Texasss plant ignored regs, lied

Looks to me like the regulations and laws that govern fertilizer plants and overall plant safety FAILED in this case.

So what state and federal government agencies were asleep at the wheel in this particular case?

People break laws. People ignore regulations. People are dishonest. People become criminals.

NO AMOUNT of regulations and laws will create 100% compliance by dishonest people and criminals.
How about they help this country protect life an limb instead of merely protecting profit
how about the industries lawyers and engineers stop trying to make the legislation be so mish mashed so they can get arround all the real regulations?

gee those poor poor CEOs who make billions cant afford to hire people to help them understand what they fought to create

The only people mishmasing the regulations are the people writing them. Again, read OSHA standards and see what I am talking about.

They are made by lawyers to make it easier to sue people who dont follow them, not to protect people.
Looks to me like the regulations and laws that govern fertilizer plants and overall plant safety FAILED in this case.

So what state and federal government agencies were asleep at the wheel in this particular case?

People break laws. People ignore regulations. People are dishonest. People become criminals.

NO AMOUNT of regulations and laws will create 100% compliance by dishonest people and criminals.

Considering we don't know the cause yet, how can one know the regulations failed?
Intelligent posters, please forgive the list of links. I'm posting them for the rw whiners who don't like this source or that source. If any of you rw whiners don't like these links, POST YOUR OWN.


How would disclosing amounts of a given component of fertilizer (Ammonium Nitrate) to DHS somehow affect the safety standards at the plant? DHS doesnt deal with safety standards, it deals with terrorism.

What it does point out, however, is how complicated the regulatory system is, where you have to report to several agencies, at both the state and federal level, and no one seems to know what each entity has to report.

(My bold)

Read the coverage. All plants are required to report any amount of ammonium nitrate over 400 pounds. They had @ one point 270 tons, I think the figure was. DHS would have notified the local police/fire departments, who lost 10 people, as I recall, because they didn't know there was so much explosive material on hand. (The fire @ the plant burned for 50 minutes before exploding. The first responders were @ the plant, fighting the fire & standing by to treat/rescue any injured.) Those deaths are on the hands of the owner & the TX Dept. of Health Services, who apparently failed to pass on the massive stockpile reports to DHS.

There are a whole series of preventive measures that should have been taken - zoning, blast walls - but that weren't, because the owner/TX Dept. Health Svcs failed in their duty. May they wake screaming in the night for the rest of their miserable lives ...
Intelligent posters, please forgive the list of links. I'm posting them for the rw whiners who don't like this source or that source. If any of you rw whiners don't like these links, POST YOUR OWN.


How would disclosing amounts of a given component of fertilizer (Ammonium Nitrate) to DHS somehow affect the safety standards at the plant? DHS doesnt deal with safety standards, it deals with terrorism.

What it does point out, however, is how complicated the regulatory system is, where you have to report to several agencies, at both the state and federal level, and no one seems to know what each entity has to report.

(My bold)

Read the coverage. All plants are required to report any amount of ammonium nitrate over 400 pounds. They had @ one point 270 tons, I think the figure was. DHS would have notified the local police/fire departments, who lost 10 people, as I recall, because they didn't know there was so much explosive material on hand. (The fire @ the plant burned for 50 minutes before exploding. The first responders were @ the plant, fighting the fire & standing by to treat/rescue any injured.) Those deaths are on the hands of the owner & the TX Dept. of Health Services, who apparently failed to pass on the massive stockpile reports to DHS.

There are a whole series of preventive measures that should have been taken - zoning, blast walls - but that weren't, because the owner/TX Dept. Health Svcs failed in their duty. May they wake screaming in the night for the rest of their miserable lives ...

At one point doesnt mean the stuff was onsite when the explosion happened. Also have the local responders said they didnt know what was in the plant?

The accident report has to come out first before any conclusions can be reached. All that luddy and his ilk are doing is fanning the fire without any real knowledge of what actually happened, and if the regs were followed or not, or if the regs had any impact on the accident chain.
Makes me remember when rep Joe Bolton of Texasss apologized to bp when their own negligence caused the explosion and 11 deaths.

How long before that slime or another R slime suggest something as heinous as that?

What my "ilk" demands is accountability and safety for present and future workers.

What, EXACTLY, is wrong with that?

What my "ilk" demands is accountability and safety for present and future workers.

What, EXACTLY, is wrong with that?

You may demand it, but your regulations don't create them, because no one can follow the damn things due to repetition, and legalese writing designed more to give lawyers work AFTER an accident has happened, then to prevent the accident in the first place.

Progressives, putting lawsuits over lives.
poor poor CEOs that cant understand the regulations even when they hire teams of lawyers
poor poor CEOs that cant understand the regulations even when they hire teams of lawyers

Its not the job of a CEO to figure out the regs. It takes an army of lawyers to decipher them for the working guys to figure out what the hell they are supposed to do.

But TM's butt buddy trial lawyers needs to gets paid, so the regs are written to make lawsuits easy, not to actually solve anything.
How The West, Texas Fertilizer Plant Slipped Through The Regulatory Cracks

REPORT: Cable News Ignores TX Fertilizer Plant's Regulation Violation | Research | Media Matters for America

Texas Fertilizer Plant Didn't Heed Disclosure Rules Before Blast

West Fertilizer Plant's Hazards Eluded Regulators For Nearly 30 Years

Deep In The Heart of Texas Lies and Coverups Surround Fertilizer Plant Explosion

Texas Fertilizer Plant Owners Hid Info That Could Have Prevented The Explosion

Daily Kos: Toxic Texas politics on display in fertilizer plant explosion

Intelligent posters, please forgive the list of links. I'm posting them for the rw whiners who don't like this source or that source. If any of you rw whiners don't like these links, POST YOUR OWN.

Meanwhile, taxpayers will pay for this industrial "accident" while R politicians demand we take food from children and the elderly before they'll allow help for victims of natural disasters. And, of course, never mind aid for the victims of the Boston bombing or the daily shooting victims.

If more R's get in to office, they will allow and encourage plants like this one to ignore regulations. They will also end safety regulations. This is what happens when businesses are allowed to "regulate themselves".

You rw whiners cannot deny that so don't even bother to try.
talk about whining...do ever not whine Dudley?.....every fucking thread you put up you are whining about something....
An idiot is an idiot and you sir are just that.

Lemme guess ...

You're rw, you're in favor of ending regulations and you can't argue with all those links.


Ya wanna try again? And this time, address the legit subject matter, the FACTS and cut out the trolling.

Or not.

One thing we all know is that what the cowardly and hypocritical dupes have to say is pretty worthless

the reason so many of your threads end up in the flame zone....
deregulation now

its the only way to solve this.

how in the hell did this country get so stupid as to think deregulation solved anything?

How about regulations that people can understand, and not some lawyer written cover your ass bullshit spread across 5 different agencies that requires you to hire an expeditier just to figure the crap out?

Have you ever read OSHA regulations? They are designed by politicans and lawyers, not by engineers.

more lapping at the balls of the wealthy huh?

does your tongue ever get sore?

why did you not answer his question?......tongue to sore?....
How The West, Texas Fertilizer Plant Slipped Through The Regulatory Cracks

REPORT: Cable News Ignores TX Fertilizer Plant's Regulation Violation | Research | Media Matters for America

Texas Fertilizer Plant Didn't Heed Disclosure Rules Before Blast

West Fertilizer Plant's Hazards Eluded Regulators For Nearly 30 Years

Deep In The Heart of Texas Lies and Coverups Surround Fertilizer Plant Explosion

Texas Fertilizer Plant Owners Hid Info That Could Have Prevented The Explosion

Daily Kos: Toxic Texas politics on display in fertilizer plant explosion

Intelligent posters, please forgive the list of links. I'm posting them for the rw whiners who don't like this source or that source. If any of you rw whiners don't like these links, POST YOUR OWN.

Meanwhile, taxpayers will pay for this industrial "accident" while R politicians demand we take food from children and the elderly before they'll allow help for victims of natural disasters. And, of course, never mind aid for the victims of the Boston bombing or the daily shooting victims.

If more R's get in to office, they will allow and encourage plants like this one to ignore regulations. They will also end safety regulations. This is what happens when businesses are allowed to "regulate themselves".

You rw whiners cannot deny that so don't even bother to try.

poor luddly, already started a thread on this and i mentioned it appears that the plant is at fault.

i mention this because you (wrongly) think i'm a rightwinger.

luddly fails again.

What my "ilk" demands is accountability and safety for present and future workers.

What, EXACTLY, is wrong with that?

nothing....its how you go about presenting your case that gets many here pissed off.....and you have been told that before,and the reason so much of your shit ends up in the flame zone.....you put up a good topic.....but your fucking monolog starts off by attacking Republicans,even if it isnt their fault......and you want to be taking seriously?....try talking like a level headed person Dudley instead of some old bitter fuck....you might get better results.....
How The West, Texas Fertilizer Plant Slipped Through The Regulatory Cracks

REPORT: Cable News Ignores TX Fertilizer Plant's Regulation Violation | Research | Media Matters for America

Texas Fertilizer Plant Didn't Heed Disclosure Rules Before Blast

West Fertilizer Plant's Hazards Eluded Regulators For Nearly 30 Years

Deep In The Heart of Texas Lies and Coverups Surround Fertilizer Plant Explosion

Texas Fertilizer Plant Owners Hid Info That Could Have Prevented The Explosion

Daily Kos: Toxic Texas politics on display in fertilizer plant explosion

Intelligent posters, please forgive the list of links. I'm posting them for the rw whiners who don't like this source or that source. If any of you rw whiners don't like these links, POST YOUR OWN.

Meanwhile, taxpayers will pay for this industrial "accident" while R politicians demand we take food from children and the elderly before they'll allow help for victims of natural disasters. And, of course, never mind aid for the victims of the Boston bombing or the daily shooting victims.

If more R's get in to office, they will allow and encourage plants like this one to ignore regulations. They will also end safety regulations. This is what happens when businesses are allowed to "regulate themselves".

You rw whiners cannot deny that so don't even bother to try.

How would disclosing amounts of a given component of fertilizer (Ammonium Nitrate) to DHS somehow affect the safety standards at the plant? DHS doesnt deal with safety standards, it deals with terrorism.

What it does point out, however, is how complicated the regulatory system is, where you have to report to several agencies, at both the state and federal level, and no one seems to know what each entity has to report.

And in the scope are:

Potential Targets.

The amount of fertilizer being kept at the plant was in violation of several limits, including those imposed by the DHS.

And how to you report to the multiple agencies?

1. Create a database with the combined requirements of the various agencies.
2. Generate templates (sqr/sql) for each of the agency reports.
3. Run the reports.
4. Send them.

Was that so hard?
An idiot is an idiot and you sir are just that.

Lemme guess ...

You're rw, you're in favor of ending regulations and you can't argue with all those links.


Ya wanna try again? And this time, address the legit subject matter, the FACTS and cut out the trolling.

Or not.

One thing we all know is that what the cowardly and hypocritical dupes have to say is pretty worthless.

None of the links show any Root Cause Analysis of the accident, they are just mishmashes of possible reporting irregularities that may have nothing to do with the accident at all.

The fact that there are so many sources for the regs shows how broken the damn system is.

Tons of solid-form ammonium nitrate fertilizer at the company are the focus of the explosion inquiry. Texas officials said the Office of the Texas State Chemist, which regulates fertilizer, visited the company 12 times in 2012 and found no problems with the management of its material.
In the last 40 years they have had 3 incidences, in which they took corrective action. One of those was a leaking valve they found and immediately took care of it when found.
How The West, Texas Fertilizer Plant Slipped Through The Regulatory Cracks

REPORT: Cable News Ignores TX Fertilizer Plant's Regulation Violation | Research | Media Matters for America

Texas Fertilizer Plant Didn't Heed Disclosure Rules Before Blast

West Fertilizer Plant's Hazards Eluded Regulators For Nearly 30 Years

Deep In The Heart of Texas Lies and Coverups Surround Fertilizer Plant Explosion

Texas Fertilizer Plant Owners Hid Info That Could Have Prevented The Explosion

Daily Kos: Toxic Texas politics on display in fertilizer plant explosion

Intelligent posters, please forgive the list of links. I'm posting them for the rw whiners who don't like this source or that source. If any of you rw whiners don't like these links, POST YOUR OWN.

Meanwhile, taxpayers will pay for this industrial "accident" while R politicians demand we take food from children and the elderly before they'll allow help for victims of natural disasters. And, of course, never mind aid for the victims of the Boston bombing or the daily shooting victims.

If more R's get in to office, they will allow and encourage plants like this one to ignore regulations. They will also end safety regulations. This is what happens when businesses are allowed to "regulate themselves".

You rw whiners cannot deny that so don't even bother to try.

How would disclosing amounts of a given component of fertilizer (Ammonium Nitrate) to DHS somehow affect the safety standards at the plant? DHS doesnt deal with safety standards, it deals with terrorism.

What it does point out, however, is how complicated the regulatory system is, where you have to report to several agencies, at both the state and federal level, and no one seems to know what each entity has to report.

And in the scope are:

Potential Targets.

The amount of fertilizer being kept at the plant was in violation of several limits, including those imposed by the DHS.

And how to you report to the multiple agencies?

1. Create a database with the combined requirements of the various agencies.
2. Generate templates (sqr/sql) for each of the agency reports.
3. Run the reports.
4. Send them.

Was that so hard?

They are REPORTING limits, not actual limits on how much one can store.
how can anyone defend a business that blows the town up with negligence?

they had been in the business for years.

they new the risks of these chemicals.

what the hell is wrong with you people?

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