Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

The holocaust absolutely should be taught in school in all aspects; how it happened, who perpetrated it and who suffered because of it, why it was allowed to happen, what all it entailed, etc. However, one teenager's thoughts about her body and the bodies of others can be read on your own time.

Which as far as we know was the assignment.

Texas freaked.
When you do that I'll acknowledge it. The article does NOT note what passages she read. It does describe the book.

English 101.

Oh my goodness, you're serious. You think "after reading a passage from Anne Frank's Diary: The Graphic Adaptation in which Frank wrote about male and female genitalia" means she read some other random passage from the book, and they were just generally describing what the book is about when they say "in which Frank wrote about male and female genitalia" Rather than say, perhaps, "in which Frank wrote about her life hiding from the Nazis during the holocaust?"
Oh my goodness, you're serious. You think "after reading a passage from Anne Frank's Diary: The Graphic Adaptation in which Frank wrote about male and female genitalia" means she read some other random passage from the book,

It means we have no idea what passage she read.

and they were just generally describing what the book is about when they say "in which Frank wrote about male and female genitalia" Rather than say, perhaps, "in which Frank wrote about her life hiding from the Nazis during the holocaust?"

Yes, that is what the author of the article did.
Typhus was a common cause of death in Concentration Camps
Yes. Like other Western nations Germany used Zyklon B kill the lice that were transmitting typhus. Frank underwent the delousing procedure when she arrived at Auschwitz, but would later die from it anyway. The Nazis didn't intentionally infect people with the disease, for obvious reasons. So how exactly did the Nazis slaughter her when they actually took measures to prevent her from getting typhus?
I try and let things largely roll of my back but holy cow they are getting absolutely crazy in Texas.

Fired for assigning Anne Frank?

Texas teacher fired for reading Diary of Anne Frank to class

These are middle school students so they are roughly equal in age to Anne Frank when she wrote her diary.
Why would someone assign a graphic novel of the Diary Of Anne Frank with pictures of penis and viginas instead of simply assigning the book?

That seems to be the issue, if you bothered to read your link
Yes. Like other Western nations Germany used Zyklon B kill the lice that were transmitting typhus. Frank underwent the delousing procedure when she arrived at Auschwitz, but would later die from it anyway. The Nazis didn't intentionally infect people with the disease, for obvious reasons. So how exactly did the Nazis slaughter her when they actually took measures to prevent her from getting typhus?

They slaughtered Ann Frank by locking an innocent child in a concentration camp that was infested with lice bearing typhus
Did you read the story? It was a substitute teacher and she was sent home because she read a passage from the book where Frank wrote about male and female genitalia.

WTF? Why did feel the need to read that section to children? It's weird.
Ah the truth comes out.

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