Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school

No, its not. We have no laws requiring anyone to bow down to a certain religion. Muslims wear head scarfs at school, ten commandments on the wall, etc. Thats not establishing a religion.

Every Classroom has a plaque starting

I am the Lord, thy God, Thou shall have no Gods before me

Establishes religion
And of course they meant no requirement for a specific Christian sect, not any blathering loon who worships ducks, or Space Lizards.

After requiring all federal and state legislators and officers to swear or affirm to support the federal Constitution, Article VI specifies that “no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.” This prohibition, commonly known as the No Religious Test Clause, banned a longstanding form of religious discrimination practiced both in England and in the United States. In doing so, it provided a limited but enduring textual constitutional commitment to religious liberty and equality that has influenced the way Americans have understood the relationship between government and religion over the last two centuries.

In England, religious tests were used to “establish” the Church of England as an official national church. The Test Acts, in force from the 1660s until the 1820s, required all government officials to take an oath disclaiming the Catholic doctrine of transubstantiation and affirming the Church of England’s teachings about receiving the sacrament. These laws effectively excluded Catholics and members of dissenting Protestant sects from exercising political power.

Educated people who are claiming otherwise are blatantly lying, and the rest are just ignorant deviants. And, the individual states were allowed to keep their favored sects; the clause did not apply to the states, it was a restriction on the Federal govt. to prevent a national sect from being established. That's why its called 'the Establishment clause', for the idiots who have been told otherwise.

And anyone who disagrees with that interpretation is a deviant?? That’s incredibly fascist of you.

This is a classic case of taking a piece of the constitution and viewing it through the lens of what we want it to say not what it says.

What part of “no religious test” do you not understand? How can you ban Catholics from anything if there’s no test to prove they’re Catholics?

And if there’s “no religious test”, how do you know they are Christian at all. They could be atheists, Muslims, or Buddhists and you wouldn’t know without a religious test.

It also fails to consider the background and times that the Framers lived in. Your country was founded by people escaping religious persecution in Europe. The tumult and violence of the Reformation sent the Pilgrims and other fringe religious groups to the New World was fresh.

The Europeans wars of succession and religion have been going since Jesus walked the earth and the Romans spread Catholicism throughout Europe.

The Founders wanted a nation where people lives were determined by their character and their abilities, not their religion or their status at birth. They didn’t even have a standing army at the start.

The Founders were determined to keep religion as far away from politics as was possible.
We became the greatest nation on earth due to incredible natural resources and an ocean separating us form all of our rivals

lol really? So what happened with Russia? Africa? Asia? This is a dumb assertion even for you.

Max Weber on the Protestant Work Ethic:

Of course, there is a distinction to be made between the different kinds of capitalism; we know financial capitalism punishes hard work and rewards idleness, corruption, and thievery over the work ethic, but overall, when allowed to prosper, other kinds work great, and have been proven so.
I have no problem with religion in school. We are a Juedo-Christian nation and religion has played an important part in forming our Nation. But to avoid the government establishing a national religion ever child in that school district who is not Christian should get equal time. So if you have a Muslim kid, or a Satanist kid...well you get it.
No we're not. You've been duped. Capitalism's intimate relationship to schizophrenia can be seen in the schizoid Federalist concept, below:

'Christian nationalists have never convincingly answered a basic question: How, precisely, did the bible influence American political thought and America's founding? The question is even more pressing knowing that the founders did not cite the bible when writing and debating the Constitution.

It is assumed that our government was founded on biblical principles, on Judeo-Christian principles. Because the answer is assumed, few bother to explain which specific Judeo-Christian principles and ideas were so influential to America's founding.

Instead, we get vague assertions from men like Tim LaHaye, a Christian nationalist author and co-author of the popular Left Behind series, who lauds "the Christian consensus of our Founding Fathers and the Biblical principles of law that have provided freedoms we've enjoyed for over two hundred years."

The partial answers rely on emotion and desire, not on history or fact, and therefore fail to truly answer anything.....When Lutz separated the Federalists (those arguing [for (italics)] the Constitution, and a central, federal government) from the Anti-Federalists (those arguing [against (it.)] the Constitution), he discovered that the Federalists (never [it.]) cited the bible - not once.

Put simply, those who argued for and supported the Constitution were not influenced by the bible.'
(Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American, p. 116)
And anyone who disagrees with that interpretation is a deviant?? That’s incredibly fascist of you.

This is a classic case of taking a piece of the constitution and viewing it through the lens of what we want it to say not what it says.

What part of “no religious test” do you not understand? How can you ban Catholics from anything if there’s no test to prove they’re Catholics?

And if there’s “no religious test”, how do you know they are Christian at all. They could be atheists, Muslims, or Buddhists and you wouldn’t know without a religious test.

It also fails to consider the background and times that the Framers lived in. Your country was founded by people escaping religious persecution in Europe. The tumult and violence of the Reformation sent the Pilgrims and other fringe religious groups to the New World was fresh.

The Europeans wars of succession and religion have been going since Jesus walked the earth and the Romans spread Catholicism throughout Europe.

The Founders wanted a nation where people lives were determined by their character and their abilities, not their religion or their status at birth. They didn’t even have a standing army at the start.

The Founders were determined to keep religion as far away from politics as was possible.

Yes, you're an unhinged moonbat, and can't ever post any real facts, just moonbat crap. Thanks for repeating that, in case anybody forgot. You don't know squat about our history. Do you even remember what country you're supposed to be living in this week?
No we're not. You've been duped. Capitalism's intimate relationship to schizophrenia can be seen in the schizoid Federalist concept, below:

'Christian nationalists have never convincingly answered a basic question: How, precisely, did the bible influence American political thought and America's founding? The question is even more pressing knowing that the founders did not cite the bible when writing and debating the Constitution.

It is assumed that our government was founded on biblical principles, on Judeo-Christian principles. Because the answer is assumed, few bother to explain which specific Judeo-Christian principles and ideas were so influential to America's founding.

Instead, we get vague assertions from men like Tim LaHaye, a Christian nationalist author and co-author of the popular Left Behind series, who lauds "the Christian consensus of our Founding Fathers and the Biblical principles of law that have provided freedoms we've enjoyed for over two hundred years."

The partial answers rely on emotion and desire, not on history or fact, and therefore fail to truly answer anything.....When Lutz separated the Federalists (those arguing [for (italics)] the Constitution, and a central, federal government) from the Anti-Federalists (those arguing [against (it.)] the Constitution), he discovered that the Federalists (never [it.]) cited the bible - not once.

Put simply, those who argued for and supported the Constitution were not influenced by the bible.'
(Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American, p. 116)

And another pseudo-intellectual idiot posts a load of crap. All these deviants get their talking orders from the same shill sites.

As the artivle shows, almost none of the Founders were atheists, or Muslims, or any other religion than Christian,, and the real answeer is actually none of them were, since Thomas Paine wasn't a Founder; he held no elected officer and was neitger a signer of the Declaration of Independence nor the Articles nor the Constitution. The article I linked to makes some weak points re 'Christian Deism', very weak ones, since few of the Founders were even Deists. Jefferson was most decidedly a Christian Deist; we know this because he said so.
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No we're not. You've been duped. Capitalism's intimate relationship to schizophrenia can be seen in the schizoid Federalist concept, below:

'Christian nationalists have never convincingly answered a basic question: How, precisely, did the bible influence American political thought and America's founding? The question is even more pressing knowing that the founders did not cite the bible when writing and debating the Constitution.

It is assumed that our government was founded on biblical principles, on Judeo-Christian principles. Because the answer is assumed, few bother to explain which specific Judeo-Christian principles and ideas were so influential to America's founding.

Instead, we get vague assertions from men like Tim LaHaye, a Christian nationalist author and co-author of the popular Left Behind series, who lauds "the Christian consensus of our Founding Fathers and the Biblical principles of law that have provided freedoms we've enjoyed for over two hundred years."

The partial answers rely on emotion and desire, not on history or fact, and therefore fail to truly answer anything.....When Lutz separated the Federalists (those arguing [for (italics)] the Constitution, and a central, federal government) from the Anti-Federalists (those arguing [against (it.)] the Constitution), he discovered that the Federalists (never [it.]) cited the bible - not once.

Put simply, those who argued for and supported the Constitution were not influenced by the bible.'
(Seidel, The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism is Un-American, p. 116)
Think about the time, how could the founding fathers have possibly avoided religious influences? In fact, even today we are so steeped in our Christian heritage I do not think we could avoid its influences today. Heck, it is hard to explain why adultery is wrong without some religious upbringing. I do see how the relationship between some Christian denominations and capitalism has tainted both their religion and politics.
And another pseudo-intellectual idiot posts a load of crap. All these deviants get their talking orders from the same shill sites.
If they are the idiots and you are not, why are all you posts content free with insults being the only attempt to convey some sort of idea?
Every Classroom has a plaque starting

I am the Lord, thy God, Thou shall have no Gods before me

Establishes religion
Which is already a blatant mistake.

1.) The pronoun can't be defined, only boasts of meat that speaks. Dipshit, there is nothing unique about meat that speaks.

2. There is no existing entity connected to the noun, god, so why in hell capitalize the noun? duh
A plaque with the 10 Commandments? Considering how Judeo-Christian centric it is, there are better ways to remind them of their history.
So, refuse to teach America's Judeo-Christian heritage. Are you an American?
If they are the idiots and you are not, why are all you posts content free with insults being the only attempt to convey some sort of idea?

Posts that deliberately lie about our history, make up stupid claims, etc. are just troll posts, period, as all of yours are by definition. Go fuck yourself if you don't like it. I respond to all posts in the spirit in which they are made. It's just not my fault you're a dumbass deviant pagan cultist.
So, refuse to teach America's Judeo-Christian heritage. Are you an American?

The only way to teach about our heritage is to force the 10 commandments into every classroom permanently?

I don't think religious liberty means what you guys think it means. I'm not sure you even understand what 'liberty' is.
Yea, because our heritage is nothing but the Ten Commandments.


Then why the need to FORCE the 10 commandments into every classroom?

Again, I don't think conservatives understand what liberty means.

Spoiler Alert: its not forcing someone else to do anything.
Then why the need to FORCE the 10 commandments into every classroom?

Again, I don't think conservatives understand what liberty means.

Spoiler Alert: its not forcing someone else to do anything.
Well, let's liberate the students, then. They can go to school voluntarily.
Then why the need to FORCE the 10 commandments into every classroom?

Again, I don't think conservatives understand what liberty means.

Spoiler Alert: its not forcing someone else to do anything.

It has nothing to do with liberty

Forcing the 10 Commandments into classrooms protects the children. Anyone storming a classroom with an AR15 will see “Thou shall not kill” and turn away
Liberty is when the moonbats forced God and the Ten Commandments out of the public schools.

They understand what liberty means. Deny certain subject matters. Force ignorance.

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