Texas sends first bus to Chicago

Texas save even more by just busing them back to Mexico.

1500 miles from Brownsville to Chicago.
700 miles from Amarillo to Mexico.

Instead of fighting immigration, Abbott is giving them free rides.

To take them to Mexico is not a good idea as they just come back over the border and the cycle is repeating. Biden already does not care if people are streaming over the border and the resources in Texas are strained, let's let the left and their wanting illegal immigrants in the country go where they can be most productive, nice cities like NY, Chicago, DC and other places where the left is welcoming them. It's a win for everyone!
I'm not making claims... you are... I'm questioning your claims. Don't change the subject. Does messaging an policy matter or not? If we let it be know that anybody who sneaks across the boarder gets a free bus ride to a sanctuary state and $500 you really don't think that would be an incentive for more to come.

Yes they have been coming, they are coming, and they will continue to come no matter what we do but there are things we can do to impact the severity of it.

So wait, you're worried about a fucking bus ride may encourage more to come here, but then you turn around and vote for people who sent this message out?

All Democrats At Main Debate Agree Illegal Immigrants Should Get Health Care Coverage​

MSNBC Democratic presidential primary debate co-moderator Savannah Guthrie asked the candidates to raise their hand if their healthcare plan would cover undocumented immigrants.

Do you, dipshit? 😄 There's no border patrol guarding the border between Texas and Louisiana. Anyone in this Nation is free, by law, to come and go to whatever state they please. The only exceptions are if you're in prison, under house arrest or awaiting trial and under instruction from the court not to leave the state. So again, every immigrant leaving is an immigrant who had planned to leave and whom you are now providing a free ride to. Abbott can't force anyone on a bus against their will. The ones who want to stay are staying. How is this saving Texans money? 😄 Can you not do simple math? The cost of travel, which used to be the onus of the immigrant, is now tax payer funded. You really got us with this one. 😄
simple dumb ass they have no money so cant leave till they acquire some by illegally working in Texas while using up state provided services. By bussing them out the State saves on months of benefits.
If Texas sent invaders back to Mexico Fuckwad Biden would send federal marshals to stop Texas from interfering in federal law. Sending them to war zones make much more sense. Invaders already gets plenty of incentives to come, including cash from resettlement groups. If they are going to war zones like Chicago, perhaps invaders should be given a gun.
simple dumb ass they have no money so cant leave till they acquire some by illegally working in Texas while using up state provided services. By bussing them out the State saves on months of benefits.
You do understand employment is a good thing, right?
So wait, you're worried about a fucking bus ride may encourage more to come here, but then you turn around and vote for people who sent this message out?

All Democrats At Main Debate Agree Illegal Immigrants Should Get Health Care Coverage​

MSNBC Democratic presidential primary debate co-moderator Savannah Guthrie asked the candidates to raise their hand if their healthcare plan would cover undocumented immigrants.
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Im not worried about anything... I'm questioning your logic and the things you're saying. I haven't even expressed a personal POV on the situation so can you stop avoiding my questions and trying to turn the table on me?

The healthcare debate is a whole other can of worms. Can we focus on the subject at hand first?
Just ship them to liberal cities. That's all, since you want them. Let your loved one get murdered and raped.
So is that yes? You want to advertise to people that illegally cross the border that they get a free bus ride to a sanctuary city?

Have you thought that one through?
Being stupid to own the libs.........the life's blood of the Republican party.....
How is it stupid to move illegals into cities that want and welcome illegal immigrants? The big sanctuary cities get to employee the hard working illegals and Texas gets border relief, it is a win win. The price for transporting an illegal immigrant on a bus is about $230 per person.
So is that yes? You want to advertise to people that illegally cross the border that they get a free bus ride to a sanctuary city?

Have you thought that one through?
Ohh bug off retard ignoring the fact that Biden and all the dems INVITED the INVASION and facilitated it while trying to claim republicans are to blame is ignorant as hell
First of all,, we are swamped with illegals here in Detroit area. Many yellow Tornado buses from Texas flooding them in. Walmarts are 80% illegals that all have new clothes, plenty of food money and new cars. I see INFANTS as well as Grandparents ,,,they did not cross the desert.

Second,,,We have INTERNAL BORDER CHECKPOINTS in New Mexico and Texas. they are about 50 miles inland.

If you wanted to rebuild the world, would you want white people that could figure out a way to crush your New World Order OR would you want people that just want their base instincts satiated.
unless you have a few million like S.Cal you aint swamped....
Ohh bug off retard ignoring the fact that Biden and all the dems INVITED the INVASION and facilitated it while trying to claim republicans are to blame is ignorant as hell
haha, I'm not ignoring anything, Biden was brought up as a diversionary tactic. I'm happy to talk about Bidens horrible border poiicies if that was the subject. But I was questioning a poster about some things that they said.

Side note, you are lying about the invitation and I never said a word about blaming republicans... Try and keep it honest Jack.
Im not worried about anything... I'm questioning your logic and the things you're saying. I haven't even expressed a personal POV on the situation so can you stop avoiding my questions and trying to turn the table on me?

The healthcare debate is a whole other can of worms. Can we focus on the subject at hand first?

I already said a fucking bus ride is not going to encourage more. But what it is going to do, is at least spread some of the invasion around. These blue cities need a little taste of what border states such as Texas is dealing with.
The record #'s we are now seeing is directly due to Biden and other Dimocrat lawmakers. Ask any of these fucking invaders, they knew as soon as Biden entered the White House they stood a better chance of being able to come here and eventually be allowed to stay.
Guarantee you the word quickly spread when Biden told the world that if he became president, that there should be an immediate "surge to the border". Also, those Dimocrats who announced to the world that they favored giving government healthcare to illegals, guaranteed that there would be in fact a whole new "surge".
I already said a fucking bus ride is not going to encourage more. But what it is going to do, is at least spread some of the invasion around. These blue cities need a little taste of what border states such as Texas is dealing with.
The record #'s we are now seeing is directly due to Biden and other Dimocrat lawmakers. Ask any of these fucking invaders, they knew as soon as Biden entered the White House they stood a better chance of being able to come here and eventually be allowed to stay.
Guarantee you the word quickly spread when Biden told the world that if he became president, that there should be an immediate "surge to the border". Also, those Dimocrats who announced to the world that they favored giving government healthcare to illegals, guaranteed that there would be in fact a whole new "surge".
Haha, you are so transparent... Stuck on owning the libs and not on staying principled with your beliefs. If you think the Dems are responsible for inviting people to illegally cross the border with their policies and messaging then the last thing you should support is enabling the journey with free bus rides to city centers that will support them. Thats you jumping onboard with the liberal agenda.

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