Texas Senate approves bills requiring 10 Commandments in K-12 classrooms, Bible time in school

Do you not see that this is our government favoring one religion over all others?
They are not Americans anymore, they are Trumpsters. Trump has made theocracy and autocracy cool again. I am fine with religion in school, all religions. By the way, I know people of nonChristian religions that were born here, their parents were born here and are every bit as American as any of us.
What if, you know, they are Americans. Maybe they will tell you to move if you do not like it.

Maybe they can go fuck themselves. Christians founded the country; if faggots and pagans don't like it go mooch off somebody else.
Forcing your religious texts onto every student in every public school classroom isn't 'liberty'.

They can't make any law banning Christianity from anywhere. Not that laws mean anything to you perverts and gimps, but the Bill of Rights is very clear on that.
It is kinda sad what such a significant percentage of our population has degenerated into. I truly believe it is because of the 24/7/365 drone of the RWNM, the noise never stops and the topics have to get a bit more outrageous every day. Listen to it long enough and you truly believe.

lol triggered deviant whines, nothing new here.
The men who formed our nation had the good sense to make our nation secular. That is why the 1st amendment exists. It gives freedom of religion, but does not allow the gov't to be based on religion.

Wrong again.It made the Federal govt. a secular Christian govt., i.e. no one sect could be favored. It didn't prevent states from having a state sect, including granting taxation powers. You don't know what you're talking about; the Amendment itself is taken directly from one of the founding platforms of the Baptists sect, in 1610.
First Amendment beats the Ten Commandments every time

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof

Requiring the Posting of the Ten Commandments establishes religion
It is kinda sad what such a significant percentage of our population has degenerated into. I truly believe it is because of the 24/7/365 drone of the RWNM, the noise never stops and the topics have to get a bit more outrageous every day. Listen to it long enough and you truly believe.

The Republican Party has no plans, no agenda, and no platform. It’s easy to criticize the current administration’s policies, but you have to offer something other than criticism to replace them.

Republicans don’t criticize Democratic policies, they criticize Democrats, calling them corrupt and dishonest, on no evidence.

They wasted over $100 million of taxpayers’ money trying to prosecute the Clintons for corruption - all based on Republican lies and rumors. Finding nothing to support their lies they said “The Clintons got away with it!”.

Now they’re going after the Bidens in the same way. Accusing the Bidens of corruption on no evidence, and trying to make a list of bank transfers sound like something sinister.

In the meantime, they continue to defend the most criminally, corrupt politician in the history of the nation. His prosecution is purely political they say.

The only thing I disagree with is that they don't suspect the gov't of anything. Hell, everyone should suspect the gov't. The gov't has shown that over and over.

I didn’t say we don’t suspect the government of anything. I said we don’t think the government is trying to control us.

I don’t trust them on anything, and fact check everything. But I don’t think the government is trying to control me.

Republicans are the most frightening paranoid people I have ever encountered. They are neither brave, nor free. And they don’t have the common sense God gave a goose.

Their media lies to them, their politicians lie to them, and they’re convinced that the lies are true, again on no evidence.

They fact check, nothing, and then attack anyone who refutes the lies they believe, with insults and abuse.
How is it incorrect? It’s everywhere in entertainment, always portrayed as heroic and brave.. yet they still are struggling so much. I actually care about people who put themselves at risk.. you appear to not.
If it is "everywhere"...how come I don't see it much unless I actually look?

Stop pretending you care.
They are not Americans anymore, they are Trumpsters. Trump has made theocracy and autocracy cool again. I am fine with religion in school, all religions. By the way, I know people of nonChristian religions that were born here, their parents were born here and are every bit as American as any of us.
The problem with trying to have all religions in school is just that. There are so many that it would be almost impossible to accommodate all of them. I think the fairest solution would be to simply leave it as a private decision.
THe healthcare system is a great example of being outraged, but having no plan.

So is the infrastructure plan, and opposition to vaccines.

They have no plan to reform immigration other than to keep everyone out. All while your birth rate declines, and you have 11 million job openings you can’t fill.

Republicans cite tax rates in Canada and compares them cheaper tax rates in the USA as an example of “socialism run amok”. Our taxes include healthcare - no copays. Copays are called “extra billing” here. Extra billing is illegal.

My knee replacement last year cost me $200. TOTAL. I rented some medical equipment for my recovery.

When you include health care premiums plus your taxes, the American people are paying much higher taxes than Canadians or Norwegians, or other first world nations, and getting a lot less for their money

These are the other things that our lower rates of taxes buy that American are old your nation cannot afford: a child tax benefit for low income families of $500 per child per month; guaranteed income for seniors 65 and over of $18,888 per year: low cost post secondary education and a generous, low cost student assistance program; paid maternity leave and job security for pregnant women; Two weeks paid vacation annually for all workers.

These benefits are pretty much standard throughout first world countries. All of whom are doing better, both fiscally and socially than the United States of America.

Last, but not least, Canada also has a huge number of job openings we cannot fill. Our solution is to triple immigration for the next three years.

Of course we have a working immigration system and our legislation is up-to-date so we can quickly and easily increase immigration. The US has hasn’t addressed immigration issues since Reagan was in office and much has changed.

The Republicans refuse to reform immigration, because it’s such a great wedge issue for them, election time. Republican did nothing about immigration when they were in office other than to close the Southern Border. Now they’re screaming about “open borders” while refusing to reform immigration law.

The Coyotes all vote Republican. They make so much more money when the border is closed and they’re the only way people can get in.

Republicans are now encouraging crime and chaos in every sector of American life because they think it helps them win elections.
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Don't ever let conservatives tell you their movement isn't White Christian Nationalism.
Of course it is….why wouldn’t it be? Have you seen the data? If America was all Christian and all white it would be what it was when it became the greatest nation on the globe in a very short 150 years, it would be all that it was founded to be, it would be moral, decent, clean, safe, likeminded and united. You purple haired whack-jobs with nose rings and neck tattoos would hate it…we know you prefer a dirty, indecent, immoral, dangerous, divided, hostile, DIVERSE shithole.…we see ALL of your cities.

The men who formed our nation had the good sense to make our nation secular. That is why the 1st amendment exists. It gives freedom of religion, but does not allow the gov't to be based on religion.
Was America “based on religion” during that first 150 years when it quickly became the greatest nation on earth?
Are you the type to think….”Bezos built Amazon all wrong”?
Wrong again.It made the Federal govt. a secular Christian govt., i.e. no one sect could be favored. It didn't prevent states from having a state sect, including granting taxation powers. You don't know what you're talking about; the Amendment itself is taken directly from one of the founding platforms of the Baptists sect, in 1610.
If they wanted us to be a secular Christian nation, they would have used those words

Instead, they intentionally left out references to God or any preferred religion
Society has absolutely worshipped trans ideology and yet the suicide and depression remain. This is clearly an internal problem, and one that subsides most of the time when not promoted. Most trans folk just were gay but believed faulty ideology and harmed themselves, many detransitioners are speaking out about the pressure they were put under as youth and the regret they have.

If people in a movement require affirmation to survive, it means it’s an mentally unhealthy way to live.

Society in no way worships trans people. The general public was fascinated by Bruce Jenner’s transformation, but most people cannot fathom such behaviour. Now the Republican Party is banning it and making it illegal calling it “perversion” and “mental illness”. And then they’re banning treatment for the mentally ill.

There was one TV show called “Transparent” which I never watched. There’s an entire TV network called “Out” that I don’t watch. We have an aboriginal TV Network I don’t watch much either. I also don’t watch BET. I watch sports and movies.

With 500 channels on my TV, I truly do not have to watch mass media about gays or trans people unless I choose it.

De transitioning is extremely rare, but the right wing is seizing up on these stories is proof positive that trans motioning is a hoax, and it’s harming people.

One major Republican lie is that other countries are banning transitioning and hormonal hormonal treatments for children. Great Britain is closing down its only trans treatment centre for children. But the reason Great Britain is closing this facility is because one centre is not nearly enough and they’re opening two facilities to replace it v and expanding trans treatment throughout the country.

Was America “based on religion” during that first 150 years when it quickly became the greatest nation on earth?
Are you the type to think….”Bezos built Amazon all wrong”?

Bezos did build Amazon all wrong. Just because it’s profitable doesn’t mean that it’s a good corporate citizen, or even a good employer. Amazon is not paying federal income taxes, but it’s the biggest retailer in the world. Bezos isn’t paying federal income taxes and he’s one of the richest men on the planet.

Amazon workers have the highest rate of injury and disability of any company in the USA, and employees have to pay for their own optional group health and disability insurance from their $19 per hour wages.

When Amazon was planning on building their headquarters in New York City, they wanted the city and state to pay for the $9 billion in infrastructure and public transit improvements needed to build service their complex.

Yes, Jeff Bezos definitely built Amazon all wrong.

Barrels of laughs.

Just like this one. :laughing0301:


I said every liberal, I know. This is not a person I know.

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