Texas sends first bus to Chicago

Those dumb assed illegals are going to wish they were back in Mexico after spending a winter on the mean streets of Chicago.
Haha, you are so transparent... Stuck on owning the libs and not on staying principled with your beliefs. If you think the Dems are responsible for inviting people to illegally cross the border with their policies and messaging then the last thing you should support is enabling the journey with free bus rides to city centers that will support them. Thats you jumping onboard with the liberal agenda.

Yeah sure it is! (insert rolling eyes emoji here)

Jose: "Hey Maria, they're giving out bus rides from the Texas border to Chicago! Maria: "Great Jose, let's leave everything here, and pack up our nine children, cross that desert at 100 degrees, maybe lose a kid or two along the way, but hey, if we get to ride a bus from Texas to Chicago, let's do it!"

Let me get it straight! I do not want these fucking invaders coming here! P-E-R-I-O-D!!!!!!!! I am 100% in favor of sending every goddamned one of them back!!! But since that's not going to happen, I'm all for sending them to places I won't be visiting anyway!
Yeah sure it is! (insert rolling eyes emoji here)

Jose: "Hey Maria, they're giving out bus rides from the Texas border to Chicago! Maria: "Great Jose, let's leave everything here, and pack up our nine children, cross that desert at 100 degrees, maybe lose a kid or two along the way, but hey, if we get to ride a bus from Texas to Chicago, let's do it!"

Let me get it straight! I do not want these fucking invaders coming here! P-E-R-I-O-D!!!!!!!! I am 100% in favor of sending every goddamned one of them back!!! But since that's not going to happen, I'm all for sending them to places I won't be visiting anyway!
Isn’t it ironic… don’t you think?!
So is that yes? You want to advertise to people that illegally cross the border that they get a free bus ride to a sanctuary city?

Have you thought that one through?
Conserdering Trump had the border under control and Biden encouraged illegals to come in. Biden will not deport them. So yes I support them getting bussed to liberal cities. You wanted them.
Hey, I have an even better idea, if you dipshits are willing to subsidize public transportation for illegals, why not actual American citizens as well and encourage your representatives to vote with progressives on a massive overhaul of public transportation?

You sound very anti-immigrant and racist. Why aren't you living up to your commitments?
Hey, I have an even better idea, if you dipshits are willing to subsidize public transportation for illegals, why not actual American citizens as well and encourage your representatives to vote with progressives on a massive overhaul of public transportation?
Better idea, close our and we wouldn't have to worry about it.
Unlikely, as immigrants are free to come and go as the please you dipshit. Texas is giving rides to immigrants who want them, people who were going to leave anyway to various parts of the country. 😄

I'm always pleasantly surprised when white wingers find a new bottom to their barrel of stupid. 😄
I never had sex with that woman...Ms Lewinsky...democrat genius billy clinton
Lightfoot is going to lose her shit. Wait until she hurls her first race card at this because she - like Abbott - doesn’t want the overload on her city and state. Unlike Abbott, she won’t admit it.
Conserdering Trump had the border under control and Biden encouraged illegals to come in. Biden will not deport them. So yes I support them getting bussed to liberal cities. You wanted them.
What makes you think the border was under control under trump?! Wasn’t there a surge just before COVID?
Conserdering Trump had the border under control and Biden encouraged illegals to come in. Biden will not deport them. So yes I support them getting bussed to liberal cities. You wanted them.
Biden didn’t encourage anybody to come illegally. If that’s what you’re claiming then that’s a lie
What makes you think the border was under control under trump?! Wasn’t there a surge just before COVID?
and none were getting in and those that did cross the border and were caught were sent back. Biden stopped that he allowed all that crossed to remain until enough pressure was exerted to where he started stopping a few

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