Texas sends first bus to Chicago

Texas save even more by just busing them back to Mexico.

1500 miles from Brownsville to Chicago.
700 miles from Amarillo to Mexico.

Instead of fighting immigration, Abbott is giving them free rides.
What Texans lack in smarts they make up for in pettiness.
This is smart of Abbott to continue bussing these people to blue sanctuary cities. It not only allows these cities to put up or shut up, but it keeps this issue in the news and allows people to see and understand the horrific situation that Texas is having to deal with.

First of all,, we are swamped with illegals here in Detroit area. Many yellow Tornado buses from Texas flooding them in. Walmarts are 80% illegals that all have new clothes, plenty of food money and new cars. I see INFANTS as well as Grandparents ,,,they did not cross the desert.

Second,,,We have INTERNAL BORDER CHECKPOINTS in New Mexico and Texas. they are about 50 miles inland.

If you wanted to rebuild the world, would you want white people that could figure out a way to crush your New World Order OR would you want people that just want their base instincts satiated.
That he is and Kudo's to him for doing so. My question is why the Bidung idiots are opening the doors and letting more illegals into our country?? Illegals cost we tax payers billions each year. Trump had the border sewn up and that idiot Bidung opened the door for 2 million more illegals into the country. Can't wait for 2024 and Trump who will have to clean up the Bidung mess.

Simply put. The current administration is doing the bidding of the world economic forum which American members like fauci and bill gates are a part of.

If you watch their video look at point 5 where they say we need to allow in immigrants (illegals) from other countries. And if you look at more they have said it's obvious the current administration is making it happen.

Texas save even more by just busing them back to Mexico.

1500 miles from Brownsville to Chicago.
700 miles from Amarillo to Mexico.

Instead of fighting immigration, Abbott is giving them free rides.

You really want to stand by your comments here?
First of all, sending them back to Mexico is the responsibility of the Feds, not states. Anytime Abbott has sent busloads back to the border, he risks violating federal law.
Second, by bussing them to blue sanctuary cities, it makes the news cycle and will focus and highlight the crisis that Texas and other border states are having to deal with, as well as rids Texas of at least some of these invaders.
No. They would be coming anyway. Abbott is just handing them over to blue sanctuary cities that need to put their money where their mouths are.
They would be coming anyway. Ok so our policy’s and messaging is meaningless. They are coming anyway. That’s an interesting perspective. I’d have to disagree
So you think Texas should subsidize travel for illegal immigrants as a dig at Democrats? 😄 Wonderful.

Absolutely! It's time for these "sanctuary cities" to step up. If these blue shitholes had any integrity at all, they would be paying for the buses themselves. They would be establishing welcome centers at the border for illegals. But, as always, conservatives have to do the jobs leftists are unable or unwilling to do for themselves.
They would be coming anyway. Ok so our policy’s and messaging is meaningless. They are coming anyway. That’s an interesting perspective. I’d have to disagree

They are coming in record #'s right now because the stupid mother fucker that you guys put in the White House, has directly sent the message to the world that they should come here!!

They are coming in record #'s right now because the stupid mother fucker that you guys put in the White House, has directly sent the message to the world that they should come here!!

Oh I see, so messaging and policy from
Biden matters but not from our border states? Is that your logic?
Oh I see, so messaging and policy from
Biden matters but not from our border states? Is that your logic?

The "sanctuary" cities and states need to step up and set up welcome centers at the border, provide transportation, housing, food, medical, child care, and jobs for the migrants, and transport them to paid for housing in the sanctuary city of their choice.

Stand behind your commitment!
The "sanctuary" cities and states need to step up and set up welcome centers at the border, provide transportation, housing, food, medical, child care, and jobs for the migrants, and transport them to paid for housing in the sanctuary city of their choice.

Stand behind your commitment!
Start the initiative. But while you’re at it maybe you can answer my questions.
Absolutely! It's time for these "sanctuary cities" to step up. If these blue shitholes had any integrity at all, they would be paying for the buses themselves. They would be establishing welcome centers at the border for illegals. But, as always, conservatives have to do the jobs leftists are unable or unwilling to do for themselves.
Hey, I have an even better idea, if you dipshits are willing to subsidize public transportation for illegals, why not actual American citizens as well and encourage your representatives to vote with progressives on a massive overhaul of public transportation?
So are you trying to make the claim that these invaders WOULDN'T be coming here if Abbott wasn't sending them on to Blue cities?
I'm not making claims... you are... I'm questioning your claims. Don't change the subject. Does messaging an policy matter or not? If we let it be know that anybody who sneaks across the boarder gets a free bus ride to a sanctuary state and $500 you really don't think that would be an incentive for more to come.

Yes they have been coming, they are coming, and they will continue to come no matter what we do but there are things we can do to impact the severity of it.
Chicago is a perfect place to send them. HA! They thought they had violence in Cartegena. Next, Portland and Seattle. Who knows maybe an influx of new, fresh, fighters may help.
Don’t you think the bussing and your cash idea would be incentives for people to come here illegally?
But Chicago, New York, San Francisco are loving the influx of illegals, they are welcomed with open arms, it also helps alleviate the stress at the border. A win/win for the left and the right.

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