Hell, even BLM filth buy homes to be amongst those evil white people.

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