Text began coming in to Meadows on January 6th, begging trump to stop the Capitol attack

There is no one to tell the other side, so she can say what she wants. She voted to impeach Trump, and she represents the Republican side. Lol
Any Trumpleton who feels what they did or said was misrepresented by the committee can spend hours on Faux defending themselves if they so choose. Their lawyers likely don't want their clients to go on TV and make matters worse by lying.
Notice we're here and not watching the hearings. Meaning that posting on this trivial thread outweighs any interest we have in watching the hearings themselves.

Quite the indictment of the hearings if I do say so myself.
Thank you for admitting that you are committed to wilful ignorane and have your head in the sand, ot that other smelly place where the sun don't shine
Notice we're here and not watching the hearings. Meaning that posting on this trivial thread outweighs any interest we have in watching the hearings themselves.

Quite the indictment of the hearings if I do say so myself.

Notice we're here and not watching the hearings.


Which means you have no idea what you're talking about.
Except for all the first hand conversations she testified too.

Trump the Traitor's violent eruption in the beast sounded like hearsay.
Maybe so, and maybe those who were first hand in the vehicle will testify under oath coming later. Investigations keep rolling along, and investigations have never been interrupted by a defense attorney. Of course an attorney might have advised (Flynn) a witness to take the 5th.

In the matter of a crime, which the Select Committee is investigating, and one so critical (insurrection, treason, possibly conspiracy to murder (hang pence) is more important then the average felony.
Trump (and other defendants) will have every opportunity to present their defense in court. Until then, if you have material facts that disputes the testimony we've heard thus far please present it.
When there are two sides to every case, it is important that the halls of our congress reflect that of our courts. Does this look like a fair hearing to you?

And what makes you think any real charges are coming from this?
It establishes that when he said "We will march to the Capitol," that it was definitely his intention to do so, and he forcefully resisted those who tried to keep him from it.
He endangered every congress person's life when he demanded that the magnetometer be removed. If he says none of this is true, Let him come before the committee under oath. THAT AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN. STICK A FORK IN HIM. HE IS DONE.
Pelosi did not choose the witnesses, idiot.

And the witnesses are firsthand witnesses.

My God, your head is so full of bullshit it is amazing you are capable of breathing.
Nope. She wasn't in the Beast when he supposedly grabbed the wheel, and she wasn't around when he supposedly threw his lunch against the wall.

Not a firsthand witness, Dumbass.
The idea that a committee won't allow anyone to cross-examine the witnesses shows it for the one-sided farce it actually is. Tell me, how interested are you in hearing both sides of a story? Not very, it seems.
It is not a trial. It is an investigation. The next step is a Federal Grand Jury. And no there is no cross examination there either. But there will be a trial where there is cross examination and due process is served. Try to learn how things work
A parade of Republicans, testifying under oath?

Video and documents as evidence?

Yep. Very fair.
If they are anything like Liz Cheney, or Republicans like you support, then I would call it a peanut gallery

Videos and documents can be picked over and presented without any context. As was the case when the committee presented Trump's speech encouraging peaceful protest, except without that particular part.

Your deference to authority makes you weak and easily led. You will never admit that authority can be wrong or is acting with ill intent.
I would love to see trump under oath. Wouldn't you?

Not particularly no, it's irrelevant to todays issues. As with the other four episodes, this is purely political.

This story has all the hallmarks of the "Russian pee tape" and other B.S we've heard for 5 years.

The Bush Neo-Cons are angry and they want to instill one of theirs in 2024. The same people who have been wrong about everything for 30 years and oversaw Americas decline want to squeeze whatever juice is left in the lemon (as if the Paris Accord and their carbon credits weren't enough for them).

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