Texas Teen Killed by Police in School Had a Pellet Gun!

I'm certain the cops did the best that they could, not a malicious move on their part, and are sickened about what happened.....I am also certain that they are NOT running around saying "good, the kid deserved to die", as people on this site are saying.... I am certain they are reviewing their own actions over and over again...and the precinct is reviewing the incident and seeing if there was a better way to handle it for the "next time around", for if there is another "next time around"....as they should do. Ttaking the life of another human being by our government (police) should NOT ever be taken lightly...the Police represent ME, THE TAX PAYER and I and my neighbors and my family do NOT want to see them killing people that were not going to kill them...and in this case, the 15 year old child WAS NOT going to kill anyone with his pellet gun.....

It was my understanding that part of the training for policemen is the psychoanalysis of their subject, if at all possible....so not to kill the "crazies" out there and only kill the ones that have killed or are about to kill (with some sort of certainty)....

Maybe I am wrong on that, and they just throw policemen out there with no training in this kind of stuff and maybe this is why things go wrong...but when my uncle Jimmy and Uncle Joe became cops, they did have training for these kind of circumstances....but back then, cops did not kill innocent people as much as they do now....so maybe the rules have changed....?

No the rules haven't changed. The killing of an innocent person is still wrong. I have worked with police in large towns and small. And there are varying attitudes and skill levels. I get the very strong gut feeling that these cops either wer very green or had the same attitude as some of the posters here. My issue with the situation is that none of the 'talking down' techniques were tries. They just barked an order which was not followed and then fired.

I am glad my children are grown. I was VERY much OK with it when they both opted out of having children, then mother nature decided that one of the would have a child. It's really scary when you think about sending a child to school and he ends up dead at the hand of the government before th day was over

From what I have read, the communty is still demanding 'justice' for this killing. Obviously the community doesn't see it as the cops 'just doing what needed doing.' I think if you read, the opinions of some of our posters are colored by their loathing of the 'slimy bastard anchor baby' syndrome. When someone looks at another human in those terms, and when they have the option they will give a thumbs up to anyone who manages to harm or kill one even close to that description in their eyes.

As a parent, I know that you pretty much have to lie down and let the school system stomp all over you if you don't want them to label your child and provoke him on a daily basis. I also know that many students who take weapons to school have, themselves, been threatened and are trying to preserve their own lives. But neither of those facts will be acknowledged here because two cops have to save their own skin, and the 'system' has to maintain some kind of order.

And there we have the disconnect. You think a kid brandish a knife and what appears to be a 9 MM handgun in a school full of children is innocent. He attacked one kid and was a threat to the entire school.

Once again for the slow and amazingly stupid. The cops saw a glock 9 MM in his hands, that is what it LOOKS like. They had hundreds of children and dozens of Teachers at risk. They tried for 20 minutes to talk him down. He made the choice to POINT what looked like a 9 MM handgun at cops. He caused what happened. He purposefully stayed as far away as he could so that they could not use a taser or any non lethal means to subdue an ARMED person in a Middle school. If it were a 9mm the lock on the doors would have been useless, one shot and he is in.

And once again for the STUPENDOUSLY stupid, they did none of the intervention techniques they were supposed to know how to do. If they had done something other than the TV 'freeze turkey' routine, they most likely could have averted this death!
175,000 people is NOT a large city. But if you want to contend that it is, fine. That put the lie to this being a little Hispanic community that grew its own cops.

No one said it's a large city.

A one horse town, though like you said, it's not. :thup:

Memory of a fucking guppy.

It is a one horse town.


Your stupidity knows no bounds :thup:
No the rules haven't changed. The killing of an innocent person is still wrong. I have worked with police in large towns and small. And there are varying attitudes and skill levels. I get the very strong gut feeling that these cops either wer very green or had the same attitude as some of the posters here. My issue with the situation is that none of the 'talking down' techniques were tries. They just barked an order which was not followed and then fired.

I am glad my children are grown. I was VERY much OK with it when they both opted out of having children, then mother nature decided that one of the would have a child. It's really scary when you think about sending a child to school and he ends up dead at the hand of the government before th day was over

From what I have read, the communty is still demanding 'justice' for this killing. Obviously the community doesn't see it as the cops 'just doing what needed doing.' I think if you read, the opinions of some of our posters are colored by their loathing of the 'slimy bastard anchor baby' syndrome. When someone looks at another human in those terms, and when they have the option they will give a thumbs up to anyone who manages to harm or kill one even close to that description in their eyes.

As a parent, I know that you pretty much have to lie down and let the school system stomp all over you if you don't want them to label your child and provoke him on a daily basis. I also know that many students who take weapons to school have, themselves, been threatened and are trying to preserve their own lives. But neither of those facts will be acknowledged here because two cops have to save their own skin, and the 'system' has to maintain some kind of order.

And there we have the disconnect. You think a kid brandish a knife and what appears to be a 9 MM handgun in a school full of children is innocent. He attacked one kid and was a threat to the entire school.

Once again for the slow and amazingly stupid. The cops saw a glock 9 MM in his hands, that is what it LOOKS like. They had hundreds of children and dozens of Teachers at risk. They tried for 20 minutes to talk him down. He made the choice to POINT what looked like a 9 MM handgun at cops. He caused what happened. He purposefully stayed as far away as he could so that they could not use a taser or any non lethal means to subdue an ARMED person in a Middle school. If it were a 9mm the lock on the doors would have been useless, one shot and he is in.

And once again for the STUPENDOUSLY stupid, they did none of the intervention techniques they were supposed to know how to do. If they had done something other than the TV 'freeze turkey' routine, they most likely could have averted this death!

The kid could easily have averted his own death.
From what I have read, the communty is still demanding 'justice' for this killing. Obviously the community doesn't see it as the cops 'just doing what needed doing.' I think if you read, the opinions of some of our posters are colored by their loathing of the 'slimy bastard anchor baby' syndrome. When someone looks at another human in those terms, and when they have the option they will give a thumbs up to anyone who manages to harm or kill one even close to that description in their eyes.

So, is it okay with you if a kid is going to the same school with your own kid, and one of your kids' classmate carried a gun to school, which looks like a glock, points it at a cop (or worse at another student), threatens to shoot, and nobody does anything to try and stop it? I think it's a pretty sad day when people take up for defiant punks and jump all over the cops who were doing their jobs to protect other students in the school.

If the kid who got killed had listened to the cops, and not acted like a defiant little punk, none of this would have happened. As for the community demanding justice, it's because they are reacting to emotion rather than looking at the situation with any objectivity. There's no surprise there, but it doesn't change that fact.

You must have a real problem reading. Nowhere have I said they should have 'done nothing.' I have said repeatedly they should have used more sophisticated techniques which they are supposed to be able to use. But, clearly they did not have the skill. And THAT should not have happened.
And there we have the disconnect. You think a kid brandish a knife and what appears to be a 9 MM handgun in a school full of children is innocent. He attacked one kid and was a threat to the entire school.

Once again for the slow and amazingly stupid. The cops saw a glock 9 MM in his hands, that is what it LOOKS like. They had hundreds of children and dozens of Teachers at risk. They tried for 20 minutes to talk him down. He made the choice to POINT what looked like a 9 MM handgun at cops. He caused what happened. He purposefully stayed as far away as he could so that they could not use a taser or any non lethal means to subdue an ARMED person in a Middle school. If it were a 9mm the lock on the doors would have been useless, one shot and he is in.

And once again for the STUPENDOUSLY stupid, they did none of the intervention techniques they were supposed to know how to do. If they had done something other than the TV 'freeze turkey' routine, they most likely could have averted this death!

The kid could easily have averted his own death.

If they had sent in skilled people, no one would likely have died.
No the rules haven't changed. The killing of an innocent person is still wrong. I have worked with police in large towns and small. And there are varying attitudes and skill levels. I get the very strong gut feeling that these cops either wer very green or had the same attitude as some of the posters here. My issue with the situation is that none of the 'talking down' techniques were tries. They just barked an order which was not followed and then fired.

I am glad my children are grown. I was VERY much OK with it when they both opted out of having children, then mother nature decided that one of the would have a child. It's really scary when you think about sending a child to school and he ends up dead at the hand of the government before th day was over

From what I have read, the communty is still demanding 'justice' for this killing. Obviously the community doesn't see it as the cops 'just doing what needed doing.' I think if you read, the opinions of some of our posters are colored by their loathing of the 'slimy bastard anchor baby' syndrome. When someone looks at another human in those terms, and when they have the option they will give a thumbs up to anyone who manages to harm or kill one even close to that description in their eyes.

As a parent, I know that you pretty much have to lie down and let the school system stomp all over you if you don't want them to label your child and provoke him on a daily basis. I also know that many students who take weapons to school have, themselves, been threatened and are trying to preserve their own lives. But neither of those facts will be acknowledged here because two cops have to save their own skin, and the 'system' has to maintain some kind of order.

And there we have the disconnect. You think a kid brandish a knife and what appears to be a 9 MM handgun in a school full of children is innocent. He attacked one kid and was a threat to the entire school.

Once again for the slow and amazingly stupid. The cops saw a glock 9 MM in his hands, that is what it LOOKS like. They had hundreds of children and dozens of Teachers at risk. They tried for 20 minutes to talk him down. He made the choice to POINT what looked like a 9 MM handgun at cops. He caused what happened. He purposefully stayed as far away as he could so that they could not use a taser or any non lethal means to subdue an ARMED person in a Middle school. If it were a 9mm the lock on the doors would have been useless, one shot and he is in.

And once again for the STUPENDOUSLY stupid, they did none of the intervention techniques they were supposed to know how to do. If they had done something other than the TV 'freeze turkey' routine, they most likely could have averted this death!

They spent 20 MINUTES trying to talk him down. They only fired after he pointed a GUN at them. They waited 20 minutes risking the lives of hundreds of other kids and teachers. How the hell you get the idea they did nothing is beyond me. You are ignorant on this. By the way 175000 people that are 90 percent Hispanic they would have several hundred cops in that town. In Spokane which is about the same size the Sheriffs office had 400 cops. The city probably had the same or more.

It is not a "one horse" town.
And there we have the disconnect. You think a kid brandish a knife and what appears to be a 9 MM handgun in a school full of children is innocent. He attacked one kid and was a threat to the entire school.

Once again for the slow and amazingly stupid. The cops saw a glock 9 MM in his hands, that is what it LOOKS like. They had hundreds of children and dozens of Teachers at risk. They tried for 20 minutes to talk him down. He made the choice to POINT what looked like a 9 MM handgun at cops. He caused what happened. He purposefully stayed as far away as he could so that they could not use a taser or any non lethal means to subdue an ARMED person in a Middle school. If it were a 9mm the lock on the doors would have been useless, one shot and he is in.

And once again for the STUPENDOUSLY stupid, they did none of the intervention techniques they were supposed to know how to do. If they had done something other than the TV 'freeze turkey' routine, they most likely could have averted this death!

They spent 20 MINUTES trying to talk him down. They only fired after he pointed a GUN at them. They waited 20 minutes risking the lives of hundreds of other kids and teachers. How the hell you get the idea they did nothing is beyond me. You are ignorant on this. By the way 175000 people that are 90 percent Hispanic they would have several hundred cops in that town. In Spokane which is about the same size the Sheriffs office had 400 cops. The city probably had the same or more.

It is not a "one horse" town.


I myself have disarmed patients with no loss of life, my own or anyone else's. I have gotten several patients over the years to hand over guns, (loaded and real), knives, slivers of glass, etc. If I can do it, surely a trained officer could. But no, they didn't even TRY. IMO these cops were a couple of green horns. I have no respect for them and that community will have its day with them. You watch.
And once again for the STUPENDOUSLY stupid, they did none of the intervention techniques they were supposed to know how to do. If they had done something other than the TV 'freeze turkey' routine, they most likely could have averted this death!

The kid could easily have averted his own death.

If they had sent in skilled people, no one would likely have died.

Have you spent much time dealing with mentally disturbed teenagers?
So why didn't he get expelled earlier when he brandished a knife?
Didn't he do that immediately before the pellet gun incident? I thought that's how it went, but I could be wrong.

Do you have a link?
Just going from memory here.

Though I did find this interesting portion from Gunny's link above:

In a recording released Thursday of the 911 call from the school, the assistant principal says a student in the hall has a gun, then reports that he is drawing the weapon and finally that he is running down the hall.

Police can be heard yelling: "Put the gun down! Put it on the floor!" In the background, someone else yells, "He's saying that he is willing to die."

Before police arrived, school administrators had urged Jaime to give up the gun. When officers got to the school, the boy was waiting for them, Rodriguez said.

Moments before he was killed, Jaime began to run down a hallway, but again faced officers. Police fired down the hallway — a distance that made a stun gun or other methods impractical, Rodriguez said.

If the situation had involved hostages or a gunman barricaded in a room, police might have tried negotiations. But instead, Rodriguez stressed, this was an armed student roaming the halls of a school.

From these facts, it sounds like the kid forced the cops' hand.
Brownsville is larger than Chattanooga, Ft. Lauderdale, Vancouver, Kansas City, etc. etc. etc.

But to Sunshine it's a one horse town.

Memory AND intellect of a guppy :thup:
Didn't he do that immediately before the pellet gun incident? I thought that's how it went, but I could be wrong.

Do you have a link?
Just going from memory here.

Though I did find this interesting portion from Gunny's link above:

In a recording released Thursday of the 911 call from the school, the assistant principal says a student in the hall has a gun, then reports that he is drawing the weapon and finally that he is running down the hall.

Police can be heard yelling: "Put the gun down! Put it on the floor!" In the background, someone else yells, "He's saying that he is willing to die."

Before police arrived, school administrators had urged Jaime to give up the gun. When officers got to the school, the boy was waiting for them, Rodriguez said.

Moments before he was killed, Jaime began to run down a hallway, but again faced officers. Police fired down the hallway — a distance that made a stun gun or other methods impractical, Rodriguez said.

If the situation had involved hostages or a gunman barricaded in a room, police might have tried negotiations. But instead, Rodriguez stressed, this was an armed student roaming the halls of a school.

From these facts, it sounds like the kid forced the cops' hand.

No, it doesn't sound like that. Pretty much every patient I have is willing to die. And you don't even know who said he was willing to die or why. Or IF it was even true.
Brownsville is larger than Chattanooga, Ft. Lauderdale, Vancouver, Kansas City, etc. etc. etc.

But to Sunshine it's a one horse town.

Memory AND intellect of a guppy :thup:

Yes, it is. And so are those towns. No you can haul your ass to Chattanooga's Suck Creek Road and head due west.
Do you have a link?
Just going from memory here.

Though I did find this interesting portion from Gunny's link above:

In a recording released Thursday of the 911 call from the school, the assistant principal says a student in the hall has a gun, then reports that he is drawing the weapon and finally that he is running down the hall.

Police can be heard yelling: "Put the gun down! Put it on the floor!" In the background, someone else yells, "He's saying that he is willing to die."

Before police arrived, school administrators had urged Jaime to give up the gun. When officers got to the school, the boy was waiting for them, Rodriguez said.

Moments before he was killed, Jaime began to run down a hallway, but again faced officers. Police fired down the hallway — a distance that made a stun gun or other methods impractical, Rodriguez said.

If the situation had involved hostages or a gunman barricaded in a room, police might have tried negotiations. But instead, Rodriguez stressed, this was an armed student roaming the halls of a school.

From these facts, it sounds like the kid forced the cops' hand.

No, it doesn't sound like that. Pretty much every patient I have is willing to die. And you don't even know who said he was willing to die or why. Or IF it was even true.

Now you are ignoring even more facts.
Just going from memory here.

Though I did find this interesting portion from Gunny's link above:From these facts, it sounds like the kid forced the cops' hand.

No, it doesn't sound like that. Pretty much every patient I have is willing to die. And you don't even know who said he was willing to die or why. Or IF it was even true.

Now you are ignoring even more facts.

And you are a hot head who has no clue the kind of skill that was called for in this situation.
Have you spent much time dealing with mentally disturbed teenagers?

I an a psychiatric nurse practitioner. I have spent the last 22 years dealing with mentally disturbed people of ALL ages.

Then perhaps you should be a cop and show them how it's supposed to be done.

We have done a LOT of teaching for the police in every clinic I have worked. Thank you. I already have. We work collaboratively with the police. And we have had no one shot by them yet!
"A student shall be expelled from school if the student possesses, uses, or exhibits any firearm, illegal knife, club, or prohibited wea- pon, on school property or while attending a school-sponsored or school-related activity on or off school property. Education Code 37.007(a)(1) [See also FOD]"

Brownsville ISD - TASB Policy On Line

So why didn't he get expelled earlier when he brandished a knife?

they were setting him up for the kill
No, it doesn't sound like that. Pretty much every patient I have is willing to die. And you don't even know who said he was willing to die or why. Or IF it was even true.

Now you are ignoring even more facts.

And you are a hot head who has no clue the kind of skill that was called for in this situation.

You are a fucking idiot. Ohh and by the way? I seriously doubt ANY city has any cops trained to ignore when a weapon is pointed at them in a school full of children.

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