Texas to resume border wall construction after reaching deals with private property owners, Abbott says

Conservatives continue to demonstrate their racism, bigotry, and hate.

And their contempt for sound, responsible governance.

Building a ‘wall’ is a waste of public funds and resources; it won’t do anything to address the issue of immigration – it’s meaningless political theater and pandering to the racism, bigotry, and hate of the Republican base.

"And their contempt for sound, responsible governance."

Lol!!! You are actually serious when you make such an idiotic comment?

There is NOTHING about what is occurring on our borders right now, that is "sound responsible governance"!
The primary role of government, contrary to some on here, is NOT to spend money, it is to protect your citizens.

Credit to Abbott for taking this oath and duty seriously.

The Texas government will resume construction of a wall on the state's border with Mexico, according to Gov. Greg Abbott.

The announcement comes after an extended period of negotiation between Texas officials and private property owners for the construction of infrastructure on their land.

"More border wall is going up next month," said Abbott. "It took months to negotiate with private property owners on the border for the right to build on their property.

He added, "We now should be building more border wall all of next year."

About the biggest problem which I have seen to be very glaring recently, is that the actual border goes through the river and we build the wall, etc. on up from the river, not on the actual river itself. So, they are already here illegally the second they cross that actual river border, making them eligible for US laws. There are already on US territory before they even get to the wall. So, we either have to find a way to stop them from coming at all or we need to find a way to secure the actual real border on the river because, even if the wall worked 100%, they are already subject to US laws before they even get to the wall. Or, we have to change our laws.
Well if Abbott wants to spend Texas money to build a wall and keep rebuiling it forever, I have no problem with that. I just don't want to waste my tax dollars thinking it will end illegal immigration or stop the drug trade getting into the country, as the wall has been being sold.
So when shown walls work you still don’t want them.

Another No Border libtard.
Not with the people it’s not….But, that’s a vague answer…Railing against fund raising without outlining how policy needs to change is just word salad.

Is that how you show how smart you are White6? With word salad?
I showed my intelligence by going to bed about 2 hours earlier, than your post.
You asked if we had anything sustainable. I said No and told you why. I am not running for office and actually no longer surprised, there is nothing sustainable. Neither side wants it solved. There is not now, nor has there ever been serious consequences for those that hire, as who wants to long term business owners for trying to get and use cheap labor, more worried about employment than what goes on in the workplace? Plus, as I mentioned, until finding work, there is good old welfare, undoubtedly more than what they had, where they came from. It's a long running joke, we don't want you but will make sure you don't starve until you find illegal employment and then we will leave the employer alone, cause he's just trying to make a living as cheaply as possible.
2 constants on the border this century so far are that every time conservatives get border walls built illegal immigration goes up

Fences and walls work as deterants. You have to be a special kind of stupid not to acknowledge that.

Democratic politicians don't want walls for this exact reason. They want massive illegal immigration followed by blanket amnesty and citizenship hoping to gain more power and more voters.
I showed my intelligence by going to bed about 2 hours earlier, than your post.
You asked if we had anything sustainable. I said No and told you why. I am not running for office and actually no longer surprised, there is nothing sustainable. Neither side wants it solved. There is not now, nor has there ever been serious consequences for those that hire, as who wants to long term business owners for trying to get and use cheap labor, more worried about employment than what goes on in the workplace? Plus, as I mentioned, until finding work, there is good old welfare, undoubtedly more than what they had, where they came from. It's a long running joke, we don't want you but will make sure you don't starve until you find illegal employment and then we will leave the employer alone, cause he's just trying to make a living as cheaply as possible.
Politicians push issues they think the majority want solved…D.C. honestly believes that most Americans are ignorant suckers who love getting fucked over by fostering wetbacks.…Mexifornia and all other blue shitholes definitely believes it.
What the DNC has done is absolutely brilliant, they have recruited enough filth from Mexico to make majorities in big city shitholes…..so now the invaders, the barely legal anchor babies have a voice, a very loud voice in Mexifornia, AZ, NM, TX, NV. It won’t be long before Mexico’s people decide our elections across the board.
Boy, have you been sold a bill of good.
The term is a 'Bill of Goods.'

Did you read the article and see the video a day or two ago of the illegals coming up out of the city street manholes in El Paso? The drugs and the illegals will find a way, if we keep providing jobs, lucrative drug markets and welfare. That is all there is to it.
Are you seriously suggesting that 5 million people will pop up out of the sewer next? Or that digging a tunnel and infiltrating through the sewer underground is as easy as just walking right into the USA on land by foot?

Get serious. If a few found some way through the sewers, like Israel does, as they did in the case of El Chappo, that just shows you where your other vulnerabilities are and where to ficus attention next.

By your pathetic line of reasoning, if one gets in, then we might as well let them all in? Or that we should have just surrendered to the Nazis in the 1940s because after all, 80 years later, they found their way here anyway via the democrat party?!

We do have a legal immigration system and I suggest they use it.
I showed my intelligence by going to bed about 2 hours earlier, than your post.
You asked if we had anything sustainable. I said No and told you why. I am not running for office and actually no longer surprised, there is nothing sustainable. Neither side wants it solved. There is not now, nor has there ever been serious consequences for those that hire, as who wants to long term business owners for trying to get and use cheap labor, more worried about employment than what goes on in the workplace? Plus, as I mentioned, until finding work, there is good old welfare, undoubtedly more than what they had, where they came from. It's a long running joke, we don't want you but will make sure you don't starve until you find illegal employment and then we will leave the employer alone, cause he's just trying to make a living as cheaply as possible.
So how would you change all that?
Politicians push issues they think the majority want solved…D.C. honestly believes that most Americans are ignorant suckers who love getting fucked over by fostering wetbacks.…Mexifornia and all other blue shitholes definitely believes it.
What the DNC has done is absolutely brilliant, they have recruited enough filth from Mexico to make majorities in big city shitholes…..so now the invaders, the barely legal anchor babies have a voice, a very loud voice in Mexifornia, AZ, NM, TX, NV. It won’t be long before Mexico’s people decide our elections across the board.
I'm back.
I was right with you through the first paragraph, except, of course, I have known the big cities were big city shitholes since the race riots, anti-war riots and political riots of the 60s. Back then we just blamed it on blacks, hippies and corrupt politicians. Ain't it great?! We got somebody new (illegal aliens) to blame it on, and they can't even vote!
Won't be long before they are deciding our elections, eh? Maybe in your state, but not mine. We simply don't let non-citizens vote, but we're pretty old-fashioned conservative down here.
So, you don’t have a plan? Just bitching?
Just bitching and pointing out why there is no sustaining solution. It has been back-burnered since the Reagan days by both sides, as nothing more than to campaign and raise money on.
I'm back.
I was right with you through the first paragraph, except, of course, I have known the big cities were big city shitholes since the race riots, anti-war riots and political riots of the 60s. Back then we just blamed it on blacks, hippies and corrupt politicians. Ain't it great?! We got somebody new (illegal aliens) to blame it on, and they can't even vote!
Won't be long before they are deciding our elections, eh? Maybe in your state, but not mine. We simply don't let non-citizens vote, but we're pretty old-fashioned conservative down here.
Come on man….don’t play stupid….let me break it down for you.
20-40 million illegal wetbacks = a shit-ton of free shit begging Democrat voting silver tooth anchor babies….hahaha…you honestly didn’t know that?
I’ll go further…..no 20-40 illegal wetbacks = no free shit begging Democrat voting silver tooth anchor babies = no Democrat stronghold on Mexifonia, AZ, NV, NM or Texas shitholes = an irrelevant Democrat Party.
Can you connect the dots now? The Mexicrat Party MUST import thirdworld filth to stay relevant. GEEEE, I wonder why you and Democrats want an open border…..hmmmmm?
Come on man….don’t play stupid….let me break it down for you.
20-40 million illegal wetbacks = a shit-ton of free shit begging Democrat voting silver tooth anchor babies….hahaha…you honestly didn’t know that?
I’ll go further…..no 20-40 illegal wetbacks = no free shit begging Democrat voting silver tooth anchor babies = no Democrat stronghold on Mexifonia, AZ, NV, NM or Texas shitholes = an irrelevant Democrat Party.
Can you connect the dots now? The Mexicrat Party MUST import thirdworld filth to stay relevant. GEEEE, I wonder why you and Democrats want an open border…..hmmmmm?
I don't. I wonder why anybody that hires an illegal, even to mow their grass or pick their fruit is not in jail for 5 years or more and their profits and property forfeit. Could it be, they are protected by Democrats and Republicans alike, as neither party cares to cut off the draw card that brings them here?

And I thought Orange Jesus saying he'd built the wall was entirely true

I don't. I wonder why anybody that hires an illegal, even to mow their grass or pick their fruit is not in jail for 5 years or more and their profits and property forfeit. Could it be, they are protected by Democrats and Republicans alike, as neither party cares to cut off the draw card that brings them here?
Neither party cares to solve the problem as both parties believe there is not enough REAL Americans that care about the problem….Libs have made it RACIST for one to stand against illegal aliens so pussies don’t….ask Unkotare

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