Texas to resume border wall construction after reaching deals with private property owners, Abbott says

Like the ones built around every jail and prison in the world?
The jails and prisons do not have a 2000 mile perimeter crossing river, deserts and mountainous areas, all mainly not patrolled 24/7/365 by armed men in towers with overlapping views and fields of fire.
The jails and prisons do not have a 2000 mile perimeter crossing river, deserts and mountainous areas, all mainly not patrolled 24/7/365 by armed men in towers with overlapping views and fields of fire.
So walls work where terrain and topography allow?
So walls work where terrain and topography allow?
Only if overwatched, manned 24/7, with authorization to shoot or otherwise repel crossers. I don't see that happening.
The jails and prisons do not have a 2000 mile perimeter crossing river, deserts and mountainous areas, all mainly not patrolled 24/7/365 by armed men in towers with overlapping views and fields of fire.
Well, maybe it’s time to rethink that….deploy the military to every inch
And now, as witnessed in this thread, we will see Dimocrats and the left doing everything in their power to fight ANY attempts to stop or slow down the flood of illegals.

One thing you can always guarantee, the sun will come up tomorrow, and Dimocrats will work to weaken our border security.
So you guys will stop bitching about immigration now?

Oh wait...what will you do with your life if you can't bitch about something?

I hear frequently that libs want to punish those who hire illegals and I agree.
You should love Desantis since thats his plan for Florida.
On top of the fence we should be hiring at least 2 thousand more border patrol agents. A wall isn't enough so this would be a start. Tax payer funded.
Well, maybe it’s time to rethink that….deploy the military to every inch
Did you ever read one of my radical plans to control the border, if we were serious about it? It wasn't popular, especially with the open borders crowd.
Did you ever read one of my radical plans to control the border, if we were serious about it? It wasn't popular, especially with the open borders crowd.
Well, you tell me….What we have going on now sustainable?
That ought to do it. Glad to know Texas will have no illegal immigration by the end of next year as shown by the dramatic decrease in illegal immigration with this year, with the walls that are already up.
A country and their people should not be laissez-faire with illegal immigration, Left Wingers should take it seriously. If there's a shortage of labour in a certain employment area, visas should cater for that. If you need 3,000 doctors, why be happy with 12,000 illegal melon pickers?

So to sacrifice the balance to "get at" the opposition is bizarre.

A government study found that immigration (legal and illegal) increased the population a half percent more than the percentage increase in GDP. Granted, there are other pros and cons to take into account, but it it cost the UK a half percent of three trillion.

My advice is, Left Wingers, grow up and take illegal immigration seriously.
Well, you tell me….What we have going on now sustainable?
Nothing. We have nothing sustainable. We are not serious about it, and political money is raised off it every single, by both sides. Fixing it would be to losing that fund-raising issue.

The answer is going to involve change to immigration policy. That, at this time, is as much of a third rail, as social security.
The jails and prisons do not have a 2000 mile perimeter crossing river, deserts and mountainous areas, all mainly not patrolled 24/7/365 by armed men in towers with overlapping views and fields of fire.
Border walls have proven to reduce illegal crossings by more than 80%.

Get educated, Simp.

This should stop anyone from crossing the border.
Border walls have proven to reduce illegal crossings by more than 80%.

Get educated, Simp.

Well if Abbott wants to spend Texas money to build a wall and keep rebuiling it forever, I have no problem with that. I just don't want to waste my tax dollars thinking it will end illegal immigration or stop the drug trade getting into the country, as the wall has been being sold.
Well if Abbott wants to spend Texas money to build a wall and keep rebuiling it forever, I have no problem with that.
Thanks for telling us, I was really worried that you wouldn't agree!

I just don't want to waste my tax dollars thinking it will end illegal immigration or stop the drug trade getting into the country, as the wall has been being sold.
Nope, it will never do that, it will just slow it down by about 95% so that Border Patrol has time to catch most of them and keep up with the mess while sending the signal to millions not to even try coming here illegally now because the trek just got a whole heck of a lot harder.

As far as rebuilding the wall, repair and upkeep, a far smaller and better thing than the cost of what 5 million undocumented, unvetted illegals every two years with no money or skills, no destination, education, healthcare or jobs, many of which bring crime and drugs is costing us already and shall continue to cost us for many years thanks to Joe Biden, America's First Blatantly Treasonous Anti-American Fake Installed Socialist/Globalist President.
Thanks for telling us, I was really worried that you wouldn't agree!

Nope, it will never do that, it will just slow it down by about 95% so that Border Patrol has time to catch most of them and keep up with the mess while sending the signal to millions not to even try coming here illegally now because the trek just got a whole heck of a lot harder.

As far as rebuilding the wall, repair and upkeep, a far smaller and better thing than the cost of what 5 million undocumented, unvetted illegals every two years with no money or skills, no destination, education, healthcare or jobs, many of which bring crime and drugs is costing us already and shall continue to cost us for many years thanks to Joe Biden, America's First Blatantly Treasonous Anti-American Fake Installed Socialist/Globalist President.
Boy, have you been sold a bill of good. Did you read the article and see the video a day or two ago of the illegals coming up out of the city street manholes in El Paso? The drugs and the illegals will find a way, if we keep providing jobs, lucrative drug markets and welfare. That is all there is to it.
Nothing. We have nothing sustainable. We are not serious about it, and political money is raised off it every single, by both sides. Fixing it would be to losing that fund-raising issue.

The answer is going to involve change to immigration policy. That, at this time, is as much of a third rail, as social security.
Not with the people it’s not….But, that’s a vague answer…Railing against fund raising without outlining how policy needs to change is just word salad.

Is that how you show how smart you are White6? With word salad?
How much was each property owner given? Man I'd give everyone a terribly hard time until I was paid huge huge. A thorn in the side so to speak.

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