Texas Teen Killed by Police in School Had a Pellet Gun!

175,000 people is NOT a large city. But if you want to contend that it is, fine. That puts the lie to this being a little Hispanic community that grew its own cops.

We have 85,000 people and we're the 6th largest city in WA state.

Federal Way?? nigga please.. How long has it been incorporated? 20 minutes? It's an exagerated strip mall. It has to have some history to be a city... I mean besides a 40 year history of hookers workin 99 south of seatac... :lol:

We got lotsa history, we were named for that road, it was called the federal highway. We had Santa Fair, a really big attraction for many years until it was closed down in the late
60's. We've been incorporated for 20 years, give or take. After we incorporated, SeaTac followed us and also incorporated. Though "exagerated strip mall" is a pretty good discription for the part of Federal Way along 99; we have other things, like Hylebos, Dumas Bay, Steel Lake Park, etc. And just for you Huggy, we recently put in a Mega Church!
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We have 85,000 people and we're the 6th largest city in WA state.

Federal Way?? nigga please.. How long has it been incorporated? 20 minutes? It's an exagerated strip mall. It has to have some history to be a city... I mean besides a 40 year history of hookers workin 99 south of seatac... :lol:

We got lotsa history, we were named for that road, it was called the federal highway. We had Santa Fair, a really big attraction for many years until it was closed down in the late
60's. We've been incorporated for 20 years, give or take. After we incorporated, SeaTac followed us and also incorporated. Though "exagerated strip mall" is a pretty good discription for the part of Federal Way along 99; we have other things, like Hylebos, Dumas Bay, Steel Lake Park, etc. And just for you Huggy, we recently put in a Mega Church!

I'm just havin fun wicha... :lol: :lol: You do have Wild Waves and the beach at Redondo is quite nice.
You are a fucking idiot. Ohh and by the way? I seriously doubt ANY city has any cops trained to ignore when a weapon is pointed at them in a school full of children.

When I took crisis calls, I stayed on the phone with patients many times while the SWAT team went in and disarmed the person. No one dead. You are clearly uninformed. Yet you keep embarrassing yourself.

Once again you loony tunes, the cops had several HUNDRED children in harms way. Other then the person with the gun obeying them or being close enough to taze their concern was NOT the kid with the gun. Their concern was with the potential of dozens of dead or wounded children because they failed to act.

They could not let him out of their sight and they could not let him get in any room. He kept running away until he stopped and POINTED the handgun at officers.

2 things occur at that point. If they do not shoot not only are their lives in danger but all those kids are left with no means to stop a person with what appears to be a 9 MM handgun. They did the right thing and only a fucking loon thinks otherwise.

And then we have your initial and continued insistence that it was all about race. You do not even know who the cops were but you jumped to that conclusion right off the bat. The Police Chief IS Hispanic and he has openly and repeatedly DEFENDED the officers.
Really? I thought the kids were in lockdown.... in their classroo,s. with the perp locked OUT....and the kid was the ONLY one in the hallway.... why shoot to KILL if no other children were around to be harmed by the perp? Was the kid trying to kill them, the cops?
When I took crisis calls, I stayed on the phone with patients many times while the SWAT team went in and disarmed the person. No one dead. You are clearly uninformed. Yet you keep embarrassing yourself.

Once again you loony tunes, the cops had several HUNDRED children in harms way. Other then the person with the gun obeying them or being close enough to taze their concern was NOT the kid with the gun. Their concern was with the potential of dozens of dead or wounded children because they failed to act.

They could not let him out of their sight and they could not let him get in any room. He kept running away until he stopped and POINTED the handgun at officers.

2 things occur at that point. If they do not shoot not only are their lives in danger but all those kids are left with no means to stop a person with what appears to be a 9 MM handgun. They did the right thing and only a fucking loon thinks otherwise.

And then we have your initial and continued insistence that it was all about race. You do not even know who the cops were but you jumped to that conclusion right off the bat. The Police Chief IS Hispanic and he has openly and repeatedly DEFENDED the officers.
Really? I thought the kids were in lockdown.... in their classroo,s. with the perp locked OUT....and the kid was the ONLY one in the hallway.... why shoot to KILL if no other children were around to be harmed by the perp? Was the kid trying to kill them, the cops?

Lets try this again.... A door lock is useless against a 9 MM pistol, which is what they believed he had. One shot and the door is open.
o, is it okay with you if a kid is going to the same school with your own kid, and one of your kids' classmate carried a gun to school, which looks like a glock, points it at a cop (or worse at another student), threatens to shoot, and nobody does anything to try and stop it

Oh sure, that is what is said or what others said who disagree. No. We are asking if there may have been a better way of handling this for the safety of all involved. It is the most reasonable question anyone can ask.
Oh sure, that is what is said or what others said who disagree. No. We are asking if there may have been a better way of handling this for the safety of all involved. It is the most reasonable question anyone can ask.

Of course it's reasonable to ask that question.

This is what happened according to the accounts in the newspapers:

The kid was in a fight with a knife earlier in the morning.
He walked into the classroom, and punched another kid in the face for an unknown reason.
He then took the pellet gun out, at which point the other kids got distressed.
He went into the hallway, where there were other kids, and in the meantime, lock-down occured.
When the cops arrived, they asked the kid if the gun was real, and he told them it was.
They told him to put the weapon down, and spent 20 minutes trying to reason with him.
He refused to drop the weapon.
He got shot.

It's easy to second-guess and try to come up with other alternatives after the fact, but what we are dealing with is reality. The reality that a mentally disturbed kid got himself in a real mess, and got himself killed, as a result of his own actions.
I really do not understand how or why people are so set on blaming the police for this.
Nothing in the story or any information since indicates that the police acted rashly or improperly.


Of course, the irony here is that the people blaming the police are those most likely to tell us it is OK for the police to have guns because -they- are trained to use them.
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In another account, I read that the kid stated he was going to kill everybody.

At any rate- for all intents and purposes he was holding a loaded weapon and intended to use it.
How could the officers be expected to assume otherwise.

What did they do to 'talk him down?' That is what SWAT does. Why so quick on the draw? Because he looked Hispanic? Maybe?

Wave what looks like a gun...die. Suicide by cop, probably.
Again, I don't know how many times i have to say that there was no wrongdoing by the police. Sheesh.
So why didn't he get expelled earlier when he brandished a knife?
Didn't he do that immediately before the pellet gun incident? I thought that's how it went, but I could be wrong.

Do you have a link?

WTF? This is your thread and your argument. The proof is on you. You keep making assuumptions like they were facts and when anyone counters, you want links. You need to support YOUR assumptions. YOU tell us the sequence of events. In short, do your own homework and quit demanding that others do it for you.
175,000 people is NOT a large city. But if you want to contend that it is, fine. That put the lie to this being a little Hispanic community that grew its own cops.

No one said it's a large city.

A one horse town, though like you said, it's not. :thup:

Memory of a fucking guppy.

It is a one horse town.


Where's the horse? All I see are cars in a business district?
And once again for the STUPENDOUSLY stupid, they did none of the intervention techniques they were supposed to know how to do. If they had done something other than the TV 'freeze turkey' routine, they most likely could have averted this death!

They spent 20 MINUTES trying to talk him down. They only fired after he pointed a GUN at them. They waited 20 minutes risking the lives of hundreds of other kids and teachers. How the hell you get the idea they did nothing is beyond me. You are ignorant on this. By the way 175000 people that are 90 percent Hispanic they would have several hundred cops in that town. In Spokane which is about the same size the Sheriffs office had 400 cops. The city probably had the same or more.

It is not a "one horse" town.


I myself have disarmed patients with no loss of life, my own or anyone else's. I have gotten several patients over the years to hand over guns, (loaded and real), knives, slivers of glass, etc. If I can do it, surely a trained officer could. But no, they didn't even TRY. IMO these cops were a couple of green horns. I have no respect for them and that community will have its day with them. You watch.

I don't buy your BS, but if it is true, keep playing those odds and odds are.........you won't be posting here someday. When you're dead, trying to talk your killer down will seem like a very trivial matter to your survivors.
I really do not understand how or why people are so set on blaming the police for this.
Nothing in the story or any information since indicates that the police acted rashly or improperly.


Of course, the irony here is that the people blaming the police are those most likely to tell us it is OK for the police to have guns because -they- are trained to use them.

Ask Sunshine. She has it all figured out. :cuckoo:
I really do not understand how or why people are so set on blaming the police for this.
Nothing in the story or any information since indicates that the police acted rashly or improperly.


Of course, the irony here is that the people blaming the police are those most likely to tell us it is OK for the police to have guns because -they- are trained to use them.

Ask Sunshine. She has it all figured out. :cuckoo:

Sunshine no longer wastes my time.
When I took crisis calls, I stayed on the phone with patients many times while the SWAT team went in and disarmed the person. No one dead. You are clearly uninformed. Yet you keep embarrassing yourself.

Once again you loony tunes, the cops had several HUNDRED children in harms way. Other then the person with the gun obeying them or being close enough to taze their concern was NOT the kid with the gun. Their concern was with the potential of dozens of dead or wounded children because they failed to act.

They could not let him out of their sight and they could not let him get in any room. He kept running away until he stopped and POINTED the handgun at officers.

2 things occur at that point. If they do not shoot not only are their lives in danger but all those kids are left with no means to stop a person with what appears to be a 9 MM handgun. They did the right thing and only a fucking loon thinks otherwise.

And then we have your initial and continued insistence that it was all about race. You do not even know who the cops were but you jumped to that conclusion right off the bat. The Police Chief IS Hispanic and he has openly and repeatedly DEFENDED the officers.
Really? I thought the kids were in lockdown.... in their classroo,s. with the perp locked OUT....and the kid was the ONLY one in the hallway.... why shoot to KILL if no other children were around to be harmed by the perp? Was the kid trying to kill them, the cops?

Who knows what the kid was doing? He was pointing the gun at the cops, were they suppose to risk their lives and "assume" the gun was fake even though it looked real?
Should we sell toy guns in the first place? If he did not have a toy gun, then the police would have shot and killed him. A life was lost, and peoples’ lives on both sides will change. Thousands of dollars will be spent in an investigation and lawsuits if it happens.

With have to ask the NRA, will you agree that toy guns can be banned? Or would they say, you start with toy guns, and then you open the door to ban real guns. Therefore, children that do not know better will be shot by police that do not know better as well.
Should we sell toy guns in the first place? If he did not have a toy gun, then the police would have shot and killed him. A life was lost, and peoples’ lives on both sides will change. Thousands of dollars will be spent in an investigation and lawsuits if it happens.

With have to ask the NRA, will you agree that toy guns can be banned? Or would they say, you start with toy guns, and then you open the door to ban real guns. Therefore, children that do not know better will be shot by police that do not know better as well.
A pellet gun ≠ a toy gun.

All toy guns imported into the US these days are required to have a 6 mm orange tip on the end to avoid just this sort of situation.
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Should we sell toy guns in the first place? If he did not have a toy gun, then the police would have shot and killed him. A life was lost, and peoples’ lives on both sides will change. Thousands of dollars will be spent in an investigation and lawsuits if it happens.

With have to ask the NRA, will you agree that toy guns can be banned? Or would they say, you start with toy guns, and then you open the door to ban real guns. Therefore, children that do not know better will be shot by police that do not know better as well.

Damn straight!!! Let's outlaw alcohol and cars too! And fatty foods!
Should we sell toy guns in the first place? If he did not have a toy gun, then the police would have shot and killed him. A life was lost, and peoples’ lives on both sides will change. Thousands of dollars will be spent in an investigation and lawsuits if it happens.

With have to ask the NRA, will you agree that toy guns can be banned? Or would they say, you start with toy guns, and then you open the door to ban real guns. Therefore, children that do not know better will be shot by police that do not know better as well.
A pellet gun ≠ a toy gun.

All toy guns imported into the US these days are required to have a a 6 mm orange tip on the end to avoid just this sort of situation.

Does the toy gun with the orange tip work well in very low light – most accidental deaths with a pellet gun or a toy gun happen at nighttime? Now, could you see a little organ tip at say midnight with the only help with light a mercury light. Most would not, so how does that orange tip would work part of the time. Sure, it could save more lives with it on. Still, it is not fail safe: and that can end in death.

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