Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

Does it ever occur to you that I might just be posting things here because I'm more entertained with how posters react than the veracity of the claim? I find it funny you approach this issue with such zeal, but won't even acknowledge that anyone with the ability to cross-examine these witnesses were stricken from the committee almost immediately, Jim Jordan, for example.
Jim Jordan would have interrupted every witness and whined and whined and whined.
Not particularly no, it's irrelevant to todays issues. As with the other four episodes, this is purely political.

This story has all the hallmarks of the "Russian pee tape" and other B.S we've heard for 5 years.

The Bush Neo-Cons are angry and they want to instill one of theirs in 2024. The same people who have been wrong about everything for 30 years and oversaw Americas decline want to squeeze whatever juice is left in the lemon (as if the Paris Accord and their carbon credits weren't enough for them).
It tells the story of an out of control so called president who tried to get his mob to overturn a fair and legitimate election. The Former Guy cannot even get near a position of authority again. Many in his "team" will be indicted? Will he be one? Perhaps he will. Georgia will take the first crack at him, betting money says.
What questions would you put to The Speaker? It would be a first to have her to be speaking to the Select Committee, better to put her under oath at a Grand Jury, and if that to be so, what would be the prosecutors need to call her in this investigation?
The Sargent at Arms refused the National Guard, Pelosi is/was his boss.
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Because, if you had been paying any attention during his term, there were members throughout who were seeking to "resist" him at every turn.

People leaking from within his own administration come to mind.

I'm fairly certain these are people within his administration that were picked for their favorability, not their credibility or veracity.
His daughter? Bill Barr? Luttig? Rusty Bowers? Templar, these are not never Trumpers; not by any stretch of the imagination.
1. Story Believability. Score was 0
2. Cooberating evidence. Score was 0
3. Other fact witnesses. Score was 0

This was a major DUD.

Trump being a large person could not have fit through window on the separation wall nor could he "jumped up" as she asserted. This story is pure fabrication.

Where is the Secret Service log for the day which would have logged this behavior.?

Where are the Secret Service agents assigned that day and why were they not testifying?

There was no cooberating evidence that should be easily obtained.

This was pure fantasy and a lie. The witnesses was fidgety, did not track her story well, needed breaks in the story.

You people have never had to do investigations, so I do not blame you for missing the signs of a liar.
She testified under oath

Let’s see Trump do the same
It tells the story of an out of control so called president who tried to get his mob to overturn a fair and legitimate election. The Former Guy cannot even get near a position of authority again. Many in his "team" will be indicted? Will he be one? Perhaps he will. Georgia will take the first crack at him, betting money says.

If this is the worst of his "offenses" against the American people than he is an amateur. I don't even want to relive 30 years of scandals and conspiracies from multiple politicians from both sides of the aisle.

Trump is a saint compared to them. A loud and obnoxious one at times, but relatively speaking, a saint.
Because, if you had been paying any attention during his term, there were members throughout who were seeking to "resist" him at every turn.

People leaking from within his own administration come to mind.

I'm fairly certain these are people within his administration that were picked for their favorability, not their credibility or veracity.
So you jump from that weak sauce to accusing a bunch of people whose names you dont even know of perjuring themselves with testimony you have never heard.

Because they must all be liars, because Trump doesn't lie.


Look at what Trump has done to your mind.
His daughter? Bill Barr? Luttig? Rusty Bowers? Templar, these are not never Trumpers; not by any stretch of the imagination.

Yeah, and if you go by that, then Trump's niece, Mary would have credibility too, if she were called.

It is fairly easy to lead someone with a series of questions to a desirable answer. Backgrounds are only part of the story.
You're missing the point. If there are two parties in congress, both parties deserve equal representation on that committee no? Then why were there people taken off that committee that had legitimate questions to ask the witnesses? Fear.

It doesn't just destroy their narrative, it exposes their motive. Only a blind idiot wouldn't at least ask the question "why were these people kicked off of the committee"?
The other side was dictating the rules before any cooperation was requested.
Nope, the original proposition again, was a commission consisting of half people appointed by Democrats, half by Republicans, and NONE of them actual lawmakers. The moment you can give me a good reason to reject that, I'll consider your wining as made in good faith.
You're missing the point. If there are two parties in congress, both parties deserve equal representation on that committee no? Then why were there people taken off that committee that had legitimate questions to ask the witnesses? Fear.
Pelosi knows that her bell would have been rung with questions, she's too old to keep
a straight face when lying.

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