Texas teacher fired for Anne Frank

Much, much more of this on the way, gang. They're just getting started.

They think they're fighting "Satan". The only way to really do that is with a theocracy.

It was a substitute teacher reading out of an unapproved graphic novel where Frank wrote about genitalia.
What I think about it is immaterial. That part of the diary is not pertinent to history--which is the big reason the diary is renowned. That's first.

Second, in the same way it is not right to censor children from writers/artists/musicians because they did something "dirty" (your words), it is not mandatory to expose them to that "dirty" stuff either. You teach the pertinent parts, and society trusts that teachers will censor that which is inappropriate, and not pertinent.

It's the kiddie sex these freaks think is the most important thing about Anne Frank; they can use it to groom the kids into beleiving it's okay to let people play around in their pants. Nothing else about Anne Frank interests them other than that.
What I think about it is immaterial. That part of the diary is not pertinent to history--which is the big reason the diary is renowned. That's first.

Second, in the same way it is not right to censor children from writers/artists/musicians because they did something "dirty" (your words), it is not mandatory to expose them to that "dirty" stuff either. You teach the pertinent parts, and society trusts that teachers will censor that which is inappropriate, and not pertinent.

It goes to show how she was a normal teenage girl. Try and argue differently if you wish but hers were the same thoughts you had as a teenage girl.

It simply makes her more relatable as an actual teenage girl.
I wonder how much these pinheads would love it if I taught like this:

"We're going to learn about 'Pictures at an Exhibition'. It was written by Modest Mussorgsky. See his red cheeks? That's because he was a drunk."

Kids: "What's a drunk?"

According to these yahoos, that's what I should be teaching children, see. Don't leave anything out--teach it all.

And then we get to the jazz musicians....

I would have no issues with that. Being factual with students is a problem for you?
It's the kiddie sex these freaks think is the most important thing about Anne Frank; they can use it to groom the kids into beleiving it's okay to let people play around in their pants. Nothing else about Anne Frank interests them other than that.

There is no sex in her book. Now at the Beetlejuice show, we had sex in public.
not really.

Tell me how did the approved book actually differ from the illustrated book?

And why do 8th graders need a comic book version anyway?

My guess would be to get kids who are now very into that sort of thing, interested in her history.
Much, much more of this on the way, gang. They're just getting started.

They think they're fighting "Satan". The only way to really do that is with a theocracy.
Why this constant need to expose other people's children to sexual material?

Did you forget that this was a "graphic novel'???
Tough to find the sections read in class, but here is a review that might give an idea about this book -

A very sexual 2020 fictional portrayal of a classic historical book

The artwork is very nice. The pages are glossy and made of quality paper, and it’s a well constructed, substantial book for the price. However, the book is written as if Anne Frank had the mindset of an overly sexual 16 year old living in 2020. I bought it for my very mature 10 year old daughter that has been learning about the events during World War II and the Holocaust. Puberty hit her early, and unfortunately she is having to deal with issues that go along with that. I can see horny teenage boys liking the fantasies that the main ‘character’ has about both boys and girls, but my daughter was not impressed with that aspect of the book. While some may applaud this ‘open minded’ creative license from the author, my daughter found it very puzzling. She wondered if she was in the minority for not having romantic feelings for both sexes, and it appears that was the intent of the book. It comes across as the perverse fantasies that a teenage/20s boy came up with, and not the thoughts of a young Jewish girl in the WWII era that wasn’t exposed to modern ideas of AMERICAN sexuality as it is portrayed in the media.

There is nothing liberals can't fk up. Just use the regular book and quit making everything a propaganda opportunity.
A related story

The REAL DIARY is still available to the kiddies. Just not the comic book which supposedly minimizes the Holocaust while pushing the sexualized portions that liberals want

As so often, we are mixing things up on here.

It seems we are talking about four different books, in total. There is "Diary of Young Girl: Anne Frank" which is the first published version I read in high school, on which was based a great play and a great movie. There is the original handwritten diary that Anne started soon after going into hiding. There is Het Achterhuis (The Hiding Place) a second version Anne wrote in the latter year of her hiding, which she hoped would be published. In that version, she left out some of the sexual passages she had written at thirteen.

Likely Anne's father based the first published version on some combination of the original diary and the second draft Anne was working on when captured. How authentic that published version is, or how much embellishment was done, I have no opinion on and probably should be discussed on another thread.

Then there is the comic book version, intended for the dumbed down audience that is the student body at a progressive run public school.


I don't see in that article exactly which version was being taught, nor what passages were read aloud. That would be the key to the story, yet those "journalists" chose not to tell us.

If that teacher took the opportunity to dwell on the sexual parts of any of those versions, rather than focusing on the larger lesson of the humanity of the Jews being treated like animals, then that was inappropriate and she was right to apologize.

It is not uncommon for pubescent boys to see pictures of nude victims of the holocaust being herded into "showers" and be more interested in the nipples and pubic hair than in the tragedy of the scene. That is understandable in children, but it is the job of educators to help them grow up, not join with them in order to spread the amazing news that as children become teenagers, they have sexual thoughts.
It was written by a teen girl writing down thoughts very much the same as the vast majority of teen girls.

You are the one with problems in thinking it's all "dirty".
They seem to think that if you don't mention something to kids; they will never find out about it. The GOP wants a dumb electorate; it's the only way they can win.
I've got no problem with this. Teacher is a dumbass.

Some topics are not appropriate for 13 year old students.

But Groomers gotta groom.
Wait, putting actual people into ovens is appropriate. Realizing boys have dicks isn't? You have some fucking messed priorities.

Also Jr. high kids are taking sex ed already.
You are lying

Per KFDM, the district sent an email to parents on Tuesday, calling the content the teacher read to the class "inappropriate," adding: "The reading of that content will cease immediately. Your student's teacher will communicate her apologies to you and your students soon, as she has expressed those apologies to us."

Denying that teens think and discuss these same topics is how you end up a grandma at 36.
Denying that teens think and discuss these same topics is how you end up a grandma at 36.
For libs sex is the only topic they want teens to think about

And thats how the kids get into trouble long before they teach 36
For libs sex is the only topic they want teens to think about

And thats how the kids get into trouble long before they teach 36
Again, discussing the murder of 6mm is fine, but not a girl diary talking about boys (same age as the class) when they've already had sex ed? And FIRING a teacher over that? Thats eight levels of messed up.

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