Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

60 years later, decent human beings will continue to fight the ideology that protected and promoted the people who did it

Just like 60 years later, the people who had nothing to do with it -- still find ways to excuse and minimize it instead of joining the fight and being on the right side this time...because, truth is, they aren't and too cowardly to own it
Thats fine

But using porn to infect children with gratuitous sex plays into the hands of future nazi’s
A review I read:

The artwork is very nice. The pages are glossy and made of quality paper, and it’s a well constructed, substantial book for the price. However, the book is written as if Anne Frank had the mindset of an overly sexual 16 year old living in 2020. I bought it for my very mature 10 year old daughter that has been learning about the events during World War II and the Holocaust. Puberty hit her early, and unfortunately she is having to deal with issues that go along with that. I can see horny teenage boys liking the fantasies that the main ‘character’ has about both boys and girls, but my daughter was not impressed with that aspect of the book. While some may applaud this ‘open minded’ creative license from the author, my daughter found it very puzzling. She wondered if she was in the minority for not having romantic feelings for both sexes, and it appears that was the intent of the book. It comes across as the perverse fantasies that a teenage/20s boy came up with, and not the thoughts of a young Jewish girl in the WWII era that wasn’t exposed to modern ideas of AMERICAN sexuality as it is portrayed in the media. Otherwise it is a great book, but I wouldn’t recommend it for the intended age group listed on the book. At least 14-15 years old and up, and the book should have a warning about the mature content. My parents (I’m a millennial) would have quietly made this book disappear from my bookshelf, and my grandparents would have set it on fire.

So someone had to take Anee Frank's diary and sexualize it and then promote it for children, how surprising.
and there are books that talk about typical teen stuff -- without it being in the context of a holocaust

If one were learning about the horrors of faced during the Civil Rights movement, and using the example of the 4 Little Girls who died when their church was bombed -- learning about their sexual discoveries at that time isn't required context
So the teacher should have been FIRED?
I'm so glad I didn't go to public schools.

I went to public schools. In middle school I was assigned Papillion. I really liked the book, got an A on my report and then read it again later.

I imagine it is on the banned list in many places now.
So the teacher should have been FIRED?
Depends on if there is anything else associated with it...if this was it, then I am sure she was fired because of the attention....

But any teacher "IN TEXAS" should be aware of what they are dealing with before they try something like this..far as I know, she may have wanted the smoke
I went to public schools. In middle school I was assigned Papillion. I really liked the book, got an A on my report and then read it again later.

I imagine it is on the banned list in many places now.
Pappilion eh? Never read that one. Excellent.
Most of the books or reading assignments to moi were substantially below what I was actually reading at the time.
EDIT: My only issue with the assignment, is assigning the comic book version, instead of the actual diary. Comic books are not a substitute for literature.
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I read the Diary -----long ago . Now that I IS OLD---I remember, vividly, that which I read
in Youth----there was no entry describing male and female genitalia
Evidently many versions of the book have been edited over the years to take out those parts
I try and let things largely roll of my back but holy cow they are getting absolutely crazy in Texas.

Fired for assigning Anne Frank?

Texas teacher fired for reading Diary of Anne Frank to class

These are middle school students so they are roughly equal in age to Anne Frank when she wrote her diary.
I had no idea the version of Anne Franks' Diary that we all read in school (hopefully) had been edited to remove her writing of sexuality. I'm not at all sure I'd approve of making it a graphic novel, depending on what the editors did.
Lie. But we expect that.
what sex passages?
Evidently many versions of the book have been edited over the years to take out those parts
"evidently"? Ie. you don't really know. (no offence intended) <<< that's the short
version. The longer version is that Anne's father who submitted the diary for publication
pulled out passages that he considered not for PUBLIC CONSUMPTION---in my view---
since my dad would have done the same thing---I consider it a breach of confidentiality
to allow any of his edited stuff BACK IN. Anything that may have been THROWN back
in could have been manipulated. Believe it or not---there are people in the world who
would like to "discredit" ---little Anne
I had no idea the version of Anne Franks' Diary that we all read in school (hopefully) had been edited to remove her writing of sexuality. I'm not at all sure I'd approve of making it a graphic novel, depending on what the editors did.
I wonder if the comic book version was given because the kids aren't up to speed. That seems to be a thing now in schools - using "graphic novels" of works instead of boring old books. Not a fan of that.
No, I don't think that it was appropriate to discuss male and female genitalia to 8th Grade children in a setting unrelated to that topic.

Sex Education, If I remember correctly, was taught in Phys. Ed. which seems like a more suitable setting than a History or English class.

What should concern parents, administration officials and teachers even more about Anne Frank's diary is that parts of it were written in ball point pen which was not invented until long after Anne Frank's death. (1)

l think that students have the right to know if they're being taught fact, fiction or a combination of both.


(1). "Anne Frank may not have inked that famous diary"​

EXCERPT "A REPORT by the German Federal Criminal Investigation Bureau (BKA) indicates that portions of The Diary of Anne Frank had been altered or added after 1951, casting doubt over the authenticity of the entire work, the West German news weekly Der Spiegel has disclosed." CONTINUED
what sex passages?

"evidently"? Ie. you don't really know. (no offence intended) <<< that's the short

I do know, I looked it up yesterday. You can google it if you really care.
The longer version is that Anne's father who submitted the diary for publication
pulled out passages that he considered not for PUBLIC CONSUMPTION---in my view---
since my dad would have done the same thing---I consider it a breach of confidentiality
to allow any of his edited stuff BACK IN. Anything that may have been THROWN back
in could have been manipulated. Believe it or not---there are people in the world who
would like to "discredit" ---little Anne
No, I don't think that it was appropriate to discuss male and female genitalia to 8th Grade children in a setting unrelated to that topic.

Sex Education, If I remember correctly, was taught in Phys. Ed. which seems like a more suitable setting than a History or English class.
You'd fire the teacher over that?

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