Texas spends more than $12 million to bus migrants to Washington, DC, and New York...great value for taxpayers?

How many elderly people have died in Texas due to the heat, this year???? What is Abbott doing about the electrical grid in Texas?

I see the Uvalde Families demonstrating outside Abbott's house because he's done NOTHING about mass shootings in Texas.

How much money did he spend sending the Texas National Guard to the border? Another expensive boondoggle that cost the taxpayers millions.

Abbott seems to spend a lot of time and Texans' money on "performative politics" and precious little on making life in Texas better. My American friends in Texas say its a real hell-hole.
How many elderly people have died in Texas due to the heat, this year???? What is Abbott doing about the electrical grid in Texas?

You tell us, Simp. It's your claim

And there have been no power outages in TX even though Texas had a record heat wave for most of the summer.

And Texans support him trying to secure the border that your Vegetable Messiah has destroyed.

Are you ever not a complete moron Dragonlady ?

Reagan's idea was to give "amnesty" to illegals. Democrats opposed it saying it would give them incentive to come in illegally.

Reagan said that NAFTA would create jobs in Mexico and people wouldn't have to sneak across the border to find work. What Reagan failed to tell Americans that the jobs being created in Mexico used to be YOUR manufacturing jobs.

Democrats refused to pass NAFTA in the House after Clinton was elected, until protections for American workers were improved.

Link us up to it bring a Reagan idea.

It was a Dimtard idea that Reagan went along with because Tip O'Neil promised meaningful immigration reform, then the fuckwit Tip reneged as soon as amnesty was given.

You don't know shit about America, you KKKanadian fuckwit.

Go clean up your own shithole country that locks people up and seizes their property for disagreeing with your Cuck Dicktaster PM.
I love how utterly ignorant you right wingers truly are. The northern cities aren't upset about the illegals being sent to the cities because they don't want them, they're upset because they don't have the infrastructure or resources to deal with all of these people. They don't have refugee intake services, or housing banks set up, and they don't have the refugee courts to deal with them either.

Trump dismantled all of the refugee services at the Southern Border and simply locked up anyone crossing the border, legally or otherwise. The reason Biden hasn't reopened the border is because he has few resources at the border to deal with refugees.

Greg Abbott and Ron DeSantis are making up bullshit about illegals to gin up outrage among the stupid and the gullible. Your food prices are going up because you have no one to plant or harvest. YOU NEED IMMIGRANTS.
they're upset because they don't have the infrastructure or resources to deal with all of these people.

Fuck NYC if they don't have any resources after bragging for years about being a "Sanctuary city". Do you think the small border towns in Texas have the resources to handle 100X more of Biden's illegals than DC and NYC are having to deal with?

Seriously, STFU you raving lunatic.

Trump dismantled all of the refugee services at the Southern Border and simply locked up anyone crossing the border, legally or otherwise.


This is where you admit you are a lying sack of KKKanadian dogshit by telling me to just google it.
It cost Texans nothing because immigration is a federal matter. But Trump dismantled the federal system, which is why Biden hasn't reopened the border.

Maybe Greg Abbott should try working with the feds to rebuild the system instead of performing political theatre to boost his re-election hopes on the taxpayers' dime.
It cost Texans nothing because immigration is a federal matter.

Holy shit you are one stupid halfwit. You really think there is no cost to Texas for hundreds of thousands of illegals flooding into the state, and then claim NYC can't handle a few hundred because they don't have the resources?
INFRASTUCTURE. REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE. Government intake offices. Refugee Services offices. Courts - all closed and dismantled by Trump, just like the pandemic response office was dismantled by Trump, leading to the covid disaster.

When the border was closed, the infrastructure to process refugees disappeared, as did the resources they used in their work, extending Trump's National Emergency.
You are adding to your lies.

Is a the US tax dollars Biden has used and continued to use to pay for buses, trains, and planes to take illegals all over the US & dump them without notifying local and state officials know they are coming worth the money to US citizens?
CNN is realizing that this is a MAJOR issue for New York and D.C residents, so they try and convince Texans that they are being scammed. If it was good for NY and D.C, CNN wouldn't say much at all. I think Texans are probably a little sharper than CNN gives them credit for.

First, as I understand it money has been raised in Texas to cover some costs.

Second, $12M is a HELL of bargain for taxpayers to move, say approx 10,000 illegal citizens thus far. How much would it cost taxpayers to house, feed and assist so many people on a monthly basis? How many under the table jobs taken which hurt citizens and politicians?

This is a advertisement for Abbott not negative criticism.

(CNN)The state of Texas has spent more than $12 million busing migrants to Washington, DC, and New York who crossed into the state from Mexico, according to figures from the Texas Division of Emergency Management.
A state government spreadsheet obtained by CNN through a Freedom of Information Act request shows that, as of August 9, Texas has paid $12,707,720.92 to Wynne Transportation, the charter service that is taking migrants to the two cities.

Republican Gov. Greg Abbott's office has said migrants are transported out of state only with their written permission. It is not clear what other options have been offered to the migrants.
Abbott's office did not immediately reply to a request for comment from CNN on Tuesday. In a news release Friday, Abbott's office said that "the busing mission is providing much-needed relief to our overwhelmed border communities."

It is usually the responsibility of released migrants to cover the cost of their travel throughout the US as their asylum cases are pending in court. However the state-chartered border buses have been providing free rides to the north-bound asylum-seekers for months.

What an asinine waste of money. He could have set up E Verify and fined employers who hire illegals. Abbott is so stupid
What an asinine waste of money. He could have set up E Verify and fined employers who hire illegals. Abbott is so stupid
Biden is reimbursing Texas for a lot of these busloads of his illegals.

INFRASTUCTURE. REGIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE. Government intake offices. Refugee Services offices. Courts - all closed and dismantled by Trump, just like the pandemic response office was dismantled by Trump, leading to the covid disaster.

When the border was closed, the infrastructure to process refugees disappeared, as did the resources they used in their work, extending Trump's National Emergency.
Yep, that's what happens when there are a lot fewer illegals. You were expecting them to sit in their offices picking their noses?
You really have drunk the Republican Kool-Aid here. Republicans are the party who refuse to change immigration law to create a system that actually works for your country. Why do you think that might be???? Won't won't the Republican Party even CONSIDER immigration reform?

Have you ever considered that they won't change the system, which they set up when Reagan was in office, because it WORKS for REPUBLICANS????? Why does illegal immigration go UP every time there's a Republican in the White House, and down when there's a Democrat in the White House?????

The economy gets the labour of 11 million people added to GDP. The Federal treasury gets 15% withholding on all of their wages, without having to pay out SS or Medicare when they retire. Food Inc. get cheap labour from the fields to the restaurants forcing Americans to accept lower wages, and last but not least, Republicans blame it all on Democrats.

Republicans have been flogging illegal immigration - a problem THEY are creating, as the Democrats fault, because Democrats want to stop the exploitation and abuse of immigrants and refugees by Republicans, and you believe Republican lies.

It's a win/win issue for Republicans all the way around.
So, we have a Democratic House, Senate and Presidency, why haven't the Democrats jumped on this immigration issue you claim they care about so much?

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