Texas to be attacked by Military


Cat Lady =^..^=
Apr 27, 2013
OMG! Texas Governor Greg Abbott thinks that Obama is secretly getting the military ready to attack and take over Texas. Certain conspiracy groups have stirred up suspicions that Texas is on target for a take over by the military....could conservatives really be this naive? Have some really gone stir crazy?

I thought Republican/conservatives loved the military.......why would the military agree to attack a Red state?

Paranoia catches Abbott’s attention: Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover

Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Guard to monitor federal military exercises in Texas after some citizens have lit up the Internet saying the maneuvers are actually the prelude to martial law.

Called Jade Helm 15, the exercise is one of the largest training operations done by the military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare. About 1,200 special operations personnel will be involved and move covertly among the public. They will use military equipment to travel between seven Southwestern states from Texas to California.

On Monday, command spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria attended a Bastrop County Commissioners Court meeting to answer community questions and was met with hostile fire. Lastoria, in response to some of the questions from the 150 who attended, sought to dispel fears that foreign fighters from the Islamic State were being brought in or that Texans’ guns would be confiscated, according to a report in the Austin American-Statesman.

Paranoia catches Abbott s attention Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover Dallas Morning News

Floyd: To ease takeover fears, Abbott needs to call crazy what it is
Doesn't the Governor declare martial law? :)

Should build a great big high opaque wall around Texas and leave em to it. :)
Sounds like he just qualified himself for a seat in the GOP clown car!

Dunno who's dumber the Governor of Texas for acknowledging an internet conspiracy theory, of the conspiracy people perpetuating it.
Liberal criticism of the governor's antics are almost as stupid as the antics themselves, given the lengths to which the LibProgs will take this.

Still, it makes for good theater.
President Jeb Bush orders counter-insurgent military exercises in Baltimore, Detroit and Philadelphia.
Remember stuff like this during the cold war. Survivalists saying they wont live farther than 50 miles from the Canadian border SURE the government would declare martial law. This must be their kids stirring this up. :)
President Jeb Bush orders counter-insurgent military exercises in Baltimore, Detroit and Philadelphia.

Er, Jeb Bush has never been President......and one could expect those states to do so, but TEXAS? Texas is now being run by the asylum patients.
President Jeb Bush orders counter-insurgent military exercises in Baltimore, Detroit and Philadelphia.

Er, Jeb Bush has never been President......and one could expect those states to do so, but TEXAS? Texas is now being run by the asylum patients.

But if that does happen, will Libs just say it's another day at the office?

IF? I thought conservatives claimed in another thread that the military would take their side.......you would think they would welcome the military coming into the state, then.
President Jeb Bush orders counter-insurgent military exercises in Baltimore, Detroit and Philadelphia.

Er, Jeb Bush has never been President......and one could expect those states to do so, but TEXAS? Texas is now being run by the asylum patients.

But if that does happen, will Libs just say it's another day at the office?

IF? I thought conservatives claimed in another thread that the military would take their side.......you would think they would welcome the military coming into the state, then.

Oh, so you're not OK with military exercises where Democrat Inner cities are considered hostile territory. wow
"You may even notice a red laser pointer dot on you, you have no reason to worry. It's just an exercise" -- President Jeb Bush, 2019, reassuring residents of Baltimore, Detroit and Philadelphia that they have no reason for concern regarding the military training where democrat Inner Cities are identified as hostile terrotiry
"You may even notice a red laser pointer dot on you, you have no reason to worry. It's just an exercise" -- President Jeb Bush, 2019, reassuring residents of Baltimore, Detroit and Philadelphia that they have no reason for concern regarding the military training where democrat Inner Cities are identified as hostile terrotiry

Please stop saying "President Jeb Bush".

The thought sickens me.
OMG! Texas Governor Greg Abbott thinks that Obama is secretly getting the military ready to attack and take over Texas. Certain conspiracy groups have stirred up suspicions that Texas is on target for a take over by the military....could conservatives really be this naive? Have some really gone stir crazy?

I thought Republican/conservatives loved the military.......why would the military agree to attack a Red state?

Paranoia catches Abbott’s attention: Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover

Gov. Greg Abbott ordered the Texas Guard to monitor federal military exercises in Texas after some citizens have lit up the Internet saying the maneuvers are actually the prelude to martial law.

Called Jade Helm 15, the exercise is one of the largest training operations done by the military in response to what it calls the evolving nature of warfare. About 1,200 special operations personnel will be involved and move covertly among the public. They will use military equipment to travel between seven Southwestern states from Texas to California.

On Monday, command spokesman Lt. Col. Mark Lastoria attended a Bastrop County Commissioners Court meeting to answer community questions and was met with hostile fire. Lastoria, in response to some of the questions from the 150 who attended, sought to dispel fears that foreign fighters from the Islamic State were being brought in or that Texans’ guns would be confiscated, according to a report in the Austin American-Statesman.

Paranoia catches Abbott s attention Gov orders Texas guard to monitor military exercises over fears of federal takeover Dallas Morning News

Floyd: To ease takeover fears, Abbott needs to call crazy what it is

1: Military announces wargames for 2015, informs 7 states, gets explicit permission from private landowners to also use some private property.

2: The announcement was made almost 2 months ago.

3: Drunken tea-party nutter gunnutz who are sure that the evil ZOG is out to get them cry "invasion".

4: Texas Governor, who possess the intelligence of two beavers banging each other on the head with large stones, decides that the freakazoid tea-party gunnutz might just have a valid point, cuz you just never know if the black secret muslim plant in the White House may be lying to you.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Yes, THIS Greg Abbott:


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