Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Criminal intent proven beyond a reasonable doubt

Frame of mind


Corrobborating witness testimony

Yeah sure. If that were true, then that would have been brought out in the prior hearings.

Nobody's falling for it, except maybe for the zealots on this thread.
It was. It was literally the entire focus of 3 of the prior hearings.

Good God man. You are embarrassing yourself.

Not really. The fact I'm still here means I am far from embarrassed. I am here to watch heads melt, explode, or spontaneously combust over the idea that Trump somehow fomented a full-scale insurrection.
I find it funny they were armed and none of them fired a shot. That's what gets me. So, was it an attempt to overthrow the government or to protect themselves from violent counter-protests?
Does that really matter? The President of the United States was aware that there were armed supporters listening to his rally. He subsequently told them to go to the Capitol. At best an extremely reckless act. At worst an honest to god attempt to start a shootout outside the capitol. Not only that but even though he was aware that the Capitol police couldn't control the situation he didn't try to lower the temperature he raised it. It took him hours to give a half-hearthed stand down order to his supporters.
So you are saying Trump hand picked a bunch of lying dumbasses.
No that’s what you deflected to
Trumps people refused to come in and be limited to answering questions Only and be prohibited from asking questions and presenting testimony
That’s not how it works in America and why this is in fact a show “trial”
Oh? What lie did I tell?

Thanks for tacitly admitting you lied, Nostra.
Does that really matter? The President of the United States was aware that there were armed supporters listening to his rally. He subsequently told them to go to the Capitol. At best an extremely reckless act. At worst an honest to god attempt to start a shootout outside the capitol. Not only that but even though he was aware that the Capitol police couldn't control the situation he didn't try to lower the temperature he raised it. It took him hours to give a half-hearthed stand down order to his supporters.
He only gave a stand down order to his people After they failed.

Thanks for tacitly admitting you lied, Nostra.
No, I didn't lie. Looking back you jumped into a conversation I was having with the other Dimtard who was lying. I simply got you two Dimtard liars confused.

But glad to have you admit her testimony is hearsay.
Not really. The fact I'm still here means I am far from embarrassed. I am here to watch heads melt, explode, or spontaneously combust over the idea that Trump somehow fomented a full-scale insurrection.
You're here to show that you don't have a shred of intellectual honesty, and you find it funny that people still try to convince you.

I find it funny to watch someone who has no intellectual honesty twisting himself in a pretzel to come up with bizarre justifications.

Guess we both get something out of it.

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