texas tries to keep the minority voter impact down

Why do you guys get to say anything unAmerican you want to say and yet you call completely American ideals on the left anti American?
Here was an Ideal from the left
I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years, ...’ Gov. Bev Perdue
You are in this thread defending not allowing minorities the same level of representation as white voters.

You are the racist

Here's a democrat not wanting anyone the right to vote
I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years, ...’ Gov. Bev Perdue
Why no words for the people in this thread who clearly dont want people to vote?

I wouldn't give a drunk my car keys - why should I support giving a blithering idiot like you an opportunity to vote. Whack jobs like you should be kept out of the polls - hell, out of the public for that matter. You should be confined to a rubber room.

why no words for you fellow righty?
Redistricting, regardless of who (Dem or Repub) initiates it, does not prevent ANYONE from voting. It change the representation numbers for a party in Congress.

ALL votes still count.

Why TM cannot understand this basic FACT is beyond comprehension.
Redistricting, regardless of who (Dem or Repub) initiates it, does not prevent ANYONE from voting. It change the representation numbers for a party in Congress.

ALL votes still count.

Why TM cannot understand this basic FACT is beyond comprehension.

and they are sliced and diced so certain people dont get represented by their reps
Why no words for the people in this thread who clearly dont want people to vote?

I wouldn't give a drunk my car keys - why should I support giving a blithering idiot like you an opportunity to vote. Whack jobs like you should be kept out of the polls - hell, out of the public for that matter. You should be confined to a rubber room.

Warrior I respect you but don't take this the wrong way. But you are wrong all Americans have the right to speak their mind if we take someones right away to speak their mind, just because you don't happen to agree with them whose to say someone else might not like or agree with what you say and would forbid you from speaking your mind.
Why no words for the people in this thread who clearly dont want people to vote?

I wouldn't give a drunk my car keys - why should I support giving a blithering idiot like you an opportunity to vote. Whack jobs like you should be kept out of the polls - hell, out of the public for that matter. You should be confined to a rubber room.

Warrior I respect you but don't take this the wrong way. But you are wrong all Americans have the right to speak their mind if we take someones right away to speak their mind, just because you don't happen to agree with them whose to say someone else might not like or agree with what you say and would forbid you from speaking your mind.

As I said, I wouldn't give a drunk my car keys.
The same holds true with allowing a deranged individual (i.e Truthmatters) into a voting booth. Their idiotic decisions (i.e. voting Obama) is the outcome...
Redistricting, regardless of who (Dem or Repub) initiates it, does not prevent ANYONE from voting. It change the representation numbers for a party in Congress.

ALL votes still count.

Why TM cannot understand this basic FACT is beyond comprehension.

and they are sliced and diced so certain people dont get represented by their reps

So, the reps of a district get to choose who they represent? Really? Moron. A representative represents all the people in their district, regardless of what color their skin is.
Redistricting, regardless of who (Dem or Repub) initiates it, does not prevent ANYONE from voting. It change the representation numbers for a party in Congress.

ALL votes still count.

Why TM cannot understand this basic FACT is beyond comprehension.

and they are sliced and diced so certain people dont get represented by their reps

North Carolina did that very same thing a few years back Congressional dist. 12


And here is a link to other odd make up congressional dist.
Your Analytic Analeptic: The Most Bizarrely Shaped Congressional Districts
I wouldn't give a drunk my car keys - why should I support giving a blithering idiot like you an opportunity to vote. Whack jobs like you should be kept out of the polls - hell, out of the public for that matter. You should be confined to a rubber room.

Warrior I respect you but don't take this the wrong way. But you are wrong all Americans have the right to speak their mind if we take someones right away to speak their mind, just because you don't happen to agree with them whose to say someone else might not like or agree with what you say and would forbid you from speaking your mind.

As I said, I wouldn't give a drunk my car keys.
The same holds true with allowing a deranged individual (i.e Truthmatters) into a voting booth. Their idiotic decisions (i.e. voting Obama) is the outcome...

ok but has anyone ever called you deranged for something you said? People disagree and always will. Regardless of their views people have a right to say what they want to when it comes to politics.
Redistricting, regardless of who (Dem or Repub) initiates it, does not prevent ANYONE from voting. It change the representation numbers for a party in Congress.

ALL votes still count.

Why TM cannot understand this basic FACT is beyond comprehension.

and they are sliced and diced so certain people dont get represented by their reps

Who doesn't get represented? Look, when you control the State House, your party gets to draw up the district maps. It's a political advantage. It's why parties fight so hard to win control of State races. That doesn't mean someone isn't getting represented however.

Your problem, TM is that you don't like being on the side that lost a State race and lost control of redistricting. If the shoe were on the other foot...and it has been hundreds of times...then you wouldn't have a problem. That speaks VOLUMES about you as a person.
"Changing demographics indeed". It's no secret that the radical left seeks to change the fabric of the Country they hate with unrestricted illegal immigration. Their dream is to place the poor illegals on the democrat plantation and allowing them to vote. We are going to be deluged in the next year with constant whining by the left that showing an I.D. before voting is somehow an obstruction to (pick a victim). You can bet your ass-ets that the reorganized "ACORN" criminal enterprise has some dirty tricks lined up for November.
Redistricting, regardless of who (Dem or Repub) initiates it, does not prevent ANYONE from voting. It change the representation numbers for a party in Congress.

ALL votes still count.

Why TM cannot understand this basic FACT is beyond comprehension.

and they are sliced and diced so certain people dont get represented by their reps

ok here is a lie. Who lost representation? Who lost their vote? You comment is a bold face lie.
1. Stupid.
2. Disingenuous.
3. Partisan.
4. Lacks reading comprehension skills.

One, some combination, or all of the above are why it is a waste of time try to either debate or try to explain anything to t-matters.
Redistricting, regardless of who (Dem or Repub) initiates it, does not prevent ANYONE from voting. It change the representation numbers for a party in Congress.

ALL votes still count.

Why TM cannot understand this basic FACT is beyond comprehension.

and they are sliced and diced so certain people dont get represented by their reps

ok here is a lie. Who lost representation? Who lost their vote? You comment is a bold face lie.

Yeah, but she has the right to lie, right?
So Democrats are trying to Gerrymander the state in their favor and that proves Republican are going to keep minorities from voting?

What did Texas do? Pass a photo id law?

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